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  1. I'm a moron. I had already downloaded that, but I read the note about it being included in the merged patch to mean that it was coming from somewhere else and didnt install it, and then forgot all about it when making the merged plugins. Thank you sir!
  2. I have another dumb question: When installing the Faction Crossbows WAFR patch, the instructions say to select NONE for the Leveled List patches (which makes sense as we're not using NPO). But then in the Weapons & Armor Merge Patch section, "Faction Crossbows_lvl_list patch.esp" is listed to go in the merge, but no patch of that name was installed. Am I missing something or is it safe to leave that out?
  3. wow. You guys are the best. I was just about to download the CR and try to figure out how to remove DCO without breaking everything and I see there's already an updated download. Thanks!!
  4. Dang. I was afraid of that. So I should use the Wrye Bash Create Dummies method, then?
  5. Dragon Combat Overhaul is hidden again on the Nexus (no explanation given, so hard to know if its temporary or permanent). Is it safe to leave this out of my build or am I going to run into problems with the Conflict Resolution patch or anything else?
  6. So I'm still working my way through the guide. It seems the mod Lepidoptera of Skyrim is now hidden on the Nexus. Will skipping it cause any problems for me?
  7. Thanks for the answers. I had a feeling from the way Arthmoor's notice was phrased that the question of whether to extract or not to extract was more of a philosophical stance about proper modding practice than a specific issue with those files. For now, I'll continue to put my trust in the guide and extract as instructed and hopefully it will all play nicely in the end.
  8. I have a dumb question. So far this guide's been incredibly clear and accurate, but I did run across something confusing. I'm working my way through the guide and I see the notice about extracting BSAs at the start of the Dovahkin Comes section: "Notice:Critically Important! The first time a mod is installed that contains .bsa file Mod Organizer will prompt to extract it. Respond [Yes] and check the box labeled "Remember Selection" to prevent future prompts. If the prompt is needed again in the future simply click "Reset Dialogs" in Mod Organizers settings menu." So I take that to mean that its very important that all BSAs be extracted, but when I get to Alternate Start: Live Another Life, there's a note on the mod page to NOT extract the BSA or it will cause load order problems. There's no special instruction about it in the guide listing, so should I listen to Arthmoor and keep that BSA packed, or ignore him and extract? Normally, I would favor the mod author's instructions, but the guide has been so spot on so far that I'm inclined to trust Neovalen. Also, what's the reasoning behind extracting the BSA's in the first place? Is it to improve performance by not making the game have to extract files at runtime or is there a more important purpose?
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