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  1. Drahnier016's post in Lost in the Moddingworld was marked as the answer   
    Finally i did manage to get it work.
    And for all others who try to fix their ENB-related issues, here is what i did:
                         3.) If you want to use ENB-Organizer like in the "Revisited-Legendary Edition" Step Guid, feel free to do so but if you don´t know what you are doing (like me at this time)
                              just do the recommended Install-Process from The ENB-Nexuspage or wherever else you got your ENB.
    In my Case:(ModOrganizer)
    Download ENB-Binarys and open the Archive, navigate to the "WrapperVersion", copy"d3d9.dll", "enbhost.exe", "enblocal.ini" to your Skyrim Directory [...common\Skyrim (NOT Data)]. Install the ENB with MO Go to the MO/mods/"ENB" Folder and search for "ENB Install Files/Folder " (this will be newly created inside the main Folder from your ENB), copy the content in to your Skyrim Directory (NOT Data) Make sure you have "Skyrimprefs.ini" correctly set up and deactivated Antistropic/Antialiasing in your Launcher Ty and have a good one.

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