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  1. Thanks for the response Greg. Is there a list of all the FNIS errors somewhere that Im not aware of? I have no antivirus installed. I checked my file path in the error: \meshes\actors\character\animations\FNIS_PCEA2\1Bergzore_ImmersiveAnimations\1hm_attackpowerforwardsprint.hkx'. and sure enough there is nothing there. Here is proof of there being no PCEA2 folder in that location as I stated above when I checked: E:\New Steam\steamapps\common\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Mod Organizer\MO Versions\Mod Organizer v1.3.11\mods\Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS\Meshes\actors\character\animations....... >FNISBase (folder) >FNISCreature Version (folder) >FNISSpells (folder) Now that I think about it, PCEA2 did not download right away in MO downloads list. It just kind of remained at 0%. I had to force close the program and cancel the specific download. All my other mods had no problem. Even big downloads like INPCs started after a few minutes. Why is that?
  2. Hey All. Really stumped for the last few days. I cant find help on error 55 anywhere... My modlist is 266, plugins 248 - cannot figure out which one is causing this: -FNIS 6.3XXL (with spells, creatures, and extra main update file for 12000 custom animations (instead of 8000)). -FNIS sexy move 6.1 -Immersive animations.... (tried FOmod with 2 main checked and all option checked) -Immersive Armors patch.... for CBBE - TBBP - Bodyslide (with imp fix, nord heavy fix, bodyslid conversions -PCEA2 -TKdodge -Arch gameplay overhaul -added xp32's "New Animation for 1H Weapon to see if that would fill in the missing 1hm_attackpowerforwardsprint.hkx crap
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