My current understanding is BSAs will load when their esp is loaded. i don't know where that will be exactly until at least LOOT sorts things and maybe I need to adjust further. Given the plugin LO may settle into an order that gives me asset LO i don't want I may to extract the BSA after the mod is installed. Is that possible? Or do I need to reinstall the mod and click on the extract option.
Is this Michael? All I can say is you vids are canonical and yes I can see why each minute takes a long time to make. Its like you read from a prepared script. There is no way to be that articulate or dense with information with a seat-of-your-pants approach. And . . . Mator Smash is a tool from a well established pedigree that will have a long life and wide use so any updates you can make I think is well worth the time for the community. There isn't full documentation yet like there is for Merge Plug-Ins and I am stuck trying to figure out how to make a small Smashed Patch for a group of plug-ins prior to merging. I have the entire game Smashed Patch process down fine but this other . . . My trial experiment - removing the target esps from the large Smashed Patch first and adding them to a new patch of their own ended up still 'green' not 'blue' after running the patch and a 'fail in the right pane. No idea what i did wrong . . .
I'm almost 60 mods in and attempting to follow some of the better modding guides which right now is Dirty Weasel's series on Skyrim. The other is 'Skyrim Ultimate Modding Guide' by DonProtein on the Nexus. The problem is it seems to mod with the least amount of trouble one must have the flexibility that Mod Organizer gives one. At least the guides I'm following tend to use this tool instead of NMM. And that brings me to switching while maintaining my current mods. I do not want to reinstall from scratch. So - is this possible? Is there a thread or guide somewhere to do this? I am using Windows 10. Thanks in advance.