
From Step Mods | Change The Game


< All SkyrimLE changelogs | SkyrimLE:3.0.0 Guide



Changes to the live guide can occur at any time between releases (see page footer for last edited timestamp), so review this changelog to see what may have changed since your 3.0.0 build date.

Post-Release Changes[edit | edit source]

Any changes made to the current version of the live guide.


What's New[edit | edit source]

System Setup Guide[edit | edit source]

The System Setup Guide is an integral component of all Step mod-build guides and should be completed early as indicated in all mod-build guide instructions.

Changelog Format[edit | edit source]

The changelog format has been modified to improve readability, group like-changes together, and include more information about changes made. We hope these updates will help to improve workflow when updating to a new version.

Improved Guide Workflow[edit | edit source]

The workflow of mod-build guides has been revised to both reduce page length of guide pages and to facilitate simper updating from version to version. A great deal of consideration was given to the user experience. Step's updated mod-build guides require much less off-guide navigation, because mod installation instructions now make use of collapsible elements within the 'ModGroup' tables themselves.

New 'ModGroup' Tables[edit | edit source]

Mod are grouped together based on standardized, logical categories called 'ModGroups' that maximize differentiation while minimizing conflicts. These ModGroups are the same across all game-specific mod-build guides. This improves mod list organization while also reducing the need to hide individual mod assets; thus, improving workflow and reducing the potential for user error from missed steps.

Step Patches[edit | edit source]

Also see the forum topic.

Step CR Patch This is the conflict resolution patch for the main Guide and is now all or nothing; whereas, before we were providing multiple patches for various mods users didn't want to install. This Patch includes the following additional edits beyond patching:

  • Hand built leveled lists.
  • Increases arrow speed to ~1.5x that of vanilla.
  • Increases the chances of recovering arrows from dead NPCs to 50%; vanilla is 33%.
  • Increases the time that passes during fast travel. It will be similar to the take it takes to walk the distance; time is accurate within 2-3 min deviation.
  • Reduces the distance NPCs will greet the player to 60; vanilla is 160. This prevents the constant NPC greeting while walking around cities.
  • Reduces the distance requires for NPCs to detect crimes to 2000; vanilla is 4000. This provides for more realistic gameplay as guards won't catch you as often from seemingly out of nowhere.
  • Reduces the maximum chance that NPCs can dodge projectiles to 66%, vanilla is 100%. This reduces the uncanny dodging abilities of hostile targets.
  • Reduces the game's timescale to 15; vanilla is 20. This results in longer day/night cycles.
  • Several bug fixes are also included from various mods with open permissions.

Step Skyrim LE - Lighting & Weather Patch
This is the conflict resolution patch specifically for the new Lighting & Weather mod group. It's provided separately for users who wish to use different lighting and/or weather mods than what Step has chosen for the Guide.

Most of the patch information can now be found on their forum topic.

Release Changes[edit | edit source]

The below changes are listed for the Beta Guide users. These changes have happened between v0.3.0b and v1.0.0. All other users can consider this to be the initial public release of the SE Guide.

Guide Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Updated MCM sections for any mod updates.
  • Updated optional BethINI settings for the latest version of BethINI.
  • General refinement of text formatting and instructions throughout the Guide.

Mod List Changes[edit | edit source]

Legend[edit | edit source]

Added | new mod added to the Guide this release.
Incorporated | mod was incorporated into one of the Guide patches. Users should remove these mods.
Moved | mod was moved to a new Mod Group.
Updated | mod instructions were updated.
Dropped / Replaced | mod was removed from Guide. Users should remove these mods.

Tools[edit | edit source]

Dropped / Replaced

Extenders[edit | edit source]

  • SKSE | Modified to include instructions for manual configuration of the loader in MO2, just in case MO2 doesn't pre-configure correctly for some reason.

Resources[edit | edit source]

Foundational Mods[edit | edit source]

Dropped / Replaced

Audiovisual - Animations & Effects[edit | edit source]


Audiovisual - Models & Textures[edit | edit source]

Dropped / Replaced

Audiovisual - Sounds & Music[edit | edit source]

Dropped / Replaced

Character Appearance[edit | edit source]


Fixes[edit | edit source]

Dropped / Replaced

Gameplay - General[edit | edit source]

Dropped / Replaced

Gameplay - AI & Combat[edit | edit source]

Dropped / Replaced

Gameplay - Economy & Item Balance[edit | edit source]

Gameplay - Immersion & Role-playing[edit | edit source]

Dropped / Replaced

Gameplay - Quests & Stories[edit | edit source]


Gameplay - Skills & Perks[edit | edit source]

Interface[edit | edit source]

Dropped / Replaced

Locations[edit | edit source]


Lighting & Weather[edit | edit source]

Dropped / Replaced

Utilities[edit | edit source]

Patches[edit | edit source]


Post-Release Changes[edit | edit source]

Any changes made to the live Guide before another release is committed. These changes will be moved to the upper section during the next release to ensure they are not missed.

Post Guide Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed missing images for xLODGen section.
  • Removed tool installation from the Guide. Since these tools are common to all Gaming Guides, they've been moved the the Setup Guide.

Post Mod List Changes[edit | edit source]

Audiovisual - Models & Textures[edit | edit source]


Character Appearance[edit | edit source]


Audiovisual - Lighting & Weather[edit | edit source]


Patches[edit | edit source]
