NoMansSky:Reference Guides/HazardTable

From Step Mods | Change The Game

Hazard Table

Handles the environmental hazards that affect the player/suit. This currently includes: No hazards, no oxygen, extreme cold and heat, radiation, and toxic gas.

Data Structure

The following the the completed structure of an entry in the HazardTable. Below it, the structure is broken down for explanation.

    <Property name="NoOxygen" value="GcPlayerHazardData.xml">
      <Property name="ProtectionInitialTime" value="10" />
      <Property name="ProtectionTime" value="Vector2f.xml">
        <Property name="x" value="90" />
        <Property name="y" value="90" />
      <Property name="DamageRate" value="Vector2f.xml">
        <Property name="x" value="10" />
        <Property name="y" value="10" />
      <Property name="WoundRate" value="Vector2f.xml">
        <Property name="x" value="10" />
        <Property name="y" value="10" />
      <Property name="RechargeInitialTime" value="1" />
      <Property name="RechargeTime" value="10" />
      <Property name="Damage" value="NOOXYDAMAGE" />
      <Property name="Increases" value="False" />
      <Property name="Curve" value="TkCurveType.xml">
        <Property name="Curve" value="Linear" />
      <Property name="TriggerValue" value="0.5" />
      <Property name="CapValue" value="1" />
      <Property name="CriticalValue" value="1" />
      <Property name="OutputMultiplier" value="1" />
      <Property name="OutputMinAddition" value="0" />
      <Property name="OutputMaxAddition" value="0" />
    <Property name="NoOxygen" value="GcPlayerHazardData.xml">
The name of the hazard. In this case, NoOxygen, refers to running out of air.
This is the template that holds the variables used within each segment.
      <Property name="ProtectionInitialTime" value="10" />
      <Property name="ProtectionTime" value="Vector2f.xml">
        <Property name="x" value="90" />
        <Property name="y" value="90" />
Defined as Vector2f in the GcPlayerHazardData.xml template. Vector2f carries two float variables as such: vector2f(x,y)
x: float
y: float
