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Different Profiles, or Different Installations?



Hey, everyone.  I've just got a quick question.


Can you not remove mods from the left pane for just a single profile?  I just finished installing STEP Extended, but decided I also wanted to install and test Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition.  So, I made a new profile and started removing mods from the left pane in the new profile.  I didn't realize until a little ways in that this was removing them from the completed STEP Extended profile too!   :O_o:   :wallbash:


Is there a way to remove mods from one profile without removing them from another, or do I need to have separate installations of the program?  I know if you want to use Mod Organizer for both Skyrim and Fallout, or any other game that it supports, you need to have multiple installations of the program, which is easy enough to do.  Is this the case for this situation as well?  Furthermore, can I even have two installations of the Mod Organizer that handle the same game, or would that cause issues?  It would make sense if it did, as they'd be installed in different locations, but grabbing mods from the same place and installing them for the same game.  Although, they'd still have their own virtual directories, as they'd be installed in different locations...


Sorry; I'm rambling!  Anyways; I hope someone can clear this up for me!


Thanks!   ::):

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Let me start by saying that I respect your opinion, and appreciate the time and effort you've put into creating and updating the Mod Organizer.  That being said, I still don't understand why you're hesitant to try and create a system in which you can remove mods from one profile without removing them from another.  


When you hide a mod, it becomes hidden in all profiles; not just the profile you hid it from.  Tagging a mod with multiple categories could be confusing in my eyes, as you may forget that you set it that way, and wonder for a second why it's in that category.


If I was to use a single instance of the Mod Organizer for both the STEP Guide and the SRLE Guide, more than likely I'd set the categories with named prefixes to differentiate the two.  For example: STEP 2.D. Fixes and SRLE 2.D. Other Fixes (SRLE doesn't use the 2.D, 2.E, 2.F, etc system, but I add them anyways).  That way when looking at my mod list in the categorized view, it will at least be less confusing, and I can quickly find the category/mods I'm looking for.


Ultimately, as I said before; it can be done.  I just personally think it would be much simpler if mods could be removed from one profile without removing them from another.  IF it can be done of course.  I know the virtual filing system might make it hard/impossible.  


Sorry if I'm coming off as a jerk!  I assure you I don't mean to be!  ::):


P.S. - Perhaps I don't fully understand the capabilities of the categories system.  If you'd care to go into a detailed explanation, show a video, etc. then feel free to!

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