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Please help, Random CTDs and Load screen freezes



I need some help,

     I have been trying to fix this on my own for a few weeks now but have had no success.

So I turn to the pros.     I am having random CTDs and random load screen freezes and can not figure out the cause.  When I get loadscreen freeze, I have never seen my GPU Mem at max lvl in the Task Manager so I doubt it is running out of Mem.  At least this is how I interpret that information.  I have tried eliminating a number of mods over the last few weeks and even deleted my Skyrim game and re-downloaded.  What is in the BOSS List is what I would like to run with but I don't know how to make it all play nice.  Obviously if I have to get rid of Mods I will so any imput is welcome.

     I basicly downloaded everything off of S.T.E.P and went with 1k textures unless only 2k was available. With the exceptions being; 2 or 3 files that posted as having CTD problems and/or were being evaluated for inclusion and Anything Dragonborn.  The extra Mods I have that are not S.T.E.P were added because I get the random CTDs without them as well.


Also, all my arrow quivers look like basic brown stitched ones and not the ones from aMidianborn Weapons.  Yet I find no overwritten files for arrows in aMidianborn Weapons exccept for: Skyforge Steel arrows Mesh from Closer Quivers.  I susspect it might have something to do with SkyRe but am unsure.


Plus one other issue, when I launch Skyrim from SkyrimLauncher.exe, I am unable to access  Options.

I get the error;  Skyrim Launcher has stopped working

Everything else works in that panel.  Like I said above I even re-downloaded the whole game.


Please, help me out.



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9 answers to this question

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Quite a list you have there.


Load screen freezes are calle Infinite Loading Screen and it's a problem that no one is able to resolve. In a nutshell - it's the game engine freezing when trying to load too much info. It's very difficult to diagnose. When you have too many scripted mods + many LOD mods + high res textures for example, you're more likely to come across ILS. It's the current public enemy number 1 for me :/

The only way is to reduce your mod load and retest. There are some spots that it happens more often - i.e. Markarth to Skyrim transition load screen (i.e. go to Markarth and try to go out to Skyrim again). Dragonsreach to Skyrim transition, Jorvaskaar to Skyrim.


CTDs in game are most def to mod conflicts, and this:


The extra Mods I have that are not S.T.E.P were added because I get the random CTDs without them as well.

is no good at all. When you get CTDs with a particular mod set up adding even MORE mods to it, and in addition mods that were not properly tested (at least by STEP team) is a very bad idea. A few observations:



- You moved a lot of mods in your load order - why? Let BOSS sort them out for you.

- At least 1 mod you have is not made in Creation Kit (Babettes) - they aren't best to use, can cause problems

- StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp is not required, you can delete it

- SkyFalls - Falskaar Edition.esp is duplicated in your list

- SkyTEST will make a heavily modded game VERY unstable - this is confirmed information

- Many of your mods I've never used/seen/heard of - can't vouch for those.


The bottom line is - your mod list is too big. Unfortunately Skyrim engine has it's limitation. I learned about it hard way - after inputting many hours into what I thought was a stable set up. This happened twice to me and now I'm in the process of redoing my mod list. I reduced it DRASTICALLY.


I would advise the same to you. Choose only the mods that you REALLY need. Install them first. Before you install the mod, ask yourself - is it really something I MUST have in my game? If the answer is yes, don't install it. Mark it as MUST HAVE. After you have MUST HAVE list, go through it again and ask the question again. Then install the mods that are left on the list.


Test your game for stability.


Then repeat the process for the remaining mods, testing each time.


No, really. Reduce your mod list is THE solution. :)

  • 0

Quite a list you have there.


Load screen freezes are calle Infinite Loading Screen and it's a problem that no one is able to resolve. In a nutshell - it's the game engine freezing when trying to load too much info. It's very difficult to diagnose. When you have too many scripted mods + many LOD mods + high res textures for example, you're more likely to come across ILS. It's the current public enemy number 1 for me :/

The only way is to reduce your mod load and retest. There are some spots that it happens more often - i.e. Markarth to Skyrim transition load screen (i.e. go to Markarth and try to go out to Skyrim again). Dragonsreach to Skyrim transition, Jorvaskaar to Skyrim.


CTDs in game are most def to mod conflicts, and this:


The extra Mods I have that are not S.T.E.P were added because I get the random CTDs without them as well.

is no good at all. When you get CTDs with a particular mod set up adding even MORE mods to it, and in addition mods that were not properly tested (at least by STEP team) is a very bad idea. A few observations:



- You moved a lot of mods in your load order - why? Let BOSS sort them out for you.

- At least 1 mod you have is not made in Creation Kit (Babettes) - they aren't best to use, can cause problems

- StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp is not required, you can delete it

- SkyFalls - Falskaar Edition.esp is duplicated in your list

- SkyTEST will make a heavily modded game VERY unstable - this is confirmed information

- Many of your mods I've never used/seen/heard of - can't vouch for those.


The bottom line is - your mod list is too big. Unfortunately Skyrim engine has it's limitation. I learned about it hard way - after inputting many hours into what I thought was a stable set up. This happened twice to me and now I'm in the process of redoing my mod list. I reduced it DRASTICALLY.


I would advise the same to you. Choose only the mods that you REALLY need. Install them first. Before you install the mod, ask yourself - is it really something I MUST have in my game? If the answer is yes, don't install it. Mark it as MUST HAVE. After you have MUST HAVE list, go through it again and ask the question again. Then install the mods that are left on the list.


Test your game for stability.


Then repeat the process for the remaining mods, testing each time.


No, really. Reduce your mod list is THE solution. :)

Ok, First, thank you for the advice,  Much appreciated.

-I moved the mods (4 i think) because Wrye Bash showed them Orange.   I was trying to put the patches under the master.   And I only moved them today to see if it would help.  Previously I had always just went with what BOSS ordered it as and left it at that.  So I will go back to doing that. 


-Babette came with Eyes of Beuty Dawnguard.  I did not know about its questionable background.  If I get rid of EoB-Dawnguard it will get rid of that esp.

-I missed seeing it posted where I didnt need SMIM.esp ok deactivated and hidden.  

-SkyFalls - Falskaar and SkyMills - Falskaar  so not doubled.

-SkyTEST gone.  


As for the rest. . . . looks like I have some house cleaning to do.


I should point out too while I was waiting for a responce I played the game a bit and and ran GPU-Z and FRAPS, and my frame rates "Outdoors" were on average 45-50, in the barrow 50-60, I stuttered quite a bit as I was chasing (in a crouched sneak way) a wolf twards the witche's [Elise i think] cottage on my way to Riverwood and from the Barrow.  Which in light of your advice/revalations, confirms the SkyTest portion.  And I CTD'd right after I picked the trapdoor lock for her basement.  So a transition. 


Again Thank you for the advice/help.  I will see what I can scrap and then scrap a bit more for good mesure then try again.

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No problem, happy to help.


Disregard my comment about Babette.esp - I thought it's Babette's Food or whatever the extra recipes mod is called. If it's part of another mod, then we're talking about something else.


Interior-exterior transitions are the most likely spots to get ILS, as opposed to CTD that can happen at any given time in game, depending on what's going on in the background.


You have differentiate between different type of errors in Skyrim. I might actually write a quick FAQ about that...

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Alright, here is a revised list that I am working with now. (Still having CTDs) But I am posting it just in case someone sees something obvious that I missed. I am going through and trying the Deactivate-Play, Deactivate-Play thing to try and find the conflict.



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Just to make sure - are you working on a new game or existing save made prior to removing some mods?

After I remove files , or turn them off I start a new game, I am on game 23 now and so far it si going well but a bit too early to call it good.  I have had a couple ctd's (Yorvasker main door, Bannered Mare Side door), and a Infinite load screen (Bannered mare main door).  But have had several hrs. as in at least 2 without issue but still tweeking.  Everything got much better after I used Optimizer Textures on the whole 254 mods that are still installed, actualy I used it on the entire mod file in Mod Manager so the number is quite higher (Not installed number, that is 254 ATM) since I have been trying different mods to stabalize my game. I gained 1Gb'ish space (recuced everything >2024).
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First off let me apologize for being such a NOOB! Again!


Now, I have spent the last week Installing a new OS Win Vista x64. (I know) Then Upgrading it to Win 8 Pro x64. Also fighting to remove the old x32 OS from my other hard drive so I could use it for Games/Skyrim only. It took a couple days to do this and get my basic programs back and new drivers and all that, but It is running smooth and looks pretty.


New Stats


Processor:                      Intel® Core™ i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz  3.30GHz

Vidio Card:                     GeForce GTX 650 Ti 941MHz 2Gb GDDR5

Installed Memory (RAM):   16.0 GB  (15.97 GB usable)

System Type:                 x64-based system

Monitor Native Res:         1920 x 1200, 59Hz

Windows OS:                  Windows 8 Pro x64  {Running Skyrim under; Windows 8 Pro}

Game Version:                 Skyrim

SKSE Version:       

Skyrim install location:      D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim

Mod Organizer Version:     1.0.7

Executables:                   BOSS v2.1.1.0, Wrye Bash 304, TesVEdit, SkyProc Dual Sheath Redux,                                         GenerateFNISforUsers, Optimizer Textures

Game Settings:               Actor, Item, Object Fade [15], Texture Quality High, Specularity 20,                                             Shadow Detail Med, Object Detail Fade off, Reflect all, Light Fade 35,                                           Grass Fade 7, Distant Object Detail Ultra, Full Screen, FXAA On, Anti-                                           Aliasing Off, Anisotropic Filtering 16, Decal Quality Ultra.


I then went back to STEP 2.2.7 and re-downloaded everything. Re-installed everything. Baseline. Not just Core but all the list.





Not Added


Unofficial Dragonborn Patch - (No Dragonborn)

Wet & Cold - Ashes - (No Dragonborn)

HRDLC Optimized - (Greater than 1.5GB Do not download this mod, just use the full HRDLC.)

Burn Freeze & Shock Effects - (Warning)

Enhanced Blood - (Warning)

Candle Lanterns - (Papyrus Bloat)

The Choice is yours - (Conflicts)

SRO + Dawnguard Optimized 1024x - (forgot to transfer it over when I Installed the new OS) [i'll get it later]

Elven Weapons for Silence - (If using the STEP recommended options for Book of Silence which installs the Gold Eleven Armor, then his mod can be skipped entirely.)




Alternate Start - (Quicker start to work out bugs)

Amazing Follower Tweaks - (A must have in my opinion)

Isilmeriiel's Weapon pack - (Extra weapons)

Ethereal Elven Overhaul - (Better looking elves)

Some armor, hair, skin, face mods.

Even Better Sorting

Book Covers Skyrim (Desaturated)

Categorized Favorites Menu

Immersive Animations

Better Vampires


Not Baseline


aMidianborn Caves - 2048x

SMIM - Half Textures


Then I loaded my save at Riverwood Smithy and sprinted, not ran, to the wolves, killed them, paused at the waterfall bend to save my game, sprinted off the cliff towards the giant to kill him, then sprinted to Whiterun. Entered Whiterun, grabbed Balgruffs sword and sprinted to the castle, sprinted to the throne and after the first short conversation stopped recording fraps and GPUz.


Average FPS 56


NO CTD's!!!!!!!!, Barely a stutter. I am speechless.


I only optimized 2 & 3 Hi-Res DLC's.bsa and Skyrim - Textures.bsa

I haven’t even touched the Textures of the other mods.


I also figured out why I was CTD'ing no matter what I tried to do.

(You guessed it) The common factor was me. In all my 5-6 attempts with my x32 OS to get some semblance of stability with a combination of STEP I made one fatal error. At some point in optimizing textures I had forgot to set skyrim and\or maximum in Optimizer Textures. This messed up the texture files and not only that I used it on water textures and animation and sound.....


Well, I learned my lesson. Read, read, read. And if in doubt, read again. Unfortunately a lot of good tips and practices are buried in mountains of text. At some point I may gather these tid-bits and make a Cliff-Notes page for noobs like me. Things to remember, things not to do!

Anyway, thank-you, for your patients, advice and help along this frustrating (but enlightening) road.

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