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  1. Well i'm not using this method anymore but i now use RealVisionENB (performance version) with enboost and when wandering around etc. it just rarely crashes but when in a longer combat (for example dungeon with 1-2 enemies every 20m it's crashing every 5 minutes or so. What can cause this? Maybe a corrupt save? Because as i entered Ilinitas Depth or so and saved at the entrance it crashed 3 times in maybe 10 minutes loadorder still the same i think i just removed UFO and installed some magic mods like phenderix and apocalypse and immersive spells Well here's a updated Boss log same texture mods as before
  2. So i reduced the texture size of the shadows and installed ENBoost and now it's running quite stable no crash in 2 hours of gameplay but the game sometimes crashes when saving using savehotkeySKSE which creates a full save when pressing a defined key. Is the mod causing this or what. Is there any way to fix this iusse?
  3. no i just sometimes have crashes on saving but it's rare. It's crashing very irregular sometimes after 10 min sometimes after 1 hour. But i don't think that's very stable because my system isn't the worst and i then don't know what it's causing. The save can't be corrupt with that playtime and not using auto and quicksave... So it must be one mod. So does anyone know what mod in my load order may cause it?
  4. Hello STEP community hope someone can help me. I have recently reinstalled Skyrim because of my problem posted here ( https://forum.step-project.com/showthread.php?tid=2990 ) So i started a new game and had 3 crashes in 2 days 3 hours of gameplay+crashes at saving but i fixed the crashes at saving by reverting to an older save... Here's my BOSS log: Skyrim.ini SkyrimPrefs.ini My system+additional info: i5-2500K Sapphire Radeon HD 7970 3gb 8gb RAM 1333MHz Save is 6.180mb big Using Simple Borderless window+SKSE Not using auto-or quicksave just new saves with the SKSE save hotkey I really hope someone can help me cause I'm completely out of ideas how to fix this
  5. i don't have any enb activated...
  6. Well after a few hours of gameplay the problem came back. Tried the same (reinstalling Claralux...) the problem wasn't solved. Any more suggestions? Loadorder is almost the same. Or is there an alternative mod to Claralux?
  7. I reinstalled Claraux and put it above RLO and this fixed it thx
  8. Hello S.T.E.P. community, I have a glitch/bug where the fires and lights are just way too bright and white. I have Realistic Lighting Overhaul installed. Also a full Modlist is down below. I already tried to reset my Skyrim.ini SkyrimPrefs.ini and RendererInfo.txt... Some screens: As you can see there's a weird light ball... And if I get a bit further away the problem gets better and if I get a bit more further away the problem is there again I hope someone can help me this problem is very annoying My Modlist:
  9. Hello step community, I'm looking for the best compromise for the shadow ini settings. I want to fix the striping indoor but keep my game stable and don't want to hit my 1gb vram limit. Any suggestions? P.S. Got a few texture mods installed such as amidianBorn and also Realistic Lightning Overhaul
  10. Well moving Tytanis under Duel Combat Realism and setting shadows to low seemed to fix it
  11. I looked around a bit and i found out that Duel-Combat Realism IS combatible with SkyRE. The SIC_NightTrigger.pex comes from Skyrim Immersive Creatures. I posted on NexusForums in a Thread referenced to this mod about this papyrus error.
  12. Hey i hope i get some help here. My problem is that my game freezes almost exactly every 20 minutes. My Specs:i5-2500K HIS Radeon HD 6870 1GB samsung ssd 840 250gb 8gig of RAM Win7 64bit Additional Info: Running Skyrim with Simple Borderless Window My gpu temperature is ok it never got over 72°C. Also my VRAM usage is always under the limit of 1024Mb even when the Freeze occured. Have some texture Mods installed: for example Skyrim Realistic terrain textures amidianborn textures Xenius Character Enhancment BOSS log:SKSE Plugins SKSE Version:    nioverride.dll    rmm_plugin.dll    SKSE_Elys_Uncapper.dll Version:    TESVAL.dll    TKHitStop.dll Recognised Plugins: Last part of Papyrus Log: Help is VERY VERY appreciated.... MfG 404NoNameFound
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