Hi All, Just wondering if anyone is using Character Creation Overhaul with STEP (Extended)? I just recently built out based upon the STEP:Extended instructions (v2.2.9.2). Only things I had added to that at first was Alternate Start - Live another Life (only thing I intentionally did different from the instructions was in "Even Better Quest Objectives" was to select the compatibility with Alternate Start) and the Vividian ENB. With that setup everything seems to work nicely (at least for the 30 minutes or so I played to test things out) - averaging 60 FPS - with occasional dips to mid-low 50s in a few places in Whiterun. So decided I would try to add a few other additions to it of things that I've liked on previous playthroughs; first change was to install Character Creation Overhaul - for some reason with that installed as soon as I finish character creation (when I go to enter my name) my frame rate drops to ~3 FPS. Anyone ever try using CCO with STEP; did you run into any problems like this?