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  1. I was wondering if i could use Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul with requiem without a patch and if not how can i make a patch. i asked this on reddit: what will happen if i run Caco without a patch for requiem. will items be underpowered? and here are some replies i received. 1.none really, more the opposite. The primary issue will be stuff like instant healing magic effects being added back in, aside from that i shouldn't be a huge problem from what i've seen. Edit: this is with CACO Before Requiem 2.It doesn't seem that you will have underpowered items however this mode is not compatible with Requiem, that is, there is a lot of overlap. From skill trees to potions effects etc. Assuming you load Caco after requiem, I think you'd still need to dig in TESV Edit and fix what you want changed. 3."Patch Me!". CACO has a bazillion patches, but its a huge, comprehensive overhaul in itself. Its not likely to sit well with Requiem OTB, with the healing mechanics probably being only the most basic problem (as Octopork says). A big part of the CACO project is that it rebalances all ingredients, which actually shouldn't be a problem for Requeim. I would try poking around on the STEP forums and asking about their interaction there. Thanks in advance!!
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