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  1. I am struggling to work out which option I should select when installing Vividian Extended Weathers. Vividan Extended Weathers has only just been updated to version 6.0c. I believe the options have changed since 6.0a...the version referenced in the SRLE guide.
  2. Why do you install the data directory from the Vividian ENB archive? Isn't it already being installed by adding all the files to ENB Manager and Changer? Edit: Don't worry about it...I can see why now....sunglare.dds is being replaced by CoT.
  3. I am already overclocking my GTX 670 so I was looking for a significant performance jump. It's a pity SLI is so temperamental. I have fond memories of owning 2 3dfx Voodoo2 cards (the genesis of SLI) in the late nineties. They allowed me to run Unreal (anyone here remember the Glide API) with great frame rates compared to a single card and also could run a resolution of 1024 x 768. :D I think I will save my money for an 8970 when they hit the market.
  4. Good advice. Thanks.
  5. @Neovalen Once SR Legendary Edition is complete, I intend to go through the process of installing it. In the past I have used ENB's but found the frame rate hit too much to make them worth it. In your opinion, does SLI work well with Skyrim and does it significantly improve performance when using ENB's? I have also read that you need to enable 3DVision to fix some issues. Is this still the case? I have a single GTX 670 2MB (will be using 1K textures) and a i3570K at 4.4Ghz. I can currently run Skyrim at 1920x1200 and maintain 50-60 FPS. I am considering the purchase of a second GTX 670.
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