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Everything posted by HatchetWarrior

  1. I'm on the DynDOLOD part. It tells me to remove OCS from the "Warnmodfilename" from the .ini. It's not there. Is that normal? EDIT: [skyrim Tamriel] is also missing from the .ini EDIT2: I seemed to of found the issue. It was me being stupid. I was looking inside the "DynDOLOD_FO4". fml. EDIT3: I've got everything up and running just trying to crash the game. Not sure i like Open cities. It gives me such a huge fps loss when looking at any city. There are two problems i have atm. 1. Purple lanterns. 2. DynDoLOD is spamming some crap in the message window about Tamerial EDIT4: First crash https://sametext.com/view/43986a3b
  2. The book covers of skyrim in the patch section links to the actual mod (Don't know if you intended this). It should link to the BCS mod as BCS is a STEP requirement. Also. I've never used the Reqtificator properly before. Am I basically playing a game of whack-a-mole when it comes to patching with the .jar file? To clarify; Should i be moving this mod (https://puu.sh/ouQZX/4dfe63f382.png) below any of the "Missing masters". So in this case i put it to load after requiem so it would patch or at least tried to before it gave me another error to put another file after it's master. EDIT: Also this is my load order if you want/have the time to look over it to see any errors or something that shouldn't be there (I don't blame if you don't have the time i followed the best i could with the guide). https://www.modwat.ch/u/lokiiwow Just fyi from above if the patcher are missing from the end (Dual sheath or DynDOLOD) it's because i didn't patch them yet as it takes hours and i'm about to head to bed. 7am sleep wohoo.
  3. This is the installer on my side. https://puu.sh/ouIgN/fe89aeb35f.jpg Should the CRF be installed as we're using it? It does state on the immersive Citizens-AI Overhaul mod that the Courier mod is compatible. It needs to be positioned below immersive Citizens-AI Overhaul.
  4. I'm currently on the Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul part. This part, point 2 and 4 are not viable for me. Point 2 we're told not to previously not to install and Point 4 the installer doesn't have that option (At least for me). REINSTALL patches Enhanced Lighting for ENBEnhanced Lights and FXOpen CitiesProvincial Courier Service EDIT: You're probably sick of me nit-picking the pack guide at the moment. I do apologize. However I do need to get it installed properly in order to help you test this.
  5. Just a heads up about the NARC Section. You can't make the merge patch until Requiem is in the load order. At least that was the case for me. I had to go forward install it and go back to the section. EDIT: Even though you did mention follow the patch section for it. Still didn't work for me. Also I don't know if it's because i'm tired or something but the creating of a merged patch is a nightmare. EDIT 2: What exactly is it you want done us to do under the Conflicting Graphics part? Uninstall? Reinstall?
  6. Are you constantly updating the pack as you remove/add something? I see you did it for SM DropLitTroches. Just want to confirm before i get the final packs & other stuff installed.
  7. I'd rather be able to help someone put a pack together and trying to crash the game then just sitting idle and waiting for someone else to do it. I'll get this downloaded next few days and i'll try to crash it as much as possible.
  8. Alright. This pack you've created is probably gonna be my last attempt at trying to get a somewhat stable skyrim install with Requiem. Would you like me transcript any crashes i have? Gonna get this installed within the next 2 days as i have time off work.
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