(I originally created this topic on Nexus forums, and copied and pasted it here) Hello everyone! I have been playing Skyrim since day one, and I have been modding it for a long time. Recently, I have decided to get back into it, only this time I'm shocked by a very blatant problem.... In nearly all cities, and in some areas of the wilderness, I get a terrible frame rate that drops from about a solid 60 to 30-45. This is very abnormal, as I have an excellent system. My system specs are as follows: CPU: AMD FX 8350 GPU: MSI GTX 980 RAM: Vengeance 8GB SSD: I have skyrim on an 850 EVO 500 GB PSU: Corsair 750W OS: Windows 10 pro 64-bit I have checked my temps, all is very cool. Uninstalled my graphics drivers (very clean uninstall) and reinstalled. No difference... I'm pretty tech savvy, and have been tweaking and modding skyrim for a long time now. But now I am just at a complete loss for words as to why I could be getting this terrible frame rate whereas in the past, on the SAME hardware, I was getting a solid 50-60 FPS with 170+ mods. And this lag is in VANILLA SKYRIM. I do have suspicions that this could be a hardware issue, but I'm hoping it's something less dire, as my processor, SSD, PSU, and video card have only been in my system for less than a year... I did a lot of upgrading last year. If anyone has any suggestion on what I should do next, I would appreciate it immensely. Thank you in advance! ~Nik (and yes I have tried a fresh uninstall) (I originally created this topic on Nexus forums, and copied and pasted it here)