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Everything posted by dotphil

  1. I carried on hoping that this was alright and completed the guide, I'm a little worried the merge patches are messed up though. I also have a little question about the Bashed Patch 0.esp, should this have been saved into the SRLE Profile folder and added through there? Or does it matter which folder it was saved in as long as it's activated in the left pane?
  2. I'm currently in the Mod Merges section of SRLE and I'm at the part doing Climates of Tamriel Patches merge. I know I'm suppose to uncheck the mods in the left pane after making the merge patch but for things like ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp and Dawngaurd-Patch.esp which are in the Climates of Tamriel file, do I just go into the folder and delete those .esp's or do I just reinstall the mod and not check those two files in the FOMOD installer? Or does it make no difference which of those 2 I do? Or can I just uncheck them in the right pane, but that doesn't seem to free up a mod slot since it's still counting in the priority list. And what does If there are other plugin files in those mods not included the merge they must be manually copied to the new merged mod. mean, I don't know when this would happen? Also, I don't know if it matters but when setting up Merge Plugins Standalone it couldn't find the TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg in the browser so I just randomly typed in the directory anyways and added /TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg since I knew it was there. edit: after creating merge patches (still unsure if I'm doing this all right with deactivating files inside it) when I load Merge Plugins Standalone in the merges tab, all the merges are bolded red and "merge details status" says "plugins not loaded" is that normal?
  3. I'm in the same boat as you, a lot of the patches needed seem outdated from what I've seen. I'll be doing Requiem later tonight or tomorrow, just putting the last few steps into SRLE.
  4. Thanks for all your help 8). Hope you're having a good Saturday.
  5. It's been working well now since I got the animations section done. Getting excited with each added mod, getting closer to the end. Dumb question though, I don't HAVE to use the settings the guide suggests for UNP right? I'm not wanting to have the nude version running but a SFW one instead...that wouldn't break any future mods being added right?
  6. Thank you Neo, I just wanted to make sure before carrying on with the guide. Thanks~ 8)
  7. I'm doing my first serious modding run with SRLE and have been following the guide as closely as I can. After every 5-6 mods that I install I launch the game and run around for a few minutes to make sure it's atleast somewhat stable. But I just finished installing UNP Blessed Body Redux Project using the settings it suggests, but now my game crashes pretty much instantly once I load a new character or try to remove any armor that I have equipped. Once I deactivate the mod I'm able to run things smoothly again. Is this common for this stage? Will this be fixed later on in the guide? or have I done something wrong? Is this an armour issue that'll be fixed when I get to UNP armor replacers?
  8. edit: I found a thread of a guy with a similar issue.
  9. Ok thanks, it worked. I guess the few mods I have installed didn't need to be put in a specific order. Sorry for all the questions guys :P, I have Gopher's videos running on my other monitor now so it should really help me out.
  10. So clicking RUN, then top right of the LOOT hit sort plugins, then apply, then just simply close? It doesn't seem to be moving any of the mods around. I've tried jumbling some of the .esps around then running LOOT to see if it'd put them back in their original position but it's not doing that. That just mean those mods could be placed anywhere in the load order without issue? Like SkyUI, I thought that would suppose to be placed as close to the top as possible, but it's not going there through LOOT.
  11. Thanks, I'll check out that LOOT video!
  12. Thanks Darth, it is now working. I had to reinstall it 2 times to get it to actually load outside of MO, but now it is working properly. I have another quick question. What is the difference between clicking run LOOT or just the sort button under the Plugins tab. Clicking run doesn't seem to rearrange the mod order, while clicking sort does. Should I just use sort everytime? And is it normal to not get any override warning when a mod says it'll override something in the SRLE guide?
  13. I've tried that and still nothing pops up. I click LOOT from the dropdown arrow, hit run, I get the MO is locked while LOOT is running, screen flashes, then nothing pops up and MO becomes unlocked.
  14. I figure I should just bump this again to ask another question...when I click LOOT in Mod Organizer, the screen just flashes and nothing pops up, is this normal? I figured something was suppose to pop up afterwards to say the results. I've done the steps listed here https://wiki.step-project.com/LOOT but still nothing pops up. I also don't get any override warnings when installing a mod that says it overrides certain parts of another mod. Is that normal? I'm really sorry for all my noob questions.
  15. Thanks GrantSP, so I should just move the .esms in the override folder over to new folder and restore the backups to data folder. Thanks! 8)
  16. I'm still very early on in the SRLE STEP order and I've already run into a couple issues. During the Clean Bethesda ESMs near the top of the guide it says "Navigate to Skyrim/Data and move the newly cleaned Bethesda ESM files to <Mod Organizer Path>/Mods/Cleaned Vanilla ESMs." None of the cleaned Bethesda ESM files are in the Data folder. I have .bpa files but no .esm I'm able to find the backups I made in the TES5Edit Backups folder and I also have some .esm files in the overwrite folder in Mod Organizer. If those are the ones I'm suppose to move, why did they save here and not in the Skyrim Data folder like they were suppose to? The guide says "Normally, when a file is cleaned through TES5Edit using Mod Organizer it is automatically moved back to it's original mod folder and any generated files are moved to <Mod Organizer Path>/overwrite. In the case of the base Bethesda ESM files there is no source mod and so post cleaning the cleaned ESMs are left in the Skyrim/Data folder while the backups are moved to the overwrite folder." Thanks for any help.
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