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  1. I started following the STEP Guide and got up to part 2.D. Fixes. I followed everything correctly (I think) for Dawnguard and Hearthfire, but for Dragonborn I forgot to do Step 1 in the detailed instructions, to backup the Dragonborn esm before cleaning with TES5Edit. I then cleaned Dragonborn and closed TES5Edit. So now I'm at step 10, to restore the backed up esm, but I don't have a backed up copy. What should I do now? Should I just skip step 12 (delete the TES5Edit Backups folder) and continue on? Do I need to reinstall Dragonborn? Thanks!
  2. :(. Sounds like I'd need to use a reduced textures mod rather than enhanced textures. Is that correct? I also have another option for a laptop with a Nvidia NVS 4200M 1GB graphics card. I know that's considerably worse than the 820m or 630m, but the 4200m laptop costs $150 less, and as I said I'm on a tight budget. The extra $150 would only be justified for me if it significantly improves the game experience. What do you think?
  3. Hi all, new poster here. Not sure this is the place for this question, sorry if I'm on the wrong sub-forum. I need to get a new laptop for college but I have a tight budget. I want to be able to play Skyrim on the new laptop, ideally with STEP Core enhancements. I've tentatively narrowed down my laptop options to two systems, but even after looking around for a while online I'm still not sure how they compare and how well they'll run STEP. LAPTOP A: Refurbished Dell Inspiron Z15 Ultrabook CPU: i5 1.7GLV (that's all the specs I could see - it's from a non-profit that sells refurbished laptops to students) GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT 630M 2GB RAM: 8GB LAPTOP B: Lenovo Z40-70 CPU: i7-4510U (2.00GHz 1600MHz 4MB) GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT 820M 2GB RAM: 8GB How do these systems compare especially regarding how well they'd run STEP? To me it looks like option B is obviously a much better system than option A, but I just wanted to make sure. If they're about equal in quality then I might go with option A because it comes with a 4 year warranty vs. a 3 year warranty for the Lenovo. Thanks!
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