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  1. Not entirely sure where to ask this, and a cursory search didn't yield an answer, but with the Skyrim Special Edition on the horizon with all the changes and doubtless conflicts that will entail, are there plans to conclude Skyrim Revisted: Legendary Edition (keeping the final iteration of the guide for posterity) and beginning anew with a Skyrim Special Legendary Edition? Thank you! V/R, Don Q
  2. For Your Situational Awareness: spwned goes into some of the differences, like the disease system, and the reasons for the change in direction in the comments section of the MT:Essentials page. Hope it helps! V/R, Don Q
  3. Neovalen, quick question if I may: spwned stated the following in Moonlight Tales - Werewolf and Werebear Essentials: "I'm not going to work on the Overhaul mod, because it's inferior in it's technical design (code, structure etc...) to this one in every way." Is MT:Overhaul going to remain the werewolf mod of choice for SRLE, or are you considering a change to MT:Essentials? Thank you for your time! V/R, Don Q
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