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Everything posted by igloo15

  1. Well I think I found the culprit but not sure how to fix it. When I turned off the Mature Skin Texture mod there was no neck seam and everything actually looked ok except for some missing textures in some private areas. I deleted the mod and reinstalled it but as soon as I enabled it neck seams came back. This makes me think that maybe I am installing the wrong mod or setting it up wrong. So for the mature mod do I need the main file and the optional file or just he optional v2 beta 4 file. I am also assuming I need the v2 beta 4 that is like 190 mb and not the 14mb one. Currently I only have the 190mb one installed with the settings from the guide which are also the default selected settings. Update: I tried a bunch of different combinations of the above stuff and the only thing that worked was using just the main files and not using v2 beta 4. Using the main files worked great with no neck seam but as soon as I used v2 beta 4 the neck seam came back. I am just going to use the main files because it looks identical to beta 4 and there is no neck seam.
  2. Do you mean changing body weight in the race menu stuff? If so I didn't I left it at the default 0.5. Here is a screenshot I just took of a new character with only thing changed is the sex male to female. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=369035229 Here is another with same character but weight set to 0 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=369035213 I reinstalled Mature Skin Texture but nothing changed there. Going to reinstall UNP BB tomorrow and see what happens.
  3. Yup its a nord character. Here is a screenshot https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=368990285 I went back and looked at my mods to see which one got rid of the seam because I know UNPB has neck seam issues. The No More Bronze Shine mod was the one that claims to fix the seam issue. When I looked at my mod order I noticed I had Mature Skin Texture Body after the No More Bronze Shine mod. Mature Skin Texture Body was overwriting some No More Bronze Shine stuff. Anyways I fixed that and went back to game but nothing changed still have the neck seam. The picture I took was after fixing the mod order. Also No More Bronze Shine is not being overwritten by anything so it should be working as expected.
  4. Thanks I just started playing with all the mods and its great. One thing that is bugging me though is the slight ring around the female characters neck persumably from the body not matching up with the head. Should I be seeing that? Is there a way to fix it?
  5. I noticed you update the skeleton XP32 to 2.33 but I think one of the settings is missing. Usually I select/deselect things if they are not listed in the "Optionals(via installer)" on XP32 you have the following settings no Special Mod!like in Frostfall, but Bolts at the left hip (xp32)!Extended Monster SkeletonsExtended RaceMenu for XPMSEProper Weapon ScalesSkeleton Rig MapQLHBBut between no Special Mod! and like in Frostfall, but... there is a checkbox for "Female or Male!" I was going to deselect it since its not on your list but doing so prompts a pretty stern warning about game instability. So I am wondering if that should remain selected or should I just say yes through the warning and deselect it. Thanks for the great guide.
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