I noticed you update the skeleton XP32 to 2.33 but I think one of the settings is missing. Usually I select/deselect things if they are not listed in the "Optionals(via installer)" on XP32 you have the following settings no Special Mod!like in Frostfall, but Bolts at the left hip (xp32)!Extended Monster SkeletonsExtended RaceMenu for XPMSEProper Weapon ScalesSkeleton Rig MapQLHBBut between no Special Mod! and like in Frostfall, but... there is a checkbox for "Female or Male!" I was going to deselect it since its not on your list but doing so prompts a pretty stern warning about game instability. So I am wondering if that should remain selected or should I just say yes through the warning and deselect it. Thanks for the great guide.