Hello! I have three installs of MO running (skyrim, Fallout, FalloutNV) and they have been working fine, all in their own little worlds. Now however, within the last 10 days I have been unable to get my skyrim-MO to work with Nexus. All of my mods appear, my profiles are still in place, and when I click the browser button it takes me to Skyrim nexus. But it does not log me in. It also fails in Download with Mod Manager button selections. When I check Nxmhandler.exe it shows that iteration of MO is associated with my Fallout NV install. But from the same directory running the Modorganizer.exe brings me to my skyrim version. All mods listed properly etc. I have overwritten nxmhandler.exe with the same file from the installing zip folder - Run skyrim (with SKSE loader from within MO) (it runs fine) then quit Skyrim and restarted MO. No change in Nexus results and nxmhandler.exe still shows falloutNV as the associated game. Run my FalloutNV MO and that works fine. Checked it's nxmhandler and it also shows that it is pointing at Fallout NV on nexus. Would doing the reinstall of MO as you state below solve the problem? Your help is greatly appreciated. Petrosa