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  1. yeah the wrye bash installer was greyed out i thought it was because i have no winrar but that makes sence
  2. i guess when i start to use MO i need to go through the installing process again? cause i am doing this since yesterday afternoon and i am not eager to start all over ;/ 2) so what are the mods that i have downloaded so far? from this site only https://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:Guide is this the step core? all of this? what is the reason for the green line infront of the mods? 3) what am i supposed to use when i have to decide wether to use core or extended? u refered to "packs" are the mods from https://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:Guide one pack? is it the core pack? atm i just want to play so if this is the core pack i am fine with it and i will install the rest of the mods in favour of the core pack. 4) is it enough if the enboost.exe is in skyrim folder or do i need to run it after i installed all the mods? or before every game start?
  3. hi, i use the step guide for the first time and followed every point on the list, now i have some questions: 1) i use nexus mod manager and i am unfamiliar with wrye bash but i downloaded it and tried to start it but it wants me to use winrar. unfortunatly i use 7zip. is there a way to tell wrye bash that it should use 7zip? (actually there is only 1 mod where i wanted to test wrye bash, skyrim redesigned, so if wrye bash doesnt work with 7zip i will try to install it manually. btw what is "==Last==" it appears in the wrye bash installer tab :O) 2) what are step core mods or step extended mods? (my theory is that step core mods have a green line infront of the name, fyi i downloaded all the mods but installed only until "closer quivers and longer arrows" mod which was the first mod that wanted me to decide between core or extended) 3) i own skyrim+dawnguard+dragonborn so i need to install the step combined plugin (?) but what does that mean for the mods that want me to decide wether i want to install step core or step extended patch? 4)i found a enbhost.exe in my skyrim folder, am i supposed to run it? or maybe i did it already and dont need to do it again? when i start a game it tells me in red letters something about enb.ini (or similiar) 5) yes i followed the guide as much as i am capable without understanding some of the things. english isnt my first language and i feel the guide assumes that the user has a certain know how. i am not sure if i did everything right. on the bright side however the mods that i installed until the "closer quivers and longer arrows" mod do run when i start skyrim, the game looks good although i am not so happy with some trees or bushes. they are so very "2D" here some screens https://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/37479739517742766/7424574DA18FE83D11E57277E31C6735EC200C05/ https://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/37479739517748543/09F63C87A4C1999C9C6CCDAB371538C425180AE9/ https://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/37479739517746352/A8228FF34FFB762FEA4193476965483D96D74CCA/ (i will watch some tv now since the modding was a tad exhausting ;/ i will be back in an hour or maybe tomorrow (tomorrow is unlikely but could happen), i hope u can help me :)
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