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  1. Yes, it worked. Thanks for the help. And to jdsmith, PCE - Palaces and Castles Enhanced has been updated to a new version. Don't know whether it still works with the current ECTV patches, guess I'll give it a try. I'll report back if any issue occur.
  2. Two questions. 1. Under the ECTV Section I found no clue how to install the official ETaC Patches and how to merge the plugins although the guide instructed me to do so. Is it safe to skip this step? 2. Where should I put the newly added mods such as SWIFT and Apocalypse in the load order list and MO left pane? Maybe just put them at the bottom before the Requiem for the Indifferent.esp? Any suggestion would be much appreciated.
  3. That's very nice of you jd. I really appreciate that. Since the guide has a really looooooong list, I've just done it half way through but so far so good.
  4. Yes, the video really helpful. How dumb of me to miss this on the nexus page. Thank you thenewkid !
  5. The images in the merge plugins subguide are missing. Since this is my first time using Merge Plugins, I am not sure if I got all the configurations right. Could you re-upload all the missing pictures? Thanks a lot.
  6. O.M.G.!! I did it. It turns out my Chinese IME mysteriously interferes the functionality of MO. Now I set English as my default input language, everything works like a charm. Thank all of you for the help. I really appreciat that.
  7. I had ticked the other plungins. https://postimg.org/image/6f1fqoeu5/ But the FNVEdit didn't load them.
  8. Of course. You mean somthing like this?
  9. Yes,I did run FNVEdit as an admin. The thing is so far I have installed several mods using MO but instead of adopting the new plugings.txt and fallout.ini the MO generated, the FNVEdit still sticks to the default ones in the ...\AppData\Local\FalloutNV folder despite running it through MO. Here are some pics, please ignore the Chinese characters (using a Microsoft Win7 64bit Chinese language version) https://postimg.org/image/4hq5coaun/ This one shows the correct plugins.txt the MO gererated. As you can see, I've installed rotfacetoriches.esp, avangraffscorned.esp and kochandbohr.esp. https://postimg.org/image/kjsoj2ajz/ This one shows the default plugings.txt in the ...\Local\FalloutNV folder. Only official DLCs activated. https://postimg.org/image/ctzb5q0q7/ This one shows the message from FNVEdit when I run it through MO. Nonetheless it follows the default direction. P.S. I can't figure out how to enlarge the pics, so the links to the pics are provided.
  10. OK, after I ticked every box in the data files window of NV launcher, a default plugins.txt was generated. Then run the game once, exited, opened MO agian. Now running FNVEdit through the MO the message is like this: FNVEdit 3.0.32 EXPERIMENTAL starting session 2014-10-28 00:30:53 Using FalloutNV Data Path: E:SteamsteamappscommonFallout New VegasData Using ini: C:UserspcDocumentsMy GamesFalloutNVFallout.ini Using plugin list: C:UserspcAppDataLocalFalloutNVPlugins.txt Using settings file: C:UserspcAppDataLocalFalloutNVPlugins.fnvviewsettings Loading active plugin list: C:UserspcAppDataLocalFalloutNVPlugins.txt The problem persists. Yes.
  11. Thank you for your quick reply. Yes I did run the game and actually I tried every possible approaches( NVSE, vanilla startup, 4GB NVSE startup,etc.) I believe the lack of default plugin list doesn't matter. If everything goes right the FNVedit should recognize the VFS plugin list the MO generates in the ...Fallout New VegasMod Organizerprofiles... folder.
  12. Every time I run FNVEdit through MO I got this message: FNVEdit 3.0.32 EXPERIMENTAL starting session 2014-10-27 21:46:46 Using FalloutNV Data Path: E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\ Using ini: C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\Fallout.ini Using plugin list: C:\Users\pc\AppData\Local\FalloutNV\Plugins.txt Fatal: Could not find plugin list It seems the FNVEdit can't recognize the VFS setting MO created and instead still sticks to the default pathing. After reinstalled FNV yesterday, was doing a F&L step by step until this issue emerged. Following the F&L instructions, I put both the MO and FNVEdit into the FNV root folder and started the NV launcher at least once. Since the error occured, I double- checked every step I did so far but can't find anything to blame for. Now I'm really baffled. Any replies and suggestions would be much appreciated.
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