Ok, I know the question sounds terribly noobish, but what exactly is S.T.E.P. for? As I peruse the mods that are included with the guide I notice that perhaps they are not the most well known or even the best quality. For instance, why use the Serious HD 1k texture pack instead of the 2k? Why use Serious HD at all if it has only replaced 80% of the textures? Why not use Skyrim HD? I guess I just want to know, how did the creators of the guide decide which mods to include and which to exclude? Is S.T.E.P. merely a starting point to bring Skyrim up to PC standards before adding more heavy duty mods? I'd really like to give this a shot and see how it comes out, but I am concerned with putting in a great deal of time with little return. Can someone help allay my concerns or perhaps explain some misconceptions I might be having about S.T.E.P.? Thanks in advance for prompt replies. Cheers guys!