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  1. Hi guys, i was the original OP. Funnily enough I was just coming back this morning to let you know I solved the issue. I followed Neovalens advice as he correctly pointed out that TCIY edits the script for the book called "lost legends". I went into TES5Edit, found the book and noticed an area, specifically the first script where the quest is triggered by reading the book, hadnt been merged properly. Whether this was me during the rather extensive process Neo has for conflict resolution towards the end of his setup or whether its a problem with TCIY (which i doubt) i dont know - i actually suspect book covers of skyrim here not being merged properly. I suspect i just messed the merge up myself into my conflict res patch as funnily enough its one of the first 5 merges you do and at that point i was totally new to conflict resolution. For Camaro: launch TES5Edit > Make sure its loading ALL your mods (everything should be ticked by default) > once its finished loading (takes 1 min for me on a fast PC) > open the very first + on the top left for the [00] Skyrim.esm > scroll down to "book" > open this > i found it easier to then order the long list of books by name (not Editor ID) and then sctolled down to the book called "Lost Legends" > double click the book to open the editor for the book > at this point you should really follow neovalens advice for ensuring all merges and conflicts are resolved in his conflict resolution section but for me all I had to do was copy the block of data for the script called "DefaultOnReadSetQuestStageNotAlias from Book Covers of Skyrim over to my conflict resolution patch and saved it. When i went back in game and read the book the quest started straight away. Cheers Matt
  2. Thanks for the response Neovalen. I havent had a chance to roll my sleeves up and go back into TES5Edit and check what you suggested yet. Out of interest I keep all my saves (archived) have one just before the fight with Jyrik Gaulderson under Saarthal who drops the Gauldur amulet fragment and the writ of sealing (or its on a table nearby - cant remember). Now you mentioned the "Investigate Further" I half remember that coming up when I read the "Writ of Sealing" after the fight, but according to TCIY he only modified the script associated with reading the book. Several other people seem to have had this problem, one of whom was a STEP: Extended user. None managed to solve it. I will do some digging in TES5Edit and come back. Should I be looking for the book object or the quest? Thanks
  3. Hi guys, Running SR:LE (no deviation from instructions) from a complete clean re-install and everything has been going great for about 2 weeks solid play (by solid i mean a couple hrs per night and taking it easy) Im about lvl 28 and have wandered up to Winterhold to start some quests there. I followed the "starter" quest for the Mages Guild which took me into Saarthal, i killed the end guy and got a Gauldur Amulet Fragment and a "Writ of Sealing" which when read (its a note) started the quest line called "Forbidden Legend". The first entry in this quest was "investigate the cryptic message" and the quest marker took me to a book called "Lost Legends" in the Arcanium Library in Winterhold College. Reading this book does nothing and does not continue the quest. Stealing the book and then reading it also does nothing. If i drop the book on the floor, the quest marker for "Lost Legends" still hovers over the book as if it needs to be triggered. I can remember this quest from when i first played Skrim and reading this book spawns the next part of the quest which is "Investigate the Gauldur Legend". I have also tried reading a copy of Lost Legends which is found in Dragons Reach in the library belonging to the jarls archmage. It also does nothing. I also locked myself in Breezehome and waited 30 days and then ready the book in Winterhold and still no trigger. Anyone have any ideas on what i can do to get the next stage of this quest to trigger upon reading the book? Thanks, Matt
  4. Razorsedge: Just for info I have a GTX 980 single card. I strongly agree with Neo on Gigabyte. I have been using Gigabyte GFX cards for the last 4 years now and they have all be solid as a rock. i deviated to MSI for one card and it just plain started to go wrong if i dared OC it. Back to Gigabyte for this one thank you. i paid £460 GBP for my card (bought from the UK and living in the UK). As Neo noted the single card is good for 1080p. Im running 1920x1200 but thats close enough. I do have 2 monitors but I only ever game on 1. The other gets used for in-game help (such as Battlescreen when I play BF4). The card is great and would highly recomend it or the 2 x 970 which Neo has gone for. Im running a complete and clean install of SRLE (by the book (which is obviously Neo's book)) which I finished building / testing about 3 days after my new card came. Ive been playing Skyrim constantly since and aside from about 5 CTD's the game has been beautiful, silky smooth with the ENB on and a glory to behold. I couldnt be hapier. This is how Skyrim should be played! Get the card! (or cards!) - you wont regret it :)
  5. Neo I just wanted to say that Ive finished my SR:LE install following your guide. I wont lie and say it was plain sailing (i am a modding noob afterall) but all of my questions got answered here when I got stuck or i found the answers with simple searches. It took me a while, 2 weeks on and off with work and r/l kicking in now and then, but: the results are astounding, for me at least anyhow. Skyrim looks drop dead gorgeous and the ENB makes water look so amazing, I really had no idea how this game could look. All those mods add a little more immersion here and there and the complete package is very very impressive. Thank you for taking the time to test it all and to write the guide. My 2 weeks pales in comparison to your obvious work (and depressingly your understanding of what goes on below the hood of Skyrim) I cannot say I have ventured far yet. Two joyful evenings playing with the first taken up setting up MCM and then wondering how half the mods worked and fiddling with keybindings etc. The second evening saw me venture into Embershard Mine have an awesome time with my lvl 1 charcater and start learning to craft etc. What i then discovered was a harsh lesson of Skyrim with immersion. Forgetting all about Frostfall I set off to bleak falls barrow and after fighting 2 or 3 bandits at the small tower realised i was freezing to death. I got my campfire out and then it dawned on me i had no wood. Things went down hill from there. no axe to gather wood. panic. ran down the mountain and in my haste swam across the river and almost froze to death. warming back up, barely alive, tail between my legs in the Sleeping Giant Inn was a palpable relief. Tomorrow, im preparing properly, crafting some pouches to hold more, gathering more wood and food and then going back to the barrow. this is exciting. It feels so much more like an adventure where there are implications to foolhardy actions. Skyrim feels at once jaw droppingly beautiful and at the same time threatening. Just wow. Thank you again for this guide, I finally get to just "play" Skrim the way i always hopes and dreamed it could be. Heli
  6. Darth Go to the Vividian ENB thread page on STEP forum. I posted there with some performance issues and, by turning off all of the ENB elements one by one I found that the one having the biggest impact by far was the ambient occlusion setting. towards the bottom of this page: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/3828-vividian-weather-lighting-enhancement-cot-rcrn-and-pure-weather/page-22 Find my post becasue just after it a kind soul (Aiyen) gave me his minimal ambient occlusion settings and it was worth 15 fps with no real visible impact to me. Cheers
  7. Well, Darth I had a GTX 670 2GB, i5 2500k overclocked and i was getting 40-45 on the cart down to helgen. But then at the point i tested that, not all of the mods were installed (but the enb was) particularly of note: verts Flora overhaul wasnt and that is one hungry monster.
  8. OK, Im stuck. Im following these instructions in Conflict Resolution: XX01AE24 OBISFaction XX = Index of OBIS.esp Conflict Resolution: Right-click on the Relations line and click Add. Right-click the newly created Faction entry and select Edit. Paste "ARTHLALBanditVampireFaction [FACT:YY0189E8]" where YY = Index of Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp and click [OK]. Right-click the newly created Group Combat Reaction entry and select Edit. Type "Ally" then click [OK]. Problem Resolved: Organized Bandits In Skyrim added bandits attacked the player if using the bandit alternate start. I can get into the record OK as I figured my OBIS.esp is index number 50. So no problems there. However when I follow the instructions I get the following error which Nearox got too: EDIT4: XX01AE24 OBISFaction When I try to paste " ARTHLALBanditVampireFaction [FACT:750189E8]" to the newly created relation entry, TES5Edit gives an error saying: "FormID [750189E8] references a master which is not available in file [47] OBIS.esp" . EDIT5: Okay I think I figured this one out. In XX01AE24, one actually has to copy it as an override into SR COnflict Resolution.esp. Only then will it work (but this step is not mentioned in the SR guide). Unfortunately doing what Nearox said solved it does not work for me either and I get the same error. So this is what Im trying: I open the record, which for me is 5001AE24 as OBIS.esp is at index 50 in my build. I get a white screen, no color at all with record data in dark grey. Only OBIS esp is there. So I right click OBIS.esp and copy into override (as Neo has said many times you should only be editing the Conflict Resolution patch). That works and I have no problems right clicking on the Relations line and "adding" a new section in the conflict patch. I can also edit that new section. For me, Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp is at index 80, so I am pasting in "ARTHLALBanditVampireFaction [FACT:800189E8]" without the speech marks. and when i do so i get the error "FormID [800189E8] references a master which is not available in file [8D] Confict Resolution.esp Can anyone point me in the direction of what im doing wrong here. First time ive got genuinely stuck tho so pretty happy so far. Cheers
  9. How are the twin gfx cards of sweetness working out for you Neo? Must be pretty darn smooth
  10. Hi Smile Yeah Im loading up everything including the conf res patch. Every time i go back in i check the last record i edited and its always there so i think its working fine. Spock - to be truthful I learned very little from the vid. The best thing i picked up was clicking in the blank blocks at the top of a section to copy whole section. i think it would make a lot more sense to me now and prhaps arms you for doing your own conflict res (or when Neo's instructions aren't super explicit which is the case on about 2 of the conflicts so far for me).
  11. Cheers Working as intended
  12. You Sir, have my thanks. Again.
  13. It is miserably fun. lol. Trust me though, the NEXT time ill just be copyng Neo's CR patch.
  14. Well Nearox, you ask a very good question. I am wondering that myself. However this is the first time ive ever seriously modded anything and right at the top of Neo's Conflict Resolution instructions it does say that the first time you should work through it yourself. Which is what Im doing. i am learning things, the main one being of course to follow Neo's instructions to the letter, but Im also finding issues which others like Smile44 have spotted too which is heartening. Also I assume that Neo's CR patch wont work propely if ive made the slighted error whilst building the mod list? Anyhow, glutton for punishment perhaps i guess, but if one day i want to add my own mods to SRLE im going to need an understanding of CR right? Heli
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