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Everything posted by Asharn

  1. @DoubleYou Did what you said and I have been sorting through the LOOT application. I did work out that I missed adding the priority to the step patch so now it loads in the correct place but the game still doesn't load the menu. Updated Load Order
  2. @DoubleYou Here you go
  3. Still didn't work. Went through and added the LOOT rules and removed the unnecessary plugins.
  4. The BetterQuestObejctives optional mods that are missing a master are deactivated, I just haven't be able to remove them from the list and I assume they aren't affecting anything. Which plugin's don't I need since they are in STEP Extended? When following the core guide I didn't add any that said they were included in the patch unless there is another page listing which ones are made arbitrary.What LOOT rules do I need to add and how do I add them? I can't remember seeing any on both the LOOT wiki page or the Core guide. Thanks for the help.
  5. I tried it and it didn't help. Pretty sure the java is for the Duel Stealth Redux Patch and not for in game stuff but I could be wrong.
  6. After going over everything and re doing the guide I worked out that the mod that is causing the freezing on the main menu is the STEP Extended patch. I went to the extended guild and grabed any mods I was missing I'm pretty sure. Here is the load order.
  7. I have just completed all the steps for the core guide and was ready to move onto the extended one but now the game won't let me progress pass the main menu as none of the options load and the skyrim logo isn't spinning. I am using Mod Organizer and this only started happening after I got past the patch's step. I can't work out how to get my load order from mod organizer otherwise I would post it here as well but there is no other mods added right now besides the ones included in step.
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