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Everything posted by bur

  1. Based on that, I'd say if it takes anywhere between 5-15 minutes before your game crashes during a stress-test, your (modded) game is pretty stable. Of course the longer it lasts the more stable it is, but in your case, at 15 it could probably be considered stable, and at (minimum) 5 it's probably good enough already. I have no experience stress-testing though, so take that with a grain of salt :P As a general approach, personally I recommend going through the Packs, picking out a few that you like, and then installing them one by one. Just skip mods that you don't want from these packs. You can use MO's categories in the same as with the STEP guide, just using the Packs' categories, mod order, and any instructions. Makes the process straight-forward and more modular, so troubleshooting is easier. Also don't forget to check the Conflicts tab in MO for any mods with the lightning icon. Personally I really like REGS and MMO: https://wiki.step-project.com/Pack:Modular_Morrowloot_Overhaul https://wiki.step-project.com/Pack:Explorers_Guide
  2. Yeah, I have quite a few scripts and generally new stuff added, so I'm actually quite satisfied with how it's performing, all in all. This computer should be temporary though, so I'm expecting at least +10FPS when I fix my (5 year old) gaming PC :P I'm using MO's Configurator, so that's nice and easy :D Thanks for pointing me to the right sections.
  3. Thanks for your answer! I've set everything to the lowest setting, but with most of the object detail sliders increased a bit to avoid things "popping in" (and Reflect Sky ticked), so I'm afraid I can't wring out much more that way. The computer I'm using at the moment isn't really meant for gaming :P Those INI tweaks sound like exactly what I was looking for, I'm trying them out. Shadows are set to low, so that should be nice. Definitely installing those mods too, thanks a lot!
  4. Install the latest version of Java, see if that helps. I think some mods require Java 8.
  5. Seems you were right! I also had "Lore-Friendly Starting Stats and Encumbrance" installed, but the CCO already does the same thing. Removing that mod did the trick :D Thanks! Performance could definitely be a bit better though. Drops down to ~20fps in combat, or lower :(
  6. I have a mod setup loosely based on the STEP:Guide, REGS, and Modular Morrowloot Overhaul. Solved! Character Creation Overhaul was conflicting with Lore-Friendly Starting Stats and Encumbrance. [it seems to be working quite well, except for one problem: my carry weight is 0 when I start a new game. When I change the "Reduced carry weight" option in the iNeed MCM, my carry weight becomes, for example, -50. Obviously there's some conflict going on here, but I'm not sure what. Luckily I can manually set my carry weight with Nausicaa-s Tweaker, but of course it would be much better if it just works properly :P] Aside from that, performance could be better. At the moment I get about 30FPS, but it drops when I enter a town or city, and during combat. Could anyone help me identify the most performance-intensive mods I have installed? Maybe there's some more INI tweaks I can do? My Windows environment is pretty well-maintained, there's nothing running in the background during normal play (except maybe µTorrent). You can find all the information needed on my custom STEP:Guide Please also identify any additional problems in this setup if you can :D Thanks!
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