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Everything posted by Zeenz

  1. I'm not sure if all of my LOOT rules are word for word by your guide... However, I did just change the load order on ContentAddon to load after Skyforge Weapons (AMidian) and Improved Closed Face helmets. I only did Skyforge since it still wasnt working after I changed the load order. Those are the only 2 mods in the Load After tab for Content Addon. As for Complete Crafting; Load after only contains ContentAddon Clothing & Clutter Fixes Weapons & Armor Fixes Remade. For Complete Crafting Overhaul there is also an X under User Metadata Enabled. There's a check mark for ContentAddon when I scroll to find it. Is there any information I can provide to help?
  2. Been running into a really weird texture glitch tonight... Here is a screenshot of my issue: https://i.imgur.com/BQuGAYh.jpg I'm using Mod Organizer w/ WRYE Bash, TES5EDIT, and LOOT. These are all installed in my Skyrim directory Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommonskyrim There is also a "Skyrim Mods" folder in the common directory created by BASH These are the mods I'm using: https://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:2.2.9 I'm using STEP Core which includes all the mods with green beside them. I have disabled Skyrim Floral Overhaul w/ Dragonborn add-on & Recolored Pines and LODs for a smoother game. Should it matter, I am also using; Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade Realistic Ragdolls and Force XP32 Maximum Skeleton Immersive Hud Follower Trap Safety Dual Sheath Redux Fores New Idles in Skyrim Alternate Start - Live Another Life Female Animation Pack Sexy Idle Animation Coverwomen Look 1-4 (Have no idea how to change faces between 1-4. Anyone with insight? =P) Covereyes (Vanilla Eyelashes version.) Apachii Sky Hair 1.5 w/ Helmet Wigs & ApachiiSkyHairFemale 1.4 ApachiSkyHairMale 1.2 Better Vampires 6.6 Apocalypse New Spells Localized Guild Jobs Wearable Lanterns 3.0b Mods that are shown as "redundant" in my mod organizer: Bowlegged Jump fix Distant Detail Hearthfire Edition Fix Crossed Swords and Turn with Leg move Running with a bow 3rd person Traps Make Noise - Follower Safety Patch Coverwomen Look 1-3 AMidianBorn - Content Addon seems to be the source of the issue. Whenever I un-tick it, bashed patch, STEP Core, and dual sheathes the textures are fine. I only un-tick the patches & sheathes so I don't CTD since I can't un-tick Content Addon by itself without those 3 freaking out about some master files. I've tried installing the AMidian Born Book of Silence mods multiple ways but to no avail... Still results in the messed up textures. However, on the plus side, I managed to install the standalone Skyforge fix and it repaired the weapons in the screenshot above. I'm still worried though, because I haven't gotten far in the game with these mods to see what other armors are messed up. (I'm assuming just the ones with AMidianBorn variants.) Also, I did see the stickied topic about textures, but whenever i go to click on the item to get the ID I either get something completely unrelated or "00000014" (No 2nd quotation in-game.) Any help is greatly appreciated!
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