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Everything posted by Zediious

  1. This problem has also been fixed. I also want to point out that I did not do a fresh install, I just valided my game cache. This process deleted the FNIS files in the meshes folder.
  2. I only have my GeForce there, so I guess I don't have Optimus. The original issue has been solved, but I'm having an issue with FNIS now. It's unrelated since there is nothing in the arguments tab.
  3. So if I don't have an integrated card, I have optimus? Another error. I still get an error with FNIS. This is what happens when I try to update FNIS behavior. FNIS Behavior V5.1.1 7/10/2014 2:50:30 PMSkyrim: - C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonSkyrim (Steam)Generator: C:Usersjrune_000DesktopThe HeartdriveSteamSteamAppscommonSkyrimDatatoolsGenerateFNIS_for_UsersGenerateFNISforUsers.exe>>: << >>: << ...ERROR(2001): templatesdefaultfemale_Template.txt
  4. Update: This problem has been resolved. In the executable edit menu, SKSE and Wrye Bash's "Arguments" typing box had the location of where Steam is installed default (C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppscommonskyrim), but I have my games on a seperate SSD. Thanks for the help guys.
  5. I've always been confused with Optimus. I don't know if I have it or not. The ENB files did stay even when I re-installed Skyrim. I'll remove those and see if that fixes the issue. I use the wrapper version because I do not know if I have Optimus or not. I also do not have the Optimus fix for the same reason.
  6. I always run Mod Organizer in a small windows for that reason. I have dual monitors as well, but it isn't showing up there.
  7. I'm having an issue with running executables, and playing Skyrim in general through Mod Organizer. I just recently re-installed Skyrim because while attempting to install the Creation Kit, all the game files seem to have been replaced with the creation kit files (no idea why this happened), so i re-installed the game. After re-installing, I get the following errors for running these specific programs THROUGH MOD ORGANIZER. I have set my executables to run inside of Mod Organizer. Skyrim Redone ReProccer: When running this program, it gets stuck at "Running BOSS" and doesn't move from that state. It then tells me that BOSS failed to load, and I can continue the process from there. Wrye Bash: When running this program, Mod Organizer tells me that it is locked until the program is done running, but the program never runs, and that dialogue box disappears. If running Wrye Bash outside Mod Organizer, I get this error instead "Wrye Bash could not find a game to manage. Please use -o command line argument to specify the game path". I realize it is telling me what to do, but I'm not sure where I am supposed to type that in. LOOT: LOOT works fine, both the built-in version and the actual program. SKSE: When running SKSE, I get this error once the command prompt shows up. "Couldn't read arguments". Upon clicking Ok in the dialogue box, the command prompt closes. Keep in mind that I can run SKSE outside Mod Organizer, but no mods load, hence the way Mod Organizer handles that. I can run the normal Skyrim Launcher through the Organizer. I can also run the "Skyrim" executable, skipping the launcher, but not loading SKSE, which is important for many mods. This is really starting to get at me, cause in my mind, the only way to fix this is to un-install he game and mod organizer, losing all my mods in the process. I have 200+ mods. Thank you in advance. I'm not sure if it matters but here are my specs. https://pastebin.com/Dcfi0sKS
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