Thanks plaGGY that did work for me. Im really a neophyte to this but I dont think I manually did anything outside of MO other then installing enb and an enb profile. Everything else has all been done from within MO and the only real issues I ran into installing 150+ mods was that some needed to be set to the proper data dir, I DONT think I unpacked any bsa's during the whole process. Last night when I figured out my workaround I still kept the stuff I unpacked in the mo/mods/skyui dir and then removed them after I found out that worked because I didnt want to do anything manual like that for fear of breaking my install. Here is another question, I clicked the sort button (just noticed it, is it new?) last night trying to fix the error and it ran some program I had never seen before and reordered everything completly different then boss does. I freaked out and ran boss again and it set it back to the old order but now Im left wondering what the heck sort is/does. Thanks again