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  1. 1.2.9 has remedied the Skyui incompatible swf file issue for me.
  2. Thanks plaGGY that did work for me. Im really a neophyte to this but I dont think I manually did anything outside of MO other then installing enb and an enb profile. Everything else has all been done from within MO and the only real issues I ran into installing 150+ mods was that some needed to be set to the proper data dir, I DONT think I unpacked any bsa's during the whole process. Last night when I figured out my workaround I still kept the stuff I unpacked in the mo/mods/skyui dir and then removed them after I found out that worked because I didnt want to do anything manual like that for fear of breaking my install. Here is another question, I clicked the sort button (just noticed it, is it new?) last night trying to fix the error and it ran some program I had never seen before and reordered everything completly different then boss does. I freaked out and ran boss again and it set it back to the old order but now Im left wondering what the heck sort is/does. Thanks again
  3. Ok, I dont think I explained this well so let me try again. Opening inventory in game since patching to 1.2.7/1.2.8 gives me a Skyui error 5 and then lists 5 swf files that are not compatible and reverts to the old vanilla interface. Manually extracting the bsa file and then copying the interface and scripts folders to the MOmodsskyui and then launching MO and running the game fixes the error. Now I of course am worried that other things are no longer working so Im hoping for an answer as what I should do or what I am doing wrong. I did uninstal and reinstall the mod numerous times but it never created the two folders under the skyui dir and still has the error. Also of note is that my friends install which is fresh with just 20 or so mods has the same error. Hope this helps. Thanks
  4. So I went over to a friends house to mod his Skyrim for him today and I started by showing him what mine looked like. We then installed about 20 mods in his and everything looked great. I noticed that his mod organizer said there was an update so I updated both his and mine. Spent an hour with him going over what he might like to have and then we launched mine again so I could show him one of the mods and when I brought up my inventory I got the Vanila interface instead of skyui and 5 errors saying the swf files were not the correct version. Spent the next 5 hours trying to figure out what we had done to my installation and I finaly figured out I could get skyui working again if I unpacked its bsa manually and the manually copied its folders into the ModOrganizer/mods/skyui directory. I am worried however that this means many bsa's are now not getting unpacked so I am gonna stop playing until I hear its ok to go on. Thanks
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