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Everything posted by skyrimnub
Thanks. Appears waay more stable in small testing. I set it as 10240/512.
Howdy. I find that I don't go much above 990M of RAM (of 24G) and about 2.9G of VRAM (of 4G). Â If memory goes much higher, it'll crash. Anecdotally, I was running toward Whiterun and it would creep up and then crash just under 1G. Â After about 4-5 crash-reloads, I got to the point where it would crash, stop running for a few seconds, memory dropped back to about 175MB and then I was able to continue onward. I thought the limit was 3.1G? Â For reference, I'm running on Win7 64-bit. Â I'm running ENB/boost .236 w/ memory settings at 4096/512. Thanks.
MO downloads handling and the new Nexus subdomain system.
skyrimnub replied to Dynalisia's question in Mod Organizer Support
23:05 CST, still having problems with Mod Organizer. Login fails and invalid response. Tried several things with no resolution. Verified username/password works still by logging out / logging into nexus website. -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
I think Wet and Cold now works with any of the Winter is Coming main plugins. Looks like you are correct and he now supports all versions. Not sure that will change my recommendation though... not sure why anyone would wear heavy furs if its not cold out. W&C adds them... just graphically, or physically (meaning it can be looted)? -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
I've identified "Burn Freeze Shock Effects" as the mod that gives you a black screen (with HUD) and crashes whenever you kill a Wispmother. -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Has anyone fought the Wispmother near with South-whatever Pass with Skyrim Revisited? Whenever she dies, the screen goes totally black except for mana/health/stamina bars. The game isn't frozen. One of two things happen: 1) If I ESC-Save, it immediately CTDs; or 2) If I wait for about 15-30 seconds, it CTDs. Without Skyrim Revisited[1], this does not happen. Any clue? I don't have the energy to try and disabling a hundred-some-odd mods to figure it out. Cheers. [1] There are some mods I can't seem to disable without CTD on load due to state information in the save. So it's a "mostly-not-SR" save. -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
If you read back in the thread, I had this same problem. Â For my setup SRO is a CTD-riddled experience. Â I cannot use it despite having a 4GB card. -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Neo - what's the procedure for running these through DDSopt by "half-sizing" the normal maps? I'm going to give this a whirl but wanted to make sure I set the correct option in DDSopt. Also, should this be done on the original extract of say SRO, or can it be done on an already DDSopt optimized version? Thanks. For a 2048 sized mod such as SRO you simply set the max size to 1024x1024 in the DDSOpt constraints tab. Verify that only _n and _msn files are selected (filter *_*n.dds ). This can be done on already opted files as DDSOpt will simply just resize them and not optimize a 2nd time. For the record I do NOT recommend half sizing 1024 size mods... also be sure to reset your constraints to 8k x 8k when finished to save you later heartache :) Given an already optimized mod, I have two questions: Do you setup DDSopt as per the normal optimization and then set the max-size to 1024x1024? Do you set input and output directories to the same place (doing it in place)? -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Will you be posting instructions on half-sizing? -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
How big was your SRO afterwards? Â I installed SRO and SRO - Dawnguard as seperate mods, so the counts will be slightly off from the dirs and meta files: Size: 4.89 GB (5,252,578,015 bytes) Size on disk: 4.89 GB (5,252,578,015 bytes) Contains: 1,465 files, 61 Folders I ask as a sanity check for if I did it right. -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Neo, did you use the same configuration from your guide for DDSopt when optimizing other mods? -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
You'll find it's already optimized. -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
RE: My CTD I'm running the full compliment of mods for a while now without issue. The only change is that I am no lnoger using SRO/2K and instead am using SeriousHD/2K (latest update). My memory usage is virtually the same, but SRO/2K CTDs, SeriousHD/2K does not. Boggles. -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Nothing more than an data-point post. I saw a previous post about "infinite load" that sometimes happens. I've seen two variations--one is just a black screen with smoke (I don't have the disable smoke mod since I don't run ENB); and the other one just cycles through lore and shows one picture. I removed the "int-ref" INI tweak in hopes that this would clear it up as one of the previous posts alluded to. I can report that I did receive the black-screen-w-smoke one time since then. Maybe that INI tweak is not related? -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
You did both the body AND the hand mesh correct? I had this when I only did the hands alone. If so I will double check in my game tonight as well. Ayup. Â Note the filesizes and timestamps line up to the files copied and renamed: -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Howdy. Â I went through the body steps this morning, dutifully noting the removal of the hand meshe mod and UNP Blessed Body copying the files to 1st-person view. Â I think I did everything correctly, but here's what the hand looks like casting a spell. Â Notice the gap in the wrist. -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
If you continued down to Riverwood, you would probably hit 2.9GB or more. -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
But oh how we love this game. I've literally spent days of my life debugging weird combinations of mods over Skyrim's history. -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
@VirusShell - With my older 1GB card, I could not use the SKSE.ini setting of 2048. It caused my face to flicker and eventually go completely black. I do not have that problem with my 4GB card. May be related. -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
12.6. And I just did it again to make sure I didn't screw anything up. -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
This is incorrect (RE: Cleaning the Bethesda ESMs): To resolve this problem, perform the following: Navigate to /overwrite/TES5Edit Backups and move all of the backup files to /Data. Select all the ESM files in the /Data folder except Skyrim.esm and move them to the /overwrite directory. Rename the .backup* files to their original name such as Update.esm, Dawnguard.esm and so on. The ESM files are no longer in the /Data folder; the modified ones are in overwrite, the backups in TES5Edit Backups. -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Noevalen, are you using the 1K or 2K version of SRO? I use the SRO/2K+Dawnguard. If I have it enabled with SFO+Punish then it CTDs. If I disable SRO/2K then it *seems* stable, even though the memory usage is unchanged (roughly 2.1GB-2.4GB depending on the scene). -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
skyrimnub replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Hrm, I must admit I don't understand why... 4GB card, 2.4GB at CTD time, so a 1.6GB headroom.