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    Middletown, CT

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  1. I noticed that when I restarted the game. I didn't look at Ralof right away...just panned around. By the time I finally looked back...the mesh looked normal. I also find that a lot of the characters 'float' above the ground [looks odd]. I'm through the 2.E mods.
  2. I don't have XP32 Skeleton installed...only working through the CORE install at the moment. I'll keep an eye on it as I continue the process. Thanks for the reply!
  3. Working through installing STEP 2.2.9. After getting through most of 2.D [fixes] I ran the game and noticed a mesh clipping in the opening movie [screenshot below]. I worked my way back through the mod list and have found this is being caused by Dead Body Collision.My mod plugin order is controlled by LOOT via Mod Organizer.Is this a known issue that is cleared up by another mod later in the load order? SYSTEM SPECS:https://wiki.step-project.com/User:5StringThing/SystemSpecs
  4. Now that I've made a commitment to modding Skyrim...I'm in for a dime, in for a dollar. I will definitely be checking the Nexus for patches and improvements.
  5. Me too (music connoisseur more than a musician per se... been awhile) Welcome I'm both. I collect music and write reviews for a website as well as play bass in a melodic metal band. Also have two side projects hoping to see the light of day in 2013. Without music...my soul is useless.
  6. I built a system in early 2012 with this card: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150590 I've had no problems with it outside of having to find some balance when using mods. Very affordable...my first Radeon card after a long standing relationship with nVidia.
  7. I just bought the Fallout 3/Oblivion bundle for $20. I'm going to put my time in on Skyrim [budgeting between 100 and 120 play hours] and then fire up Oblivion.
  8. I'm in the same boat as Spike. I played about 15 hours of vanilla Skyrim, tried to move into a STEP-ped world, and wasn't confident I did it right. I'm currently re-building my rig [re-installing the OS/moving Skyrim to a separate SSD from the OS] and will re-visit the mod. From the short time I played...Skyrim is the best RPG I've been involved with. If you take the open-world aspect of TES and really run with it...magnificent!
  9. Hello! New member of the forums...and, really, a new Skyrim player. I've had the game for a while but never could carve out time to get it going. Spent about 15 hours in Vanilla Skyrim and decided to get on the Modding Train. Rebuilding my PC for a proper configuration. On a personal level I'm a computer nerd and a musician...please to make everyone's acquaintance!
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