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Everything posted by thetommartowseries

  1. I would go into AppData and delete the DimmDrive folder. You will need to reinstall the program, but from my experiences DimmDrive doesn't reload the file system after the AppData DimmDrive folder has been created. IE First time it's loaded.
  2. Hey Guys, I selected the full mods folder but because there was an empty folder inside one of the mods, DimmDrive automatically deselected that causing every folder inside the mods folder to have a symbolic link. The dd.presync folders no longer show up in MO anymore now I've deleted the SkyProc Debug folder. All boxes now have a full check mark and the only symbolic link is for the 'mods' and 'data' folder. @Tannin that would be useful for people without enough ram to load up the full 'mods' folder as it really threw me off track.
  3. Hey guys. I have everything shut off before I start to load anything off DimmDrive and only play the game when it's in the drive. For some reason the Skeleton XM32 (something) folder loads into DimmDrive but never effectively turned back into a normal folder, making me have to manually change it. @GSDFan - Yes, MO is catching the symlinks and adding to RAM directory mods into the MO, but with the way Symlinks are, the ones already checked should be in the RAM, they're just symlinks. I've updated the first post with a few pictures of MO with DimmDrive on and off.
  4. Hi guys, I have come across a problem when using DimmDrive and MO. I have 32GB of ram and can only have the data folder and MO's mod folder which comes to 27GB. When I create the dimmdrive and open up MO I notice in the left pane that a complete copy of every mod has just been created. I would just like to ask if I unchecked all the mods from the HDD directory and checked the mods in the DimmDrive directory and had to correctly sort them, would that work as intended? Thanks for reading. This is when DimmDrive is off. This is what happens when I load my data and mods folder into DimmDrive. This is my mods folder directory when DimmDrive is active.
  5. Are you sure? I don't mean to be condescending but it doesn't look right? The sword on the right is also enchanted but isn't as 'in your face' as the left weapon. I've found the item in a wiki. That looks very weird. https://skyrim.gamepedia.com/Elven_Mace_of_Malediction
  6. Came across this texture error after finding an Enchanted Elven Mace. I believe there is a problem with Animated Enchants. https://imgur.com/uNz5GRC Removed the STEP Extended Patch and Animated Enchants and the texture loads properly. https://imgur.com/sQ28vxl Does anyone know how to go about fixing this? Will disabling Animated Enchants cause a big problem as the STEP Extended Patch has it as one of it's masters.
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