First: Thanks for the reply, I've been reading your threads on it, and going through the packs as well. Trying to figure out exactly what I need for the load I want.
What is the difference between STEP Core and STEP extended, and where can I see them? Is STEP extended just everything on the STEP page, including the stuff that isn't tagged with Green?
Also, I should clarify: While I am new to STEP, I am not new to modding or to heavily modded games. I've previously had stable loads with 150+ mods, for more 100+ hours. I strongly prefer immersion/survival mods (Frostfall and RND are must haves for me on every playthrough) and in general, I like anything that enhances the core game. Which is how I found STEP. I've just never tried installing an overhaul as massive as Requiem that wasn't entirely modular. I have experience using SkyRe and ERSO but I grew tired of SkyRe's drastically different interpretation of combat, and ERSO doesn't change enough of the way the game itself plays. So I was attracted to Requiem since, as I understand, it turns the game into a brutal slog reminiscent of Demon Souls where every decision in combat is important, and tactical approaches to situations are not just encouraged, but mandatory.
The main thing that's been holding me back is the pack description pages have been a little confusing as to what I should have installed prior to them. For instance, your Requiem Pack says to install step core and then it lists two mods from the core not to install. It then lists compatibility patches for several mods that aren't part of the STEP core, but that also aren't on the Requiem Pack list. And while it's apparent that I should be installing the mods for those patches first (obvious to anybody who's done any significant modding), it was a bit confusing at first since I couldn't find them in STEP Core. I just want to make sure that I get the load stable and install them in the order that will cause the least problems. It doesn't help that I am also learning how to use MO/Wyrebash for the first time. I've been using nothing but NMM and TES5Edit up to this point. Still confused as to the difference between a bash patch and a merged patch(from TES5Edit) and why I might need both.