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  1. Ah-ha thank you, I think I'm aware of what happened :) I just realized that HD Enhanced Terrain released an update AFTER the STEP 2.2.7 guide was put up, so I installed the wrong one! The correct file is listed under 'Old Files' on the nexus. I also downloaded the Skyrim HD and Serious HD files separately from Nexus, so maybe that could explain it, but I had another check; Skyrim HD - Dungeons is completely overwritten by Skyrim Realistic Overhaul, and a couple files by Re-Defined Dungeons, Serious HD Landscape by SRO and Terrain Bump (mostly), and Serious HD Riften by SRO. Was I supposed to just use the Landscape textures from SRO? Thanks again!
  2. Hello all! While I was installing STEP using Mod Organizer, I noticed that Installing Enhanced Distant Terrain made HD Enhanced Terrain redundant - seeing as EDT overwrites the noise.dds file from HET. I also noticed SRO makes Skyrim HD Dungeons, Serious HD Landscape, and Serious HD Riften completely redundant (it overwrites literally every file from those mods). Am I doing something wrong? Should the noise.dds be the only file in both of the distant terrain mods? What's the reason behind including both mods? Thanks for any info! (I apologize if this thread should have been posted in a different section, so move it if need be.)
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