Hello everyone,
First off, I'm quite new in this whole modding community and so my expertise is limited (as well as my understandment sometimes).
I'm modding my Skyrim SE game so I can take another go at it 10 years later. I've installed a bunch of mods as per Sinitar's guide : https://www.sinitargaming.com/skyrim_se.html
Now I'm trying to generate LOD textures and billboards.
I've followed the Gamer Poet's video guide on installing Dyndolod :
* By the way, I am using Vortex.
I ran TexGen a first time and it generated a zip file which I added as a mod in Vortex. Then I deleted the output file.
I ran Dyndolod then to generate LOD textures and billboards, which I believe it did for a while until it ran into a problem with a mod that was not supported (Nature of the wilds.esp) and terminated the program. I've since deleted that mod (just to give it another try), made a few ajustments to my mod list (1-2, nothing major), then deleted the TexGen zip file created as a mod in Vortex.
I tried running the TexGen application once again (to start from scratch) and I keep getting this error message : "Found stitched object LOD textures from earlier TexGen generation". It's asking me to delete the TexGen output folders, but I can't find any anywhere on my PC and it won't let me run TexGen again...
Also, when deleting the TexGen file from Vortex it alerted me to the fact changes where made to skyrim mods outside of vortex and if I wanted to save original files or revert to modified files. I chose to save, as I understood that to be a way to get the original files back (before using Dyndolod and TexGen). Now I'm sacred this was a mistake and it changed some of my mod files with LOD textures and billboards (if it even is possible).
Anyhow, I'm pretty stuck at the moment and don't really know how to proceed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a bunch !