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Everything posted by aproco

  1. Very strange. I’ve done about all the testing I can think of and can’t seem to narrow it down any further. Well, at least unsetting the flags does work. Thank you for the troubleshooting help!
  2. Sorry, I had to be away from my computer for a few days. By disabling collision I meant in-game through the TCL console command. The posts do not have collision but the lanterns do, which is how they react to wind. When disabling all collision through tcl, I never saw the fading happen once. And yes I did run DynDOLOD and test the game with only Medieval Lanterns and Live Another Life installed. The only dll I had was Papyrus Util, which I thought was required for DynDOLOD? Should I try disabling that, or using the DynDOLOD dll instead? I have to use Papyrus Util for Campfire anyway so I've always just opted to use that.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I tried the base version of the mod (no scripts) and the problem persisted. Removing DynDOLOD's overwrites as you suggested does resolve it. I have tried to test against specific mods and narrow this down, but it's proving very finicky. It seems to happen less the fewer mods are installed so I'm having a hard time pinning it down. One thing I have noted: the problem does not happen when I have collision disabled, even with DynDOLOD and its Has Distant LOD overwrites intact? Very odd and still doesn't explain why so few people are seeing anything like this, of course. If you have any other suggestions I'll give them a shot, otherwise I'll just live without LOD for these. I appreciate your help anyway!
  4. Hey Sheson, I'm also getting this problem and I'm attempting to follow your troubleshooting steps, but I'm not certain what you mean by this -->"remove the overwrite with the visible distant flag from the base record of the full model". Is that a record I edit in SSEEdit? I am using default INIs and have disabled everything else except ML and all the texture and landscape mods I use with DynDOLOD. Also I've tested ML without DynDOLOD and there is no fading. I also thought maybe it had something to do with the mod's script checking time to turn the lanterns on and off, but the mod says that script checks every 30 seconds and I get the fading way more frequently than that, like every 5-10 seconds. Hm, I just did another test and the fading does not happen if I run DynDOLOD with candles and FX Glow unchecked. I'm not sure if it's one or both of those, I can test again later and reply with the results if that would be helpful!
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