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  1. It seemed it was the patch and 2 of the mods, I re installed and remade the patch and everything seems to be working now, thanks for the help.
  2. Ok thanks, well try doing that now.
  3. I don't have them active, though is there a way to completely remove them?
  4. Ok I just downloaded the newest update to start a new game, cleaned dirty plugins, made sure boss says there's no conflicting ones, made patches, made sure my cards and everything is updated and running as administrator and now I'm stuck. I use Mod Organizer, I start the game with SKSE through it and after a moment get a black screen with a little clear window in the upper left hand corner for about a minute, then the bethesda logo appears and the games crashes to desktop right after its little animation. I followed the guide pretty strictly, only leaving out a handful of mods that I didn't want and didn't seem to be dependent, and also any dragonborn ones, so I'm at a loss here. I would be thankful for any help, I just want to play my game. ESP List: System Specs:
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