Im pretty frustrated at this point. I cut my teeth on morrowind back when it released, played and beat it and all the following elder scrolls titles. Usually build a new system just to play an upcomming ES title. None of them ever compared to the memories of morrowind. So after researching all last week in the evenings after work on which modded version of morrowind I wanted to play I chose the STEP build. Couldnt find my disc copy so had to rebuy on steam. Spent hours trying to follow the guide and its just written like people are suppossed to have been modding this game everyday for the past 16 years. Ive been building computers, modding games, building websites , doing computer graphics since the 90s and never hit brick walls like I have with this step guide. Its just vague and mentions things like the person following the guide should already know these things. Broken links to official patch files that I have to find on my own, Mentions of setting nexus downloads in mod manager and says to drag servers...what servers am I suppossed to drag and drop? Instead ive been extracting archives to mod manager download folder. Says to install via download tab....dont see a download tab. Im just about to give up. Ive got nowhere and wasted a whole day. Is there no actual step by step guide for someone who hasnt been modding this game for past 16 years?