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  1. Lol, now I get what your saying. I've read the guide and always thought it never unpacked the mods via the overwrite section in the guide "The real game Data directory existing in <path-to-game>/Data. The virtual game data directory for the game doesn't exist anywhere in the Windows file system; it is virtual. It can be seen virtualized in Mod Organizer's Data tab in the Right Pane". Thank you very much for the explanation, That cleared up a lot. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  2. Hmm... So if I understand you right, every time I need to make a change I would have to compress my mod and install the changes in MO? On the other hand if MO only sees it's virtual directory, couldn't I just drag and drop in my files in the game directory until I'm satisfied with my models and textures? And then reinstall my changes via zip into MO? Regards
  3. Sorry for not being more specific. How to I go about changing nifs and textures within a mod I already have installed? The only way I can think of is to keep making new zip each time. Which would suck as new textures and nifs are never right the first, second or even the third time.
  4. I've always been one to fire up the geck and swap nifs and textures until my game is where I want it. How do you go about doing this with MO? If it's already in a guide or post I apologize and would be grateful if you could point me in the right direction.
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