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Everything posted by mrsmexythebeast

  1. This will be a fairly detailed post, so please don't feel like you must read all of it in order to help. I simply posted as much information as I could in order to better assist those who may want to provide aid. I've been doing quite a bit of testing and tweaking and I feel like I've got a handle of most of the tweaks I could possibly do to improve my system performance, but I still can't seem to figure out this issue, which is that my GPU has constantly low usage, resulting in low FPS. I've done many test runs with Skyrim Performance Monitor, and it reports about an average of 30 for interiors, 40-45 for cities, and 60-65 for exteriors, which each area increasing in framerate along with the GPU usage. CPU usage is also consistently low, but it doesn't seem to be tied to my framerate much. VRAM and RAM are both consistently high ( 3200MB interior 5500MB exterior for VRAM, RAM usually is about the same as VRAM). I initally thought that this must be related to the VRAM limit since I'm using Windows 10, but after updating to Insider Build 16232 (this build fixes the DX9 issues for those unaware still), I still have extremely low GPU usage. Stability has increased, however, and I stutter a lot less since updating. I do know that this is tied to GPU usage, seeing as whenever my GPU usage does decide to go higher, my FPS increases significantly. Does anyone know what could be causing this? Hardware: Software: Load Order: skyrim.ini: skyrimprefs.ini: skse.ini: enblocal.ini: Additional Notes: To anyone who has read this far or is willing to have a go at helping me, thank you very much. I am eternally grateful.
  2. Hey Mator, I had a quick question. Mator Smash essentially combines the functionality of a bashed patch and a merged patch (and does each one better), but how would we go about patching a mod with instructions to be included in the bashed patch but not the merged patch? Quite amateur modder here and new to Mator Smash, so I'm sorry if this is a silly question. The mod I'm talking about specifically is Scarcity. Taken from Scarcity's mod page: Thanks for your help and your great work on both this and Merge Plugins; they are life-savers.
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