That sorta worked. I tried the single process & no dice. Then the game=skyrim. No dice. Then I re-installed LOOT to Skyrim main folder & left the LOOT folder in the MO folder. After the install, I COPIED (not cut) the LOOT client.exe from the MO folder to the new folder in main skyrim file. That meant the cli.exe was in the main folder & the MO file version of LOOT (none of the LOOT install stuff was in the MO LOOT folder. And, walla, the damn thing came up and works fine. LOOT in the gear setting is still set to --game=skyrim. Afraid to change that. thx for setting me on the right path. Just didn't realize it would such a winding path. If you see a pending nuclear bomb with what I did, pls tell me to duck & cover & maybe how I can diffuse the bomb. :) Many thx, my friend.