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Everything posted by bertus_magnus

  1. after that first post instantly alleging i pirated a game that you can get for pennies at every second super market i wasn't expecting anything around here anyway. dolleehoo ****ers, i'll look for somewhere else where people actually know something and don't just spout useless ********. holy mother of jesus, what a bunch of pretentious fags.
  2. i installed it from disk and then used a no-steam crack on it you pretentious ******. no everybody has the internet available to download billions of terabyte from that ******* monopolistic spying datakraken you call a gaming platform you self absorbed *****.
  3. Hello, i recently found Neovalens "Skyrim revisited : Legendary Edition"-Guide and have a question regarding it. In the guide you mention in the beginning that the Skyrim Creation Kit is necessary and i was wondering where i could get that except for Steam. I personally don't use steam and have no intention do do so, I'd rather buy physical copies of my games (call me oldschool/outdated, i don't mind). I have the physical copy of skyrim : legendary edition and i doubt the cration kit is included in that. Now, how can i get the creation kit? Or is there even a possibily to go through the guide without it? greetings, bert
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