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  1. Finally i did manage to get it work. And for all others who try to fix their ENB-related issues, here is what i did: 3.) If you want to use ENB-Organizer like in the "Revisited-Legendary Edition" Step Guid, feel free to do so but if you don´t know what you are doing (like me at this time) just do the recommended Install-Process from The ENB-Nexuspage or wherever else you got your ENB. In my Case:(ModOrganizer) Download ENB-Binarys and open the Archive, navigate to the "WrapperVersion", copy"d3d9.dll", "enbhost.exe", "enblocal.ini" to your Skyrim Directory [...common\Skyrim (NOT Data)]. Install the ENB with MO Go to the MO/mods/"ENB" Folder and search for "ENB Install Files/Folder " (this will be newly created inside the main Folder from your ENB), copy the content in to your Skyrim Directory (NOT Data) Make sure you have "Skyrimprefs.ini" correctly set up and deactivated Antistropic/Antialiasing in your LauncherTy and have a good one.
  2. Nop doesnt help.^^
  3. Ok now i think i found the nasty reason.("d3d9.dll") I was thinking why would you want to have my enblocal.ini so I ripped off the dll to prevent ENB from loading. Now it works just fine. But i don't want to play without ENB, so do you know what i can do to get this work together? (MO+Mods+ENB) Im using Vividian ENB.
  4. [spoiler=enblocal.ini][PROXY] EnableProxyLibrary=false InitProxyFunctions=true ProxyLibrary=other_d3d9.dll [GLOBAL] UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false UseDefferedRendering=true IgnoreCreationKit=true [PERFORMANCE] SpeedHack=true EnableOcclusionCulling=true [MEMORY] ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true DisableDriverMemoryManager=false DisablePreloadToVRAM=false EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=false ReservedMemorySizeMb=128 VideoMemorySizeMb=4064 EnableCompression=false AutodetectVideoMemorySize=false [THREADS] DataSyncMode=0 PriorityMode=0 [MULTIHEAD] ForceVideoAdapterIndex=false VideoAdapterIndex=0 [WINDOW] ForceBorderless=false ForceBorderlessFullscreen=false [ENGINE] ForceAnisotropicFiltering=true MaxAnisotropy=16 ForceLodBias=false LodBias=0.0 AddDisplaySuperSamplingResolutions=false EnableVSync=false VSyncSkipNumFrames=0 [LIMITER] WaitBusyRenderer=false EnableFPSLimit=false FPSLimit=10.0 [iNPUT] //shift KeyCombination=16 //f12 KeyUseEffect=123 //home KeyFPSLimit=36 //num / 106 KeyShowFPS=106 //print screen KeyScreenshot=44 //enter KeyEditor=13 //f4 KeyFreeVRAM=115 //B KeyBruteForce=66 [ADAPTIVEQUALITY] Enable=false Quality=1 DesiredFPS=20.0 [ANTIALIASING] EnableEdgeAA=true EnableTemporalAA=false EnableSubPixelAA=true [FIX] FixGameBugs=true FixParallaxBugs=true FixParallaxTerrain=false FixAliasedTextures=true IgnoreInventory=true FixTintGamma=true RemoveBlur=false FixSubSurfaceScattering=true FixSkyReflection=true FixCursorVisibility=true FixLag=false [LONGEXPOSURE] EnableLongExposureMode=false Time=1.0 BlendMax=0.0 Already have Crash Fixes instaled.
  5. Hi ho. Recently I put my fingers on MO and did a bit of experimenting/watching TuT´s watched a series from "Dirty Weasel Media", "Gamer Poets", "Gopher" and so on. Did what they were doing with a few minor tweaks to my liking. @ the end the whole game didn't work even when i unchecked all mods and launched the game it keeps CTD. After that I was thinking well something went wrong, lets try such a STEP guide. I ended up using: Skyrim_Revisited_-_Legendary_Edition https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited_-_Legendary_Edition I did every single tiny step like mentioned. But for some reason, as soon as I load another Cell or the savegame created with this mod´s I get CTD. I was crawling through an absurd amount of Forums/Reddit/and so on. But no one seems to have the "working" solution for me. I even did the whole Project again and just used the Medium/Performance things instead of the 2K/High demanding things. Just in case my RIG can't handle the Crapton of Mods but my RIG was Monitoring ":hey give me something to do mate, im underloaded." Today i made a fresh Install. (Skyrim, MO and all 3´th Party Programs) Installed SKSE like in this Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_4183676951&feature=iv&src_vid=Oh90E1tdkKs&v=MbxIu1XUxUE Started the Game and played until the Point where you have to go to the keep with on Faction. Quicksave, as son as i activate the Door i end up CTD. So what in Oblivion causes this nasty CTD?
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