
From Step Mods | Change The Game

Implemented as of STEP 2.10.0


  • Major - Introduce fundamental new functionality, tools, or methods. (e.g., Official Pack implementation [i.e., STEP Extended, STEP ENB, STEP-sponsored Packs], BOSS to LOOT, Wrye Bash to MO).
  • Minor - changes to mod lineup.
  • Hotfix - Change/fix Guide instructions that require amendment to the changelog (however large or small) and any other 'hotfixes' (e.g., changes to mod install order).

Under this scheme

Current STEP: 2.9.2

  • v2 brought changes to mod sorting and mod management software and introduced Pack support (if we had been consistent, this version # should be up to maybe 3-4 by now, but water under the bridge)
  • v9 constitutes lots of mod changes.
  • v2 constitutes hotfixes (if we had been historically consistent, some of these changes would have constituted minor increments)

Template:Notice Small

Skyrim & potential new FO4 guides:

Skyrim (current Skyrim STEP Guide): 2.9.2

  • Switch to official Wrye Bash support: 3.0.0 (major change resets minor/hotfix)
  • Remove a mod: 2.10.0 (minor change resets hotfix)
  • Correct/update guide/mod instructions: 2.9.3
  • Separate Extended from Core AND change mod management software: 3.0.0 (major change(s) resets minor & hotfix)

FO4 (brand new guide): 1.0.0