
From Step Mods | Change The Game
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"You want to know about politics in Washington? Four words. Watch your back, Jack." - Admiral Greer


CURRENT USERS: The updates made during the latest revision (prior revisions can be found here):

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We were somewhere around Arlington...

Both Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas have been out for a number of years now and there is a truly amazing community that has supported both games with really creative mods since the game's release. This guide covers mods and utilities for Fallout 3, but as mentioned below it has a similar format, and many similar mods, to the Fear and Loathing in New Vegas guide. When the same mod is in this guide and the Fear and Loathing in New Vegas guide, the comments about the mods are typically taken from the FNV guide. In addition, some of the general text was also retained from that guide.

This guide will help make Fallout 3 look as good as possible while maintaining a setup that adds to gameplay, stability, and re-playability. With that in mind, Fallout 3 is old enough that only the Game of the Year (GOTY) Edition will be supported, with all DLC required. Users without all the major DLC can still use the guide, but without a couple mods or patches. STEP officially supports the use of Mod Organizer and everyone who uses it for a long enough period sees it as the premier mod manager for Bethesda games. This guide will use Mod Organizer as its main mod manager, but Fallout Mod Manager will be needed for part of the installation and Wrye Flash will be used to generate a Bashed Patch. Fallout 3 has a reputation for poor stability, and there have been comments that it doesn't work well with Windows 7/8/8.1 . Many users with these systems have had problems, especially when running programs in the background. One user reports particular problems with the AMD Gaming Evolved program. This guide adds a few recently available utilities and related fixes to improve stability and expand the effective memory available for the Fallout 3 executable. Moreover, the improvements in FO3Edit provide better plugin cleaning than was previously possible. In the limited testing so far Fallout 3 seems to be working well with Windows 7 and 8.1, but not entirely bug-free.

Users already familiar with STEP , the Fear and Loathing in New Vegas guide, and Skyrim Revisited will notice that this takes queues from both styles of guides. Also, due to the somewhat silly nature of the Fallout series, this guide will not take itself too seriously, but nonetheless a little more seriously than the highly irreverent Fallout 1 and 2; Fallout 3 is a little more serious than the previous Fallout games and even the follow-on "Fallout New Vegas", perhaps because of the Washington DC area setting. The areas near the starting location for the game are even more dangerous than the areas around the starting location for Fallout New Vegas. The early quests in Fallout 3 involve travel through dangerous areas with a lot of raiders, and they often attack as a group. The initial candidate title of this guide, "Clear and Present Danger", is a bit serious because of this danger, however, there needs to be some material added from other Washington DC area based popular books/movies that aren't quite as serious or at least have some good quotes. The theme is intended to reflect the overall impression of Fallout 3 as well as remaining true to the Fallout tradition.

STEP changes the way so many people mod video games and really gave birth to new type of mod community that was very strict in its pursuit for a better experience of Bethesda games. It only makes sense to extend some of STEP, Fear and Loathing in New Vegas, and Skyrim Revisited to other Bethesda games, and that is the goal of this guide. When this guide was being created it was apparent that there were significant similarities between the mods and utilities for Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. The game engines of the two games are closely related, and the directory structures of the resources in the Data directory for the games are nearly identical. The authors of quite a few of the best mods for Fallout 3 created new but related mods for Fallout New Vegas, and in the last few years many excellent mods created for Fallout New Vegas have been ported to Fallout 3. The guide layout and even the mod descriptions from Fear and Loathing in New Vegas have been preserved whenever possible. In addition, a line was added to each mod description in this guide to indicate the related Fallout New Vegas mod, many of which are in the "Fear and Loathing in New Vegas" guide.

While going through the guide remember that this is merely an working version and it will evolve. There is a forum support thread and a feedback thread to post any questions that might arise. This guide isn't intended to be the size and scope of the STEP guide, but the current mods listed seem to work together without major compatibility issues. It isn't quite comparable to the STEP guide for Skyrim. There aren't nearly as many model and texture replacer mods for Fallout 3 as there are for Skyrim. This guide includes as much high quality replacer meshes and textures as possible, but also adds many additional mods. Compared to STEP Skyrim this guide is roughly comparable to a combination of the STEP guide, the Skyrim Revisited guide, and A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim.

The mods, utilities, and guidance in this guide are listed from top down. It's recommended that mods be installed in that order, making sure that all directions are followed correctly (especially in the User Interface section). If is suggested that all the mods, other than those noted as optional or alternative, are missed; it is realized, of course, that experienced users might not want to use all of these. Keep in mind, there are very specific directions to install the interface mods and those directions are very important to make sure there are no problems when starting Fallout 3.

Options across Systems with Different Capabilities

We don't all have the same computer technology as the Enclave seems to have.

The guide is intended for use across a range of different systems. Fortunately the base Fallout 3 game doesn't need a highly capable system. The minimum system supported would be one that is capable of running more than just the vanilla Fallout 3. This guide expects that the minimum system has at least 1 GB of VRAM. When Fallout 3 first came out most of the available mods provided small improvements in texture resolution and graphic quality, and a minimal system could generally use textures from a mod. The vanilla textures in Fallout 3 (and even Fallout NV and Skyrim) are typically no larger than 512x512, and mods had textures that were almost all at most 1Kx1K resolution. As systems and graphic cards have gotten more powerful the mods that have been developed to provide better graphic quality, even for older games like Fallout 3, have increased the resolution of textures provided. Most high resolution texture mods that are now being released often provide some 2Kx2K textures (sometimes even 4kx4k). The guide is being expanded to provide some mods that replace the same textures, where the mods provide different texture resolutions so users can choose among alternative mods.

Some mods, especially those adding exterior textures with resolutions of 1Kx1K or greater and other textures (e.g., interior textures) with many of the textures having2Kx2K resolution textures, may in some cases yield too much VRAM usage for such systems. The guide will handle this in two ways. First, an indicator was added to denote the graphic intensive of mods. The indicator has three options, each with approximate criteria:

  • LowRes: Interior and exterior textures no larger than 1kx1k, exterior normal maps no greater than 512x512. Systems with 1 GB VRAM should be able to use this mod without problems. Note that LowRes includes textures with higher resolution than the vanilla game textures which are 512x512 or smaller.
  • MedRes: Interior and other textures no greater than 2Kx2k with normal maps no greater than 1kx1k, exterior textures no larger than 1kx1k, exterior normal maps no greater than 512x512. Systems with 1.5 GB VRAM or greater should be able to use these mods without noticeable problems; less capable systems may be able to use a few of these mods, the mods texture size should be reduced with DDSopt', or an alternate mod used with less demanding graphics.
  • HighRes: Mods with a number of 2kx2k textures and normal maps for interior or exterior textures. As with the medium resolution texture, there are similar options (including using the Fallout 3 vanilla textures) for those not able to use these mods without modifications.

Second, more information will be added about reducing the resolution of textures from mods so they can be used even on systems with smaller VRAM capability. There is already some information in the Fallout Quick-start guide section of the DDSopt guide about how to use DDSopt to reduce the sizes of textures of both the vanilla game textures and textures from mods, including some tools that simplify this process. This guide, and the Fear and Loathing in New Vegas guide, will also include information about which mods can have their textures reduced and how to do so.

What this guide is still lacking

  1. Theme: "Clear and Present Danger" is one of 6 fairly straightforward book/action movies about Jack Ryan; it's a reasonable choice unless a better one comes along. The guide needs supplementary material (quotes, etc.) that seem a little less serious for consistency with the other Fallout games, and that provides some good quotes and comments like those in theFear and Loathing in New Vegas guide for Fallout NV.
  2. More INI tweaks for Fallout 3. There are a few in this guide, but the tweak guide mentioned below has more suggestions that haven't been tested yet.
  3. Some post-installation instructions are lacking, including more inputs on recommended Control Panel menu values (currently the default values are used for almost all these values).
  4. More comments on game balance including mods and Control Panel menu settings would also be very helpful.
  5. Texture selection, particularly for clutter items and weapons. This guide include a number of both high and low resolution texture replacer packs that have been used before and have been recommended by various modders and Fallout 3 guides. So far there have only been some spot comparisons of these textures to determine which sets should be installed with higher priority. Obviously Millenia's weapon retextures (as an example) always have the highest priority, but unfortunately only a few of these have been ported to Fallout 3 from Fallout NV.
  6. Texture optimization for mods. DDSopt works for Fallout 3, but evaluation is needed to determine textures that should not be optimized and to determine which textures should/can be modified and by how much. The optimization of the vanilla textures from Bethesda collapses many textures, and this needs to be tested to make sure it doesn't cause problems. Mod optimization (and/or selection) of exterior textures needs to be tested to get the right balance or graphic quality and game performance. Morevoer, this needs to be done across a range of user systems with (as an example) graphic card VRAM ranging from 1 GB to 4 GB.
  7. Additional plugin load order directions based on the use of LOOT. BOSS is no longer being maintained, so the guide now uses LOOT. Information has been sent to the LOOT team, and most of this is now available through LOOT. Instructions are included to adding a few load order changes that not in the LOOT masterlist.
  8. Bash tags for a few mods not currently in LOOT masterlist (when needed); when they are in LOOT they are automatically applied.
  9. Mod cleaning details. When Fallout 3 came out the tools for mod cleaning were quite limited, and cleaning mods didn't have the importance it now has. The hardest problem now is determining which mods could break if cleaned. An indicator has been added to show which mods have dirty plugins, but details on repairing bad record or subrecord entries not handled by FO3Edit still needs to be added. So far in testing there has only been one mod identified that would not work after being cleaned.
  10. Details for a manually created compatibility patch(s), similar to that provided in SR:LE and the REGS pack. Wrye Flash takes care of a great deal of mod compatibility problems in Fallout 3 but some manual patches will still likely be needed. Wrye Bash is being expanded to handle more tags and to work with Fallout 3 and Fallout NV, and will eventually replace Wrye Flash for the Fallout games.

All of the above will take a considerable period of time, especially since there are currently only a few people helping with this guide.

Cleaning Mod Plugins

Mods with plugins needing cleaning have a red indicator with the word Cleaning. The details of the plugins needing cleaning are available in the LOOT report. To clean the dirty plugins from these mods, follow instructions for cleaning here. It is always safest to first clean the ITM errors since cleaning these rarely causes a CTD. For some mods removing UDR errors causes a CTD, or might remove items from the game. Some plugins have some bad record entries; these will be noted and instructions for repair will be provided in this guide for the relevant mods.

Pre-Installation Checklist

Make sure that everything is ready to install before proceeding with this guide.

  1. Make sure the Fallout 3 goty directory is clean from any other modding previously done.
    • A good way to make sure is to delete everything in the Fallout 3 goty folder except the Data folder.
    • Now open the Data folder and delete everything that is not a vanilla ESM or BSA from Fallout 3 or the DLCs.
    • Now go to Fallout 3 goty in Steam and verify game cache and Steam will download all the necessary files.
  2. Delete any Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini (if present) in the "Documents\My Games\Fallout3" folder. Go to the "Fallout 3 GOTY" folder and start the Fallout launcher from there (NOT from inside a mod manager) so new ini files can be generated, and new or revised keys will be entered in the WIndows registry for the game. This will allow the INIs to revert back to vanilla before starting.
  3. Set the Fallout 3 launcher settings to max for the system being used to play the game. Fallout 3 should be able to perform quite well on any modern hardware.
  4. Make sure the that DirectX on the PC has been updated to the most recent version; some of the software being installed like ENB can fail if the most recent version isn't installed. The game itself provides an older version of the DirectX end-user runtime software. The current version is available here.

A Word About Gamebryo and Plugin Limits

The game engine for Fallout 3 has quite a few issues, but fortunately for users of this game the limit of the number of plugins (*.esm and *.esp files) is a little less than 255, like most of the other Gamebryo-based Bethesda games except Fallout New Vegas. Fallout NV has a ~140 plugin limit which will cause Fallout NV to function incorrectly or just not load at all if there are more plugins than this. The number of plugins in the mods recommended in this Fallout 3 guide will always be below the ~254 limit so users can add some other mods of their choosing, but even with the large plugin limit in Fallout 3 it's possible to exceed the limit. Some mods have separate plugins for each DLC and each other mod with compatibility issues, so the plugin count can increase rapidly. Merging any mods that add new objects in each plugin (new FormIDs) can cause significant compatibility problems with other mods that expect the separate (vs. merged) plugins as discussed in the Merging Plugins mini-guide. When adding mods in beyond those in the Fallout 3 guide, be aware of the plugin cap and learn to use the xEdit Merge Plugins Script when appropriate to lower the count on mods that have multiple plugins that won't cause compatibility problems when merged. This is also the reason that Wrye Flash is so important, along with its conflict resolution for levelled lists, since the Bashed Patch will lower plugin count.


There are a few tools that are necessary to mod Fallout 3 and they should be downloaded and installed before any modding starts. These utilities, as well as Steam itself, should be installed in directories that are not subdirectories of any User Access Controlled (UAC) directories (e.g., Program Files, Program Files (x86)). If Steam is currently installed in a UAC directory this page provides instructions on how to easily move Steam and the games already installed by Steam.

It is suggested that these utilities (other than Wrye Flash and FOSE) are not installed in subdirectories of the Steam directory including the game directory itself (Steam\Steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty) to keep the Steam and game directories as close to vanilla as possible. This is helpful for any games installed on an SSD since space is always limited on an SSD and these utilities don't need to be in the game directory. When an SSD is used for the game directory the Mod Organizer\mods directory should be installed on the SSD even if Mod Organizer is installed elsewhere else; if Mod Organizer itself is installed in the game directory then the Mod Organizer\downloads directory should be on a HDD rather than in the Mod Organizer directory.

  • Author: Ethatron
  • Version: v0.8.0.upd4
  • Installation: The program is portable so it should be extracted to a folder that is easy to access, like D:\Games\DDSopt. Also, it may be easier to make a shortcut on the desktop and the program should be set to 'Run as Administrator'. The default ddsopt.ini needs changed, so get the latest version here and overwrite the ddsopt.ini in the DDSopt folder.
  • Note: Detailed information on installation and use of DDSopt for Fallout 3 can be seen in the FNV Quick Start Tab of the DDSopt Guide. The Fallout 3 unique information, namely different folder names for the main texture BSA and the DLCs, is in a sidebar in this FNV guide . Because of the similarities of the subdirectories of the Data folders in both "Fallout 3" and Fallout New Vegas, the batch files included and described in this portion of the DDSopt guide work equally well for both games.

Needed to optimize and/or reduce textures and the resolution of textures for increased quality and performance.

Fallout Mod Manager - FOMM - Fork
  • Author: Q Timeslip and kaburke
  • Version: v0.14.11.9
  • Note: When Installing MODS with FOMM - Fork, they will go into Mod Organizer's "\Overwrite" folder. Follow the instructions for FOMM if used for a mod.

This is a continuation of the FOMM development. Mod Organizer had problems running the original FOMM, but this version works well. This will allow the installation of mods that MO cannot handle with its external installer. When Mod Organizer - Legacy Script Support is installed this utility is typically not needed.

  • Author: ElminsterAU
  • Version: v3.0.32EXP
  • Notes: Used for cleaning mods and conflict resolution. As mentioned below, there are multiple guides and videos on using the xEdit tools for cleaning plugins. A short introduction for TES5Edit (very similar to FO3Edit) is avaible here. A video on using it for conflict resolution made by the author of TES5Edit is available here. A small STEP mini-guide on conflict resolution is available here.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: FNVEdit

It would really be impossible to have a heavily modded game or a stable game without this amazing little tool. Essential for anyone wanting to mod a Bethesda game.

Merge Plugins xEdit Script
  • Author: matortheeternal
  • Version: 1.75
  • Notes: This optional mod provides a script that allows merging plugins for any of the xEdit utilities including FO3Edit. It even supports merging plugins with FormIDs and NavMeshes. It is always best when merging mods with this script to preserve FormIDs so that old save games will still work with the merged mods, and so that future merges as the mods evolve will still work with current save games.
  • Installation: Extract the contents of this mod into the folder used for FO3Edit.

While this utility isn't critical, it may be especially useful in reducing the number of plugins used for Fallout 3.

  • Author: LOOT Team
  • Version: v0.6
  • Installation: LOOT Installation Video
  • Note: Mod Organizer has a sort button that uses LOOT, but this is still required. The version in MO is v0.5, but that does not matter.

Originally BOSS v3.0, but it is so different that a new name was required.

Mod Organizer
  • Author: Tannin
  • Version: v1.2.14
  • Installation: To use MO for multiple games it must have multiple installs in different locations or folder names. Most users will likely put each install of MO into the game directory of each game that uses MO; if desired MO can actually be installed in any non UAC-controlled directory. The Mod Organizer\mods subdirectory, should always be installed on a fast drive (HDD or SSD).

MO Install Video

Works for Skyrim/FNV/FO3/Oblivion
  • Notes: There is some information to be aware of when installing Mod Organizer:
    1. The newest version of Mod Organizer introduces a new system of handling mods not installed by Mod Organizer and the official DLC. They will now be listed in the left pane of MO and can be moved around so those files will become part of the file priority.
      • Left Pane should have the official content listed first, without check boxes to tick and the category should say Non-MO. Any mods installed in the Data folder will also be listed the same way.
    2. For more information, see the Mod Organizer Guide.
    3. Official STEP Mod Organizer Video Series by Gamer Poets.

MO is a powerful mod manager that does not install mods into the game's data folder like other mod managers. Instead, MO uses a virtual directory which gives modders the ability to switch between profiles very easily without having to install and uninstall mods.

Mod Organizer - Legacy Script Support
  • Author: Reunion
  • Version: v1.0
  • Note: This Fallout New Vegas utility also works for Fallout 3. It allows certain mods to be installed with MO that would otherwise require FOMM - Fork. With this installed, MO should automatically determine when this utility (vs. the internal plugin) is needed for installing mods with Fomod scripts.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: this is an FNV mod
  • Installation: This must be installed manually (MO is not used):
Navigate to the file download location.
Open the archive and highlight the NexusClientCLI.exe.
Extract the file to the Mod Organizer\NCC folder.
Wrye Flash
  • Author: valda and Sharlikran
  • Version: v30.5
  • Notes: This program is NOT optional as it is critical for automatically providing conflict resolution across plugins.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Wrye Flash NV
  • Installation: Get Wrye Flash 30_5 - Standalone Executable

Now extract the Wrye Flash archive to your Fallout 3 goty directory so that the Mopy folder is in the Fallout 3 goty folder.

Wrye Flash is only going to be used for its Bashed Patch abilities to merge mods or parts of mods to increase compatibility while using many mods. It will eventually be replaced by expanded versions of Wrye Bash.

Large Address Aware Enabler for FO3
  • Author: NMC and MadBoris
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: First, extract the contents of the archived utility to a new folder.
  1. Make a backup copy of the original Fallout 3.exe file in the Fallout 3 goty folder.
  2. Move Fallout 3.exe to this new folder.
  3. Double click START.BAT in this folder.
  4. Follow the instructions in the command window.
  5. The "large Address Aware flag in the Fallout 3.exe has now been set. Move this revised version of Fallout 3.exe back into the Fallout 3 goty folder.

This utility is used to add the Large Address Aware flag to the Fallout 3 executable. Even though Fallout is a 32 bit program, this flag allows the operating system to use additional address space to support the program. Fallout 3 only allows for 2 GB of RAM to be accessed by "Fallout3.exe"; this flag will allow up to 4 GB of RAM to be accessed.

Once the utility has run and added the flag, the folder for the utility is no longer needed and can be deleted since there will be no new versions of Fallout 3.exe.

If the OS being used for Fallout is a 64 bit OS no additional steps are needed. If a 32 bit OS is being used, some additional steps might be required depending on the OS being used. Typically no additional steps are needed except for 32 bit Windows XP. Details on this are provided in the READ ME.txt file included with the utility.

Note that having added this flag, the Fallout executable is no longer compatible with Games for Window Live. This is addressed with the next utility.

Games for Windows LIVE Disabler
  • Author: Quarn (uploaded by Quazzy)
  • Version: v1.2.2

Open the zip file, or extract the contents of the zip file, and double click Games for Windows LIVE Disabler.exe. Click the Disable GFWL button, then exit.

This utility stops Fallout 3 from using the (now obsolete) xlive.dll used for connection to Games for Windows Live. If GFWL is not disabled and the Fallout 3 executable has the LAA flag set, Fallout will have a CTD during launch. The FOSE extender discussed below is also incompatible with GFWL.

Setting up Mod Organizer

Now that all the programs necessary to mod Fallout 3 are installed, it is time to set them up for installing mods and running Fallout 3 with Mod Organizer. First, in case this has not already been done while following the earlier instructions in this guide, launch the game at least once by double clicking on Fallout launcher.exe in the Fallout 3 goty folder so the game configuration settings and some important registry values are set.

  1. Start MO and click the Profiles buttonProfiles MO.png.
    1. Now highlight the Default profile, make sure Archive Invalidation is checked, and click [Copy].
    2. Name this new profile Vanilla Fallout. This profile will include only the files present when the game is initially installed by Steam.
    3. Now highlight the Vanilla Fallout profile and click [Copy].
    4. Rename the new profile to the desired name (Clear and Present Danger would be a good choice), and click [Okay], then [Close].
      • This procedure can be repeated for copying any profile in the future.
  2. Setup MO to download mods from the Nexus, follow the directions provided on the Mod Organizer Guide, Linking to Nexus
  3. Click the Executables buttonGear MO.png and set up the programs that will be run from the MO launcher using directions from the Mod Organizer Guide, Third Party Programs
    • For this guide add: LOOT, FOMM - Fork, FO3Edit, Wrye Flash. Only add the GECK if you plan to create new mods.
  4. Set up optional settings as desired:
    1. Click the Settings buttonWrench MO.png, General Settings
    2. Choose style, language, mod folders, customize mod categories among other things.
    3. Select the Plugins tab, then highlight BSA Extractor
    4. In the right hand window of the Tools box, change enabled to true if it isn't already set to this value
    5. This will cause MO to prompt when installing BSAs to ask whether they should be extracted.
    6. There is a limit on how many BSAs can be used unextracted as discussed below.
  5. Check that the official DLC is sorted correctly.
    1. In the left pane make sure the official DLC are listed as the first mods when sorted by priority, Left Pane: Columns
      • New users should have something that looks like the image here.<add new figure for Fallout 3>
      • Users updating from older versions of MO may have to drag the DLC into place. Put them at the top as shown in the image here, but the rest of the mods will be listed underneath.
      • Fallout may or may not show as a mod in the left pane.

Mod Organizer should now be installed and properly set up for modding from this point forward.

BSAs and Mod Organizer

Bethesda Software Archives (BSA) can be used to store mod files in an attempt to reduce file sizes. The added benefit is the reducing in file system fragmentation caused by having many loose, small files. The main problem with BSAs is, if there are loose files that need to be overwritten by a mod that is packaged in a BSA, then the BSA must be extracted. This is due to loose files always 'winning' when the game loads the "Data" folder. Enter Mod Organizer. Using the 'Hide' feature of MO, it is easy to remove the loose file without much extra work from the user. This means that BSAs would only need to be extracted if the textures in the BSA need to be optimized.

There is a limit to how many characters are allowed by the game engine when loading BSAs. If the names of all the BSAs being loaded are more than 254 characters, the game will not load or if there are just to many files in the data folder directory, thrashing can take place which causes the game not to load either. This creates an issue that either causes users to rename BSAs or extract some of them to remain under the 255 character limit.

So, how does MO even know what files are in a BSA? Simple, just go to the Archives tab on the right pane of MO and tick the checkbox for every BSA and any mod that overwrites a file will have an icon next to it on the left pane. If the BSA's file is the preferred file then just hide the file from the mod that overwrites it. Greyed out BSAs will be checked no matter what due to their plugin requiring that BSA to load, but it can still be extracted.

The other option is to just extract all the BSAs from mods and put everything in the correct order in the left pane. Some people say one way is correct and some say the other is correct. If the advice is all or nothing, it is best to ignore it. Life is not black and white, it is gray. Extract when necessary. A good rule of thumb is to extract smaller BSAs and leave larger ones unextracted..

INI Tweaks

The Fallout INIs are used for a few different reasons, from disabling mouse acceleration to increasing grass render distance. This section will cover the necessary tweaks for the Fallout 3 guide to operate with all the mods in the guide.

The MO INI Editor will be used for this section. To access it, click the MO puzzle iconPuzzle mo.png and choose INI Editor.

  • When the editor is open, use the find function (ctrl-f) to quick find the line that needs to be edited.
Fallout.ini Tweaks

The Fallout 3 Tweak Guide is a good source for recommendations on Fallout 3 ini settings as well as other game settings.

  • Fallout 3 Dual-Core and Multi-Core Fix; these settings are often, but probably not always, needed in Fallout 3 with multi-core CPUs to avoid a CTD during launch.
  • Darnified UI Font Tweak; if this isn't present when using DarNUIF3.esp the writing on the display can't be read properly. For MO profiles that don't include the DarNified UI, such as a profile with only the vanilla files, these font changes should not be used.
Copy-paste the following:
  • Remove mouse acceleration
  • Recommended settings from Higher Resolution In-Game Rendered Terminal Text mod to enable higher resolution text displayed within in-game rendered terminals. Note that the added DarN font line FontFile_5 uses the same font as already used for FontFile_6.
  • The following optional fallout.ini settings are from Fallout Street Lights. They are intended to improve the effects of lighting when it's dark, but they could reduce game performance so they should be tested after installation if they are used.
  • Allow facial morphs from mods to work correctly.
bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles = 1
  • ini changes for Flora Overhaul Use the 2nd change only if Forested Edition is used; note that "texure" is correct in that change.
FalloutPrefs.ini Tweaks
  • Allow additional plugins to be loaded.
bEnableFileSelection = 1
  • Increase Grass Render distance from 3 to 5 cells.
fGrassStartFadeDistance = 17000

Remember to click [Save] before exiting the INI Editor.


Fallout 3 will need to take advantage of a couple extenders to open up functionality for certain mods.

  • Author: Ian Patterson, Stephen Abel and Paul Connelly.
  • Version: v1.2 beta2
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: NVSE
  • Installation: Download v1.2beta2.7z . Follow these instructions:
Extract the files from the archive into the Fallout 3 goty folder, NOT into the Data folder. The src folder and text files are not needed.

Without FOSE, many mods that add incredible features to Fallout 3 cannot be used. This is an essential mod for any gamer.


ENB Series

As this guide grows, the section on ENB Series Graphics Modification and ENBoost will too. Eventually there will just be separate pages linking to the directions of how to install different versions ENB, based on hardware or whether the ENB Series Graphics are being used. For now, the following will only instruct the setup for ENBoost.

  • Author: Boris Voronstov
  • Version: v0.263
  • Notes: Increases the memory available memory to the Fallout 3 program at the cost of a small decrease in performance.
  • Installation: ENB recommendations are yet to come, but ENBoost is still usable by everyone until then. Follow these instructions:
Choose the latest version of ENB for Fallout 3/Fallout New Vegas, currently v0249, click the "v0.249" on the left side of the page, then click on the black arrow at the bottom left of the page to download.
As mentioned in the notes on this page, Boris recommends that hardware antialiasing be turned off, especially for AMD cards in the Catalyst Control Center, since this version of enb does not support the deferred rendering needed for antialiasing.
Open the archive and the Wrapper folder then extract everything except the text files to the Fallout 3 goty folder.
Go to the Fallout 3 goty folder and open enbseries.ini in a text editor (Notepad++ would be an excellent choice here) and set the first line to UseEffect=false. Save and close.
Open enblocal.ini in a text editor, like Notepad++, and edit the following lines: 
ReservedMemorySizeMb=   <-- Possible values include 128, 256, or 512. It may require some tweaking depending on system hardware, but 256 is a good starting point.
VideoMemorySizeMb=   <-- Should be set to VRAM amount, 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096, or 6144. This may require some tweaking to get right even if the number ends up different from the available VRAM.
EnableCompression=true <-- Weaker systems may benefit from this setting being false.
  • Users with Nvidia Optimus enabled laptops may need to use the Injector version. Follow these instructions:
Use the above directions, except for extracting from the Wrapper folder, use the Injector folder and extract everything to the Fallout 3 goty' folder.
Follow all the other directions the same.
  • Optional use of borderless window, follow these instructions:
Open enblocal.ini in a text editor, like Notepad++, and edit the following lines:
Save and close. Both settings must be set to true for it to work correctly.
  • Optional Anisotropic Filtering and Anti-Aliasing through ENBoost, follow these instructions:
Open enblocal.ini in a text editor, like Notepad++, and edit the following lines:
Save and close.
In Mod Organizer, click the plugin icon Puzzle mo.png and select INI Editor.
Change iMultiSample= and iMaxAnisotropy= to '0' in falloutpref.ini under [Display].
Save and close. To use AF and AA with ENBoost, the games default AF and AA must be turned off.
  • Optional Proxy use through ENBoost, follow these instructions:
Open enblocal.ini in a text editor, like Notepad++, and edit the following lines:
ProxyLibrary=other_d3d9.dll  <-- This should be set the name of the d3d9.dll that is being installed.
Save and close.
Open the folder where the other injector is located and change the name of the d3d9.dll to what was put on the Proxy Library line.
Extract all the files to the Fallout 3 goty folder.
  • Note: A couple things to be aware of:
    • If already using an ENB, disregard the installation of these files and since ENBoost is already included in ENB. The optional settings can be followed for users that need borderless window or help with setting up the AF and AA settings.
    • If setting up the Proxy Library be sure to rename the d3d9.dll from the additional injector or it will overwrite the ENB d3d9.dll or conflict with it if the ENB d3d9.dll is already moved to the "exes" folder.

Additional information on ENB is available in the STEP ENB Guide

Users that are running out of memory may be able to solve their issues with ENBoost. Also, the borderless window function and setting up a proxy for using other AA methods may be of interest to others.

Clean the Bethesda ESMs

  1. Open FO3Edit through MO.
  2. Select None, then put a check on "Anchorage.esm" then click [OK].
  3. When FO3Edit is loaded right click any plugin on the left pane and select Apply Filter for Cleaning.
  4. When FO3Edit is done filtering right click "Anchorage.esm" and select Identical to Master.
  5. Right click "Anchorage.esm" again and select Remove "Undelete and Disable References" records.
  6. Close FO3Edit and make sure to save the plugin, but untick Backup Plugins and click [Okay].
  7. Repeat steps 3-6 for "BrokenSteel.esm", "PointLookout.esm", "ThePitt.esm", and "Zeta.esm".

Comment on Cleaning Mods with FO3Edit

The guide include indicators when a mod has one or more plugins (esp or esm) that need to be cleaned with FO3Edit. The guide doesn't list the specific plugiins to clean. Instead, the detailed information for plugins that need cleaning has been submitted to LOOT for inclusion in the Fallout 3 masterlist. As discussed in the Run LOOT section of the guide, when LOOT detects a plugin that needs cleaning it includes this information in the report it creates. The plugin detection is version sensitive, and only the dirty versions of mod plugins are included in the LOOT report. When mod plugins are cleaned with FO3Edit, the mods should be cleaned individually, and when FO3Edit is closed the plugin should saved and Backup Plugins should be ticked. The previous version of the mod that was just cleaned will be saved in a FO3Edit Backups folder in Overwrite. As described in the STEP guide subsection on cleaning plugins the following steps should be used:

After cleaning, there will be files in Overwrite (essentially a fake mod located at the bottom of the left pane if sorted by priority ascending) created by FO3Edit.
Right-click Overwrite and select [Create Mod].
Name it FO3Edit Backups and click OK. This will create a new mod listing in the left pane for the FO3Edit Backups useful if the changes failed to be successful.
Each subsequent time FO3Edit is used to edit a file, open Overwrite and drag the FO3Edit Backups back to this mod. This will keep them in an organized and safe location. The files have no impact on the game.
Right-click the FO3Edit Backups mod and select [Ignore Missing Data] to remove the red X Big Red X MO.png flag.
Gopher has a great video on his Youtube channel about the basics of the xEdit mods (i.e., TES5Edit, FNVEdit, FO3Edit, and TES4Edit), here.

Loading Game Mods into MO

The preliminary tasks are complete and now the actual game mods are installed. These are listed in the installation order that would be used in Mod Organizer. Although Fixes are the first set of mods in MO priority order (left pane), it is best to proceed to the User Interface section and install the mods in the The Need for Unified HUD Project section first. After this portion of the User Interface mods are installed and initially tested, come back to the Fixes mods and install these mods, then move these mods in the left pane of MO before the User Interface mods. When this is complete, proceed with installing the rest of the mods starting with Supplemental UI. It can be difficult getting the mods that use Unified HUD installed and working correctly, so it's best to do this first.


The comprehensive patches for Fallout 3 have seen many changes since release. There have been individual authors posting some small fixes and one major group that has tried to take on the task of fixing most of the bugs in Fallout 3. Other than that, there are few other fixes and some excellent utilities to increase stability and performance.

UPDATED Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch
  • Author: BenWah and Hairylegs
  • Version: v1.8
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP , main bugfix patch for Fallout NV
  • Installation: Get Mod Manager Version" of the main file and the optional "UUF3P - FWE Patch. Install the main file with MO, and then install the optional patch with [Merge].

This mod is the most recent version of the unofficial patch for Fallout 3 and is still being actively updated.

New Vegas Anti-Crash
  • Author: Queue
  • Version: v7.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: New Vegas Anti-Crash, the same mod works in both Fallout versions.
  • Requirements: FOSE
  • Note: The Grass Rendering Distance INI tweak will not work without this mod.
  • Installation: After Installation, open the information pop up of this mod in the left pane of MO and go to the Filetree tab. Change the NVSE folder's name to FOSE. This will allow the mod to work with Fallout 3.

This mod helps with some of the offsets and structures the exception handling of Fallout 3 to reduce crashes for the supported addresses. This mod will be updated frequently and should be followed for updates. Even though it was written for Fallout NV it will still work in Fallout 3.

Fallout Stutter Remover
  • Author: SkyRanger-1
  • Version: v4.1.36
  • Requirements: FOSE
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: New Vegas Stutter Remover, Fallout NV version of this mod by the same author
  • Installation: This mod is packaged incorrectly, follow these instructions:
During install right click Data and select "Set data directory".

This mod has an INI file that has some options users should be aware of. Changes should made by right clicking FSR in the left pane of MO and select the INI-Files. FOSE/plugins/sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.ini should be listed in the top left box, click it, and use the following to make changes accordingly:

Master section (Enable/Disable FSR functions):

Master = {
        _comment = You can turn on or off each distinct feature from here.
        bManageFPS = 1
        bHookGetTickCount = 1
        bHookCriticalSections = 1
        bHookLightCriticalSections = 1
        bHookHashtables = 1
        bReplaceHeap = 0     <-- Needed for heap replacement, only for advanced users, detailed info in the readme
		bReplaceGetTickCount = 1
        bLogToConsole = 0
        bFastExit = 1
        bFlushLog = 1
        iSchedulingResolution = 1
        bReplaceRandom = 1
        bExperimentalStuff = 0     
        iMainHookPoint = 1

FPS section:

FPS_Management = {
	bInject_iFPSClamp = 1
	fMaximumFPS = 60     <-- Default is 30, but should bet set to monitor refresh rate or either 1/2 or 1/3 refresh rate
	fMinimumFPS = 20
	iFPS_Report_Period = 4000
	fExtraSleepPercent =0.05

Heap Section (used for Heap replacement):

Heap = {
	_comment = Heap replacement can produce MAJOR improvements in performance on Oblivion at a significant cost in stability
	_comment = It crashes instantly on Fallout3 last I remember checking
	_comment = It seems to work on Fallout: New Vegas ?
	_comment = Algorithms: 1=FastMM4, 2=Microsoft (slow on XP), 3=SimpleHeap1, 4=TBBMalloc, 5=ThreadHeap2, 6=ThreadHeap3, 8=tcmalloc
	_comment = Algorithms numbers 1, 4, and 8 require external DLL files in the Data/OBSE/Plugins/ComponentDLLs folder
	iHeapAlgorithm = 6     <-- Only #2, #3, #5, and #6 are the only methods supported by FNV at the moment
                                   #3, #5, and #6 require a change to iHeapMainBlockAddress in Experimental section
                                   From NVSR Readme:
                                   1: FastMM4 heap.  This requires an external dll (BorlndMM.dll) to be present in
                                      Data\nvse\plugins\ComponentDLLs, otherwise it will prevent the game from starting up.  
                                   2: Windows standard heap.  OS dependant.  A really bad idea on XP, but okay on Vista and Windows 7.  
                                   3: SimpleHeap1, made by me.  
                                   4: TBBMM, aka TBBMalloc.  Made by Intel.  Fast.  This requires an external dll (tbbmalloc.dll) to be present
                                   5: ThreadHeap2, made by me.  Fast.  
                                   6: ThreadHeap3, made by me.  Fast.  
                                   8: tcmalloc.  Made by Google.  Usually fast.  This requires an external dll (libtcmalloc_minimal.dll) to be
                                   Note that heap algorithms 3, 5, and 6 are statically sized based upon the iHeapSize setting.  Heap algorithms
                                   1, 2, 4, and 8 will resize themselves as needed.  The fastest algorithms tend to be 6, 4, 5, and 8, but it
                                   varies from computer to computer.  
	bEnableProfiling = 0
	iHeapSize = 250     <-- This only affects heap algorithms #3, #5, and #6, default is 250
	bEnableMessages = 0
	bZeroAllocations = 0

Cannot recommend this plugin enough. In addition to the fix for the stutter bug, it can do so many more things. Many of them are really advanced for even advanced modders. To understand some of these functions a decent knowledge of software architecture and imperative, procedural, or declarative programming is required. This does not mean that those advanced features should be avoided. Overtime this section will expand with more details and suggestions for general users. Right now all the information is made directly from the readme which is the best source of information for the mod.

Rivet City Realignment
  • Author: Alystin
  • Version: v5.2
  • Notes: Changes the orientation of the Rivet City interior cells to match the exterior cells.
Dialogue Tweaks
  • Author: jordik
  • Version: v0.7d
  • Notes: Fixes some dialog problems.
Scribe Yearling takes all Pre-War Books
  • Author: Yukichigai
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: Scribe Yearling now accepts both types of Pre-war Books
Caravan Merchants Heal After Combat
  • Author: Yukichigai
  • Version: v1
  • Notes: Caravan Merchants now heal after combat
Creature Companion Fixes
  • Author: Yukichigai
  • Version: v1
  • Notes: This includes some gameplay changes to the three creatures that weren't incorporated into the Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.
  • Installation: Get and install the main file with MO. Two plugins are included; double click the mod and opten the Optional ESPs tab. For those with Fallout 3 GOTY move 'Creature Companion Fixes No DLC.esp to Optional ESPs.
NPC-Confessor Cromwell has a Break
  • Author: Sharkoon66
  • Version: vlatest
  • Installation: Get the preferred version (English or German) and install with MO.

Confessor Cromwell in Megaton now sleeps and has a schedule; no longer preaches 24/7.

Books Debunked
  • Author: odin_ml
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Get the main file and install with MO.
  • Notes: Fixes the UV mapping of all book meshes so that the books can have a different texture on the back side of the book.

User Interface

The interface section will be the first section where mods that affect the actually in game elements are installed. It is important to know, some mods will need to be installed with FOMM - Fork until the external installer of MO can handle the scripted installer of mods like Adjustable HUD, Immersive HUD, and Unified HUD Project. Luckily the install procedure when using FOMM - Fork is straight forward and only required for a few mods.

The Need for Unified HUD Project

For the following section it is required to use Unified HUD to combine the XML files to get the require effects from each mod. Install these mods in the specific order they are listed; this is important for the UI mods but not always important for other mods in the guide. A word of caution for users that try add mods post install to this section, say JIP Selective Fire or Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision. When installing new mods and then having to rerun Unified HUD Project, DO NOT deactivate it. Instead reactivate the mod and then move the files from the Overwrite folder to the Unified HUD Project folder. Otherwise files get deleted from MO's virtual directory and will cause many nightmares. Maybe even banishment, jail time, or death.


DarNified UI
  • Author: DarN
  • Version: a11
  • Notes: Use the 7zip version available in the referenced download site when installing with Mod Organizer, not the fomod version available elsewhere. The hotfix version (f3a11_HF.7z) is not needed as it is already incorporated into"DarnUI_Support_for_FWE" which will be downloaded as part of the next mod. The Author's Page in the Bethesda forums has more details about the mod.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Darnified UI, the followon mod from DarN for Fallout NV
  • Installation: To install this mod with MO click [Manual], then [Okay] during the installation or the default installer will skip a very important file.

Even though this mod never made it out of beta it is still complete enough to be used for all interface text. Some other modders have also expanded the DarNified font to other parts of the game.

FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition
  • Author: FWE Team
  • Version: v6.03
  • Requirements: FOSE, DarNified UI
  • Notes: More details about FWE are available on the Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition site.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Project Nevada, the followon mod from the FWE team for Fallout NV
  • Installation: Download "FWE_Master_Release_6-0_-_Part_1", "FWE_Master_Release_6-0_-_PART_2 ", and "FWE_6-03a_HOTFIX_PATCH".

Install Part 1, Part 2 and the hotfix in that order
Download and then install MO "DarnUI_Support_for_FWE".

This mod includes an updated version of the DarNifiedUIF3.esp plugin (which already includes the DarNifiedUIF3 hotfix); this plugin will be used instead of the plugin from the DarNified F3 mod previously installed.

Download and then install with MO "Primary Needs Sound Disabler"

This eliminates the annoying heartbeat sound when one or more of the primary need values is low.

Double click FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition in the left pane of MO, and select the Optional ESPs tab. Move at least one of the "FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers*" plugins into Optional ESPs.

If MMM is used, then when Creating a Bashed Patch select "FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm", then right click the bash tags window in the lower right of the Wrye Flash window and remove Names.

Major overhaul of Fallout 3 gameplay and equipment. Adds many new features from managing grenades to sprinting, bullet time, a Primary Needs feature and HUD for more "hardcore" immersion (incorporated into vanilla Fallout New Vegas by Bethesda), Portable Campsite, bottling water, and Roleplayer's Alternative Start.

Advanced Recon Trap Detection
  • Author: Gopher
  • Version: v2.0
  • Requirements: FOSE
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Advanced Recon Trap Detection, the non-UI portions of trap detection were ported to this Fallout 3 mod.
  • Installation: Install with MO; this mod does not add any menus but is needed for the next mod which does include the related menus.

The ESPs for this mod can be merged if desired by following these instructions; these instructions assume that Merge Plugins xEdit Script has been added to FO3Edit as described above:

Open FO3Edit through MO.
Right click the list of mods and "Select None".
Now tick the following mods and click [OK]:
Detect Traps - DLC.esp
Detect Traps - Perk.esp
Detect Traps - Traponator 4000.esp
After FO3Edit loads, right click on "Detect Traps - DLC.esp" and select "Apply Script".
From the dropdown Script menu at the top select Merge Plugins v1.75 and click [OK].
In the Merge Plugins pop up, tick "Detect Traps - DLC.esp", "Detect Traps - Perk.esp", and "Detect Traps - Traponator 4000.esp". Then untick "Renumber FormIDs", and click [OK].
NOTE: If all the plugins are not listed, expand the window size to show the missing plugins.
In the next pop up click [OK], then give the merged plugin a name and click [OK]. Detect Traps Merged is recommended.
Close FO3Edit and save ONLY the new plugin.
The plugin now resides in the Overwrite folder, so double click to open the Overwrite folder.
From the Overwrite pop-up, drag the "Detect Traps Merged.esp" into the Advanced Recon Trap Detection mod in the left pane of MO.
In the left pane of MO, double click Advanced Recon Trap Detection.
Now go to the "Optional ESPs" tab and move the "Detect Traps - DLC.esp", "Detect Traps - Perk.esp", and "Detect Traps - Traponator 4000.esp" to the Optional ESPs box.

This mod will add some very cool ways to detect traps.

Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision
  • Author: Gopher
  • Version: v5.2
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Advanced Recon Trap Detection ( the UI portions of trap detection were ported to this Fallout 3 mod), Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision (portions of this mod were ported to this Fallout 3 mod), Project Nevada for the Fallout NV guide the thermal nightvision in PN is used vs. Gopher's mod.
  • Installation: During installation a FOMOD GUI window is used for selecting options; all options should be ticked.

Advanced Recon Tech FWE should also be installed; use [Merge] to install this as part of the same mod as the main file.

This mod adds thermal nightvision and adds the UI portion of detecting traps. In conjunction with the previously installed mod, this is very helpful when using darker interiors and nights.

Advanced Recon Range Finder FO3

This mod will add a range finder to scoped weapons up to 200 meters.

  • Author: documn
  • Version: 1.4
  • Requirements: FOSE
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Flashlight NVSE, a similar but expanded mod for Fallout NV by a different author.
  • Installation: Install only the Flashlight-LOS.esp plugin.

Great mod to use with darker nights. This really helps navigate the wastes for users that do not want to always use the Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision modes.

Dynamic Crosshair

This mod dynamically resizes the circle or cross crosshair (whichever type is used) based on weapon accuracy. This mod does not include the basic crosshair itself; a mod for this will be installed in the next subsection.

Antistars Assorted Add-ons
  • Author: Antistar
  • Version: 1.0
  • Requirements: FOSE
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Stimpak Counter NV, ported from this Fallout 3 mod.
  • Installation: Download Stimpak Counter and install with MO.

Stimpak Counter adds a counter to the HUD with the number of stimpaks in player inventory. If desired, the Minigun Sound Replacer mod can also be downloaded from this mod page and installed with MO.

Powered Power Armor
  • Author: Imp of the Perverse
  • Version: 1.4gold
  • Notes: PPA has a known problem with invincible Enclave soldiers wearing power armor. One user posted a script change to fix this on the Nexus site. I'm using a versin of this mod in which I installed the script change with the Geck; I'll be providing this shortly.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Powered Power Armor, followon from this Fallout 3 mod.
  • Installation: Download Powered Power Armor 1_4 gold and install with MO.

When it is installed rename it Powered Power Armor. Download PPA 1_4 gold Hotfix a and FWE 6 compatibility file and when installing these merge them with MO into 'Powered Power Armor.

This mod provides some upgrades and improvements to Power Armor; the power armor it includes is much easier to use but needs to be balanced by a plugin installed later so it isn't so overpowered.

JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating
  • Author: jazzisparis
  • Version: v0.74
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating, which was ported to Fallout 3.
  • Installation: Get the FOMOD version. During the installation there will be a pop-up, just click [OK]. This mod overwrites a DarnUI file, follow these instructions:
Double-click "JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating" and select the Conflicts tab.
Find ".../menus/main/hud_main_menu.xml", then "right click->Hide".

This mod adds in weapon overheating so spray and pray is a little less easy in big fire fights. Also, adds to weapon degradation if the weapon is hot constantly.

JIP Selective-Fire
  • Author: jazzisparis
  • Version: v0.81
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: JIP Selective-Fire, which was ported to Fallout 3.
  • Installation: Get the JIP Selective-Fire - FOMOD main file. During the installation there will be a pop-up, just click [OK]. This mod overwrites a DarnUI file, follow these instructions:
Double-click "JIP Selective-Fire" and select the Conflicts tab.
Find ".../menus/main/hud_main_menu.xml", then "right click->Hide".

Changes the firing mode of the guns in game. It is compatible with any gun added by mods, and has a menu to customize the options.

Adjustable HUD - aHUD
  • Author: Gopher
  • Version: v1.2
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: One HUD - oHUD, both aHUD and iHUD were ported to Fallout 3 from OneHUD

This mod allows moving HUD elements to different places on the screen.

Immersive HUD - iHUD
  • Author: Gopher
  • Version: v2.3
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: One HUD - oHUD, both aHUD and iHUD were ported to Fallout 3 from OneHUD

This mod hides HUD elements when they are not needed.

Unified HUD Project

Unified HUD allows including multiple HUD mods in the Fallout 3 HUD.

If installing any mods not listed in this guide, check this mod's Nexus page to see if those mods are supported by Unified HUD so they can be installed before Unified HUD. Any mod that is listed on the Unified HUD page needs to have xml file data combined; that is why it must be installed prior to Unified HUD.

To check whether the UI mods have been installed properly, compare the contents of the folders for each of the UI mods in Mod Organizer\mods with the file tree screenshots. The 3 screenshots of the file tree show the contents of each UI mod folder. In addition, compare the contents of Unified HUD\menus\prefabs\includes_HUDMainMenu.xml with the associated screenshot.

File:FO3 UI mods File Tree part 1.jpg
File Tree Screenshot for FO3 UI mods, part 1
File:FO3 UI mods File Tree part 2.jpg
File Tree Screenshot for FO3 UI mods, part 2
File:FO3 UI mods File Tree part 3.jpg
File Tree Screenshot for FO3 UI mods, part 3
File:UnifiedHUD xml file screenshot.jpg
Unified HUD includes_HUDMainMenu.xml file contents

An example set of screenshots of the Mod Organizer\mods folders for the installed UI mods in this subsection that include menu folders is available here. These were taken after Unified HUD was installed.

Supplemental UI

The rest of the User Interface section does not change HUD elements, so they can be installed after Unified HUD and do not require a specific install order.

Fallout 3 Interface Color Changer
  • Author: SonicTTH
  • Version: v0.9
  • Notes: This is a standalone utility that allows changing the Fallout 3 interface colors. It isn't installed with Mod Organizer. As an example of how this mod can be used, look at the Nexus description page for the Better High Detail map and Icons mod (see below) where it suggests changing the Pipboy font color to make the maps easier to read.
  • Author: Cipscis
  • Version: v1.2.3
  • Requirements: FOSE
  • Notes: On some systems this mod can cause a combat bug where enemies jitter and jump, and take no damage. Because of this problem this is an optional mod since it won't work properly on all systems.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: CASM with MCM, followon to Fallout 3 version

Autosave ability to prevent losing progress if game crashes. Use menu to customize.

Centered Overhead 3P Camera
  • Author: PimpBot420
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: Some users use 3rd person view a lot, this mod will be very useful for them
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Centered 3rd Person Camera, somewhat more functionality than this Fallout 3 mod

Every game has a crappy over the shoulder camera and modders always fix that problem.

Fallout 3 - Enhanced Camera
  • Author: LogicDragon
  • Version: v1.4a
  • Notes: Other users play almost exclusively in 1st person, this mod will be very useful for them. Pick this mod or the one above.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Centered 3rd Person Camera, somewhat more functionality than this Fallout 3 mod
Omnis Hi-Res Pip-Boy 3000 - FIXED
  • Author: OmniDeath
  • Version: v1.0
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Omnis Hi-Res Pip-Boy 3000 , Fallout NV equivalent to this mod by the same author
  • Installation: Install the mod using MO.

If a controller is being used (vs. a mouse) then

Right click the mod in the left panel of MO and selectOpen in explorer.
Change the name of the folder currently named pc to xbox.
Close explorer.

Make that bling bling look good. Shout out to Brainfever for this one.

Better High Detail map and Icons
  • Author: nisen
  • Version: v2.2
  • Notes: Pip-Boy map replacer that adds a highly detailed map and icons to the terrain. The mod installation detects the Pip-boy mod in use to determine which files to install. This guide is based on using the Omnis Hi-Res Pip-Boy 3000 mod above (vs. Pipboy 2500, Pipboy Readius, or the vanilla Pipboy).
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: several are available, but the 8K maps in this mod are higher resolution than the ones for the FNV Pipboy map mods.
  • Installation: An FOMOD GUI is used during installation for option selection. Choose the desired Maps resolution (8K with roads is recommended) and the desired Map Screen Tweaks option (a Default is recommended initially, but some prefer greated brightness).
If the large 8K map is selected, the Pipboy menu selections below the map in the Pipboy screen are difficult to activate. To fix this:
Right click the mod in the left panel of MO and selectOpen in explorer.
Using Notepad++ (or an equivalently capable editor) open menus\main\map_menu.xml.
In lines 149, 268, and 393 change 660 to 650.
Close the explorer window.
Note that if the Pipboy Readius or Pip-Boy2500  mod is used instead of the Hi-Res Pip-Boy 3000 mod, these line numbers and height values will be different.

When this map mod is used some users find the text on the map more readible if the Pipboy HUD color is set to white; I use it with Amber HUD color.
If the HUD color isn't already the desired color, in the ingame menu choose "Settings>Display" to change the Pipboy color.
More Map Markers
  • Author: Xyx
  • Version: v3
  • Notes: Very useful and essential mod. Choose "Skip download" in the popup message when starting a new game.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: several are available, but none with as many markers as this mod.
  • Installation: Install the mod with MO.

Pip-Boy map will now have icons for all the major and most minor places once these locations are discovered.

Faster Pipboy Faster
  • Author: throttlekitty
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: Adds meshes that allow the Pipboy to open and close faster.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Faster Pipboy Faster, same mod works for Fallout 3 and Fallout NV
Smaller Crosshair
  • Author: ziher
  • Version: v1.1
  • Notes: Provides the basic crosshair needed for the Dynamic Crosshair mod. There are many optional crosshair mods and no consensus among users; this is one example that is fairly simple. Choose whichever crosshair mod appeals to you.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Project Nevada, provides this function for Fallout NV
  • Installation: Select one of the four crosshair mods, download, and install with MO.
Pipboy Item Descriptions Mod
  • Author: weedking
  • Version: v1.9.5
  • Notes: Adds text descriptions to many of the Pipboy Icons. This adds more descriptions than the following two, but the descriptions in this mod aren't as detailed so install this one with lower priority in MO.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: New Vegas Pipboy Item Descriptions, Fallout NV followon to this mod
Fallout 3 Item Descriptions
  • Author: Mikael Grizzly
  • Version: v1.15
  • Notes: Adds text descriptions to many of the Fallout 3 Items
Fallout 3 DLC Item Descriptions
  • Author: Blakrajder
  • Version: v1.1
  • Notes: Adds text descriptions to some of the Fallout 3 DLC Items
Hectrol Lockinterface Deluxe HighRes Retex

Wouldn't shooting locks be more fun? Oh well, this will help it look good.


Let me make this very clear: this is your deal, not mine, so unless I have written authorization, this whole thing is over before it starts because I'm not going to be the only one left without a chair when the music stops. - Ritter

Nothing really breathes new life into a game like additional content. This section will add content mods to open up new areas and quests for users that have played through the game a few times and might be looking for something new.

Puce Moose Quest Mods

This series of 5 Fallout 3 mods was made by Puce Moose, and they are fairly unique among the mods for Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. These are for the people that like the old school RPGs where quests require lots of reading and actually paying attention because quest markers are not part of the mix. Lots of detail is added to these mods and it is quite easy to overlook a lot of it, so keep an eye out. Puce Moose continued this type of mod in Fallout New Vegas with the multi-chapter Tales from the Burning Sands mod whose total content is roughly comparable to the combination of the five Fallout 3 mods. Puce Moose quests add a number of useful recipes and associated items, and some new weapon types that are fairly unconventional.

When you are in a Puce Moose interior location turn off all radio stations except when following the Mantis mod, and then use only the radio station from the Mantis mod. A significant part of these mods are the audio clues and environmental sounds, which add a great deal of immersion to the the quests and are important in solving the quests.

A Note Easily Missed
  • Author: Puce Moose
  • Version: v1.07
  • Installation: Get A_Note_Easily_Missed_v107' and install it

This is the first of the Puce Moose quest mods, and it is best to complete this quest before starting the next Puce Moose quest mod.

An Evening With Mister Manchester
  • Author: Puce Moose
  • Version: v1.81
  • Notes: After the main quest portion is complete and you have an MTS-400, when the Options menu is open click the FWE toggle to on (i.e., 1). It is also recommended that this quest, and the "A Note Easily Missed" quest, be completed fairly early in the game so some of the items from these quests will be available for use during the rest of the game. One in particular needs to be used a lot before it reaches its full potential.
  • Installation: Get An_Evening_with_Mister_Manchester_v181 and install it. The "FasterMorePowerfulMines.esp" plugin is optional but recommended.

This mod includes another option for MTS-400 Paint Jobs. Wait until the main part of the quest is finished (you will hear clapping) to look at these to see if you prefer one of these vs. the default; if so: Right click the mod in the left pane of MO, select Open in Explorer, and open the Optional\MTS-400 Paint Jobs folder. Open the folder for the selected paint job and right click PM2sentry.dds file selecting Copy. Then go back to the the textures\PM2 folder for the mods and paste the file, saying yes to overwrite. This install the selected MTS-400 texture.

This is the second of the Puce Moose quest mods, and it is best to complete this quest before engaging in the other Puce Moose quest mods.

To sleep - perchance to dream
  • Author: Puce Moose
  • Version: v1.061
  • Notes: When entering the Woods in this mod, Flora Overhaul needs to be disabled until reaching the Hunters Shack. In two places there are important quest objects on trees, and the mod expects the vanilla trees which are much narrower. Also, it's a good idea to do this mod fairly early as it doesn't involve challenging combat and one of the objects from the quest needs to be used for a while to gain full capabilities.
  • Installation: Get A_Note_Easily_Missed_v106 and install it with MO, then merge "To_sleep_-_perchance_to_dream_v1061" with the mod using MO.

This is the third of the Puce Moose quest mods. This quest can take a while to complete and typically requires coming back to the quest location several times.

In the Shadow of the Swamp
  • Author: Puce Moose
  • Version: v1.08
  • Installation: Get In_The_Shadow_of_the_Swamp_v108 and install it with MO.

This is the fourth of the Puce Moose quest mods.

The Mantis Imperative
  • Author: Puce Moose
  • Version: v1.08
  • Notes: This includes two separate quests, the Mantis Lab quest and the relatively short Jello quest. The next to last Mantis Lab subquest is frustrating because of some limitations of the Fallout engine as it was designed for creatures with vanilla combat capabilities vs. the modified combat capabilities added by FWE and mods like MMM; it can take many tries before succeeding (alternatively a little creativeness with console commands like tcl can be used to provide some assistance).
  • Installation: Get The_Mantis_Imperative_v1071 and install it with MO. Get "The_Mantis_Imperative_v108_UPDATE_ONLY" and "Nasty Zeta v101" then install these two files in any order, but make sure to install the same folder as the main file and when asked click [Merge], not [Replace].

This is the fifth of the Puce Moose quest mods. It also includes several plugins to alter gameplay; these are generally incompatible with FWE. It is recommended that only the "The Mantis Imperative - Mantis", "The Mantis Imperative - Jello", and "The Mantis Imperative - Nasty Zeta No Scaling" plugins should be enabled; if installed the other plugins can be hidden.

Other Quests

Robby Jackson: So, you just waded on in like John Wayne. Why'd you do it? What were you thinking, man? Jack Ryan: I don't know. I wasn't thinking.

Existence 2_0 - Robot Radio
  • Author: Macabre Productions
  • Version: v1.3
  • Notes: Unfortunately the deleted navmesh error can't be fixed with cleaning so LOOT will report an error with this mod every time you run LOOT. A few of the clues are under rubble and can be quite difficult to get the unless the player is in exactly the right position to notice them.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Existence 2-0 -Robot Radio- is a port of the quest to Fallout NV.
  • Installation: Get "v1-3_Full__Install" and install with MO.

Interesting quest mod that uses a radio station to communicate clues to the player.

Vault 101 Revisited
  • Author: KineticKat
  • Version: v1.04
  • Notes: Popular mod that adds some quests late in the main game.
The Crimson Caravan v1_3
  • Author: Azar
  • Version: v1.3
  • Notes: Add new buildings and NPCs in Arefu, adds new quests in Arefu and for trading caravans. It does increase VRAM usage in Arefu because of the added buildings and NPCs.
  • Installation: Get the 3 main files and install the mod with MO, using [Merge] to install all 3 files into the same mod in MO. When asked extract the BSA.

Double click the mod in the left pane of MO and select the Optional ESPs tab. Move ArefuExpandedByAzar-Radio.esp to Optional ESPs.

Fixes for Crimson Caravan v1_3
  • Author: hikky71
  • Version: vlatest
  • Notes: Performance improvements and bug fixes for the Crimson Caravan.
  • Installation: Install the mod with MO, and when asked extract the BSA.

Double click the mod in the left pane of MO and select the Optional ESPs tab. Move ArefuExpandedByAzar-FixEyes.esp to Optional ESPs.

A World Of Pain for Fallout 3 AWOP4FO3
  • Author: djmystro
  • Version: v1.2
  • Notes: Adds many new locations, enemies, and quests. Unlike AWOP in Fallout NV where AWOP scaled Stats and loot up much higher than other mods did, the rescaling of weapons, etc. in FO3 AWOP is consistent with those in FWE.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: A World Of Pain, large Fallout NV mod partially ported to FO3
  • Installation: Install the mod with MO.

RR Expanded
  • Author: Tubal
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: Adds adds more immersion and quests to Reilly's Rangers.
  • Installation: Install the mod with MO.

Potential Quest Additions

More Quests to be added soon! Currently under consideration are some of the more popular mods. Many of these add challenging battles and enemies; few if any of these add interesting puzzles like the quests mentioned earlier:

A Quest for Heaven 1 - Secrets from the past, a bit linear but popular
A Quest for Heaven 2 - Like a diamond in the sky, part 2 of Scorched Earth saga; description says it's likely incompatible ( based on gameplay) with mods that spawn extra monsters (this probably includes MMM) but forum discussions suggest it might not be.
A Quest for Heaven 3 - Deep Blue, supposed to be compatible with FWE, MMM, etc.
The Institute
Firefly Ranch - Scary Quest Edition
The Librarian - Orions gate
Guardin Gnome - The Ultimate Gnome Hunt, note that DC Interiors Project also includes an unmarked quest for Gnomes.

Covering the Capital Region Wasteland

Texture Overhauls

Hall Of Equipment
  • Author: Deblazkez
  • Version: v.2
  • Notes: Like several other texture packs that came out soon after Fallout 3 was released, this pack is basically the vanilla textures processed with a sharpening filter to yields sharper but granier textures. If you have performance problems with it leave it out.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Hall Of Equipment
  • Installation: Get the main file "Hall Of Equipment V2 All In One" and install.

It's a reasonable base to use and let other equipment mods overwrite.

Hall Of Weapons
  • Author: Deblazkez
  • Version: v.2
  • Notes: Like several other texture packs that came out soon after Fallout 3 was released, this pack is basically the vanilla textures processed with a sharpening filter to yields sharper but granier textures. If you have performance problems with it leave it out.
  • Installation: Get the main file Hall Of Weapons V2 All In One and install.

This mod complements the Hall of Equipment mod by adding weapon textures. It's a reasonable base to use and let other equipment mods overwrite.

Hi-Res Weapons and Ammo Textures
  • Author: Quarn
  • Version: v1.2.0
  • Installation: Get Volumes 1-3 and install the first mod with MO, then use [Merge] when installing the other 2.

Another mod, with higher resolution versions of vanilla meshes, in this case weapon and ammo meshes. Along with the previous two mods it is a good base to use and let other mods overwrite.

Better clutter and furniture pack
  • Author: macintroll
  • Version: v0.1.2
  • Installation: Get the 2 files, install one with MO and use [Merge] when installing the second file to install in the same mod.
The mods are not packaged correctly.
Right click the mod and select Open in Explorer
Create a new textures folder 
Move the clutter and furniture folder into the textures folder.
Close the Explorer window.

Adds a large set of high resolution furniture and clutter retextures.

Improved Glass Bullet Impact
  • Author: Evandar
  • Version: v0.1.0
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: HD Glass Impact Decals, similar FNV mod by different author
  • Installation: Get the main file and install with MO.

Adds much higher resolution bullet holes in glass.

Fallout 3 Hirezd
  • Author: EmeraldReign
  • Version: v1.22
  • Installation: Get the main files and optionals, selecting the files with texture resolution compatible with the system being used. Install one with MO with file name "Hirezd", then use [Merge] when installing the rest of the files.

Adds a set of high resolution retextures of various game weapons and Supermutants.

Mothership Zeta DLC Retextured
  • Author: weijiesen
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Get main file. Install with MO, and when MO asks for the Data directory select the Open This folder.
  • Author: NeilMc_NMC
  • Version: v1.0
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: NMCs Texture Pack For New Vegas, followon mod for FNV
  • Installation: There are four different versions of the mod, each in an individual file. Most users should choose the Performance version.

This largest texture pack for Fallout 3 is a great base to build from. There are four sizes of this high quality texture pack. The Performance pack is a mix of different sized textures matched together quite well. The large is mostly 1K with some 2k and 4k textures, which may be too much for a heavily modded setup except with graphics cards having >1 GB VRAM. and the Maximum version is best used with graphic cards with at least 2 GB VRAM.

Citadel Retextured
  • Author: xclear
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: This replaces the Citadel textures from NMC's Texture Pack with improved versions, for systems with sufficient VRAM.
  • Installation: Get the Medium Res Pack, which has 2Kx2K textures, and install with MO.

An alternate version of the CItadel textures.

UHQ Terrain Overhaul
  • Author: printerkop
  • Version: v1.0
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: OJO BUENO High Quality Texture Workshop, mod for FNV by different author that provides HQ/UHQ terrain/landscape as well as game objects
  • Notes: This replaces many of the landscape textures from NMC's Texture Pack with high quality and even higher resolution versions, for systems with sufficient VRAM. There are 3 versions each with a different resolution; all are high resolution.
  • Installation: Get the main file with desired resolution and install with MO. Get optional "Woodsiding for Houses and Rubblepiles" if desired and use [Merge] to combine with the previous file.

An alternate complete high resolution terrain retexture.

Hi-Res Vault Door Panels
  • Author: Superabound
  • Version: vlatest
  • Notes: This replaces the vault door textures with versions that are higher resolution than those in NMC's Texture Pack, for systems with sufficient VRAM.
  • Installation: Get the Hi-Res VaultDoorPanels -repack, which still needs repacking before installation.
Extract the archive file into a folder, and then extract the Data.rar file into the same folder.
Delete Data.rar. Archive the contents of this folder into a new file named "Hi-Res VaultDoorPanels", or rename the folder "Hi-Res Vault Door Panels" and move the folder to the Mod Organizer\mods folder.
If the file was rearchived install it with MO.

An alternate high resolution version of the Vault Door textures.

Weather & Lighting

Fallout Street Lights
  • Author: SpeedyB64 and RW2112
  • Version: v2.0
  • Installation: Get the main file and install with MO.

Adds a bunch of lights to the wasteland. This helps with the darker nights in Enhanced Weather. The mod includes recommendations for Fallout.ini settings.

Megaton Lighting Overhaul
  • Author: Leaping Lizard
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Get the main file and install with MO.

Adds lights to Megaton. This helps with the darker nights in Enhanced Weather..

Realistic Interior Lighting Merged
  • Author: Robert01 and Hairylegs 22
  • Version: v1.1
  • Notes: This version of the mod replaces the plugins from Realistic Interior Lighting with a single merged plugin.
  • Installation: Install the main file with MO.

Adds Interior lights to Fallout 3. Interior Lighting Overhaul is working on a Fallout 3 version, but until it's done use this.

Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2 Hotfix
  • Author: Skingrad24
  • Version: v2.0b
  • Notes: Enhanced Weather is a an excellent weather overhaul that works well with Dynamic Weather. It adds rain and snow storms (snow in winter only) and makes the nights fairly dark. It also includes higher resolution night sky and moon textures than those in vanilla.
  • Installation:
Get and install only the "RECCOMANDED Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2  hotfix b Fomod Package- FULL DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING ELSE-6170" main file
Choose only the "Weather Sounds in interiors" option.
Ignore the error message about not finding the file.
When installation is complete, double click the mod in the left pane of MO and select the Optional ESPs tab.
Move Enhanced Weather - REBOOT.esp and Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp to Optional ESPs.

What color do you think the moon and stars would be through an atmosphere that went through a nuclear war? I think it would be rainbow colored. Shout out to green_edge for the sky and moon texture information.

Dynamic Weather
  • Author: Xepha
  • Version: v3.0
  • Installation: The file is not packaged in a way that it can easily be installed.
Install the mod normally with MO, and get the optional "Dynamic Weather - Green Tint Remover" file installing it on top of the main file with [Merge]
Right click the mod in the left pane of MO, select Open in Explorer, and open the Optional Files folder. 
Open the "Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine" folder and drag all the files to the top level Dynamic Weather folder.
Do the same for the Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms, Dynamic Weather - Rain, and Dynamic Weather - Dynamic Sneak Bonus folders.
Open the Dynamic Weather - DLC folder and drag the Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main + DLC Merged.esp to the top level Dynamic Weather folder.
Go back to the top level folder and delete the Optional Files folder and Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main.esp.
Close the Explorer window.
Double click the mod in the left pane of MO and select the Optional ESPs tab.
Move either the "Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Start Game Added).esp to Optional ESPs, or if preferred instead move Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Quest Added).esp to Optional ESPs.
Move either Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms + Armor Damage (FOSE).esp or Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms.esp to Optional ESPs.

In conjunction with Enhanced Weather this mod adds rain, sand storms, more weather variation, and sneak bonuses that depend on weather conditions.

Location, Location, Location

As Karnak the Magnificent (yes, the people in Fallout 3 would remember him) would say, this is an answer to the question "What are the three most important factors in determining house value". In this guide it denotes the section for mods that provide improved places, including towns, cities, and buildings.

Arlington House Restoration
  • Author: dSinuev2
  • Version1.1
  • Notes: This mod changes the Arlington House interior and exterior to more closely match the actual house. The 1.1 version changes the interiors, so if version 1.0 was used previously make a clean save (save the game, remove this mod, make a save without the mod, then install the new version). There is a small conflict with Flora Overhaul (a ghost tree in front)
  • Installation: Install the main file with MO.
Better Rivet City Church
  • Author: me i guess
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: This mod improves the Rivet City Church, and adds high res clothing for the priest.
Big Town Overhaul
  • Author: MizunoTakarai
  • Version: vlatest
  • Notes: This mod merges some Big Town mods and adds new resources, fixing some bugs in Big Town and making it more like a place where people live. The High resolution textures affect very few items so this should not cause VRAM problems for any systems.
  • Installation: Get only the Optional - Gang Store optional file and install it; the main file is not needed.
DCInteriors Project
  • Author: chucksteel
  • Version: v2.9.1
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: NVInteriors Project, an equivalent mod by the same author.
  • Installation: Get DCInteriors_combo Edition Total Merge-5573-1-9-1.7z and install with MO.

This mod adds many new interiors to the game for exploration and looting. Fits perfectly into the game world.

  • Author: summel
  • Version: v1.05d
  • Notes: This mod adds interiors and some loot to buses, and a small quest.
  • Installation: Get the main file Busworld Base and optional puzzle box sound file. Install main file with MO and the optional file on top of it using [Merge].
Busworld - Better English Translation
  • Author: summel pintocat and Gribbleshnibit8
  • Version: v1.05d
  • Notes: This mod provides an improved plugin for Busworld with bugs fixes and better translation to English.
  • Installation: Get the main file Busworld Better English 1-06 NON-exploding and install with MO on top of the Busworld mod using [Merge].
Fort Independence Redesigned
  • Author: angelenesdreams
  • Version: v1.1
  • Notes: This mod improves the Outcasts HQ to make it look it is actually in use.
Rockopolis Rebuilt
  • Author: Coleen
  • Version: v1.1
  • Notes: This mod adds a small expansion to Rockopolis so it doesn't seem as insignificant
Temple of The Union Overhaul
  • Author: Theo Clarke
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: The Temple of the Union always seemed disappointingly small given its role in the game. This mod adds some items and furniture so it seems more realistic.
  • Installation: Install the mod with MO.
Right click the mod and select Open in Explorer.
Add a new folder textures, and move the freedomrifle folder into the textures folder.
Close th explorer window.
Washington Monument BoS Outpost
  • Author: Urge
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: This mod adds some items and furniture so the BoS Outpost in the Washington Monument will seem more realistic.

Plants & Stuff

Chernobyl, only a few decades removed from the second biggest nuclear meltdown in history, is completely covered in vegetation, radioactive vegetation, but still covered in the stuff. The point being that nuclear war would allow for plants to just cover the the wasteland and make the world feel much less empty and devoid of life. Hopefully this section can address that problem.

Flora Overhaul
  • Author: vurt
  • Version: v1.4
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Wasteland Flora Overhaul, an equivalent mod by the same author.
  • Installation: Use the Forested or Dead versions (preferred), but the Total Devastation and especially the Lite versions do not have as much effect on performance.

Install the main file version of choice normally.

  • Cleaning Warning: Do not clean UDR records from this mod, otherwise, the game will crash on startup.

Of course, this is the best floral mod for FO3. Did you expect anything less from Vurt?

Raider Grafitti Re-done
  • Author: macintroll
  • Version: v0.1
  • Installation: Choose one of the two styles and install it with MO.
Improved LOD Noise Texture
  • Author: Cyberlazy
  • Version: v1.00
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Improved LOD Noise Texture, the same noise texture also works in Fallout NV.

This is one of those mods that you did not know you needed until you had it and now you cannot play without it.

C93 - Distant LOD Rock Fix for NMCs Texture Pack
  • Author: Cag93
  • Version: v1
  • Requirements: NMC's Texture Pack for FO3

This makes the distant rocks darker to better match the rock textures in the NMC texture pack.

Laurens Bathroom Poetry

Some say this will be the highest form of art in the future.

krzymar HI-RES Moon
  • Author: krzymar
  • Version: v0.2.0
  • Notes: Enhanced Weather includes moons that are higher resolution than vanilla., similar in resolution to those in this mod. Use this mod only if you don't like the moon textures from Enhanced Weather.
  • Installation: Choose preferred moon glow; dark moon glow is recommended.
krzymar Moon Size Tweak
  • Author: krzymar
  • Version: v0.2.0
  • Notes: Tiny optional mod that sets the iMasserSize game setting which controls moon size. Mod also works in Fallout NV.
  • Installation: Choose plugin with preferred moon size, 120% recommended.

People and Mutants

"Looking good, Billy Ray."

"Feeling Good, Louis" Sorry to change up the movie references, but it works. The vanilla bodies in Bethesda games tend to be weird and ugly. Lucky for us some excellent modders have made much better bodies to conquer the wasteland with. Exeter not only offers a version of the Type3 female body by Dimon99, but also redid all the meshes for female outfits. On the other side Nivea has taken over Robert's Males body replacer, so all the bases are covered for just about every character.

Exeter's Type 3 female armor and outfits

Exeter provides the largest set of armor and clothing for the Type 3 female body in the Fallout series. The mods below include a portion of these.

Type3 Armor Replacers
  • Author: Exeter
  • Version: v2.0
  • Requirements: Type 3 female body
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Type3 Body and Armor Replacer an equivalent mod by the same author.
  • Installation: Install the T3 armors and outfits- full release main file. Install the Charmer with stockings, FOV patch, Patch for Combat armorr, Patch for v2, 'V2 Business suit patch update files; during install click [Merge], not [Replace] when asked.

This is the non-nude version of the armor meshes to go along with the Type 3 female body replacer. Vanilla body type is really weird looking in the Fallout series, and Type3 is the solution for females.

Point Lookout outfits for Type 3
  • Author: Exeter
  • Version: v1.0
  • Requirements: Type 3 female body
MZ Outfits for Type3
  • Author: Exeter
  • Version: v1.0
  • Requirements: Type 3 female body
  • Installation: Get the main file and the spacesuit patch. Install the main file and then use [Merge] when installing the patch.
Pittraider replacer for Type3
  • Author: Exeter
  • Version: v1.0
  • Requirements: Type 3 female body
Type3 Leather Armors
  • Author: Exeter
  • Version: v1.0
  • Requirements: Type 3 female body
Type3 Businesswear
  • Author: Exeter
  • Version: v2.0
  • Requirements: Type 3 female body
  • Installation: Get the main file and the FOV patch. Install the main file and then use [Merge] when installing the patch.
MZ Samurai and combat female armor replacers
  • Author: Exeter
  • Version: v1.0
  • Requirements: Type 3 female body
  • Installation: Get the main file and the "Medic tweak" optional file. Install the main file and then use [Merge] when installing the optional file.
Freebooter Armor for Type3
  • Author: Exeter
  • Version: v1.0
  • Requirements: Type 3 female body
  • Installation: Get the main file and the update file. Install the main file and then use [Merge] when installing the update file.

Other armor and clothing

Wasteland Scout for Type3 and BFM
  • Author: Exeter
  • Version: v2.0
  • Requirements: Type 3 female body and Breeze or Roberts male body
  • Installation: Get the main file and 2 update file. Install the main file and then use [Merge] when installing the update files.

Wasteland Scout outfits for Type 3 female body and Breeze (or Roberts RFM32) male body.

Merc Adventurer Armor
  • Author:d_ivanov
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Install main file with MO. Plugins for English and Russian are included, so hide the plugin that isn't being used.

Adds male and female Merc Adventurer Armor to the inventory of several merchants.

Wasteland clothing Hires retexture
  • Author: Macintroll
  • Version: v1.3A
  • Notes: Scratch-made clothing to replace FO3 and FNV vanilla clothing
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Wasteland clothing Hires retexture, same mod for FO3 and FNV
  • Installation: Download the main file. Install with MO.

When installing uncheck

  • clothes
  • nvdlc04
  • nvdlcpre1
  • nvdlcpre3


  • armor\
    • powdergang

Body mods

Fallout 3 Redesigned - Formerly Project Beauty HD
  • Author: Dracomies and SpaceOden
  • Version: v2.73
  • Notes: The Fallout 3 version is primarily the older Project Beauty mod. Both the Fallout 3 and Fallout NV mods are still under development.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: New Vegas Redesigned 3, enhanced FNV mod from FO3 mod
  • Installation: Download the main file.
To install, click the normal install icon in MO and select this mod; 
When the MO Install Mods window is showing click on the triangle next to Fallout 3 Redesigned to expand the view,
then click on the triangle next to FALLOUT 3 Redesigned, then click on the triangle next to Choose a version in this folder.
Right click on HD version, and select "Set data directory.
Drag and drop 3 of the plugins, ignoring Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp which a Blackened pl;ugin will replace if MMM is used, (total of 2 esps and 1 esm) into Data, then right click on Data and select "Set data directory and click OK.

This mod changes the heads of NPCs to provide a more natural appearance; it doesn't affect the bodies.

Roberts Male Body
  • Author: Sickleyield
  • Version: v2.0
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Roberts Male Body, an equivalent mod with the same body by the same author.
  • Notes: Mods that require Breeze's Males (version 1.4 or higher) are also compatible with Robert's body RFM3.2. If black bars are showing on male bodies in game, check in MO that no mod other than the Bornagain armor mods, Ghouls Hires retexture, "KDS Feral Ghoul Retextures High Resolution", or Wasteland Scout for Type3 and BFM overwrite Roberts Males.
  • Installation: Get the RMF32, Armor Quick Fix, and Lucas Simms Armor Fix.
Install the main file, then install the 2 patches on top of the main file selecting [Merge], not [Replace].
The rest of these instructions will install a male body with underwear.
Right click the mod in the left pane of MO, select Open in Explorer, and open the Data\meshes\characters\_male\ folder.
Delete the existing upperbody.nif file.
The file includes six body type options, plus some variants, including the default "malebase".
Choose a body style (base, biker, marathoner, muscular, runner, or emaciated) then:
Open the subfolder for the selected male body type.
Copy "upperbody2.nif" to the Data\meshes\characters\_male\ folder.
Note that "upperbody3.nif", or (when present) uppderbody4.nif have different underwear styles and can alternately be chosen.
Change the name of the file that was just copied to "upperbody.nif".
Close the Explorer window.
If an African character is used, then double click the mod in the left pane of MO and open meshes. Hide lefthandpipboyglove.nif and lefthandpipboyglove1st.nif. Otherwise the left hand might be displayed as white.

Robert's Males is the best male body made for Fallout games. Too bad he never finished his Skyrim body replacer.

Type 3 Underwear Replacer
  • Author: Exeter
  • Version: v1.0
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Type3 Body and Armor replacer, related FNV mod by same author that also includes clothing with the body replacer.
  • Installation: Install with MO.

Type 3 female body replacer with underwear with the same body used in the "Fear and Loathing in New Vegas" guide for Fallout NV.

DIMONIZED TYPE3 female body
  • Author: Dimon99
  • Version: v3.51
  • Notes: Users with 1GB VRAM or less might want to reduce the textures sizes to a maximum of 1Kx1K using DDSopt. If doing so make sure that any uncompressed textures remain uncompressed in either R8G8B8 or R5G6B5 format.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: DIMONIZED Type3 Body Official Release, Dimon99's FO3 body ported to FNV.
  • Installation: Only the body textures from this mod are being used since Exeter's body mod doesn't include them.

Get only TYPE3_V2_TEXTURE_pack"and TYPE3RAIDERTEXTURESfull. Install TYPE3_V2_TEXTURE_pack" with MO, using the TYPE3 V2 TEXTURES folder as the Data folder. Install TYPE3RAIDERTEXTURESfull with MO, choosing either the RAIDER TRIBAL TATTOS or RAIDER PHOENIX BODY PAINT folder as the Data folder, [Merge] this with the previous file.

Female body textures, including raider tatoos, from the one of the best body replacer mod creators.

LiL - An Eye Improvement Mod
  • Author: EmeraldReign
  • Version: v0.3
  • Installation: Install with MO.

Amazing eyes retextures, works great with Fallout 3 Redesigned.

Whiter Teeth
  • Author: Luchaire
  • Version: v1.0
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Whitened Teeth, similar FNV mod by different author inspired by this FO3 mod.
  • Installation: Install with MO.


Ghouls Hires retexture
  • Author: Macintroll
  • Version: v1.3
  • Requirements: Type 3 female body and Breeze or Roberts male body
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Ghouls Hires retexture, equivalent FNV mod to FO3 mod
  • Installation: Get ONLY the Ghoul retexture for Breeze Male Body replacer optional file. The main file is not needed.

Great little retexture of the Ghouls. Shout out to Brainfever for suggesting this mod.

KDS Feral Ghoul Retextures High Resolution
  • Author: KDStudios
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Get the 2048 resolution version and install with MO.

The Ghouls will now look much more like rotting, radiation ridden zombies, and that is a good thing.

Vandr HD Creatures
  • Author: Vandrerer
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: Replaces many of the creatures with much higher resolution versions for systems with sufficient VRAM; overwrites creatures from Hirezd.
  • Installation: Get the 2048 resolution version and install with MO.

The Creatures will now look even more menacing.

Swampfolk Backwater Retexture
  • Author: DeathclawAlpha
  • Version: v1
  • Notes: Replaces the Point Lookout DLC creatures with much higher resolution versions for systems with sufficient VRAM.
  • Installation: Get the main file and install with MO.

The Swamp Creatures will now also look much more menacing.

Glowing Ghouls - FO3
  • Author: Unlived_Cheetah
  • Version: v1.1
  • Notes: Adds a glow (light source) to the Glowing One ghouls.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Glowing Ghouls, similar FNV mod by a different author
  • Installation: Get the Glowing Ghouls - FO3 main file (if the optional MMM mod is used get Glowing Ghouls - MMM Version instead) and install with MO.

The Glowing One ghouls will now actually glow!

Robot Revolution HD - Protectron
  • Author: OpenSaucer
  • Version: v1.1
  • Notes: High res (2kx2k) retexture of Protectrons for systems with sufficient VRAM.
  • Installation: Get the main file and install with MO.

"If you'll be my bodyguard...

...I can be your long lost pal". The wasteland can be a lonely hellhole that leads you to soul crushing depression and complete shellshock. It is probably better if you partner up and spread the misery with a friend. Willow seems as good a companion as any and the mod comes with a quest, dog, and player home. Also, in this section are mods that cover the other NPCs in game until more companions are added so a new section makes sense.

I haven't used any companion mods myself so some suggestions here would be useful. Too often when using companions I find the companion(s) rush ahead inappropriately into combat, and protecting the companions becomes the primary task. I do use the companion-like entity from the second Puce Moose quest mod (slight hint).

One popular companion mod is listed below as an optional mod.

RobCo Certified
  • Author: Talkie Toaster
  • Version: v2.5final
  • Requirements: FOSE
  • Notes: Popular mod that allows using robots as companions as well as repairing and improving robots. There are some issues with this mod especially with the Zeta DLC; workarounds are available.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: RobCo Certified - New Vegas, port of FO3 mod to FNV with some expansion
  • Installation: Get the main file and the optional RobCo Certified v2 Patch Pack.

If desired get the optional CuteUnits Side Mod and/or the RobCo Certified Mechanists Edition v2-01 files (these two options are reported to have some issues and might cause problems if used). Install the main file with MO. Install the selected optional files with MO using [Merge] to keep these in one file.

After installation, double click the mod in the left pane of MO and select the Optional ESPs tab.
Move RobCo Certified v2 Omnipatch.esp, RobCo Certified v2 EVE.esp, RobCo Certified v2 Impervious FWE.esp, and RobCo Certified v2 Impervious.esp to Optional ESPs'; this version of RobCo Certified v2 Omnipatch.esp and RobCo Certified v2 EVE.esp can be deleted if desired since they will never be used.
If EVE is used, move RobCo Certified v2 Zeta Addon.esp, RobCo Certified v2 Version Updater.esp, and RobCo Certified v2 FWE.esp to Optional ESPs
If EVE is used, get and install using [Merge] the RobCo Certified Omnipatch for Paradox EVE patch from the EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced page.

RobCo Certified Texture
  • Author: Squirm and pintocat
  • Version: v1.0
  • Requirements: RobCo Certified
  • Notes: This optional mod replaces the RobCo Certified textures with better quality versions.
  • Installation: Get the main file and install with MO, choosing one texture style during installation.

The Most Dangerous Game

Does This Make Me Look Fat?

Enclave DX
  • Author: weijiesen
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: This include 4kx4k textures. Users with 1GB VRAM or less using this mod might want to reduce the textures sizes to a maximum of 1Kx1K using DDSopt, and those with more VRAM might want to reduce these to a maximum 2Kx2K.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: DX Series armors for NV port of FO3 mod to FNV by the same author.
  • Installation: Get either the non-high res version Enclave Standard, or for high-res Enclave DX G and Enclave Pulse.

Install the desired version; if using high-res install Enclave Pulse with [Merge] on top of Enclave DX G.

You too can wear big bad Enclave power armor.

Hellfire DX
  • Author: weijiesen
  • Version: v0.9
  • Notes: This include 4kx4k textures. Users with 1GB VRAM or less using this mod might want to reduce the textures sizes to a maximum of 1Kx1K using DDSopt, and those with more VRAM might want to reduce these to a maximum 2Kx2K.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: DX Series armors for NV port of FO3 mod to FNV by the same author.
  • Installation: Get Hellfire DX - Cinder install with MO.
Tribal DX
  • Author: weijiesen
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: Users with 1GB VRAM or less using this mod might want to reduce the textures sizes to a maximum of 1Kx1K using DDSopt.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: DX Series armors for NV port of FO3 mod to FNV by the same author.
  • Installation: Get Tribal DX - 2048 res -' and install with MO.
Winterized DX
  • Author: weijiesen
  • Version: v0.5
  • Notes: This include 4kx4k textures. Users with 1GB VRAM or less using this mod might want to reduce the textures sizes to a maximum of 1Kx1K using DDSopt, and those with more VRAM might want to reduce these to a maximum 2Kx2K.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: DX Series armors for NV port of FO3 mod to FNV by the same author.
  • Installation: Get Winterized DX, NEEDED MESHES, and DX Compatibility

Install Winterized DX , then installNEEDED MESHES with [Merge] on top of Winterized DX. Then install DX Compatibilty on top using [Merge] to replace the esp plugin.

Tesla Power Armor DX
  • Author: weijiesen
  • Version: v0.5
  • Notes: This include 4kx4k textures. Users with 1GB VRAM or less using this mod might want to reduce the textures sizes to a maximum of 1Kx1K using DDSopt, and those with more VRAM might want to reduce these to a maximum 2Kx2K.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: DX Series armors for NV port of FO3 mod to FNV by the same author.
  • Installation: Get the high-res Tesla Power Armor DX and Helmet bluish eyes or the normal res Tesla PA DX.

Install the desired version; if using high-res install Helmet bluish eyes with [Merge] on top of Tesla Power Armor DX.

Bornagain Combat Armor
  • Author: EmeraldReign and Cabal120
  • Version: v1.02
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Bornagain Combat Armor an equivalent mod by the same author.
  • Installation: Lite versions: Get the "BornagainCombatArmor2048" and "BornagainAnchorageCombatArmor2048" and install separately with MO.

Get the optional "BornagainGhoulCombatArmor4096" and "BornagainZetaCombatArmor4096" and install if desired; these two need to be optimized with DDSopt to reduce the texture size.

Combat armor is big, bulky, and makes soldiers look ridiculous, which is the most accurate representation of combat armor. This will just make it look more big, bulky, and ridiculous.

Bornagain FO3 T51b
  • Author: CaBaL
  • Version: 3.00000
  • Notes: A port of a book of steel armor from FNV to FO3.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: aMidianBorn NV Book Of Water,
  • Installation: Install the "bornagain t51b power armor 2048 res".

More big, bulky power armor but with high quality textures.

Bornagain Fo3 Outcast
  • Author: CaBaL
  • Version: 3
  • Notes: A port of a book of steel armor from FNV to FO3.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: aMidianBorn NV Book Of Water
  • Installation: Install the main file "bornagain Bornagain Fo3 outcast MAIN", "helmet fix", and the optional "Bornagain Fo3 outcast low res" (to reduce texture size to 2Kx2K). During install click [Merge], not [Replace], when asked.

Yet again more big, bulky power armor but with high quality textures.

Dragonskin Tactical Outfit
  • Author: Antistar
  • Version: v1.1.
  • Requirements: FOSE
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Dragonskin Tactical Outfit, FNV port of this FO3 mod
  • Installation: Install main file with MO, and install optional "DTO Bonus Pack v1_0_2" file using [Merge]

Armor loosely based on the real Dragon Skin body armour apparently in use today by elite troops; includes Camo package options. May be a bit overpowered, but the FWE compatibility plugin (installed later) helps reduce this.

Dark_Maggots Chinese Stealth Armor Retexture
  • Author: dark_maggot
  • Version: 1.2
  • Notes: One of the best retextures of the Chinese Stealth armor
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: DarkMaggots Chinese Stealth Armor Retextures,
  • Installation: Get the. Dark_Maggots Stealth Armor Blue Visor Retextures armor and Dark_Maggots Stealth Armor Normals Map Fix Update 2

Install the main file then install the normals map fix 2 on top of this using [Merge].

Sneak around the Capital wasteland in style.

Do You Feel Lucky?

"Well, do you punk? America may be dead and gone, but the 2nd Amendment is alive and well in the Capital Region, so make sure that rifle is real nice and shiny when you stand your ground."

Perhaps I'm supposed to kill you with this bat! - Ernesto Escobero

"Shoot him, Ryan. Shoot him before he figures out what I'm saying" - John Clark

eXcalibr - ammo eXpansion pack
  • Author: Earache42
  • Version: v2.3
  • Requirements: CALIBR
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: CaliberX a port of the mod to FNV.
  • Installation: Get and install the "eXcalibr_Ammo_Pack_v2-3_Full_FOMOD" main file. Do not select any Overide options. Merge the "Weapons patch for 20th Century Weapons" with the main file.

The greatest bullet mod ever created.

FO3-WRP - Weapon Retexture Project
  • Author: Millenia
  • Version: v1.0
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Weapon Retexture Project - WRP, portions of the FNV mod were ported to FO3.
  • Installation: Install Fallout_3_Weapon_Retexture_Project main file.

There is not a whole lot to say about this mod that has not already been said. Millenia is a gun nut who is also the best texture artist making mods ever. We are just lucky that he was making mods and not scooped up by a studio earlier.

32 revolver Millenia replacer
  • Author: Millenia
  • Version: v0.1
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Smith and Wesson M10 38 special, this FO3 mod uses the textures from this FNV mod.
  • Installation: Install the mod (which has only the plugin).

Right click the mod in the left pane of MO and select "Open in Explorer". Now open the FNV equivalent mod, Smith and Wesson M10 38 special ,and copy the "meshes", "sound", and "textures" folders into the mod folder, then close the Explorer window.

This replaces the .32 revolver with Millenia's S&W Model 10 revolver.

AK-47 replacer
  • Author: Millenia
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: Replaces the Chinese Rifle with Millenia's AK-47.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Weapons of the New Millenia , portions of the FNV mod were ported to FO3.
  • Installation: Install the mod with MO.
  • Author: Millenia
  • Version: v1.3a
  • Notes: Adds a standalone AKS-74U; the plugin provides leveled list integration.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Weapons of the New Millenia portions of the FNV mod were ported to FO3.
  • Installation: Install the mod with MO.
Combat Shotgun replacer
  • Author: Millenia
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: Retexture of the vanilla Combat Shotgun
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Weapons of the New Millenia portions of the FNV mod were ported to FO3.
  • Installation: Install the mod with MO.
Mauser C96 replacer
  • Author: Millenia - Ben Bolton
  • Version: v1.0
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Mauser C96 FNV mod ported to FO3.
  • Installation: Install the mod with MO.
Millenias FO3 Weapons Fixed Iron Sights
  • Author: Millenia and VWgolfR1
  • Version: vLatest
  • Notes: Revises Millenia's AK-47, AKS-74U, Combat Shotgun Replacer, and Mauser C96 replacer with meshes that are compatible with the RH Ironsights mod. It does introduce some clipping when using 3rd person view with Mausers and AK-47. There are compatibility issues for these weapon mods across Weapon Mod Kits, FWE, and the 4 Millenia mods. A custom patch will be needed to resolve them (I'll work on it soon).
  • Installation: Install the mod with MO. MO will ask if it is a BAIN file; click all options except screenshots, then click OK and it will install the mod.
Weapon Mod Kits
  • Author: antistar
  • Version: v1.1.9
  • Requirements: FOSE
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX, expanded version of the FO3 mod for FNV.
  • Installation: Get the Weapon Mod Kits main file, WMK AA-12 Combat Shotgun replacer, and the 5 WMK-DLC compatibility patches. Follow these install instructions:
Install the Weapon Mod Kits file normally.
Install the WMK AA-12 Combat Shotgun replacer file and during the installation select [Merge], not [Replace].
Install each of the 5 WMK-DLC compatibility patches, selecting [Merge], not [Replace].

Adds many new weapon mods for guns and melee weapons.

Plasma Rifles Awesomefied

This mod improves the appearance and sounds of the plasma rifle.

RH_IronSights - FOSE
  • Author: Rogue Hallow
  • Version: vbeta
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: RH IronSights - New Vegas, FO3 mod ported to FNV. Vanilla FNV includes basic Ironsight capability.
  • Requirements: FOSE
  • Installation: Get the merged plugin version of RH Ironsights from the Paradox Ignition page. This version has a single merged plugin which merges all the plugins except for the compatibility plugins. Install this with MO. Then on the original mod page get the "RH_IronSights - FO3RA Bridge" and (if the optional EVE mod is used) "RH_Ironsights - EVE Bridge" optional files. Install the optional files with MO..
If the "RH_Ironsights - EVE Bridge" optional file is used, after the plugin has been cleaned with FO3Edit. The plugin has a test container that should be removed before using the plugin in the game.
Run FO3Eidt, selecting only the "RH_Ironsights - EVE Bridge" plugin.
Click on the + sign next to the plugin name to expand the plugin.
Right click on Container and select Remove to delete the Container object.
Right click on Worldspace and select Remove to delete the Worldspace object.
Close FO3Edit and save the plugin and backup.

RH_IronSights adds what should have been in Fallout 3 at launch, namely iron sights, or the ability to look down your weapon when aiming in first person. A basic Ironsights capability is included in Fallout New Vegas.

20th Century Weapons
  • Author: Einherjrar
  • Version: v5.12
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: the mod is still in development for Fallout NV; see 20th Century Weapons NV
  • Requirements: CALIBR
  • Installation: Download the main file 20thCentuary Weapons - 5.12 (MainRelease) .

If the 50 Percent Quieter Sounds option is desired, move the sound folder into the 20thCentuary Weapons - 5.12 (MainRelease)\Data folder either before installing or during the installation with MO. When installing select the 20thCentuary Weapons - 5.12 (MainRelease) folder as the Data folder for MO and install.

The CALIBR.esm file should be eliminated during installation, or moved to Optional ESPs after installation.
If this is done after installation, in Mod Organizer's left pane double-click the mod and in the pop-up box select the Optional ESPs tab, and then move the CALIBR.esm plugin into the Optional ESPs box
This mod includes a large set of plugins that include the word ALIVE. These plugins are intended to replace almost all of the weapons in containers and used by NPCs in the game with ones from this mod. This can cause significant balance problems so it is recommended that all the plugins that include ALIVE be moved to Optional ESPs. One of the mods in the compatibility section of the guide has a more balanced approach to providing a mix of weapons across multiple mods (including this one) in the equipment used by NPCs and in loot found in containers.

Adds a large set of varied 20th Century Weapons.

EVE - Energy Visual Enhancements
  • Author: weijiesen
  • Version: v0.99
  • Notes: EVE's splashy graphic effects can produce fairly large transient VRAM usage spikes which can cause CTDs with less capable graphics cards, so this mod is optional. If used, make sure that the system is capable of handling the scripting and VRAM usage. It also requires several compatibility mods to integrate it into the wasteland in a balanced way.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements , expanded version of the FO3 mod for FNV.
  • Installation: Get the EVE 099 Main file and install with MO.
If RobCo Certified is used, get the ""RobCo Certified Omnipatch for Paradox EVE optional file, and install with MO.

EVE is just better at energy weapons than anything else. Many great modders contributed to the project and that means it is essential to any mod list.

Zealotlees ACR - Adaptive Combat Rifle
  • Author: Zealotlee
  • Version: v1.23
  • Notes: Adds an Combat Assault Rifle that cam be modified without a workbench to switch barrel length (affects accuracy, firing rate), camoflauge, and mods like a scope. The scripts in this mod may distribute more of these weapons to NPCs than desired.
  • Requirements: FOSE
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: ACR adaptive combat rifle, FO3 mod partially ported to FNV.
  • Installation: If the mods following this aren't used follow these instructions; otherwise the related mod shown below replaces this mod so it isn't necessary to install it at all. If installing it:

Get the "ACR V 1_2" main file and "ACR V 1_23" update. Install main file with MO, then install the update using [Merge]. In the left pane of MO double click the mod, select the Optional ESPs tab, and move ZL-ACR.esp to Optional ESPs.

Zealotlee Adaptive Combat Rifle Script Bugfix
  • Author: Zealotlee, One_eyebrow_priest
  • Version: v1.25
  • Notes: Fixes scripting bugs in the ZL-ACR plugin. The mod includes the full original mod plus an updated plugin, and an updated plugin for compatibility with FWE. It is not necessary to install the original ACR mod when using this mod. Zealotlee suggests using this version of the mod. The FWE compatibility plugin isn't fully compatible with the KDS Zealotlees ACR with Ironsights mod, and the FWE weapon parameters need some revisions.
  • Requirements: FOSE
  • Installation: Install the main file with MO.
KDS Zealotlees ACR with Ironsights
  • Author: KDStudios
  • Version: v1
  • Notes: Adds Ironsights to Zealotlee's Adaptive Combat Rifle Assault Rifle, replaces plugin.
  • Requirements: FOSE, RH_Ironsights
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: none, but the meshes from this mod might be usable in Fallout NV.
  • Installation: If following this guide, install the main file with MO. Then double click the mod in the left pane of MO, select Optional ESPs, and move ZL-ACR.esp to Optional ESPs. The meshes form this mod will be used with the pl;ugin from the previous mod and the revised compatibility mod for ACR and FWE (see Compatibility mod section of this guide).
SVD Dragunov
  • Author: Zealotlee
  • Version: v1.21
  • Requirements: CALIBR
  • Notes: Adds a SVD Dragunov rifle to the game as well as a unique version called The People's Dragunov.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: ZL Armaments - A Wasteland Arsenal, expanded FNV mod based on FO3 mod
  • Installation: Get the "SVD Dragunov 1_21 Full" main file and "CALIBR Add-On V3" option. Install main file with MO, then install the update using [Merge]. In the left pane of MO double click the mod, select the Optional ESPs tab, and move ZL-SVD.esp to Optional ESPs.
Zealotlees MP5 Pack
  • Author: Zealotlee
  • Version: v1.31
  • Requirements: CALIBR
  • Notes: Adds a MP5A4 SMG, a MP5K SMG and a MP5SD5 SMG. The scripts in this mod may distribute more of these weapons to NPCs than desired.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: ZL Armaments - A Wasteland Arsenal, expanded FNV mod based on FO3 mod
  • Installation: Get the "MP5 Pack V 1_31" main file. Install main file with MO. In the left pane of MO double click the mod, select the Optional ESPs tab, and move CALIBR.esm to Optional ESPs.
KDS Zealotlees MP5 Pack with Ironsights
  • Author: KDStudios
  • Version: v1
  • Notes: Adds Ironsights to Zealotlee's MP5 Pack, replaces plugin.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: none, but the meshes from this mod might be usable in Fallout NV.

I Can See Clearly Now

Fallout 3 was built to run on the computers available in 2008; the computers available now support the processing to display higher quality versions of the various items seen in the game.

Packrat Mentality

Lets be honest, there is a ton of ugly, rundown crap in the wasteland. This section will help that crap look as good as possible.

Precision Collision - Clutter
  • Author: by KSte41k
  • Version: 0.8
  • Notes: This mod changes the collision meshes of many game items, making them much smaller.
  • Installation: Get main file and install with MO.
  • Author: Staggeron
  • Version: v1.3
  • Notes: Higher resolution retextures of batteries.
  • Installation: Get the main file and dearchive it using 7zip. Select the battery model desired for the small energy cell from the BatteriesPlus folder; other mods provide a better cell texture for the other two battery types. Copy the desired battery fomod file into the MO install directory. Install the fomod file for the selected battery with MO.
Chems and Meds Re-Texture Pack
  • Author: Kevkas
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: Higher resolution retextures of Chems and Meds.
  • Installation: Get the main file and install with MO.
Essentials Retex
  • Author: weijiesen
  • Version: v0.2
  • Notes: Higher resolution retextures of Higher resolution retextures of Ammo boxes, Medkits, Motorcycles, and Footlockers.
  • Installation: Get the three files (volumes 1, 2, and 3). Install one of the files with MO (naming it Essentials Retex), then install the other two into the same file in MO by using [Merge].
Vertibird Re-textured
  • Author: macintroll
  • Version: v0.1
  • Notes: Higher resolution textures for the Vertibird with several alternate texture choices.
  • Installation: Choose one of the three main files and install with MO, selecting one of the textures in the file.
The mods are not packaged correctly.
Right click the mod and select Open in Explorer
Create a new textures folder 
Move the vehicles folder into the textures folder.
Close the Explorer window.

Skill Books Hi-Res Retexture
  • Author: 6IX
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: Good retexture of skill books (1kx1k) with two extra books.
  • Installation: Get the main file, "Wasteland Survival Guide Redone" , and the optional Paradise Lost - Unique Texture and Icon and install with MO, using [Merge] to create a single file.
Bear Trap Retextured
  • Author: konji
  • Version: v1.00
  • Notes: Better resolution bear trap
  • Installation: Get main file and install with MO.

It's always nice to clearly see what is causing you so much pain.

Better Booze
  • Author: CptJoker and odin_ml
  • Version: v0.2b
  • Notes: Higher resolution retexture of booze bottles.
  • Installation: Get the "Full Bar", "Wine Addon", and "Bottle Mesh Addon" files. The mod is packaged for manual installation so mod managers can't easily use it. It can be repackaged to make it easier to install, or it can be installed with MO with a lot of traversing through folders and multiple MO installation passes through the mod. To repackage the mod:
Create a folder named Better Booze.  Open Full Bar with an archiver like 7-zip.
Into Better Booze copy a textures folder from one of the Vodka subfolders, one of the Beer subfolders, and a textures folder from each of the two whiskey subfolders. Now open the Wine-addon file with an archiver and into Better Booze copy one textures folder from a subfolder of the Red and White folders. Then open the Bottle Mesh Addon file with an archiver and copy the meshes folder into the Better Booze folder. Archive the resulting Better Booze folder and install with MO.
Retextured Labels - Food - Abraxo - Detergent
  • Author: Jokerine
  • Version: v1.00

Higher resolution retexture of several labels.

  • Installation: Get the main file and install with MO; get one each of the detergent and cleaner optional files and install using [Merge]. Get the High-Res Sugar Bombs and install using [Merge] (select 1024 resolution for those using High Res textures, or 512 for others).
Retextured Clutter Collection
  • Author: ObsidianStag
  • Version: vfinal
  • Notes: Higher resolution retexture of many clutter items.
  • Installation: Get the main file and install with MO.
Pre-War Money Retexture
  • Author: RedRoomService
  • Version: v1.0F
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Pre-War Money Retexture, FO3 mod ported to FNV.
  • Installation: Choose "$5 Light Distress" during the installer.

Money will survive the apocalypse and this mod will make sure it does it in style.

MGs Neat Clutter
  • Author: Mental Gear
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: High resolution retextures of more than 100 items.
  • Installation: Get the main file and install with MO.
Skykappas Water Bottles
  • Author: Skykappa - Johssy
  • Notes: Higher resolution retexture of water bottle.
  • Installation: Get the no esp version and install with MO.
Nuka-Cola Hi-Res Retexture
  • Author: konji
  • Version: v1.00
  • Notes: Higher resolution (1kx1k) Nuka-cola
  • Installation: Get main manual file and install with MO.

Do you really drink these? What do you have against water?

Hectrol Vintage Radio Deluxe HighRes Retex

Another great Hectrol retexture.

Using Fallout New Vegas Mods for High Resolution Clutter, etc.

Even the mods listed above only provide improved resolution textures for a portion of the objects in Fallout 3. For those with VRAM to spare, some Fallout New Vegas mods can be used to provide high resolution versions of items. THe following is a list of mods with such textures. The mods need some small packaging changes before use in Fallout 3. Remove all the folders that are Fallout NV specific, and if a texture duplicates an existing high resolution Fallout 3 mod textures then remove these also from the New Vegas mod.

Some useful high resolution textures can be found in:



Not sure you're gonna make it, but that sure is a pretty shade of red. Make sure that some of the special effects look special with this section.

Animated Fan
  • Author: KiCHo666
  • Version: v1.2
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Animated Fan, the FO3 mod is a port of the FNV mod .
  • Installation: Install the mod, then double click it in the left pane of MO and move the plugin to Optional ESPs; it isn't needed.

Just a nice little mod that adds in something nice to a world of garbage. One thing though, where are all the power cords?

Ragdoll Overhaul FO3 Edition
  • Author: KiCHo666
  • Version: v1.1
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Ragdoll Overhaul equivalent FNV mod by same author.
  • Installation: Get the Ragdoll Overhaul FO3 ULTIMATE main file and install it.

For a game with as much killing as Fallout, proper ragdolls are a must. Shout out to whoever suggested this originally, cannot find who did it on the forums.

Fallout3 Re-Animated
  • Author: Alendor
  • Version: v2.2.1
  • Notes: This mod will fix many of the weird looking animations that the vanilla game has with weapon animations; it primarily includes rifle animations.
  • Installation: Get the "Release v0_22" main file and the update "Idle_Revisions2_-_Fixed". Install the main file with MO, then install the update using [Merge].
Holster animations and models
  • Author: Kenkuro
  • Version: v1.2.0
  • Notes: This mod will add animations for using holsters.
  • Installation: Get the "1HM-wastelander" main file (or another main file if preferred) and the update to v1.2. Install the main file with MO, then install the update using [Merge].
HD Smoky Fire and Explosions for FO3
  • Author: Deanoman
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: This mod adds retextured smoke, fire and explosion effect textures. Some resources were used from "Ultimate HD Fire Effect", an FNV mod that was available until recently.
  • Fallout NV Equivalents: HD Smoky Fire and Explosions, FNV followon mod;
  • Installation: Get the main file and install with MO.

Ewww! Gross!

Some like lots of gore in the game and others, well, just don't. This section features mods for both. There are mods to provide higher resolution gore and blood, as well as a few mods that reduce how much of these you will see (these, unsurprisingly, are lower resolution). Take your choice of one optional subsection or the other! The game itself allows setting the level or gore, but these add some better graphics to support it.

Yes, I can handle the truth!

If this isn't enough gore and blood for you, you're one sick puppy!

  • Author: kj666
  • Version: v01.0
  • Notes: Gory corpses with much better resolution.
  • Installation: Get main file and install with MO.
  • Author: kj666
  • Version: v0.9
  • Notes: Brahmin corpses in traps at high resolution.
  • Installation: Get normal or rotting (double ewww) main file and install with MO.
Enhanced Blood Textures v2_22b
  • Author: dDefinder
  • Version: v2.22b
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Enhanced Blood Textures for NV v2_22c , expanded version of the FO3 mod for FNV.
  • Installation: Get the merged plugin version (currently version 1.2) of Enhanced Blood Textures from the Paradox Ignition page. This version has a single merged plugin which merges all the plugins. Install the main file, setting the data directory to the desired option in the 'More Gore FWE" folder. Note that the merged version includes at least some of the optional gore-related plugins; if a little more limited gore is desired the original mod can be used at the cost of more plugins.

Probably the only blood mod for Fallout 3 that matters, but it can cause performance problems with some systems due to a significant increase in VRAM and script usage over short time periods.

  • Author: kj666
  • Version: v0.9
  • Notes: Gore with much better resolution.
  • Installation: Get main file and install with MO.

Did I tell you that I faint at the sight of blood?

Gore No More
  • Author: Arwen_Eve
  • Version: v1.1
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: No Gore , similar FNV mod by a different author.
  • Installation: Get Gore_No_More main file and install with MO.

Greatly reduces the amount of gore in game.

Less Blood - Better Decals
  • Author: Arwen_Eve
  • Version: v1.0
  • Installation: Get Less_Blood main file and install with MO.

Greatly reduces the amount of blood in game.

In the Wasteland No One Can Hear You Scream

Oh wait... that's space. Anyways, there are some annoying sounds in the wasteland, but this section will help with that.

Proper Power Armor Footsteps
  • Author: Plecy
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: adds six new replacement sounds that sound more like heavy armor footsteps
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Power Armor Soundified, related mod that provides pneumatic-sounding power armor footstep sounds in FNV. There are also other similar mods in FNV.
Ambient Wasteland 2
  • Author: Leviathan1753
  • Version: v1.1
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Ambient Wasteland 2 port to FNV of FO3 mod.
  • Note: The WAV version is the best for solution for Audiophiles, sorry no FLAC. The MP3 version is the best solution for everyone else. If the WAV version is used, after installing the main file with MO install "Ambient Wasteland 2 Wav Patch" using [Merge].

Adds many new ambient sounds to the wasteland.

Sounds From The Wasteland
  • Author: ncrlover
  • Version: v1.1
  • Notes: This is intended to supplement Ambient Wasteland 2 by adding additional sounds not included in that mod.
  • Installation: Get main file and install with MO.

More ambient sounds for the wasteland.

Home brewed sound pack
  • Author: Meclizine
  • Version: v1.2
  • Notes: Additional sound effects replacers not in the other sound mods.
  • Installation: Get main file and install with MO.
Improved Sound FX v1_3
  • Author: dDefinder
  • Version: v1.3
  • Notes: A rebalance of many weapon sounds and other game sounds.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Improved Sound FX v0821 expanded port to FNV of FO3 mod.
  • Installation: Get the main file "Improved Sounds FX v13" and if desired the Lower Gunshot Volume optional file. Install the main file using MO, then if lower volume sounds are desired install the optional file using [Merge].
CRL9000 Sound Modification V046 - DLC Edition
  • Author: Crawlius
  • Version: v046
  • Notes: The mod provides better quality weapon sounds for Fallout weapons.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: CRL9000 Sound Modification for New Vegas - V041, port to FNV of FO3 mod.
  • Installation: Get the main file "CRL9000 Sound Modification V046" and optional "DLC Weapons Soundpack". For reduced volume sounds get the main file "CRL9000_Quieter_Edition_-_045-613" and optional files "CRL9000_Quieter_Edition_-_DLC-613" and "Incremental Update - 045 to 046". If the regular volume sounds are used the incremental update isn't needed.

Install the selected main file with MO, then install the optional file(s) using [Merge].

Fallout 3 - HD Audio Overhaul
  • Author: Morwyn Kelm
  • Version: v1.21
  • Notes: HD background ambiance music and some HD sounds that many users like.
  • Installation: Get main file and install with MO.

More and better quality ambiance music for the wasteland, alternative to the vanilla ones. You might prefer these.

Gotta have my tunes!

Even after a war everyone still wants to hear the music they like. This section provides some optional mods with new or expanded radio stations.

CONELRAD 640-1240 - Civil Defense Radio

Great list of songs that fit right into the Fallout universe.

GNR Enhanced
  • Author: Raptre
  • Version: v1.2
  • Notes: Adds 100 new songs and some bug fixes (many not in the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch) & enhancements for the GNR story line
  • Installation: Get main mod and update, install main file with MO and update using [Merge]

You don't want to miss your favorite DJ ,do you?

(Hishutup will be adding some additional radio mods here)
I will try... so, I am going to note them here and keep in mind the only things that I have done is listened to a few random song and checked the file in XEdit. Only use the ones above at this point in time unless you are familiar with modding FO3.Hishutup (talk) 03:51, December 7, 2014 (EST)

Radio Active
  • Author: tortured Tomato
  • Version: v2
  • Notes: Have not looked at or listened to ingame. Has an ingame menu, this may need to be remapped.
  • Installation: Download and install the following:
  • Radio Active - Core Files ENG v2
  • Compilation A
  • Compilation B
  • Compilation C
  • Compilation D - Prewar Classics 1950 Music For Your Radio

Remapping the M key (taken directly from the mod page)

  1. launch the game with FOSE
  2. open the console ( ~ or ^ )
  3. type in ' Set RAMKey to Number ', without the quotes
  4. For the Number enter a valid key-number you found here -> use the Dec values
  5. test the new key to ensure that the menu is working (if not, you may have to reload a savegame)
for assigning the menu key to L, type ' Set RAMKey to 38 ' into the console

Early to Mid 1900s classic music. I feel that classic music fits Fallout very well.

Radio Neutron
  • Author: roquefort
  • Version: v1.00
  • Notes: Have not looked at or listened to ingame.
  • Installation: Download and install the main file with MO.

Yet another Early to Mid 1900s classic music. I feel that classic music fits Fallout very well.


The mods add to game immersion and fun.

Armour Repair Kits
  • Author: Antistar
  • Version: vBeing Updated! NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE! Try again later.
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Armour Repair Kits equivalent FNV mod to FO3 mod.
  • Requirements: NVSE

Allows player to repair armor just like weapons. Fixes up the equipped piece of armor with the lowest condition. Currently unavailable as it is being updated.

A Useful Metro Map
  • Author: krimin_killr21
  • Version: v1.2.1.2
  • Installation: Get the Version 1_2_1_2 - Realistic Version version and install the with MO.

The only Metro map that actually shows all the subway lines.

Delay DLC
  • Author: 4th of Eleven
  • Version: v1.0
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: Delay DLC - TTW, equivalent FNV mod to FO3 mod.
  • Installation: Install "Delay DLC". I suggest double clicking the mod and moving Delay ThePitt + Anchorage.esp and DelayThePitt.esp to Optional ESPs so these plugins aren't used.
  • Notes: This mod reduces the size of the region over which you receive messages about starting the DLC. I had a problem with the plugin for The Pitt DLC; the detection radius was too small and it didn't reliably add the radio signal when I was close.
Brahmin Dairy Products
  • Author: Smosh
  • Version: v2.2
  • Notes: Adds milk, cheese, smoothies, and cheesecake from Brahmin to the game.
More Perks
  • Author: dree74 aka Kyung-Bum Lee
  • Version: v2.3.7
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: More Perks, followon mod for FNV
  • Installation: Get the main file, the five DLC optional files, and "More Perks Req 1_3_5" optional file.

Follow these instructions:

Install the main file, the five DLC optional files, and "More Perks Req 1_3_5" optional file. Make sure each mod goes into "More Perks" and select [Merge] when asked.
In Mod Organizer's left pane double-click the mod and in the pop-up box select the Optional ESPs tab.
Move all the plugins into the Optional ESPs box

There should be no plugins left from this mod after following the above directions. The following mod will install a merged ESM for this mod. It is called Paradox Ignition presents More Perks, but the file is from the "Paradox Ignition presents The Mergers" page.

This excellent mod will give many new perks to players that are every bit as good or better than the vanilla perks.

Paradox Ignition presents More Perks
  • Author: Paradox Ignition (robert01 and hairylegs222)
  • Version: v1.0 (Sept. 27, 2014 version)
  • Fallout NV Equivalent: More Perks Merged, (one of the files on the NVEC page) equivalent mod for FNV by same author (hairylegs222)
  • Installation: In the Files tab of the "Paradox Ignition presents The Mergers" page get the More Perks Merged file and install with MO using [Merge] into the More Perks mod above.

Merged plugin version of More Perks from the mod above. Reduces load order immensely.

Crowded Cities v2
  • Author: Volek
  • Version2.2
  • Notes: This mod creates over 70 different Wastelander NPCs who spawn all over the settlements.
  • Installation: Install the v22 main file with MO, choose one of the two optional plugins and hide the other one.
Unfortunately this mod gives some characters white bodies. to fix this, Wrye Flash can be used to esmify the mod or:
Run FO3Edit from MO selecting only the plugin used from this mod.
In the left panel of FO3Edit, click the plus sign next to the CrowdedCities plugin used to show the records in the mod.
Select the File Header record.
In the Record Flags row,right click the blank area to the right of the vertical line.
When the FO3Eidt warning comes up, answer Yes (the green box).
Put a check in the ESM box (the top box). There will now be ESM in the Record Flags and in the ESM line underneath it.
Click the x in the upper right corner to close FO3Edit. Make sure the box for Backup Plugins is checked, and save the mod.
Now run MO and double click the Crowded Cities mod. Select the Filetree tab, select the plugin, right click and select Rename.
Change esp in the plugin name to esm.
Select Close in the lower right corner.
The mod is now a master plugin (.esm) and the white body problem will be gone.
The plugin will now load with the other master files at the beginning of the load order in the right panel of MO.
Wasteland Guards aka DC Defence
  • Author: djmystro
  • Version1.0
  • Notes: This mod adds over 50 guard NPCs spread around settlements and towns to protect the inhabitant NPCs.
  • Installation: Install the main file with MO.

Marts Mutant Mod and Associated Mods

Marts Mutant Mod - RC 62
  • Author: Martigen
  • Version: v1.oRC62
  • Installation: Download the main file "Marts Mutant Mod 1-RC61 FOMOD Ready" and the update file with some replacement plugins "MMM-6_2-update".
Install the main mod with MO; it should handle the MMM FOMOD. This mod has MANY options, so it is recommended that the user first read the "README - Mart's Mutant Mod.txt", "README - Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.txt", and "README - Mart's Mutant Mod - FAQ.txt" to determine how to configure the mod. After the main mod is installed, install the update with [Merge] to overwrite the replaced plugins. Note that FWE provides some protection for traders, but the optional Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders plugin provides even greater protection.
If the merged plugin is used, double click the mod in the left pane of MO and move the following plugins into Optional ESPs:
Mart's Mutant Mod.esm
Mart's Mutant Mod.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp

This very popular mod is the premier mod in Fallout 3 for adding additional and varied enemies, created by one of best known mod creators. Unfortunately it was never ported to Fallout NV, much to the disappointment of its many fans. Install this optional mod if you want a significant challenge with tougher and more varied enemies and the system can handle the additional VRAM and scripting.

Paradox Ignition presents Marts Mutant Mod Merged
  • Author: Paradox Ignition (robert01 and hairylegs222)
  • Version: v1.1
  • Requirements: Marts Mutant Mod
  • Notes: Merged plugin for Marts Mutant Mod above
  • Installation: Install with MO.
MMMF3 Type3 Raider Texture Fix
  • Author: EmeraldReign
  • Version: v1.0
  • Requirements: Marts Mutant Mod
  • Notes: Replacement for some MMM mod female raider textures using textures from the Dimonized Type3 Body (above).
  • Installation: Install with MO.
Alternate Female Raider Skins for Type3 - TypeV - MMMF3
  • Author: Volek
  • Version: v1.0
  • Requirements: Marts Mutant Mod
  • Notes: Replacement for some Dimonized Type3 Body female body textures for MMM with dirty or tattooed textures.
  • Installation: Choose either the base skin or tattooed skin file and install with MO.

Compatibility Patches

I didn't sign up for this. This is someone's bullshit political agenda. Who authorized this? - Jack Ryan.

But you must persevere to the end, knowing that only then can you proceed with your head held high!

You didn't really think that after installing so many mods you wouldn't need to add a bunch of compatibility patch mods, did you! Seriously? Just be happy that almost all the compatible patches you need are already available!

Now you probably think that when these are installed all the compatibility issues will be fixed. This is where I usually provide the pointer to the FO3Edit manual so you can learn how to build additional compatibility patches (in case you forgot to ask it's here)

Busworld and DCInteriors compatibility patch
  • Author: front210
  • Version: v1.0
  • Notes: This mod adds compatibility between Busworld and the DC Interiors Project.
  • Installation: Get the main file and install with MO.
Fallout Interoperability Program - FOIP
  • Author: Mezmorki
  • Version: various
  • Notes: This mod contains patches for many of the most popular FO3 mods with conflicts.
  • Requirements: Mods in this guide including FWE 6.03, WMK and Project Beauty and some optional mods including EVE, and MMM
  • Installation: Choose and download "FOIP - Weapon Mod Kits and FWE 6-03", "FOIP - Project Beauty and FWE", and patches for whichever other mod combinations are needed based on optional mods being used. Install with MO.
  • Author: BlackRampage
  • Version: v3.3
  • Requirements: Optional mods in this guide (EVE and/or MMM) and some other mods including FWE 6.03, DC interiors, and Project Beauty.
  • Notes: This mod is an alternate source of compatibility patches especially when the optional mods EVE and/or MMM are used. You might need to try patches from both this and FOIP to see which works better. This mods patches were updated very recently, so it's likely these are preferred over FOIP. Blackened patches that use Martigen's Mutant Mod expect the Paradox Ignition merged plugin version of the MMM plugin.
  • Installation: Choose and download and patches for whichever other mod combinations are needed. Install with MO.

Ammunition Schematics for FWE-WMK-CRAFT-Full CalibrV1_4
  • Author: Highlander4242
  • Version: v1.30
  • Requirements: FWE 6.03, WMK, CRAFT, CALIBR
  • Notes: Provides compatibility so ammunition for FWE and WMK weapons can be created at a workbench.
  • Installation: Download and install "CALIBRv14 Ammunition Schematics for FWE-WMK-CRAFT-V1_3" with MO.
PPA and FWE Armor Balancer
  • Author: lanceuppercut47
  • Version: v1.5
  • Requirements: PPA, FWE 6.03
  • Notes: Provides compatibility between PPA and FWE so the PPA armor stats are more consistent with those of FWE armor.
  • Installation: Download and install "PPA-FWE-Balance_1point5" with MO.
  • Author: The 3rd Type
  • Version: v1.0
  • Requirements: Antistar's DTO, FWE 6.03, Zealotee's MP5 Pack, SVD Dragonov (CALIBR), and ACR balanced for FWE.
  • Notes: Balances DTO and 3 of Zealotee's weapons mods for compatibility with FWE version 5. Some work is needed to update some of the parameters for better compatibility with FWE 6. A version of ACRforFWE is being tested that includes changes to support using these with the ironsights from RH_Ironsights, and also some small changes in weapon statistics.
  • Installation: Download and install both patch files with MO. In the left pane of MO double click the mod, select the Optional ESPs tab, and move ACRforFWE.esp to Optional ESPs.
RH_IronSights FWE- WMK compatible
  • Author: stabbycarrot
  • Version: vlatest
  • Requirements: FWE 6.03, WMK, RH_Ironsights (original version or the recommended Paradox Ignition merged version).
  • Notes: This mod allow iron sights to be used with all FWE modded weapons without messing up their damage values.
  • Installation: Download and install patch files with MO.

This replaces the "WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release" plugin from "FOIP - Weapon Mod Kits and FWE 6-03" and the "RH_WMK_Bridge" plugin from RH_Ironsights.

20th Century Wpns -Plus- Reborn for FWE 603 ...
  • Author: Highlander4242
  • Version: v1.73RC
  • Requirements: FOSE, 20th Century Weapons, FWE 6.03, Calibr v14, eXcalibr Munitions v2.3
  • Notes: Provides compatibility among 20th Century Weapons, FWE, CALIBR, and eXcalibr Munitions. The patch has a few bad entries but these don't seem to affect the bashed patch.
  • Installation: Get the "20th Century Weapons -Plus- Reborn FWE-WMK-Calibr14_V1_70RC_Full_Version" main file and the update. Install main file with MO, then install the update using [Merge].

Double click the mod in the left pane of MO and move the three plugins that include the word ALIVE to the Optional ESPs' folder. If the "RH Ironsights" mod is being used also get the optional "20th_Century_Weapons -Plus- Reborn_v1_70RC-18668_Ironsights_v1_1_Full_Version" and the update. Install main file with MO, then install the update using [Merge]. Get the optional "xCALIBR_ammo_Override_v1_01_for_20th Century Weapons -Plus- Reborn FWE-WMK-Calibr14_V1_70RC" and install with MO. This adds xCalibr features to all Ammunition for 20th -Plus- Reborn.

Texture Optimization

Fallout 3 can benefit greatly from optimization of both vanilla and mod textures. Mod textures can be even more important for users with low and mid range systems or even users with high end systems that do not have a lot of VRAM available. Texture optimization for FO3 will be provided on separate pages, but it is highly recommended that the procedure is completed to ensure maximum performance and stability. Texture optimization has advanced significantly since Fallout 3 was released, and even using DDSopt for just replacing the miopmaps with better quality versions and changing texture compression to a more appropriate format can provide singificant benefits.

The texture optimization process is still quite new for FO3, so there may be some bad textures here and there when the game is started. Just snap a screenshot and report it in the DDSopt thread or the F&L thread. This will make the process better since the offending textures can be added to the ddsopt.ini for exclusion.

First, follow the Quickstart Guide on the DDSopt Guide, provided by STEP user Kelmych, for vanilla texture optimization. There are still many vanilla textures not overwritten by mods in F&L, so optimization can help performance by correcting mip levels and saving textures in correct formats. Be sure to get the correct batch files for FNV and not the Skyrim batch files. FNV batch files are v2.76 and Skyrim are v2.77. Also, make sure to get the latest ddsopt.ini which is universal for all games.

The six optimized archive files of Fallout 3 textures from Fallout 3 GOTY should be loaded in Mod Organizer near the top in the installation (left) pane just after the cleaned vanilla Fallout 3 ESM files.

Post Installation Checklist

"Let the Games Begin" (Patriot Games)

  1. Run LOOT.
  2. Create Bashed Patch


Open LOOT through Mod Organizer and sort the mod list. LOOT does not have Unrecognized Plugins since it uses computer algorithms to sort the files, but check the plugin order and use LOOT to look at conflicting plugins and to move plugins when needed. LOOT will remember these changes for future runs.

LOOT needs some some manual inputs to get the mods correctly sorted for this guide. Using the LOOT UI make the following additions:

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp is after FasterMorePowerfulMines.esp, GlowingGhouls.esp, and The Mantis Imperative - Mantis.esp.
UUF3P - FWE Patch.esp is after FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp
If MMM is used but not EVE: Blackened FWE + MMM + Project Beauty.esp afterUUF3P - FWE Patch.esp
If MMM and EVE are used: Blackened FWE + MMM + EVE + Project Beauty.esp afterUUF3P - FWE Patch.esp

The instructions for all the mods that need cleaning in this guide have been submitted to the LOOT team for inclusion in the LOOT masterlist for Fallout 3. There may be a few plugins that are not yet in the masterlist. If a mod has a cleaning indicator in the guide and LOOT does not mention that one or more plugins need cleaning, it is recommended that the FO3Edit cleaning process is used on the pluging in the mod plugins in case they need cleaning.

Creating a Bashed Patch

The Bashed Patch is almost as versatile for Fallout 3 as it is for Oblivion. This means that many more options exist to merge things to the Bashed Patch. Almost all the plugins from mods in this guide have been added to LOOT with the appropriate bash tags, so these tags should automatically be added to Wrye Flash.

First, go to the directory where MO is installed and open the mod folder. Create a new mod folder with the folder name using "Bashed Patch," followed by the current profile name (e.g., Bashed Patch, Clear and Present Danger"). Now copy the Bashed Patch, 0.esp from the Fallout 3 goty\Mopy\templates\ folder to the folder that was just created in MO's mods folder.
Start Mod Organizer, activate the new mod with the bashed patch in the left pane of MO.  Make sure that in the right pane that Bashed Patch, 0.esp is at the bottom of the right pane of MO.
Now run Wrye Flash through Mod Organizer.
If there are any plugins that don't have the desired bash tags, select the plugin then right click in the lower right Bash Tags window and check or uncheck the tags until the tags are correct.
When started right click "Bashed Patch,0.esp" and select Rebuild Patch.
If there is a pop-up that saying certain mods will be disable because they are mergeable, click [Yes]. If not disregard.
In the Bashed Patch menu in the left pane make sure all these check boxes are ticked: Merge Patches, Import Actors, Import Actors: AIPackages, Import Actors: Death Items, Import Cells, Import Destructible, Import Factions, Import Graphics, Import Inventory, Import NPC Faces, Import Names, Import Scripts, Import Sounds, Import Stats, Tweak Settings, Content Checker, FormID Lists, Leveled Lists, Race Records.
Briefly enjoy the large set of importable tags while sighing since Skyrim has so few in Wrye Bash, at least currently. Begin hoping WB has updated versions of all these (and more) for the next Fallout.
Now go through all the sections that are checked and make sure to tick every check box in the right pane that you see except for:
For Import Names leave Fallout3.esm unticked.
For Tweak Settings tick Terminal Speed Adjustment and then right click and set to 'x 6'.
Click Build Patch and wait for it to finish. Wrye Flash should take care of everything from here and ask to activate itself if that is needed.
When done close Wrye Flash.
In the left pane of MO, go to the bottom of the mod list and right click->Create Mod on "Overwrite".
Type in Bashed Patch - <Profile Name> and click [OK]. There is no specific place to put the new folder since it is only a plugin with some files that are irrelevant and LOOT will sort it.
Once the folder is created, a new Bashed Patch can be generated again and again without having to transfer the Bashed Patch from the "Overwrite" folder repeatedly.

Using a Merged Patch

An FO3Edit merged patch can be used if that is preferred over the Bashed Patch. The merged patch doesn't provide the same selective compatibility as Wrye Flash when using the appropriate bash tags. This guide has tested and recommends the bashed patch using the bash tags provided by LOOT, but some some prefer the FO3Edit merged patch. There are many videos explaining how to make it on YouTube.

Fallout 3 Radio Stutter Fix

Some players experience problems with stutter when the radio stations play music, and there isn't any stutter when the DJ is speaking. This page on the Nexus wiki has a good summary of potential solutions. I have the CCCP Codec pack and I don't have this problem, while others have had success with some of the other codec options mentioned on this Nexus page. This utility can be used to see which codecs are installed on the system.

In Game Settings

The many mods that take advantage of the Pipboy Control Panel menus to allow for a plethora options to customize the Fallout 3 experience. These Fallout 3 Control Panel menus are much less fancy than the Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) menus available in Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim, but they do allow easy access to many of the parameters for the mods with User Settings Interfaces.

The following link has a suggested list of settings for Control Panel menu settings from a few mods that allow customizing the experience with these menus. The menus in Fallout 3 are shown as items with square brackets in the Pipboy Item menus (e.g., [FWE Control Panel]) in the Apparel menu.

If any user would like to have their settings listed, just look at the menu settings page linked below and format it the same way. Also, only include mods that are listed in this guide and make sure the URL is correct. It is very simple, after the "http://wiki.step-project.com" add "/User:<Username>/Fallout3_ControlPanelMenu_Settings". That is all that's needed to start a menu settings page; when finished just link it in the forum or send a PM to Kelmych and it will get added below for other users to see.

An initial Control Panel menu settings page for the Fallout 3 mods is available with some comments on settings to improve game balance here. Obviously more detail needs to be added, but for the most part the default values for the mod parameters seem reasonable.

Hotkeys for Fallout 3, including those added by mods in this guide, are listed in the Fallout 3 Hotkey guide.

Controller Support

Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3 support the Xbox 360 controller natively, but there is no way to change the default button settings other than switching two button's commands. This is a problem when using mods like Project Nevada that add in new hotkeys or for users that have any other type of controller. To solve this issue, the best option is to use an emulator or wait until a modder figures out how to fix the whole thing (which is being worked on, so there is hope). The link below is for a page that will have instructions to setup Xpadder with an Xbox 360 controller and some other instructions for users with different gamepads to create their own profiles. User that are using other emulators can create their own wiki pages and they will be linked to from here.

Xpadder Setup

This Fallout New Vegas thread on a modified version of DarnUI for controllers might also be useful.

Optimize Field of View (FOV)

It is suggested that these steps in the STEP guide be followed in Fallout 3 to make the game FOV consistent with the monitor aspect ratio.


Failure to Launch Fallout 3 using MO

Some problems that can cause the game to fail during launch with FOSE when using MO

  • The Fallout Launcher needs to be run outside MO once to setup .ini files and registry entries. This is especially important if Fallout 3 is installed in an alternate directory with Steam (e.g., on an SSD) since the registry keys might still point to a Fallout 3 GOTY directory on HDD in the same \Steamapps\common\ folder where other Steam games are located.
  • Steam needs to installed outside of any UAC directories (e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\ is a UAC directory)
  • If the LAA flag is added to Fallout3.exe, GFWL need to be disabled.
  • The multi-core Fallout.ini tweak may be needed; it was needed for my system
  • If you have too many unextracted BSAs (based in total character count of the BSA names) there is a problem in MO. As a general guideline, extract all small BSAs from mods.
  • If any of the plugins in the right pane of MO show a warning symbol, then some required plugins are missing or are out of order. Make sure that LOOT has been run before launching the game if any mods have been added; this will ensure that there are no errors with required plugins caused by these plugins being in an incorrect load order.
  • If you are using ENB, including the ENBoost utilities in this guide, the game can fail to launch or load if the most recent version of the DirectX end-user runtime software isn't installed. The current version of the DirectX end-user runtime software is available here.
  • For users of the non-English version of Fallout 3 there seems to be a problem with MO (or any mod manager) being able to hook Steam to allow the game to launch with FOSE. This is discussed in this forum thread with some potential solutions in this thread.

Failures in Loading a Game Save or Going through a Door

Welcome to the world of the Gamebryo engine where everything is almost properly implemented.

  • Try again; sometimes it works!
  • Try loading an earlier saved game; when this succeeds then load the desired saved game
  • Try using a profile with fewer mods to see if that profile can successfully load the desired save game; if this happens the engine is having some problems with your mod set. You can try eliminating a few to see if it makes a difference
  • Sometimes eliminating the d3d9.dll used for ENBoost allows the saves to load. You can try adding it back into the Fallout 3 GOTY folder later to see if there is still a problem. This problem happens more often when loading quicksaves vs. full saves.
  • If there is a lot of disk activity from other programs on the system while the game is loading this problem happens more frequently
  • Spend vast amounts of time searching the internet for potential solutions. Nearly all of these will not work. Almost all of the solutions that involve changes to Fallout.ini or FalloutPrefs.ini are snake oil; they don't actually work and in some cases can cause other problems.

Steam Overlays not available in Fallout 3

Unfortunately Steam overlays are not typically available when a mod manager is used to start Fallout 3. This is a known Steam bug that is unlikely to be fixed. Some workarounds are discussed in this forum thread.


You, yes you for keeping the Fallout 3 community going for this long (since October 2008).
EssArrBee- For the incredible "Fear and Loathing in New Vegas" guide as well as assistance with this guide
Brainfever - for testing and providing recommendations on a lot of high resolution mods to add to the guide.
STEP- for being one the best communities on the internet, gaming or not
The Nexus for hosting all the mods
The Modders for making their excellent contributions, really cannot say enough good things about them
Creators of useful, balanced Fallout 3 mod guides with sufficient detail to be useful, especially Arwen's Guide and the ULTIMATE Fallout 3 Setup and Mod Guide.
There are some names missing, and new ones to add in the future, but they will get added later ;) {{#css:User:Kelmych/Fallout3.css}}