Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition
A STEP hosted mod guide created and maintained by Neovalen.
Last Update: 0:54:05 30 August 2024 (UTC)
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- Visit the Skyrim Revisited section of the STEP forums to provide feedback or submit support questions related to this guide.
- This guide is graciously hosted by STEP and solely maintained by Neovalen in his spare time. Contributions directly to the author, or alternatively to STEP for site hosting are welcome.
- Here are some recent sample images for how the game should look when completed with the guide.
Introduction and Summary
Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition is a mod guide designed to keep up with the ever changing Skyrim mod landscape. Key tenets of this mod guide include:
- Increased Immersion and Realism including but not limited to blood/gore, intense combat, nudity/sex, realistic needs, and survival.
- Maintained Lore Friendliness meaning remaining true to the majority of The Elder Scrolls lore - but not in a purist sense - some liberties will be taken.
- Maintained Stability with Maximum Functionality including conflict resolution, mod cleaning, mod ordering, and more.
Author's Development System
The system used for the creation of this guide is as follows:
Processor: Intel Core i5 3570k @ 4.4 Ghz
Motherboard: Gigabyte G1 Sniper 3
Memory: Corsair Vengeance 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3 1600
Video Card: Gigabyte GTX 980 G1 Gaming 4GB
Hard Drive (OS): Samsung 840 PRO 256GB SSD
Hard Drive (Games): Samsung 840 PRO 256GB SSD
Hard Drive (Data Backup): Western Digital Black 500GB 7200RPM
- Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation. --Robert H. Schuller
To use this guide to it's fullest extent, the following software must be installed and configured as specified.
Official Bethesda Content
- Skyrim v1.9.32.0
- Creation Kit v1.9.32.0
- High Resolution Texture Pack DLC
- Dawnguard DLC
- Hearthfire DLC
- Dragonborn DLC
Script Extenders
- Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) v1.7.3 (Video)
Download the "7z Archive" version. Install only the following files to the main Skyrim folder:
- skse_1_9_32.dll
- skse_loader.exe
- skse_steam_loader.dll
Download the archive manually. Install only the following files to the main Skyrim folder:
- d3dx9_42.dll
- 7-Zip v16.02
The function of this tool is to open archives manually when not using other tools as it handles most modern compression schemes and is free to use.
The function of thid tool is to decompile pex scripts to source code. This is a prerequisite for Merge Plugins Standalone.
The function of this tool is to optimize and re-mip textures.
- ENB Organizer v2.1.1
The function of this tool is to allow the user to quickly and easily switch between ENB configurations.
- LOOT v0.9.2
The function of this tool is to provide a default ESM/ESP file ordering between various mods, help identify mods that require cleaning with TES5Edit, and provide bash tags.
- Merge Plugins Standalone 2.1.3
The function of this tool is to merge plugin files.
- Mod Organizer v1.3.11 Installer (Bug Tracker) (Official Support Forum) (STEP Wiki Guide)
In the installer, check "Handle NXM Links". This allows direct downloading of mods using the "Download With Manager" button on Nexus mod pages.
The function of this tool is to manage mods and is the mod manager of choice for this guide. The reasons for this are listed below:
- Profiles allow multiple configurations set up per character and/or playthrough.
- Mod Downloads via NXM allows downloading of mods directly using the "Download With Manager" button on the Nexus site.
- Mod Version Tracking uses the power of the Nexus site to track major mod updates. However, this is not a replacement for the track file option on the actual Nexus site for optional downloads!
- BAIN Installer Compatibility allows the use of BAIN packages.
- NMM Installer Compatibility allows the use of Nexus Mod Manager installers.
- Manual Installation Option allows modification and selection of the data folder in an archive manually, allowing fixes of path problems at install time.
- Virtual File System allows a clean base Skyrim installation without the mess of moving files. Additionally extends this file system to other tools such as LOOT, TES5Edit, and Wrye Bash.
This is a Fallout 4 download site, however, this tool also works for Skyrim when the executable is named TES5Edit.exe (Currently Default).
The function of this tool is to remove Identical To Master(ITM) records, Undelete Deleted Records(UDR), and clean dirty edits as specified by the guide the ESMs and ESPs that Skyrim will be loading.
- Wrye Bash v306 Standalone (STEP Guide) (MO Bashed Patch Video)
The function of this tool is to manage mods and create Bashed Patches. Bashed Patches merge the leveled lists from the installed mods and has some limited functionality to merge mods and tweak game values. For the purposes of this guide, only the Bashed Patch functionality will be used.
All Journeys Begin With The First Step...
- The first step, my son, which one makes in the world, is the one on which depends the rest of our days. --Voltaire
The road of the Dovahkiin begins slowly and with purposeful resolve.
Configure Skyrim
Upon downloading Skyrim from Steam there are no ini files pre-generated. Thus, it is imperative to run the launcher and generate the initial set of ini files and do basic setup.
Start The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim through the Steam context menu to open the launcher. Click "Options". Click the [Ultra] push-button. Set "Aspect Ratio" and "Resolution" through the drop down box. This should be set to the monitors optimal resolution. Set "Antialiasing Level" to Off through the drop down box. Set "Anisotropic Filtering" to Off through the drop down box. Click [Close]. Click the [OK] push-button to close the dialogue and save.
Next, run the game so that a set of basic in game options can be properly added to the ini files.
Click "Play" on the launcher to start Skyrim. On the main menu, select "New Game". Allow the game to run until the SKYRIM logo has faded away and access the menu by pressing [ESC] on the keyboard. In the menu, select "Settings" then "Display". Scroll down the display menu and mark an X next to "Dialogue Subtitles" and "General Subtitles". Press [ESC] to go back to the category selection menu and select "Gameplay". Scroll down the "Gameplay" menu and remove the X next to "Save on Rest", "Save on Wait", and "Save on Travel". Click the right arrow on the selection bar next to "Save on Character Menu" until "Disabled" is selected. Press [ESC] until back at the main menu and exit the game.
These settings have now been saved into the ini files. These settings have accomplished the following:
- Setup the ini files with a high performance baseline.
- Enabled subtitles so text is visible for characters that do not have voice over.
- Disabled autosaves as they are not generally safe and may cause additional CTDs. Manual saves are highly recommended on a periodic basis.
Configure The Creation Kit
The Creation Kit is a valuable tool for Skyrim as it allows users to create and/or edit mods. It can be used to fix and change things not possible with the other 3rd party tools. Similar to Skyrim, the Creation Kit does not have default ini files until it is started for the first time and requires some basic setup to work properly for the purpose of this guide.
Start the Creation Kit through the Steam context menu. Once the Creation Kit is loaded, exit the program. Navigate to the Skyrim folder (where CreationKit.exe is located) and open SkyrimEditor.ini. At the bottom of the [General] section, add the line "bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1". Locate the line starting with "SArchiveList=" and after Update.bsa add ", Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa". Locate the line starting with "SResourceArchiveList2=" and after Update.bsa add ", Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa". Save and close the file.
These settings will remain set for each subsequent run. These settings have accomplished the following:
- Setup the ini files for multiple master loads and to properly load DLC content.
Extract Dialogue Views and Script Source
With the latest Creation Kit version, Skyrim dialogue views and script sources are no longer extracted in the games data folder by default. To fix this, perform the following:
Open Scripts.rar found in the Skyrim/Data folder and extract all files in place.
Papyrus Compiler Fix For 64-bit Systems
The following fix is only required for user with a 64-bit operating system. The PapyrusCompiler.exe used by the Creation Kit is compiled as an "AnyCPU" executable which means that it can be run in both 64-bit and 32 bit modes depending on the users OS. However, Mod Organizer is exclusively written in 32-bit and cannot hook into 64-bit applications. Due to this, compiling Papyrus scripts in the Creation Kit will fail. Fortunately, there is a workaround to force the compiler to always run in 32-bit mode.
Download this tool and place it in the Skyrim/Papyrus Compiler folder. Run the executable and click [Start].
Configure Mod Organizer
With Skyrim and the Creation Kit properly configured, the next step is to initially set up our mod management utility and create a "Vanilla Skyrim" profile.
Start Mod Organizer. If this is the first run, Mod Organizer will prompt to select which game to manage, select Skyrim. Mod Organizer will then prompt to show a tutorial. It is highly recommended to click [Yes] if not familiar with the tool. Click the [Configure Profiles] button at the top of the window. The icon looks like an id card. Verify "Automatic Archive Invalidation" and "Local Savegames" are unchecked. Click [Create] and type "Vanilla Skyrim" in the text box. Verify that "Default Game Settings" is unchecked then click [OK]. The "Vanilla Skyrim" profile will appear in the list. Select the "Default" profile and click [Remove]. Select [Yes] when prompted. Close the dialogue by clicking [Close]. Verify that "Vanilla Skyrim" is the currently selected profile in the "Profile" drop-down above the left-pane of the Mod Organizer window.
Now, final preparations must be made to use our mod manager and other tools to their fullest extent.
Click the [Settings] button at the top of the main Mod Organizer window. The icon looks like a screwdriver and wrench. In the "Settings" dialogue, click the [General] tab and in the "Style" drop down select "Dark.qss". In the "Settings" dialogue, click the [Nexus] tab. Check "Automatically Log-In to Nexus" and input a valid nexus username and password. In the "Settings" dialogue, click the [Plugins] tab. Select "Basic Diagnosis Plugin" in the left pane. In the right pane, double click on the value to the right of "check_modorder" and select "false". Select "BSA Extractor" in the left pane. In the right pane, double click the value to the right of "enabled" and select "true". In the "Settings" dialogue, click the [Workarounds] tab. Verify that NMM Version is at least 0.52.2, if it is not then update it to this value. Close the window by clicking [OK]. Click the [Executables] button at the top of the main Mod Organizer window. The icon looks like a pair of cogs.
If all prerequisites were installed correctly, some software such as SKSE, Skyrim, and the Creation Kit should appear already configured in the list. To configure the remaining tools, perform the following:
In the "Title" text box type "LOOT". In the "Binary" text box type <LOOT Path>\LOOT.exe or select it using windows explorer by pressing the [...] button. Do not select any of the optional check boxes. Click the [Add] button. LOOT should appear in the list. Repeat this process for both TES5Edit and Wrye Bash replacing the appropriate fields then close the dialogue by clicking [OK].
By default the install and plugin load order in Mod Organizer is slightly scrambled. To fix the install order, perform the following steps:
In the left pane of Mod Organizer drag and drop the "Non-MO" category mods that represent the DLCs to the following order: * Dawnguard * HearthFires * Dragonborn * HRDLC1 * HRDLC2 * HRDLC3
The plugin order can be fixed by running LOOT to do a quick sort. Perform the following steps:
Select "LOOT" from the drop-down above the right pane of the Mod Organizer window. Click the [Run] push button. Find the icon that looks like a horizontal bar graph (mouse over text should state "Sort Plugins") and click it. After some processing, the calculated load order is displayed in the right pane of LOOT. Click the [Apply] button to apply the load order. Click the [X] on the title bar to close LOOT.
This process loads LOOT through the Mod Organizer interface to sort the current ESMs/ESPs in the virtual data folder. For now this only consists of the base game and DLC ESM/ESP files. Note in the Mod Organizer window the load order has been corrected to match the output from LOOT. "Skyrim.esm" and "Update.esm" are at the top of the load order, greyed and checked. To load all the DLC content along with the base game for the "Vanilla Skyrim" profile:
Check the box next to the DLC ESMs but leave the HRDLC ESPs unchecked in the "Plugins" tab of the Mod Organizer right pane.
This has enabled the Dawnguard, Hearthfires, and Dragonborn DLCs for use in the game. The High Resolution DLC is not currently enabled. A powerful feature of MO is that it can load and manage BSA files without their corresponding ESP files by use of the "Archives" tab in the right pane. To enable the HRDLC without their corresponding ESPs active, perform the following:
Open the "Archives" tab in the right pane of Mod Organizer. Verify the box adjacent to "Have MO manage archives" is checked. Verify the boxes adjacent to HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa, and HighResTexturePack03.bsa are checked.
Create The Skyrim Revisited Profile
Now that an established clean "Vanilla Skyrim" profile has been created an unmodified Skyrim may be run at any time with the click of a button. However, the goal of the guide is to mod Skyrim and so a new profile must be established to contain "Skyrim Revisited" and its collection of ini tweaks and mods. Perform the following:
Click the [Configure Profiles] icon at the top of the main Mod Organizer window. The icon looks like an id card. Select "Vanilla Skyrim" then click [Copy]. Type "Skyrim Revisited" in the text box and hit [OK].
During the above process, Mod Organizer created an exact copy of the "Vanilla Skyrim" profile into a new profile named "Skyrim Revisited". In the Prerequisites section, SKSE was installed without the required script files. This preserved a pristine vanilla Skyrim/Data folder but SKSE will not function properly without the supplied scripts. They will now be used to showcase how to add a mod to Mod Organizer. Perform the following steps:
Click the small screwdriver and wrench icon adjacent to the "Profile" drop-down and select "Install Mod...". Navigate to the downloaded SKSE archive and click [Open]. Replace the default text, if any, in the "Name" text box with "Skyrim Script Extender". This is the name that will be displayed in the left pane post-installation. In the file tree, navigate to the "Data" folder inside the archive, right-click and select "Set Data Directory". Only the Scripts folder should be visible and checked. Click [OK].
The mod will now be displayed with an empty check box in the mod window. This mod is now installed but not yet enabled for use by the game. Also, note that Mod Organizer does not have a version number or category set for this mod. To resolve this, perform the following:
Right-click the mod and select "Information...". (Alternatively, double click the mod name.) In the "Categories" tab, check the box next to "Patches" to add that category to this mod. In the "Nexus Info" tab, set the version number to the installed SKSE version number but set the Mod ID to -1.
This has set the proper version number and category for this mod. The color of the text also indicates that SKSE is not available on the Nexus. Look at the [File Tree] tab to see the contents of the folder that will be virtually placed inside the Skyrim/Data folder. Note the meta.ini file is shown which Mod Organizer uses to store all the related data for the mod and it will not be visible to the game when executed.
Click [Close] to save and exit the window.
Mods version numbers that can be verified by the Nexus will be either Green(Current+) or Red(Out Of Date). To make the mod visible to the game:
Check the box adjacent to the mod name.
The files located inside this mod folder will now be visible to any programs executed through Mod Organizer as if they were placed inside of the Skyrim/Data folder. Any conflicts are handled by Mod Organizer in priority order (higher priority overwrites lower priority). Give this a try now:
Select "SKSE" in the drop down above the right pane then click [Run].
This will execute the game through Mod Organizer using the SKSE_Loader.exe. The Mod Organizer window will close as SKSE is automatically configured to do so. At this point, SKSE is now properly installed with all included script functionality.
Exit the game.
With the current setup, Mod Organizer may swap between an SKSE-only enabled profile "Skyrim Revisited" and a non-SKSE enabled "Vanilla Skyrim" profile. If it is desired to play the game in a pristine vanilla form at any time simply select the "Vanilla Skyrim" profile then select and run "Skyrim" in the drop-down above the right pane. Alternatively, the game may be run directly through Steam as the vanilla data files are not changed.
Clean The Bethesda ESMs
With profiles now set up properly, it is time to begin modding some vanilla game files. To increase stability, TES5Edit will be used to clean ITMs and UDRs from Bethesda 's ESMs. This improves compatibility between the various DLCs and lessens the chance of instability in Skyrim. Perform the following:
Start Mod Organizer. Select "TES5Edit" from the drop down above the right pane and click [Run]. Right-click inside the file listing and select "None". Check the box adjacent to Update.esm and click [OK]. Wait for the message "Background Loader: finished" to appear in the right pane. Right-click Update.esm and select "Apply Filter For Cleaning". Wait for the message "[Filtering Done]" to appear in the right pane. Right-click Update.esm and select "Remove Identical To Master Records". Wait for the message "[Removing Identical to Master records done]". Right-click Update.esm and select "Undelete and Disable References". Wait for the message "[Undeleting and Disabling References done]". Click the [X] on the title bar to close TES5Edit. Verify the box adjacent to Update.esm is checked and also that "Backup Plugins" is checked then click [OK].
Update.esm has now been cleaned, meaning that any improperly removed records or edited records that were identical to the base Skyrim.esm file have been fixed.
Repeat the process above for all of the DLC ESMs in order selecting only one at a time. Do NOT attempt to clean Skyrim.esm itself. Dawnguard.esm must also be cleaned twice to remove all duplicate records.
Normally, when a file is cleaned through TES5Edit using Mod Organizer it is automatically moved back to it's original mod folder and any generated files are moved to <Mod Organizer Path>/overwrite. In the case of the base Bethesda ESM files there is no source mod and so post cleaning the cleaned ESMs are left in the Skyrim/Data folder while the backups are moved to the overwrite folder. The cleaned files should be moved to their own mod folder to preserve a clean Skyrim/Data folder and the backups restored from the TES5Edit Backup folder in overwrite.
To resolve this problem, perform the following:
Close Mod Organizer. Navigate to Skyrim/Data and move the newly cleaned Bethesda ESM files to <Mod Organizer Path>/Mods/Cleaned Vanilla ESMs. Navigate to <Mod Organizer Path>/overwrite/TES5Edit Backups and move all of the backup files to the Skyrim/Data folder. Rename the .backup* files to their original name such as Update.esm, Dawnguard.esm and so on. Remove the TES5Edit Backups folder from <Mod Organizer Path>/overwrite.
This process has restored the original game files to allow the game to run in a pristine vanilla state via Steam. When Mod Organizer is started again, a new mod will be added to the left pane called "Cleaned Vanilla ESMs", it must be activated for Mod Organizer to use them.
Start Mod Organizer. Verify Skyrim Revisited is the currently selected profile. Drag the newly created mod "Cleaned Vanilla ESMs" between the "HighResTexturePack03" and "Skyrim Script Extender" mods in the left pane and activate it by checking the box.
To recap the current set up:
- Running Skyrim through Steam results in a completely vanilla experience.
- Running the "Vanilla Skyrim" profile through Mod Organizer with "Skyrim" selected in the drop-down results in a completely vanilla experience.
- Running the "Skyrim Revisited" profile through Mod Organizer with "SKSE" selected in the drop-down results in a SKSE enabled experience using the cleaned base ESM files.
Optimizing The Bethesda Textures
DDSopt performs optimization of texture files by eliminating redundancies, ensuring proper compression format, and recalculating scale-corrected mipmaps using a variety of custom algorithms. Several different types of texture files are used in object modeling in Skyrim, and DDSopt can recognize most types and be told how to treat unknowns using its ini configuration file.
Both vanilla and modded texture packs are often composed of textures saved in an inefficient compression format in relation to the texture function. This translates into textures often being 2x larger than necessary or worse due to inclusion of redundancies that add no useful information. Like unnecessary white space in this guide, the net effect is that more memory(both RAM and VRAM) is required to render these 'bloated' textures, which in turn costs valuable resources and hampers performance.
In addition to bloat, improperly-formatted textures may also lack important information in the form of mipmap levels required for scaling the texture in game. What are mipmaps? They are smaller copies of a texture that are used for rescaling object details in game as one moves away from them and they get smaller (i.e., rather than dynamically resizing, which would create aliasing artifacts and require more resources).
To obtain optimized vanilla textures, either perform the steps and use the batch files located here or, alternatively, perform the following steps:
Download High Definition Base Game Textures for Everyone (Part 1_2).7z and High Definition DLC for ModOrganizer Users (Part 2_2 - Extract Me).7z from here. Install High Definition Base Game Textures for Everyone (Part 1_2).7z in Mod Organizer. Extract the three 7z files from High Definition DLC for ModOrganizer Users (Part 2_2 - Extract Me).7z to a temporary directory. Install the extracted Dawnguard.7z, Hearthfires.7z, and Dragonborn.7z in Mod Organizer.
Once either process is completed, perform the following:
Start Mod Organizer. Check the box adjacent to all of the newly created folders in the left pane mod list to activate them. Drag and drop the mods into the order specified below based on the method used to install: For DDSOpt Method: * Unmanaged: Dawnguard * Unmanaged: Hearthfire * Unmanaged: Dragonborn * STD * Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01 * HRDLC1 Optimized * Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02 * HRDLC2 Optimized * Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03 * HRDLC3 Optimized * Cleaned Vanilla ESMs * Skyrim Script Extender For Optimized Vanilla Textures Mod: * Optimized Vanilla Textures - HD * Unmanaged: Dawnguard * Optimized Dawnguard Textures - HD * Unmanaged: Hearthfire * Optimized Hearthfire Textures - HD * Unmanaged: Dragonborn * Optimized Dragonborn Textures - HD * Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01 (Uncheck BSA In Archive Tab - These Files Are Already Included In The Mod) * Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02 (Uncheck BSA In Archive Tab - These Files Are Already Included In The Mod) * Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03 (Uncheck BSA In Archive Tab - These Files Are Already Included In The Mod) * Cleaned Vanilla ESMs * Skyrim Script Extender Close Mod Organizer.
This process has completed the final step to create a stable base upon which to begin adding new content to the game, congratulations!
ENB Series Graphics Modification
ENB Series Graphic Modification is a graphic enhancement project for multiple games by Boris Vorontsov which can be used to bring much needed post-processing to the world of Skyrim. Effects added by the tool include:
- Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
- Screen Space Indirect Lighting (SSIL)
- Depth Of Field (DOF)
- Anti-Aliasing
- Lense FX
- Bloom
- High Dynamic Range (HDR)
- Tone Mapping
- Sharpening
- Vignette
- Sun Rays
- Detailed Shadows
- Reflection
- Memory Reduction and more.
These effects are injected into Skyrim by means of a modified d3d9.dll wrapper or alternatively through an injector program supplied in the archive and are controlled by an enbseries.ini, enblocal.ini, and a series of .fx files containing shader code. For the purposes of the guide, the Wrapper Version will be used. Download the 0.308 version from here. To install, perform the following:
Open using 7-zip and extract the d3d9.dll and enbhost.exe files from the WrapperVersion folder to a temporary folder. For reference, this will be called ENBTemp. Open ENB Organizer. *Note: Do NOT run this through Mod Organizer.* Skyrim should already be listed on the starting screen. If it is not found, add it by clicking the [+] symbol and filling in the form. Click the icon in the top left corner that looks like three horizontal bars and select Binaries. Click the [+] symbol to bring up the "Add Binary" window. Under name, type "Skyrim " and the current ENB version number then select [Browse] > [Browse for Folder]. Navigate to the ENBTemp folder created in the previous steps and click [Ok]. Click [Save] then drag the switch to the left of Skyrim <version> to the right to activate it. The icon should turn blue. Delete the ENBTemp folder as it is now saved in ENB Organizer.
Installing the d3d9.dll and enbhost.exe files is the first step to enabling an ENB. The next step is to tailor an enblocal.ini for the users system. Recommended starter settings are provided below:
Click the icon in the top left corner that looks like three horizontal bars and select Presets. Click the [Global ENBlocal] button. In the left "Skyrim enblocal.ini Generator pane, set the following: Set Binary Version to match the installed version. Check Vsync. Set Reserved Memory Size (MB) to X. Where X = 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024. This setting is highly dependent on the user system. If stuttering is experienced when turning 360 degrees in game, increase this value. Set Video Memory Size (MB) to X. Where X = the value found doing this calculation. Click the blue arrow. In the right "Raw enblocal.ini File" pane, set the following: Under [MEMORY], set DisableDriverMemoryManager=true if using an AMD based video card. Under [ANTIALIASING], set EnableEdgeAA=true, This will smooth edges with only a small performance loss. Under [ANTIALIASING], set EnableSubPixelAA=true. This will increase picture quality with almost no performance loss. Click [Save] then close ENB Organizer.
This tailored enblocal.ini should be used with any ENB graphical preset to be installed. The last step to installing ENB is to select a preset and install it. This is the meat of the graphical experience and will determine what is seen on screen as far as colors, effects, etc. The currently recommended preset is Vividian ENB and will be installed as part of mod installation.
Initial INI Tweaks
The following INI tweaks aim to increase gameplay and visuals in Skyrim by tweaking the game engine to provide a better than vanilla experience.
The first step to editing the SKSE.ini is to create it. Perform the following:
Right-click Skyrim Script Extender in the Mod Organizer mod list. Select "Open In Explorer". Create and enter a folder named SKSE. Create and open a text file named SKSE.ini.
Once this file is open to be edited, paste in the following:
This enables self-healing of rogue updating scripts in saves.
Save and close SKSE.ini then exit explorer.
Skyrim.ini controls half of the configuration for the Skyrim game. Each of the following ini changes have been confirmed working in game. If a section exists, simply add the tweak to the bottom of that section or update existing parameter if present. If a section does not exist, add it at the bottom of the file. Perform the following:
Open Mod Organizer. Click [Tools]>[Edit Ini] at the top of the window. Verify skyrim.ini is selected and input the tweaks in the following subsections. Click [Save] and close the window.
Arrow and Bolt Aiming Tweak
This tweak shifts the point of aim to the center of the aiming reticule for arrows and crossbows (with this setting targets will be hit where the cursor is placed at approximately 100 feet from the target).
Disable Bethesda Splash Video Tweak
This tweak will allow loading directly into the main menu without the annoying Bethesda splash screen video.
Field of View (FOV) Tweak
This tweak increases the horizontal area visible on the screen. Adjust the angle as desired, recommended setting is below.
Light Pop-In Tweak
This tweak helps prevent lighting “pop-in” by pushing back the distance at which the flicker/pulse animation loops begin.
Papyrus Load Time Tweak
This tweak allows more time for Papyrus scripts to execute when loading a new area. This minimizes errors caused by scripts not finishing before the allotted time has expired.
Shadow Flicker Tweak
This tweak fixes the shadow flickering caused by updating sun shadows.
SkyrimPrefs.ini controls the other half of the configuration for the Skyrim game. Each of the following ini changes have been confirmed working in game. If a section exists, simply add the tweak to the bottom of that section or update existing parameter if present. If a section does not exist, add it at the bottom of the file. Perform the following:
Open Mod Organizer. Click [Tools]>[Edit Ini] at the top of the window. Select skyrimprefs.ini is selected and input the tweaks in the following subsections. Click [Save] and close the window.
Fade Distance Tweak
This tweak pushes back the distance for grass and shadows to fade. Minor performance hit.
Floating Point Rendering Tweak
This tweak allows Skyrim to use floating point rendering, enabling better light rendering. This is required for ENB Series Graphics Modification to function.
Mouse Acceleration Tweak
This tweak disables mouse acceleration.
Shadow Map Resolution Tweak
This tweak decreases ultra shadow resolution with minor visual degradation, however the jump in framerate and general stability is large.
Shadows Tweaks
This tweak allows ground self shadowing and shadows on trees.
The Dovahkiin Comes
- Dragonborn, huh? Was it your ma or your pa that was the dragon? --Hadvar
With the grueling start of the journey complete, the Dovahkiin strides strongly into the main quest of their journey. In the previous section a profile named "Skyrim Revisisted" was created. This is the profile that will be used for the remainder of the guide. The important points to remember when installing mods are as follows:
- Mods are sorted into categories and should be installed in the order presented for proper overwrites. Any deviation from a standard installation such as the unofficial patches in the next section will be clearly marked.
- The recommended option/texture size will be specified next to the version number.
- If installing optional files for a mod, it should be installed as a separate mod in Mod Organizer rather than merged into the main mod.
- If installing a mod with compatibility patches for a mod found later in the guide, be sure to disable those esps until after the mod being made compatible is installed.
- Run LOOT after each mod with an ESM or ESP file to ensure the load order is correct.
- If a mod is not marked for cleaning in the guide, do not clean it! Some selected ITMs are necessary to ensure proper functionality.
- Backup a copy of the original mod archives in case a mod is ever taken down from the Nexus.
- DDSOpt recommendation will be specified for any mod that should be optimized along with the method to do so. (i.e. Regular, Half Normals, or Resize)
Unofficial Patches
The unofficial patch project is a comprehensive bug fixing mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the goal of which is to eventually fix every bug with Skyrim and its DLCs not officially resolved by the developers to the limits of the Creation Kit and other community-developed tools in one easy-to-install package. The features of the unofficial patches include:
- Hundreds of gameplay, quest, NPC, object, item, text and placement bugs fixed already, and plenty more on the way.
- Created by the authors of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.
- No unsafe changes (such as deletions of stock objects).
- Designed to be compatible with as many other mods as possible.
- Beta-tested with over fifteen thousand downloads.
The unofficial patches are flagged as "False ESMs". This means that the extension of the files is ESP but they are flagged in the header as ESM files to overcome Skyrim engine limitations. Unfortunately, some mod authors have not adopted using the unofficial patches as a base for their mod changes and thus some mods may overwrite records that contain fixes in them. Resolution of these conflicts using TES5Edit will be covered after mod installation has completed.
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Author: Unofficial Patch Project Team
Version: 3.0.5
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Docs folder
- Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.bsl
Unofficial High Resolution Patch
Author: Unofficial Patch Project Team
Version: 1.2.0
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Docs folder
- Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp (Dummy ESP)
- Unofficial High Resolution Patch.bsl
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Other Fixes
Auto Unequip Ammo
Author: Alek
Version: 5.0
Mod Notes: This mod will activate when weapon is equipped or unequipped and deal with the ammo respectively. Goal is not to have ammo equipped unless you're using ranged weapons. If enabled, equip sets are created automatically when ammo is manually equipped to be used with currently equipped ranged weapon. Mod is basically learning which ammo is preferred to be used with each weapon so less manual ammo swapping is needed each time a different bow or crossbow is used. Up to 50 equip sets can exist at one time and if limit is breached the list with cycle itself by replacing the oldest entry with newest one. Equip sets can be manually cleared at any time.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Better Jumping
Author: meh321
Version: 1.3
Mod Notes: This mod can allows sprint jumping, double jump, changing jump height multipliers (compatible with other mods that change jump height) and some other things. None of this works with horses. By default only sprint jump is enabled.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Better Stealing
Author: meh321
Version: 1.0
Mod Notes: This mod fixes the issue in Skyrim where an item is marked stolen even if no-one saw you take it. Items of value will still be marked stolen as they would be reported as such and more recognizable than common clutter.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Bug Fixes
Author: meh321
Version: 1
Mod Notes: This mod is an SKSE plugin that fixes some engine related bugs in game.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Crash Fixes
Author: meh321
Version: 11
Special Installation: After installation, open SKSE/Plugins/CrashFixPlugin.ini in a text editor and make the following changes:
Mod Notes: This plugin is meant to fix some common crashes AFTER you have followed STEP guides and sensible modding rules! It does not fix problems that come from modding irresponsibly or conflicts between mods. You can turn each individual fix on / off in the SKSE/Plugins/CrashFixPlugin.ini, default settings recommended but if you have problems with something and you know what you're doing you can change. If you want to see exactly what crashes are fixed (with addresses) and a small explanation of my best understanding of the crash then check the INI file or readme on the nexus mod page.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Dragon Stalking Fix
Author: Sevencardz
Version: 1.2

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Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod fixes the vanilla issue of dragon corpses sometimes randomly spawning near the player when changing cells post absorption.
Enchantment Reload Fix
Author: egocarib
Version: 1.2
Mod Notes: There is a game engine bug that causes weapon enchantments to drain more charges after the player saves and reload the game. The price of enchanted weapons also jumps significantly higher. These problems become worse as enchanting skill increases. Once the player character has reached a high level and begins placing more than one enchantment on a weapon, the charges can drain extremely quickly after game reload. This mod fixes those issues.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Follower Trap Safety
Author: Alek
Version: 1.3
Mod Notes: This mod changes a few base scripts and as a result followers and summoned creatures should no longer trigger traps. Unfortunately, the game AI does not allow followers to avoid traps.
Horns are Forever
Author: Chilean Wolf
Version: 1.0
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- hornsareforever.esp
Mod Notes: Horns on Argonians will always show, except on headgear that covers the entire head.
Point the Way
Author: Arthmoor
Version: 1.0.8
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Point The Way.bsl
- Point The Way.txt
Mod Notes: This mod places road signs at several major intersections that were either lacking signs, or didn't have enough signs to indicate the full extent of possible travel on a road. In some cases, the smaller towns and villages aren't even mentioned - despite Bethesda having created signs for them! Others that were pointed the wrong way or had the wrong city being represented have been fixed as well.
Skyrim - Enhanced Camera
Author: LogicDragon
Version: 1.4
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- SKSE_EnhancedCamera_readme.txt
Mod Notes: This is a skse plugin that enables a visible body when in first person using a hybrid mode (vanilla 1st person arms with 3rd person body). Also, any points where the game force switches to 3rd person (sitting, crafting, riding, werewolf, knockout/death, etc.) are now in 1st person.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Skyrim Project Optimization
Author: rgabriel15
Version: 1.6 (Full Version)
BAIN Installer:
Main File
- Data
Mod Notes: This mod improves the performance in interiors without changing anything visually in the game by utilizing Occlusion Culling.
Smart Souls
Author: ShadeMe
Version: 9.0
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Smart Souls_readme.rtf
Mod Notes: This mod knocks some sense into the souls of the various denizens of Skyrim, keeping them from entering soul gems that aren't of the same level/quality as they are. Also displays the quality of the soul being captured. And prevents black soul gems from providing refuge to white souls.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Wiseman303s Critter Fixes
Author: wiseman303
Version: 1.06

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Special Installation: After Installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Docs folder
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: In Skyrim walking into a butterfly or similar critter will stop you like hitting a solid wall. The Unofficial Patch Project Team fixed that problem in the Unofficial Skyrim patches, but the way they fixed it made the critters immune to projectiles. This mod redoes the collision data in the .nif files so now the player can pass through the critters while still allowing them to be hit by projectiles and melee attacks. The same edits were also made to the fish meshes, so the player no longer get shoved around by pond fish or salmon while swimming or wading but can still do some bow or fireball fishing if the mood strikes. The dead fish even bob to the surface for easy collecting. This mod also fixes the backwards wings on monarch butterflies by flipping the mesh data instead of using a custom transparent texture so it does not have transparency issues with the butterfly in a jar.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
This section is dedicated to mods that are used only as base resources for other mods.
Author: gekkou1992
Version: N/A (Animations Package Optional)
Mod Notes: This mod contains an animation package that can be used by Bathing in Skyrim.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
User Interface
General User Interface Improvement
Blocksteal Redux
Author: towawot
Version: 1.5
Optionals: All vannila miscItem basket text by White Shadow
Special Installlation: For the optional file, create directory SKSE/Plugins and move PreventsAccidentPickUp.basket into it during installation.
Mod Notes: This mod prevents accidental pick up of items marked as stealing. Additionally, other items can be configured to not be picked up on activation such as plates, silverware, etc.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Author: Kesta
Version: 4.2
Mod Notes: This mod allow you to choose a hotkey to bring up a wheel menu or multiple wheel menus each with their own hotkey. Available functions in each wheel are fully customizable through the MCM menu, as well as their layout.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Extended UI
Author: MrJack
Version: 1.2.0d
Special Installlation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Readme - Extended UI.txt
Mod Notes: This mod attempts to fix parts of the user interface. The intent is for it to be a complementary mod to SkyUI rather than to replace it.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Skyrim Skill Interface Retexture
Author: Arndas
Version: 2.0 (Main File + HDR Nebula Update)

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Mod Notes: This mod retextures the skill interface used when leveling up and selecting perks.
Author: The SkyUI Team
Version: 5.1
Mod Notes: This mod replaces the console based UI with a more comprehensive and functional one suitable to a PC environment.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Heads Up Display
A Matter of Time - A HUD clock widget
Author: SkyAmigo
Version: 2.0.7
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- fomod folder
- AMatterOfTime_Readme.txt
Mod Notes: The mod adds a widget to the HUD which displays the current in game time in two ways: As a picture showing the current time of day and a clock.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Better Messagebox Controls
Author: ecirbaf
Version: 1.2
Mod Notes: This mod lets the player navigate the message boxes with the keyboard. Use Left/Right controls, and Activate to select options (typically A,D and E but it should work if these keys have been remapped). Also fixes the click area of buttons so they are easier to click.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Immersive HUD
Author: Gopher
Version: 3.0.03
Mod Notes: This mod increases immersion by hiding non-essential HUD elements until needed.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
iWASM - Immersive Wait And Sleep Menu
Author: DarkWolfModding
Version: 1.0
Mod Notes: This mod provides a more immersive and cleaner way to wait and sleep.
Main Font Replacement
Author: Valistar
Version: 2.0 (Centaur Font)
Mod Notes: This mod fixes the ugly modern font that does not befit a fantasy game.
Author: Ahzaab
Version: 2.1.3
Mod Notes: This mod displays information about an object that the player is targeting such as alchemy effects, weight, and complete armor/weapon stats without having to pick them up.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
No Poison Dialogues
Author: Mardoxx
Version: 1.0
Mod Notes: Removes the annoying dialog to confirm weapon poisoning.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Smaller Cursor
Author: Lywald
Version: 1.0
Mod Notes: This mod shrinks the cursor so the player can actually see what they are clicking on.
Character Creation
Race Menu
Author: Expired
Version: 3.4.5
Optionals: Overlays Plugin v2-5-0
Mod Notes: This mod increases the functionality of the character creation menu and prevents a crash that can occur when using various character modifications.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Dialogue and Follower Control
Better Dialogue Controls
Author: ecirbaf
Version: 1.2
Mod Notes: This mod fixes a vanilla user interface issue where selecting dialogue options would behave erratically between the keyboard and mouse.
Extensible Follower Framework
Author: Expired
Version: 4.0.2
Special Installation: After installation, install this replacement script to disable automatic inventory sorting for followers. This improves compatibility with other mods that place items in follower inventory.
Mod Notes: This mod expands and improves the follower system and interface.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Face To Face Conversation
Author: towawot
Version: 3.2
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- towConversation.bsl
Mod Notes: This mod changes conversations so that it will zoom in on the character to whom the player is speaking with, similar to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
World Map
Atlas Map Markers for Skyrim Blackreach Dawnguard and Dragonborn
Author: Kronixx
Version: 1.7

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Overrides: SkyUI
Mod Notes: Exploration is a huge part of Skyrim and there are many locations that can be hard to find and easy to lose or miss. These mods help by adding map markers to hundreds of locations.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Atlas Map Markers - Updated with MCM
Author: Kronixx and kryptopyr
Version: 2.0
Overrides: Atlas Map Markers for Skyrim Blackreach Dawnguard and Dragonborn
Mod Notes: This is an update to Kronixx's great mod, Atlas Map Markers. It adds MCM options with full control over not only the new map markers, but all of the vanilla map markers as well.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
The World Of Skyrim
Dynamic LOD
Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD
Author: Sheson
Version: 2.18 (Main File + Resources)

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Special Installation: Manually install the contents of the main file to its own directory as any other program.
Mod Notes: This mod is a set of tools based on TES5Edit and TES5LODGen to dynamically create a mod based on a load order which adds distant LOD for objects to Skyrim.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Author: Ehamloptiran, Sheson, and the TES5Edit Team
Version: 1.0 (Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards)
Mod Notes: This mod is a tool used to create LODs for objects and trees. It is included with TES5Edit, therefore the tool itself does not need to be downloaded here - only the vanilla tree billboards.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
World Expansions
This category is for unofficial expansions and quests that create new worldspaces and add to the richness and story of Skyrim.
Author: Alexander J Velicky
Version: 1.2.1final
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File
- Falskaar1.2.1ReadMe.txt
Mod Notes: Falskaar is a new lands mod that adds an entirely new worldspace to the world. It's accessed by a dungeon the first time, then by boat from then on out. Falskaar's goal was to act as a DLC, adding content in almost every area. There is a new land, places, people, quests, dungeons and more for the player to experience. It adds roughly 20+ hours of content, and favors all types of characters.
DDSOpt Processing Required: (Guide)
- All: 8192x8192 (default)
Modified and Expanded Quests
Alternate Start - Live Another Life
Author: Arthmoor
Version: 3.1.4
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Alternate Start - Live Another Life Dungeon Compatibility.txt
- Alternate Start - Live Another Life Extension Documentation.txt
- Alternate Start - Live Another Life.bsl
- Alternate Start - Live Another Life.txt
Mod Notes: Misery and despair have haunted the player all their life. Just when they thought it could not get any worse, they've been arrested and thrown in the dungeons. Their trial was supposed to be weeks ago, only nobody has come for them. It's been so long since seeing daylight they no longer know what month it is anymore. The dungeon is cold, damp, and worse still, they are running out of food. At least there is that leak in the wall for water. It seems as though they have been forgotten, soon to rot away and die. The eight have forsaken them... or have they?
Live Another Life provides an alternative means to start the game for those who do not wish to go through the lengthy intro sequence at Helgen. The player will be given the opportunity to choose a race and then a new life to lead. A wide variety of choices will be available. What is choosen will have a lasting impact, so choose carefully or the gods may forsake them again!
Cutting Room Floor
Author: Arthmoor
Version: 2.0.2
Optionals: RSC - CRF Patch
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File:
- Cutting Room Floor.bsl
- Cutting Room Floor.txt
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: From the depths of the ether, or just the cutting room floor, comes forth several NPCs, some quests, and other miscellaneous content which was created but never implemented in the game. If ever it felt as if Skyrim was missing something, it was! This mod should relieve a bit of that. This mod contains mostly generic NPCs with no purpose, quests that were complete but cut for some reason, random bits of stuff to be found, and even a town.
Even Better Quest Objectives
Author: Whickus and William Imm
Version: 1.5.7a

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Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod enhances the quest descriptions in the vanilla game so that the player has a clear sense of where they are supposed to go and what they are supposed to do besides looking at the quest markers.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
- Alternate Start - Live Another Life
- Cutting Room Floor
- Extensible Follower Framework
- The Paarthurnax Dilemma
Gildergreen Regrown
Author: Arthmoor
Version: 1.2.6
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Gildergreen Regrown.txt
Mod Notes: Danica asked for sap from the Eldergleam to revive the dead Gildergreen in Whiterun. Instead, Maurice convinced the Dovahkiin to bring back a sapling. All is now well in Whiterun, except for one small thing. That sapling deserves to grow into a nice big healthy proper replacement for the dead tree.
Provincial Courier Service
Author: Arthmoor
Version: 2.0.0
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Provincial Courier Service.bsl
- Provincial Courier Service.txt
Mod Notes: Skyrim's courier is an industrious young lad who can be seen all over the province, yet doesn't seem to have anywhere to live and/or work. He seems able to find the Dovahkiin at will, but what if the player wanted to find HIM? Even if it would be a meaningless encounter, one should still expect a living breathing NPC that takes part in the world to have some place to work at and call home. No longer will the poor courier simply be dragged from his mystery cell and dropped in front of the player to make his deliveries. Thus is born the Provincial Courier Service.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
The Choice Is Yours
Author: kryptopyr
Version: 1.6
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- readmes folder
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: Stop random greetings, comments, and rumors from triggering quests, as well as having forced encounters with NPCs automatically trigger the start of a quest. Now those quests won't be activated unless the player decides to pursue them. Rumors and gossip are just that... rumors and gossip. Some are worth investigating further, others are not.
The Notice Board
Author: MannyGT
Version: 2.2
Optionals: The Notice Board - Dragonborn Patch
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File:
- notice board - readme.txt
Mod Notes: This mod is a radiant quest overhaul and framework. It adds notice boards to each city and town in Skyrim offering both single time quests and repeatable/randomized (radiant) quests.
The Notice Board - Falskaar
Author: AndrealphusVIII
Version: 2.5a
Mod Notes: This mod extends The Notice Board by adding a notice board to Amber Creek in Falskaar.
The Paarthurnax Dilemma
Author: Arthmoor
Version: 1.2.9
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- The Paarthurnax Dilemma.bsl
- The Paarthurnax Dilemma.txt
Mod Notes: Disappointed with how ruthless and unforgiving the Blades were at the end of the main quest? Felt like the Dovahkiin should have been able to put their foot down and make them see reason? Well now they can!
Thieves Guild Requirements - No Auto Quest Start
Author: kryptopyr
Version: 3.0
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- readmes folder
Overrides: The Choice Is Yours, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: The Thieves Guild is now for thieves only. The player will no longer be approached by Brynjolf immediately upon entering Riften. Brynjolf is now a much better judge of character. He won't consider the Dovahkiin a potential recruit for the Guild until actually doing a bit of dirty work. If the player has never stolen anything, the Thieves Guild quest line will never be activated. Additional requirements can also be set that must be met before allowing progress in the Thieves Guild quest line.
Timing is Everything
Author: kryptopyr
Version: 2.02
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Readmes folder
Mod Notes: The primary function of this mod is to adjust the starting requirements for quests that are only triggered once the player reaches a certain level. Earlier or later, whatever the reasons, it's entirely up to the player. Change the requirements for all 17 included quests, or just change one of them. All of the default settings used by this mod are the vanilla defaults, so none of the quest requirements will change until the player decides to change them.
Weather Systems
Vivid Weathers
Author: Mangaclub
Version: 1.39

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Mod Notes: Vivid Weathers is the latest and biggest Weather and Visual Overhaul for Skyrim. It overhauls all the Skyrim Weathers and imagespaces as well as add a whole bunch of new Weathers (500+) and effects (Snowstorms, blizzards, thick fog, distant fogs, distant rain, particle snowflakes...) and much more! It includes all features of Real skyrim Snowflakes, Vivid Clouds & Fogs, COT, ESS and SS. It is especially tweaked to look stunning without a ENB in use - so also weaker Rigs get immersive weathers.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
ENB Related Data Files
Vividian ENB
Author: Mangaclub
Version: 7.50

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Special Installation: After installation, perform the following steps to finish installing ENB and the Vividian ENB preset using ENB Organizer:
Open ENB Organizer. *Note: Do NOT run this through Mod Organizer.* Click the icon in the top left corner that looks like three horizontal bars and select Presets. Click [+] Add > Import Folder Or Archive. In the "Add Preset" window, set the name to Vividian ENB then click [Browse] > [Browse For Folder]. Navigate to <Mod Organizer Path>/mods/Vividian ENB/Vividian ENB Install Files then click [Ok]. Check the "Use Global enblocal.ini" checkbox and select the currently installed binary. Click [Save] then drag the switch to the left of Skyrim <version> to the right to activate it. The icon should turn blue. Close ENB Organizer.
Mod Notes: This installs the required data files for Vividian ENB. Additionally, it constructs a directory with the files to be installed with ENB Organizer.
ENB Terrain Parallax Fix
Author: Hein84
Version: 1.0 (Terrain Parallax Fix - for Vivid Landscapes Users)
Mod Notes: Fixes some meshes not yet covered by Vivid Landscapes for ENBs terrain parallax.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Enhanced Lighting for ENB
Author: -JawZ--
Version: 0.95b (Only IL)

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Mod Notes: This mod intends to adjust every type of lighting inside the Skyrim game so it will both look better with ENB and make it a lot easier to customize an ENB preset without ruining some parts of the games look. Which is the case with the vanilla Skyrim lighting in some parts depending on the ENB settings used.
Manual TES5Edit Cleaning Required:
Problem: Wild worldspace edit, a commonly occuring problem with the Creation Kit. Loading any worldspace causes it to be marked as "edited".
Solution: Delete the wild worldspace edit.
Open TES5Edit then select ELE_Legendary_Lite.esp and click [OK]. Navigate to ELE_Legendary_Lite.esp > Worldspace > 00020DCB BlindCliffCaveWorld and edit Object Bounds > NAM0 - Min > X to -37.000000 and Object Bounds > NAM9 - Max > Y to 8.000000. Click the [X] in the upper right hand corner, uncheck "Backup plugins", and click [OK].
General World Improvement
The Ruffled Feather - Mod Collection
Author: SparrowPrince
Version: 4.3.0 (Misc File Section)
Optionals: The Ruffled Feather - Enhanced Distant Terrain v1.1 (Misc File Section)

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Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod is a compilation pack consisting of SparrowPrinces mod projects. As configured, it A) changes the ugly, pure-white dynamic snow effect to actually use the default snow texture, B) adds moss in appropriate locations on certain mountain and stream rocks, C) fixes the ugly stretched meshes for the Stalhrim deposits in Dragonborn and also provides an excellent texture, and D) Takes 6000+ LOD textures and applies the most amount of noise possible without making the landscape look too dark making the terrain look more detailed than it actually is in the distance.
No Stretching
Author: Langley
Version: 2.2 (USKP Compatible)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- No_Stretching.esp (Empty ESP.)
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod corrects meshes of floors in caves and mines, rubble piles in imperial forts and dwemer ruins, mountains, cliffs, rocks to not stretch textures oddly.
Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Author: Brumbek
Version: 1.94

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Mod Notes: This mod modifies many 3D models and textures to improve their appearance , fix many ugly seams, and to fix other oddities found in Skyrim.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Noble Skyrim
Author: Shutt3r
Version: 4.0.2 (Full)
Optionals: NSM - SMIM Patch
Overrides: Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD, Static Mesh Improvement Mod, Unofficial High Resolution Patch, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod is a texture overhaul of all Skyrim architecture and many other things to match the theme.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Enhanced Lights and FX
Author: anamorfus
Version: 3.01

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Special Installation: After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- meshes/architecture/windhelm/whlanddead2.nif (The Ruffled Feather - Mod Collection already includes these changes and more.)
Overrides: No Stretching, Noble Skyrim, Static Mesh Improvement Mod, The Ruffled Feather - Mod Collection, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, Vivid Weathers
Mod Notes: This mod create a more dramatic and realistic mood to the Skyrim lights by adding lights to all light sources and removing any light without a source, as well as the addition many more effects like smoke, volumic lights, driples, etc.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Manual TES5Edit Cleaning Required:
Problem: Wild worldspace edit, a commonly occuring problem with the Creation Kit. Loading any worldspace causes it to be marked as "edited".
Solution: Delete the wild worldspace edit.
Open TES5Edit then select ELFX - Exteriors.esp and click [OK]. Navigate to ELFX - Exteriors.esp > Worldspace > 00016BB4 RiftenWorld and edit Object Bounds > NAM9 - Max > X to 45.000000. Navigate to ELFX - Exteriors.esp > Worldspace > 00037EDF SolitudeWorld and edit Object Bounds > NAM9 - Max > Y to 30.000000. Click the [X] in the upper right hand corner, uncheck "Backup plugins", and click [OK].
Project Parallax Revived
Author: steveowashere
Version: 1.3 (Noble Skyrim HD)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- meshes/architecture/solitude/sbluepalaceentrance.nif (Mesh issue causing see-through walls and odd effects.)
- meshes/architecture/windhelm/whdockdoortrim.nif (Mesh issue causing see-through walls and odd effects.)
- meshes/architecture/windhelm/whshorttower.nif (Mesh issue causing see-through walls and odd effects.)
- meshes/architecture/windhelm/whstatuetalos02.nif (Mesh issue causing black statue in Windhelm's temple of Talos.)
Overrides: Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD, Enhanced Lights and FX, Static Mesh Improvement Mod, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, Vividian ENB
Mod Notes: This mod is a group of parallax patches put together for various texture packs not currently support by the original Project Parallax Remastered mod.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Relighting Skyrim
Author: NovakDalton
Version: 3.6a (Download Here)
Mod Notes: This mod aims to make all light come straight from a light source and to have all light sources make light. For the purposes of this guide, only a subset of this mod is used to be compatible with ELFX and thus the alternate download location. Please endorse the original mod as it is really good work!
Clutter and Miscellaneous
Animated Clutter
Author: JackMorris
Version: 1.9

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Third Page
Animal Related Containers
Falmer Chests
Misc Containers
Sewers and Wells
Trap Doors
Next |
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod adds opening/closing animations to several objects that should be animated for the sake of greater realism.
Barenziah's Glory
Author: Saerileth
Version: 2.1

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Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod replaces the Stones and Crown of Barenziah with something worthy of an ancient treasure. No longer will the Dovahkiins display room be disfigured by opaque monstrosities posing as gemstones.
Better-Shaped Talos Statue with Greatsword
Author: LeanWolf
Version: 1.2a
Optionals: LeanWolfs Better-Shaped Talos with Greatsword - NSUtR Patch

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NSUtR Patch
- 33 NSUtR HP + NordHero
Mod Notes: A simple mesh replacer that gives the statue of Talos a Greatsword rather than that toothpick he was holding - for a more warrior-like Talos statue.
Bloodstone Chalice Reborn
Author: Gamwich and Nazenn
Version: 1.1 (2k)
Mod Notes: This mod is a complete overhaul of the original vampire quest item. All new meshes and textures were created to fix the ugly distorted eyesore that was the original.
Bloody Dragon Bones
Author: Were
Version: 1.1 (2k)
Mod Notes: This mod makes it so that when a dragon is killed and a soul absorbed there are bloody dragon bones. All hanging skeletons and old bones are unaffected.
Book Covers Skyrim
Author: DanielCoffey and doccdr
Version: 3.5 (Legendary - Desaturated)
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality retexture of all the readable books, journals, and notes in Skyrim. It gives each book and journal its own unique cover and adds many additional paper styles to the notes.
LOOT Metadata Update Required: (Updating Guide)
- Book Covers Skyrim.esp - Load After Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp (Add To Existing List)
Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library
Author: DanielCoffey
Version: 1.7 (Desaturated)
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality addition of all the readable books from Daggerfall, Morrowind, and Oblivion.
Dressed Hearthfire Doll
Author: uni_SL
Version: 2.0

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Mod Notes: She was naked in the cold of Skyrim for a long time. Now she has a red one piece dress and new face for this old cloth doll.
Easier Lockpicking - without cheating - Nordic Retexture
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.2
Mod Notes: This mod retextures the locks in Skyrim to be more scratched and weathered looking as would be expected. This gives more visual reference points to remember lockpick placement. When a pick breaks, it's easier to find the spot to try again.
Enchanting Candle Meshes Improved
Author: LeanWolf
Version: 1.1
Mod Notes: This mod fixes the candles on enchanting work surfaces.
Enhanced HD Dragon Bones
Author: Were
Version: 1.6a (2k)

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Gemling Queen Dragon Claws
Author: Saerileth
Version: 3.0 (Solid)
Mod Notes: This small mod is a replacer for the hideous gemstone dragon claws (diamond, emerald, glass, ruby, saphire). It adds a proper texture and normal map to the talons and slightly tweaks the meshes to bring out the sparkly nature of gems in a realistic, lore-friendly fashion.
Hold Border Banners
Author: Thicketford
Version: 1.0
Overrides: Noble Skyrim
Mod Notes: This mod adds banners along roadsides at the boundaries of two holds. The banner will show which hold is being entered. If unsure which hold the banner represents, simply target it and the name of the hold will appear.
HQ Paper
Author: Anarin
Version: 2.3
Mod Notes: This mod adds new paper to various objects in the world of Skyrim. The items included are: Books, notes, business ledgers, rolls of paper, scrolls, battle maps and the corresponding world objects (such as open books, notes on the wall, etc).
Peltapalooza - Pelts of Skyrim Expansion
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.2 (Full)
Overrides: Noble Skyrim
Mod Notes: This mod increases the number of pelts used by the game from the default 3 to 9 and adds new higher quality textures.
Realistic Boat Bobbing
Author: Gandaganza
Version: 2.4.8

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Mod Notes: Ever wondered why boats don't bob while in water? Bethesda made a great job adding idle animations to boats but unfortunately never added them to the game due to clipping issues. This mod fixes it.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
- Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships - Overhauled
- Falskaar
- No Snow Under The Roof
- Static Mesh Improvement Mod
- Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Realistic HD Food
Author: HalkHogan
Version: 0.22 (High Quality)
Overrides: Static Mesh Improvement Mod, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality retexture for a variety of food items in Skyrim.
Realistic HD Food & Beverages - Havok Physics Fix
Author: sialivi
Version: 1.0a

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Overrides: Realistic HD Food, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Rens HD Shrines
Author: Rengel
Version: 2.0

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Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality lore friendly retexture of the divine shrines.
Retexture For Soup
Author: quilb
Version: 1.3 (For SMIM Mesh - Poor Version)
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality retexture of the various soups in Skyrim.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Revamped Assets Skyrim
Author: jeclxohko
Version: 0.31 (High)

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Special Installation: After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- meshes/furniture/workbenches/disenchantworkbench01.nif
- meshes/furniture/workbenches/enchanting*.nif
- meshes/furniture/enchanting*.nif
- meshes/loadscreenart/loadscreenenchantingworkbench.nif
- textures/jiffymm/ras folder
Mod Notes: This mod gives new form, design and definition to the vanilla assets of Skyrim whilst still respecting the original design scheme.
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.5 (2K)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- textures/architecture/whiterun/Thumbs.db (Mistakenly packed file.)
- textures/architecture/windhelm/Thumbs.db (Mistakenly packed file.)
- textures/clutter/common/Thumbs.db (Mistakenly packed file.)
Overrides: Enhanced Lights and FX, Noble Skyrim, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality mesh and texture for all the rugs found throughout the game.
Rustic Alchemy and Enchanting Tables
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.0 (2k)
Optionals: Retex of Revamped Alchemy Lab HD - 2K
Overrides: Noble Skyrim, Revamped Assets Skyrim, Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Mod Notes: This mod is a rustic overhaul of the alchemy and enchanting tables of Skyrim. The aim is to bring real antiquity to these arcane crafting tables as is fitting of their ancient origin.
Rustic Clutter Collection
Author: Gamwich
Version: 2.3.1 (2k)
Overrides: Noble Skyrim, Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Mod Notes: This mod is a hi-res and lore-friendly retexture of Skyrim dinnerware, pottery, silverware/goldware, and wine bottles. The original color scheme was preserved for the most part. The pots, plates, and cups have the greens and golds of the Whiterun interiors, and the larger flowerpots and urns have the blue hues of Solitude and the Blue Palace, where those items are prominently featured.
Rustic Cooking Station
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.1 (2k)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- textures/architecture/whiterun/Thumbs.db (Mistakenly packed file.)
Overrides: Noble Skyrim
Mod Notes: This mod is a retexture of the cooking apparatus in its three versions: fire spit, stand, and pedestal. It includes retextures for the stew, cooked beef, cooked venison, and cooked goat.
Rustic Elderscroll
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.0 (2k)
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality retexture of the ancient Elderscroll that features prominently as a quest item in both the main story and Dawnguard DLC.
Rustic Oven - Hearthfires
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.1 (SparrowDome Edition - 2k)
Mod Notes: This mod is a retexture of the Hearthfires DLC oven. The revised mesh allows the dome of the oven to have it's own separate texture which helps alleviate some of the blurriness that afflicted the regular version.
Rustic Potions and Poisons
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.1 (2k)
Mod Notes: This mod is a lore-friendly retexture of the potions and poisons found throughout Skyrim.
Rustic Soulgems
Author: Gamwich
Version: 2.0 (2k - Unsorted)
Mod Notes: This mod features hi-res textures and modified meshes. The soul gems now have transparency and a subtle animated color-shifting effect. Each soul gem has it's own diffuse texture, rather than sharing textures as in the default version. The soul gem holders have also been retextured.
Septim HD
Author: Crypton
Version: 1.0
Special Installation: Install only the contents of Alternates/Default BBP/Mipmaps.
Mod Notes: This mod is a HD replacement for the default Septim without breaking default design.
Spice of Life - Clutter
Author: steveowashere
Version: 1.07 (Both Main Files)

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Overrides: Animated Clutter, Noble Skyrim, Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Mod Notes: This is a series of mods that will give Skyrim a less repetitive nature by introducing many unique and varied items to the game.
Stunning Statues of Skyrim
Author: AnTiWoMaAgNoT
Version: 1.3

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How to use flags
Choose your statues
Next |
Special Installation: After installation, copy and rename the following files as indicated:
- meshes/architecture/winterhold/magestatue.nif -> meshes/prometheus/architecture/statuessnow/magestatuesnow.nif
- meshes/clutter/Mehrunes/shrinemehrunes01.nif -> meshes/prometheus/architecture/statuessnow/mehrunesdagonsnow.nif
- meshes/clutter/statues/malacathstatue01.nif -> meshes/prometheus/architecture/statuessnow/malacathstatuesnow.nif
- meshes/clutter/statues/shrineofazura01.nif -> meshes/prometheus/architecture/statuessnow/azurastatuesnow.nif
- meshes/clutter/statues/statuedibella.nif -> meshes/prometheus/architecture/statuessnow/statuedibellasnow.nif
- meshes/clutter/statues/statueofmeridia01.nif -> meshes/prometheus/architecture/statuessnow/statueofmeridiasnow.nif
This will provide these meshes for use by the No Snow Under The Roof mod to be installed later in the guide.
Overrides: Unofficial High Resolution Patch
Mod Notes: This mod is high quality meshes and texture for the statues of Skyrim.
Subliminal Traps 2
Author: Mr Dave
Version: 2.1 + Sovngarde Edition

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Mod Notes: This mod makes traps much harder to detect prior to setting them off. Gone are the easily found pressure plates and tripwires... a keen eye is needed to watch for those traps now!
The Notice Board Redefined
Author: fadingsignal
Version: 1.0 (4K)
Overrides: The Notice Board
Mod Notes: Adds real 3D paper and nail meshes, with all new hi-res notes and wood textures to The Notice Board.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
The Notice Board
Weathered Road Signs
Author: Nimbli Bimbli
Version: 1.5
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- textures/tos_* folders
- Weathered Road Signs Readme.txt
- Weathered Road Signs.esp (Prefer Point the Way)
Overrides: Noble Skyrim
Mod Notes: This mod provides new worn and weathered road signs that remain legible for the player.
White Phial Replacer
Author: Saerileth
Version: 1.2

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Mod Notes: This replacer features a brand new, unique shape for both the broken and repaired White Phial bottles.
Landscape and Environment
A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads
Author: IcePenguin
Version: 8.4

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Special Installation: After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Readmes folder
Overrides: The Ruffled Feather - Mod Collection
Mod Notes: This mod increases the world map texture quality and adds roads which should be documented on any good map.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
aMidianborn Caves
Author: CaBaL120
Version: 3 (2k)
Overrides: Noble Skyrim, Static Mesh Improvement Mod, Unofficial High Resolution Patch, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality retexture of all the caves and mine interiors.
aMidianborn Solsteim Landscape
Author: CaBaL120
Version: 1.0 (2k)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- textures/dlc02/landscape/dlc2basaltcolumnsingle*.dds (High Resolution DLC is superior.)
- textures/dlc02/landscape/dlc2basaltside*.dds (High Resolution DLC is superior.)
- textures/dlc02/landscape/ (High Resolution DLC is superior.)
- textures/dlc02/landscape/ (High Resolution DLC is superior.)
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality retexture of the Solsteim landscape.
Ash Rocks
Author: michaelrw
Version: 1.2.1 Ash Rocks + 0.3.BETA Sulfur Rocks

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Special Installation: After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File:
- AshRocks_1.2.0_readme.txt
Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Sulfer Rocks:
- Screenshots folder
- SulfurRocks v0.3 readme.txt
Mod Notes: This mod adds proper ash in appropriate locations on certain mountains and rocks in the Dragonborn DLC.
Better Falskaar and Wyrmstooth Map With Roads
Author: dastrokes
Version: 1.1 (Falskaar Optional)
Overrides: Falskaar
Mod Notes: This mod improves the quality and add main roads to the maps of Falskaar.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Deathbell HD
Author: fadingsignal
Version: 1.1 (2k)
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality retexture of the Deathbell plants in Skyrim.
Author: ramccoid
Version: 1.0 (Optional File)

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Overrides: Vivid Weathers
Mod Notes: This mod retextures the blurry drops which are seen dripping in dungeons and caves.
Dynamic Snow For Map
Author: Hritik Vaishnav -SkyrimENB
Version: V8 (Type 2)
Mod Notes: This mod improves the look of the dynamic snow on the world map.
Embers HD
Author: mindflux
Version: 1.32

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Special Installation: After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- meshes/furniture/workbenches/alchemyworkstation01.nif (Preserve Revamped Assets Skyrim version.)
- meshes/furniture/alchemyworkstation.nif (Preserve Revamped Assets Skyrim version.)
- meshes/furniture/alchemyworkbench.nif (Preserve Revamped Assets Skyrim version.)
Overrides: Static Mesh Improvement Mod, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, Vivid Weathers
Mod Notes: This is a small mod that makes embers found in various fire sources around the game world more aesthetically pleasing.
HD Enhanced Terrain
Author: Hritik Vaishnav
Version: PRO (Blended)
Overrides: The Ruffled Feather - Mod Collection
Mod Notes: This mod gives a more detailed "grass-like" effect to terrain at long-distance.
HD-LOD Buildings
Author: Abendaron
Version: fullV2.0 (512)
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality retexture of building LODs in Solitude, Riften, Whiterun, Windhelm, and Dwemer ruins to match the textures of Noble Skyrim.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
HD Stone Quarry and Clay Deposit for Hearthfire
Author: skyrimaguas
Version: 1.0 (2K)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Readme HD StoneQuarry&ClayDep.txt
Mod Notes: High definition texture and mesh replacers for the Stone Quarry and Clay Deposit resources added by the Hearthfire DLC which until now has very few replacers available (none for the clay deposit yet). These are hand-made, high-quality textures done from scratch. Meshes are also modified to reduce the stretching (obvious in vanilla) and to enable Parallax effect.
High Quality 3D Map
Author: Ethatron
Version: 2.0 (Meshes Hi-Res and Normals Original)
Optionals(Normals Original): 04 - Ultra 2048x2048
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s) in Meshes Hi-Res:
- Docs folder
- HQ3DMap.txt
Mod Notes: This mod increases the accuracy of the world map terrain.
High Quality LODs
Author: Ethatron
Version: 2.1 (Meshes Hi-Res + Normals Original)
Optionals(In Archive):
Normals Original:
- 03 - High 256x256
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Docs folder
- HQLODs.txt
Mod Notes: This mod is a replacer for all of the landscape LOD meshes and normals.
Lightning During Thunder Storms
Author: Minty
Version: 23.0
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- readmes folder
Mod Notes: This mod adds lightning effects to snow and thunder storms.
Moon Glow
Author: isoku
Version: 1.01
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- MoonGlow.txt
Mod Notes: Masser and Secunda now glow. The fuller the moon, the brighter the glow. Glow is more apparent behind clouds and/or near the horizon.
No Snow Under The Roof
Author: Prometheus
Version: 2.3
Optionals: Realistic Room Rental Enhanced Compatibility Patch by CJ2311/Neovalen

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Special Installation: After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- meshes\prometheus\architecture\statuessnow folder (Better-Shaped Talos Statue with Greatsword and Stunning Statues of Skyrim will provide these meshes.)
Mod Notes: This mod adds new 3d anow on structures in snowy areas as well as improves the snow in several wilderness areas. Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Northfires Skidmarks
Author: SgtPetterzon
Version: 1.0
Optionals: Northfire's Dragons Footprint 2K
Mod Notes: This mod is not a texture replacer for someones dirty underwear but a texture replacer for the ditch dragons make when they crash and their footprints.
Pilgrims Delight - High Hrothgar Shrine Retextures
Author: Kotep
Version: 1.1 (Zul Do Dov)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Readme.txt
Mod Notes: How sad it must be for the poor pilgrims to the shrines on the Throat of the World to have to spend all that time squinting at muddy, illegible textures on those plaques. Well, praise be Talos because the Imperial Heritage Society has just commissioned a renovation of the plaques, now in freshly-carved runes!
Real Ice
Author: Yuril
Version: 3 (All-In-One Installer)

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Overrides: Noble Skyrim
Mod Notes: This mod retextures the vanilla glaciers and ice formations into a more realistic combination of snow with ice.
Real Roads for Skyrim
Author: dukefx
Version: 1.01 (Loose Files) + Fixed Mesh by MrTroublemaker
Optionals: Real Roads for Skyrim (Dawnguard and Dragonborn)
Mod Notes: This mod adds real 3d roads to Skyrim.
Realistic Aspen Trees
Author: AceeQ
Version: 3.4
Optionals: RAT 3.4 Billboards for TES5LodGen

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Mod Notes: Why have the aspen trees in Skyirm all the same color? This simple modification recolors the aspen trees in yellow-green, red, and orange colors.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Realistic Smoke and Embers
Author: isoku
Version: 1.4 (Medium)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- textures/effects/ (Vivid Weathers is superior.)
Mod Notes: Higher detailed, new textures related to embers and smoke.
Realistic Water Two
Author: Isoku
Version: 1.11
Optionals: Realistic Water Two - ENB Textures

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Mod Notes: This is Realistic Water Textures revived and remade from scratch. New water surface textures were carefully crafted in an attempt to imitate the fluid motion of water. Lake, pond, river and ocean water are now visually and aurally distinct from each other. Various water effects have also been modified.
LOOT Metadata Update Required: (Updating Guide)
- RealisticWaterTwo.esp - Load After BFT Ships and Carriages.esp, Realistic Boat Bobbing.esp (Add To Existing List)
Rustic Monuments and Tombstones
Author: SparrowPrince and Gamwich
Version: 2.6

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Overrides: Enhanced Lights and FX, Noble Skyrim, Project Parallax Revived, Static Mesh Improvement Mod, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod is a retexture of the Windhelm monument wall, kings stones, and tombstones including an improved collision mesh for the wall.
Rustic Nordic Murals
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.0 (2K)
Mod Notes: This mod is a retexture of the carved stone murals found in Nordic ruins. They are commonly seen in the inner sanctum areas where the puzzle doors are found. The vanilla textures are not very detailed, and the murals are quite large, so the designs tend to be a bit hard to make out.
Serious HD Retexture Skyrim
Author: Z4G4
Version: 2.0 (2048)
Special Installation: Install only the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- textures/dlc02/landscape/
- textures/dlc02/landscape/volcanic_ash_darkcliff_01*.dds
- textures/dlc02/landscape/volcanic_ash_rocks_01*.dds
- textures/dlc02/landscape/
- textures/dlc02/landscape/volcanic_ash_tundra_03*.dds
Mod Notes: This is a high quality landscape retexture for all of Skyrim. For the purposes of the guide, only select textures are used.
Skyrim Flora Overhaul
Author: Vurt
Version: 2.5b
Optionals: SFO Billboards for 2.5b (updated), Large Juniper Trees (updated), Tall Pines (Scots Pine Replacement)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File:
- textures/landscape/fieldgrass02*.dds (Noble Skyrim is superior.)
DynDOLOD Billboards Optional:
- textures/terrain/LODGen/Skyrim.esm/TreeAspen* (Preserve Realistic Aspen Trees billboards.)
Install only the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Large Juniper Trees Optional:
- meshes folder
- textures/landscape folder
- textures/terrain/LODGen/Skyrim.esm/florajuniper*
Tall Pines Optional:
- meshes/landscape/trees folder
- textures/terrain/LODGen/Skyrim.esm/TreePineForest04*
Overrides: Noble Skyrim, Realistic Aspen Trees, Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Mod Notes: This mod overhauls the Skyrim landscape with better looking flora.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Telvanni Reborn
Author: Mystery Modder
Version: 1.0 (2048)
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality retexture of the Telvanni area of Solsteim.
Trees HD - Skyrim Variation
Author: namotep
Version: 1.6 (Ultra)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- meshes folder
- textures/landscape/trees/treepineforestbarkcomp3*.dds
- textures/landscape/trees/Vurt_Pine*.dds
Overrides: Noble Skyrim, Skyrim Flora Overhaul
Mod Notes: This mod is an add-on for "Skyrim Flora Overhaul" by Vurt with different trunks, which are more in the style of the original game.
Trees HD - Skyrim Variation - Upgrade and Fix
Author: Pfuscher aka Zerwas1
Version: 1.0
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- textures/landscape/trees/treepineforestbarkcomp3*.dds
Overrides: Skyrim Flora Overhaul, Trees HD - Skyrim Variation
Mod Notes: This mod fixes a seam in a bark texture and has twice the performance with the exact same visual quality as the original Trees HD - Skyrim Variation.
Ultimate HD Fire Effects
Author: BuzzDee84
Version: 1.9 (Medium Resolution)
Optionals: Ultimate HD Candle Flames
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File:
- meshes/clutter folder (Static Mesh Improvement Mod is superior.)
- meshes/effects folder (Embers HD is superior.)
- textures/effects/ (Vivid Weathers is superior.)
- textures/effects/ (Vivid Weathers is superior.)
Overrides: Vivid Weathers
Mod Notes: This mod retextures fire throughout the game.
Vivid Landscapes - All In One
Author: Hein84
Version: 2.8 (2048 Loose Files)
Optionals: Enhanced Lights and FX Compatibility Patch, Moss Rocks - Compatibility Patch, SMIM Farmhouse Stuff, Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Ground from Skyrim HD in 2k
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File:
- meshes/clutter/pelts folder (Peltapalooza is superior.)
- meshes/traps/pressureplate folder (Preserve Subliminal Traps 2 Meshes.)
- textures/architecture/farmhouse/pelt*.dds (Peltapalooza is superior.)
- textures/terrain/ (HD Enhanced Terrain is superior.)
Overrides: Animated Clutter, Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD, Enhanced Lights and FX, Noble Skyrim, Static Mesh Improvement Mod, No Stretching, Realistic Water Two, The Ruffled Feather - Mod Collection, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, Vivid Weathers
Mod Notes: This mod adds high quality meshes and textures which enhance various terrain and objects with parallax depth effects.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
- ENB Series Graphics Modification
- Enhanced Lights and FX
- Static Mesh Improvement Mod
- The Ruffled Feather - Mod Collection
Vivid Landscapes - Castle Volkihar
Author: Hein84
Version: 1.3 (2048 Uncompressed Normals)
Optionals: ELFX Compatibility Patch
Overrides: Enhanced Lights and FX, Noble Skyrim, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod adds high quality meshes and textures which enhance Castle Volkinar from the Dawnguard DLC with parallax depth effects.
Webs Extended
Author: ramccoid
Version: 3.0 (2048)
Optionals: Animated Clutter 1_9 Compatibility Patch
Overrides: Animated Clutter, Enhanced Lights and FX, Vivid Weathers
Mod Notes: This mod replaces and adds more unique and diverse textures, than the usual 3 used by the vanilla game, to spider webs, cobwebs and egg sacs placements throughout the entire game world.
Wiseman303s Flora Fixes
Author: wiseman303
Version: 2.01
Optionals: SMIM Patch

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- docs folder
Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s) in the optional file:
- docs folder
Overrides: Static Mesh Improvement Mod, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: When flora is harvested in Skyrim it remains harvested in the save forever. Even though harvested flora seems to reset normally while playing, if a save is loaded in the same cell all plants will be harvested again. This mod fixes that issue.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Wonders of Weather
Author: isoku
Version: 1.01

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Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Alternate Summoning Visuals
Author: TheGreyLight
Version: 1.0 (No ESP)
Mod Notes: This is a small mod which replaces the large purple ball effect that occurs when a creature is summoned, with an effect that looks a lot more subtle and arcane.
Burn Freeze Shock Effects
Author: pauderek
Version: 3.6 (Loose)
Optionals: BFS Effects 3_6 - Dragonborn Dawnguard
Mod Notes: This mod allows magic to set fire to enemies upon death, cause lightning to course through their corpses, and even freeze them.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Deadly Spell Impacts
Author: isoku
Version: 1.6.1 (Medium)

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Enhanced Blood Textures
Author: dDefinder1
Version: 3.6c

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Mod Notes: This mod makes a bloodier combat experience for both player and npcs with higher resolution and detailed textures with additional features such as decapitated spasms, blood drops when low health, blood pools, green blood for spiders and oil for machines.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Author: jonwd7
Version: 1.0
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File:
- Footprints.bsl
- Footprints.txt
Mod Notes: This mod adds footprints to the player, NPCs, and creatures in ash and snow.
Author: ramccoid
Version: 2.0 (2048)
Mod Notes: This retextures the effect which is displayed when the player absorbs the soul of a dragon. The effect is more colourful and with more soul streaks to make a change from the default.
Expanded Cities, Towns, and Villages
Books of Skyrim
Author: MannyGT
Version: 1.1
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Books of Skyrim - Readme.txt
Mod Notes: This mod adds a books store in Solitude similar to previous Elder Scrolls games. This allows the player to buy clutter books and grow their home library.
Farmhouse Chimneys
Author: Scarla
Version: 2.6

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Optionals: Thinner Mesh Parallax Patch
Mod Notes: This mod adds chimneys to farmhouses that have fireplaces inside. It includes smoke effects for the chimneys, and snow shaders where applicable.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Spice of Life - Forts
Author: steveowashere
Version: 1.0.5

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Special Installation: After installation, install this custom ESP that uses NSUTR - Merged.esp as a master and incorporates the Better Dynamic Snow patch.
Overrides: No Stretching, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, Vivid Landscapes - All In One
Mod Notes: This mod has a very simple premise: Give forts more variety in terms of looks. It does this by assigning different forts different textures. The result is that most of Skyrim's forts have a unique variation on textures, instead of the same textures being used for every single fort.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
- aMidianBorn Imperial Forts
- Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD
- No Snow Under The Roof
- The Ruffled Feather - Mod Collection
Late Loaders
aMidianBorn Imperial Forts
Author: CaBaL120
Version: 2 (2k)
Optionals: amb forts exterior wall vanilla style 2k
Special Installation: Download the optional manually and install the *.dds files contained within to <Mod Organizer>/mods/Spice of Life - Forts/textures/SpiceOfLife/Forts/AmbFortsVanillaStyle/Imperial.
Overrides: Noble Skyrim
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality texture replacer for the whole imperial fort set with parallax support.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Blowing in the Wind
Author: sialivi
Version: 1.7

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Special Installation: After installation, replace the installed Blowing in the Wind.esp with this one to resolve a conflict with ELFX - Exteriors.
Overrides: Books of Skyrim, Falskaar, No Snow Under The Roof, Project Parallax Revived, Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Mod Notes: Skyrim is a windy region, yet the store and inn signs are uneffected by the strong winds. This simple immersion mod enables all signs to react to the wind.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
The Creatures Of Skyrim
Vanilla Creature Retextures and Tweaks
Ancient Dwemer Metal
Author: SRW0
Version: 1.06 (Ancient Automatons 2k + Ancient Dwemer Metal 2k)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folders(s):
Ancient Dwemer Metal:
- meshes/clutter/containers/dwesoulgemcontainer01.nif (Preserves Animated Clutter animations.)
Overrides: Noble Skyrim, Static Mesh Improvement Mod, Unofficial High Resolution Patch, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: Work in progress retexture of all the Dwemer automatons and all associated paraphernalia.
Bellyaches HD Dragon Replacer Pack
Author: Wrig675
Version: 1.3
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Bellyache's Vanilla Dragonreplacer README.txt
Overrides: Unofficial High Resolution Patch, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality retexture of the Skyrim dragons.
Happy Horker - Rustic Retexture for HD Horker
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.0 (2k)
Mod Notes: This mod is a hi-res retexture of the HD Horker mod.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
HD Horker
Author: Pfuscher
Version: 1.0 (Horker)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- textures folder (Happy Horker is superior.)
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality mesh of the Horker.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
High-Res Dartwing Texture
Author: WankingSkeever
Version: 1.02
Mod Notes: This mod is a high resolution retexture for the dragonflies in Skyrim.
Lepidoptera of Skyrim
Author: Impulseman45
Version: 2.0b (For Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul)
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, Wiseman303s Critter Fixes
Mod Notes: Lepidoptera is the family of insects that contains Butterflies and Moths. This mod adds new high resolution textures and alters the meshes to fit the wings the right way.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Pondfish and Salmon Replacer
Author: Nexus79
Version: 1.2
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- meshes/critters/fish/pond fish/pondfish*.nif (Wiseman303s Critter Fixes already includes these changes and more.)
- meshes/critters/fish/salmon folder (Wiseman303s Critter Fixes already includes these changes and more.)
Overrides: Unofficial High Resolution Patch, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod gives pond fish and salmon better, more realistic textures.
Rustic Death Hound
Author: Gamwich
Version: 1.0 (2k)
Mod Notes: This mod is a hi-res retexture of the Death Hound from the Dawnguard DLC.
Rustic Gargoyle
Author: Gamwich
Version: 2.0 (2k)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- textures/dlc01 folder (Vivid Landscapes - Castle Volkihar provides a statue texture that better matches the surroundings.)
Mod Notes: This mod is a hi-res retexture of the Gargoyles from the Dawnguard DLC.
Vampire Lord Retexture
Author: Dr Fring
Version: 1.3 (Armored)
Optionals: Light Face Patch Fixed Seams
Mod Notes: An alternative texture for the vampire lord.
Animal Companions and Mounts
Horses Revamped
Author: DServant
Version: 1.0 (Animations Optional)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- meshes/actors/horse/animations/idle.hkx (Only Using Base Animations)
- meshes/actors/horse/behavior folder (Only Using Base Animations)
- meshes/actors/horse/characters folder (Only Using Base Animations)
- DSerHorsesRevamped.esp (Only Using Base Animations)
Mod Notes: This mod revamps horse animations to be more realistic.
Immersive Horses
Author: sevencardz
Version: 2.0
Optionals: Immersive Horses 2K Horse Textures

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Mod Notes: This mod is a lightweight horse overhaul for Skyrim which aims to improve on nearly every aspect of horses while remaining as true as possible to the original game. A follower system designed specifically for horses is also incorporated which adds a range of new commands and options for horses far beyond the simple vanilla mount and dismount functionality.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
The Elder Scrolls V Rewritten - Arvak
Author: Oriius
Version: 1.1.1

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Mod Notes: This mod makes Bethesda's plastic skeletal horse look real.
New Creatures and Encounters
Deadly Dragons
Author: 3JIou
Version: 6.4.1b

Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.Mod Notes: Deadly Dragons is a mod with a singular purpose; make dragons the feared & powerful creatures they supposedly are. If a single giant or small group of bandits can take down an ancient dragon, why the hell does Skyrim need the Dovahkiin to save it?
Deadly Dragons Script Patch
Author: Tommy2368
Version: 1.3
Overrides: Deadly Dragons
Mod Notes: This mod fixes several errors in the original Deadly Dragons script files.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Skyrim Immersive Creatures
Author: lifestorock
Version: 6.5.2b

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Mod Notes: This mod adds dozens of new creatures to the world of Skyrim with the goal to enhance the game experience. The original vanilla creatures are very well made, but lack in variety. This needed variety arrives with this mod. All creatures, monsters and enemies fit the original vanilla art style. So there will not be any stuff imported from other games.
The People of Skyrim
Dynamic Patches
Author: The ASIS Team
Version: 1.42.5H
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Docs folder
Mod Notes: This mod is designed to modify NPCs for additional perks, spells, etc. Currently, for the purposes of this guide it is only used to fix enchantments not working for NPCs. NPCs can only get the effects from some armor enchantments by default. This is because some enchantments require a specific perk to be effective and only the player has the perk. This adds the required perk to every NPC in the game so they can get full benefit from enchanted items.
Beards, Brows, and Hair
Author: Hvergelmir
Version: 2.0 (High)
Mod Notes: This mod replaces the existing beards with high resolution hand painted beards that are true to the vanilla style, but look so much more photo realistic. Beards also feature added beard styles that were present in the Skyrim files, but not enabled in game.
Author: Hvergelmir
Version: 3.1 (High)
Mod Notes: This mod replaces the existing eyebrows with high resolution hand painted eyebrows that are true to the vanilla style, but look so much more photo realistic. Brows also feature added brow styles that will be added along the way as the mod develops.
KS Hairdos - Renewal
Author: Kalilies Stealthic Khaos and Shocky
Version: 1.3 (Main File + Hotfix)
Mod Notes: This mod adds a large number of high quality hair styles to the character creator.
KS Hairdos - Renewal Breast Weight Painted Hair
Author: Gamefever
Version: 1.01 (Main File + Update)
Optionals: Female Kajiit and Argonian HDT Headmesh Enabled, Full Bounce Kit
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Full Bounce Kit Optional:
- skse folder (Too much bounce.)
Overrides: KS Hairdos - Renewal
Mod Notes: This mod adapts KS Hairdos long hair styles to move along with a female characters breast bone to help stop clipping during animations.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
More Realistic Hair
Author: Ichibu
Version: 1.0
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- readme.txt
Mod Notes: This mod retextures hair for a more realistic appearance.
Superior Lore-Friendly Hair
Author: skyrimaguas
Version: 2.03 (All-In-One)

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Mod Notes: This mod is a texture replacer for vanilla hair - meaning, it doesn't need any esp nor it will not install new hairstyles to the game - it will just change the appearance of vanilla hair.
The Eyes of Beauty
Author: LogRaam
Version: 10.0.1 (Main File + Update)
Optionals: Dawnguard Update
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Player Main File:
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyeargonianamber*.dds
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyeargonianaqua*.dds
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyeargonianblind*.dds
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyeargonianblue*.dds
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyeargonianbrown*.dds
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyeargoniandefault*.dds
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyeargonianolive*.dds
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyeargonianred*.dds
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyeargoniansilver*.dds
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyeargonianvampire*.dds
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyeargonianyellow*.dds
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyekhajiitblue*.dds
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyekhajiitice*.dds
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyekhajiitorange*.dds
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/eyekhajiityellow*.dds
- Textures/Actors/Character/eyes/
Dawnguard Optional:
- babette.esp
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: The Eyes of Beauty offers many new eyes textures for player and NPCs. All texture are high resolution and are made for the best result in Skyrim. No other eyes will be so real and unique.
Manual TES5Edit Cleaning Required:
Problem: Wild worldspace edit, a commonly occuring problem with the Creation Kit. Loading any worldspace causes it to be marked as "edited".
Solution: Delete the wild worldspace edit.
Open TES5Edit then select TheEyesofBeauty.esp and click [OK]. Right-click TheEyesofBeauty.esp>"Worldspace" and select "Remove". Click the [X] in the upper right hand corner, uncheck "Backup plugins", and click [OK].
Scars, Tints, and Warpaints
Better Makeup for SKSE
Author: Diethardt
Version: 1.0b (High Res Female Face Makeup For SKSE + High Res Male Face Makeup for SKSE + High Res Vanilla Male and Female Blackblood Warpaints for SKSE)
Mod Notes: This mod is a replacer for the vanilla makeup and lip tints in high res 2048x2048 for increased quality. As a bonus, also includes a high res version of the Blackblood warpaint.
Northborn Scars
Author: Northborn
Version: 1.1
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- readme.txt
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality retexture of the vanilla scars and adds a few new ones.
XCE - Warpaint and Dirt
Author: Xenius
Version: 1.0
Optional Files: Beast Tints
Mod Notes: This mod is a replacer for the vanilla warpaints in high res 2048x2048 for increased quality.
Skin and Body
Better Males
Author: Chris57 and FavoredSoul
Version: 2.3.2 (Faces - GeonoxFaces + Nudes - FavoredSoulMeshes - FlaccidVersion or Underwear - Default)
Optionals(In Archive):
Faces - GeonoxFaces:
- Smooth Normal Map
Nudes - FavoredSoulMeshes - FlaccidVersion or Underwear - Default:
- Body Hair Level 3
Special Installation: Do not install the following files(s) and/or folder(s):
Nudes or Underwear file:
- textures/actors/character/character assets folder (Better Makeup for SKSE and XCE - Warpaints and Dirt are superior.)
- textures/actors/character/male/facedetails/face*.dds (Northborn Scars is superior.)
After installation, navigate to <Mod Organizer Path>/Mods/Better Males/textures/actors/character/male and make a copy of the following files and rename them as specified:
- Copy of ->
- Copy of ->
This will give male vampires a normal appearance (no bat features) with the new eyes. This way vampires can blend in with society given some stealth, not stick out like a sore thumb.
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod is a male body mod that changes the shape of the male form in Skyrim. It also changes face textures and normals for an altered and improved appearance without taking away the manliness.
Author: MrLenski
Version: 1.0 (Female)
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality retexture of Khajiit faces. As a note, the male version is already included in Better Males.
Forgotten Argonian Roots
Author: redtox
Version: Latest (4k)
Optionals(In Archive):
- Males/Better Males Body
- Females/UNP/MAIN
Special Installation: After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- textures/actors/character/argonianfemale/* (The specular maps are incorrect)
- textures/actors/character/argonianmale/* (The specular maps are incorrect)
Overrides: Better Males
Mod Notes: This mod is a retexture of Argonian skin which makes it more real-looking and close to real members of reptile family. Males were made closer to crocodiles. Females have snake-based skin texture.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Khajiit body replacer for UNP and CBBE
Author: Shadowwolf888
Version: 1.4 (darker nipple remove pawprint tattoo update file)
Mod Notes: This mod is a Khajiit female body retexture for UNP.
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Mature Skin Texture and Body
Author: Maevan2
Version: 2.14

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Mod Notes: This mods replaces the textures and normal maps of females with less flawless and more "mature" look. But don't worry, it won't turn the player character into a granny. It will just turn teenagers into real women.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
RS Children Overhaul
Author: Ranaline
Version: 1.1.0
Optionals: RSChildren - Books of Skyrim Patch, RSChildren - Merged Complete and USKP .esp

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Special Installation: After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- RSChildren - Complete.esp (Merged Complete and USKP esp optional removes the need for this esp.)
- RSChildren_PatchUSKP.esp (Merged Complete and USKP esp optional removes the need for this esp.)
Replace the RSChildren_CompleteUSKP.esp with the version found here that uses the new Unofficial Skyrim Patch Legendary Edition as a master.
Replace the child vampire eye texture included with this mod with The Eyes of Beauty - Dawnguard:
- The Eyes of Beauty - Dawnguard/textures/actors/character/eyes/ -> RS Children Overhaul/textures/actors/character/ranaline/eyes/
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, Vivid Weathers
Mod Notes: This mod fixes children to no longer look like cabbage patch dolls.
RS Children Patches
Author: Ranaline and Thorodir
Version: 1.2 (Patch for Falskaar)
Mod Notes: Compatibility patches between RS children and various mods.
UNP Blessed Body Redux Project
Author: Blessed Redux Project Team
Version: 2.5.2FIX

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Mod Notes: This mod is a female body mod that changes the shape of the female form in Skyrim. It is a variant of Dimon99's UNP Body with a wider cup size variation from 0 to 100 weight. At 0 weight, UNP and UNPB are identical.
Animation and Skeleton
360 Walk and Run Plus
Author: yukl
Version: 3.1.3

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Mod Notes: This mod replaces the walking and running animations animations to include a pseudo cloak movement effect to prevent clipping with the feet.
DSAMG - Dragon Soul Absorb More Glorious
Author: JonoPhoenix
Version: 1.0 (ALL-IN-ONE Installer)

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Mod Notes: Contrary to what is portrayed in Skyrim trailers and demos, in game dragon killing is pretty anti-climactic due to an unsatisfying, unemotional dragon soul absorb process. This mod's goal is to infuse some glory into dragon soul absorbing through simple sound and script edits.
Faster Get Up Stand Up Animation
Author: DarkAngel13
Version: 2.0
Mod Notes: This mod is an edit of the stand up get up animation to be twice as fast.
Fores New Idles In Skyrim - FNIS
Author: fore
Version: 6.3
Optionals: Creature Pack
Mod Notes: This mod allows the user to add and play new Idle Animations. It is also used by many mods as the required tool to include their custom idle animations into the game. This is done by adding new (mod specific) Behavior files.
HDT Physics Extensions
Author: HydrogensaysHDT
Version: 14.28
Mod Notes: HDT Physics Extension alleviates the problems associated with animation by actually using the physics engine that is part of the retail game. Through some creative use of SKSE, this plugin has provided a set of tools that create game physics objects that interact and respond to the world around them. A ponytail can bounce off a womans back, a cape can flow in any direction and boobs can bounce around and react to touch.
Immersive Animations
Author: Berzgore
Version: 2.1 (Complete Pack)

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Mod Notes: This mod provides improved animations for combat. This mod also provides animations to provide proper appearance for drawing daggers/swords/shields from the back for use with Dual Sheath Redux.
Blocking Animation Pack
Author: Spoiler
Version: 1.3
Special Installation: The archive is packed oddly, install twice merging the contents of the Dual Wield/data and Twohanded and Onehanded/data folders.
Overrides: Immersive Animations
Mod Notes: This mod is a blocking animation replacer for greatsword, battleaxe, warhammer, one-handed, and dual wield. The animations make it looks like attacks are deflected by the equipped weapon, pushing it aside to left or right.
Dual Wield Improved Animation
Author: 5poiler
Version: 1.7
Overrides: Immersive Animations
Mod Notes: This mod improves the dual wielding animations to be more fluid and actually use the off hand in a more non passive way even when swinging only one weapon. Also applies proper animations for the Dual Wield Parrying mod.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
NoMaaM Breathing Idles
Author: fore
Version: 0.1 (Female without BBB and Male Breathing Idles Optional)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- meshes/actors/character/animations/female folder (Updated version already supplied with UNP Blessed Body Redux Project.)
Mod Notes: This mod adds breathing motion to the male standard idles.
No Spinning Death Animation
Author: dDefinder
Version: 1.3 (Merged)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- spinmewrong.txt
Mod Notes: Simply removes the spinning around dance animation that they do before death, they will now just ragdoll when killed. Works for normal deaths and dying from a high fall. Includes death pose removal of dragons, falmer, and rieklings.
Realistic Ragdolls and Force
Author: dDefinder
Version: 1.9 (Realistic Force)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- fomod folder
- readme.txt
Mod Notes: Reduces the extra force applied on ragdolls to a more reasonable level and replaces ragdolls so that they bend and twist realistically and fall at a faster velocity. Increase friction to fix ice-like ragdoll sliding.
WWLMG - Word Wall Learning More Glorious
Author: Groovtama
Version: 1.2 (Greybeard Meditation - Dynamic)

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Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod contains edited word wall scripts that have small animation sequences added to them. If the player goes to a word wall and learns a new shout word there will be an animation.
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended
Author: Groovtama
Version: 3.88

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Animation Choices
Belt-Fastened Quivers Animations
Dagger on Hip - Dual - Animations
Dagger on Back - Single - Animations
Dagger on Back - Dual - Animations
Sword on Hip - Dual - Animations
Sword on Back - Single - Animations
Sword on Back - Dual - Animations
Next |
Overrides: Immersive Animations, Realistic Ragdolls and Force
Mod Notes: A multipurpose skeleton for animation that provides maximum compatibility between mods.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
NPCs and Behavior
Bring Out Your Dead
Author: Arthmoor
Version: 3.0.0
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.bsl
- Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.txt
Mod Notes: This mod is a simple yet immersive mod which expands on the number of graves given to the unique NPCs in areas of the game that don't currently have them. Solitude, Windhelm, Whiterun, Riften, and Markarth all have a Hall of the Dead that contains coffins and urns for various unique NPCs who live there. Their items are transferred to their assigned coffin when they die. The smaller cities of Falkreath, Morthal, Dawnstar, and Winterhold do not have these facilities, and neither do the other smaller villages and towns. NPCs living on farms outside the major hold capitols don't get buried in their Hall of the Dead either. This mod aims to correct this and provide for more uniform handling of everyone's dead. Falkreath and Morthal both have graveyards already and have been expanded slightly to hold more. Dawnstar, Winterhold, and the smaller villages all have space set aside for new graveyards. NPCs living on farms immediately outside the 5 major hold capitols will be given appropriate burial space in the Hall of the Dead for their city if they don't already have it.
Guard Dialogue Overhaul
Author: Eckss
Version: 1.4
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Guard Dialogue Overhaul ReadMe - 1_4.txt
Mod Notes: More Dialogue, More Realism, More Respect. This Mod alters the Guards' Dialogue, changing it from something that breaks immersion in the world of Skyrim to something that actually increases it.
Manual TES5Edit Cleaning Required:
Problem: Weapons and Armor Fixes includes all the keywords required for this mod, therefore the weapon and armor edits are not required and cause a compatibility issue.
Solution: Delete the weapon and armor edits.
Open TES5Edit then select Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp and click [OK]. Right-click Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp>"Armor" and select "Remove". Right-click Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp>"Weapon" and select "Remove". Click the [X] in the upper right hand corner, uncheck "Backup plugins", and click [OK].
Manual TES5Edit Cleaning Required:
Problem: A wild edit is overwriting a quest fix from the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.
Solution: Delete the offending edit.
Open TES5Edit then select Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp and click [OK]. Right-click Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp>"Quest">"000167D3 WICastMagic03" and select "Remove". Click the [X] in the upper right hand corner, uncheck "Backup plugins", and click [OK].
High Level Enemies - SIC Edition
Author: Dalquist and lifestorock
Version: 1.6a

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Mod Notes: This mod adds new enemies starting at level 10 for almost all of Skyrim's enemy types. The stats, skills, perks, spells, damage dealt and damage mitigated of each variant were adjusted to keep enemies in line with the player's natural progression so that the game continues to provide a challenge at higher levels. This edition is affected by Skyrim Immersive Creatures difficulty settings.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Author: isoku
Version: 2.0

Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.Mod Notes: Villages/cities will visually change as holidays based on TES lore come and go. NPCs will also react to these changes by attending various events appropriate for the holiday.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul
Author: Arnaud dOrchymont

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Mod Notes: This mods main objective is to greatly improve the Artificial Intelligence (AI) of friendly NPCs (citizens) in order to make them act and react like true humans in relation to an aggressor, thereby increasing in-game immersion. Concretely, this plugin deeply overhauls the AI used by NPCs citizens when they are in a “standard state” and in a “combat state”. The “alert state” is left untouched.
LOOT Metadata Update Required: (Updating Guide)
- Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp - Load After Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
Immersive Patrols
Author: Scrabbulor
Version: 2.0.3 (DLC Main Aggressive)
Mod Notes: Adds fully functional, scheduled patrols of almost every major faction across all DLCs, including Stormcloaks, Thalmor, Imperials, Dawnguard, Travelers, Merchants, Bandits, Skaal, Redoran, Reavers and Rieklings without cluttering the world. Also includes Warzones like battles with fort capture behavior.
OBIS - Organized Bandits in Skyrim
Author: Indigoblade aka Zeran Havik or cc229321
Version: 2.02 (Main File + Update)
Optionals: Obis - remove message bandits seem more common now V2
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File:
- Docs folder
Mod Notes: Lets admit it, bandits suck at life. They are a little better than aggressive townspeople. Bandits are supposed to be a feared and constant threat throughout the lands of Skyrim. This mod aims to make them an actual threat. Adds approximately 1172 new, individual, hand-made bandits, all with different faces so that the Dovahkiin might never see the same person twice!
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO
Author: cloudedtruth
Version: 1.1
Optionals: Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul Patch, Extensible Follower Framework v4.0.2 Patch, Immersive Horses Patch, USLEEP and Cutting Room Floor Patch
Mod Notes: This mod adds over 5,000 lines of completely voiced dialogue for NPCs to use, spanning more than 50 voice types, based on the relationship the NPC has with player that works with the existing dialogue from the game. All lines are voiced using the original voices from the game and consist of existing lines that have been added in new and suitable situations, as well as completely new dialogue created by editing multiple lines together to form brand new ones.
Friends talk to you more like friends. Followers have more much to say when speaking to them. If your spouse is a follower, he/she will talk to like a spouse instead of a generic follower. NPCs who dislike you (not bandits and forsworn, but citizens of towns and cities) will have more insults to say and may even completely stop talking to you if you continue to pester them.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
- Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul
- Cutting Room Floor
- Extensible Follower Framework
- Immersive Horses
- Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
LOOT Metadata Update Required: (Updating Guide)
- Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp - Load After Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp, Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
Respectful Guard Animations
Author: JeremeW5257
Version: 1.5 (Respectful Guard Animations Patch for Guard Dialogue Overhaul Optional)
Mod Notes: This mod adds the salute animation to some of the guards comments when they interact with the player. Anytime they pay a compliment, express gratitude or sympathy, or refer to the Dovahkiin as someone of power, they will salute when they talk.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Wet and Cold
Author: isoku
Version: 2.02

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Mod Notes: This mod adds dynamic wet and cold related effects. Water drips, NPCs wearing rain/snow gear, getting out of the rain, etc. Integrates items from Cloaks of Skyrim and Winter is Coming - Cloaks.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
The Armory of Skyrim
Dynamic Patches
Dual Sheath Redux
Author: Neovalen
Version: 1.7.3

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Standalone Mods
Akavari Katana Reborn
Alternate Blade of Woe
aMidianBorn Book of Silence
Arise - Chapter 1 - The Black Sacrament
Bosmer Armor
Bucklers - Shields and Other Armours
Campfire - Complete Camping System
Dark Nemesis - Enhanced Edition
Deadly Dragons Armory
Diamond Armor Smithing
Dragon Knight Armor
Dragonbone Ebonsteel Armor
Dread Knight Weapon Set
Elemental Staffs
Frostmourne and Lich Kings Armor - Frostmourne
Frostmourne and Lich Kings Armor - Lich King's Armor
Ghosus Weapon Pack
Gladiator Armor - Spartacus
Heavy Armory - New Weapons
Hybrids Vicious Weapon Pack
Immersive Armors
Immersive Weapons
Insanitys Dwemer Weapons
Insanitys Shields
Isilmeriel LOTR Weapons Collection
Lore Weapons Expansion
Nicoroshi Creations
OBIS - Organized Bandits In Skyrim
Realistic Transparent Glass Armors and Weapons
Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul
Skyforge Shields
Skyforge Weapons
Skyrim Immersive Creatures
Stahlrim Extra Crafting
Standalone09 Claw
Sword of the Ancient Tongues
T3nd0s Skyrim Redone
TERA Weapons Collection for Skyrim
The Chronicles of Steel
The Loners Sword
Ultimate Assortment
Unique Uniques
Vvardenfell Glass Armor and Weapons
Warglaives and Silverlight Armor
Warrior Within Weapons
Install |
Optionals: JaySuS Swords Pack (here, here, or here)
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, Vivid Weathers
Mod Notes: This mod allows left hand weapons and staves to be visible when sheathed. It also allows shields and staves to be stored on back when sheathed.
Vanilla Item Retextures and Tweaks
This section will also contain minor item changes or additions.
Aetherial Crown
Author: Saerileth
Version: 1.2

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Mod Notes: Are you disappointed by the cheap and unoriginal-looking design given to the Aetherial Crown? Then this mod is for you! It replaces the offending headgear with a brand new, lore-friendly design that is more in keeping with an ancient Dwarven relic. No longer does the crown need to hide in the closet from its shield and staff counterparts.
aMidianborn Blade of Woe
Author: CaBaL
Version: 1.1
Mod Notes: This mod is a texture replacer for the Blade of Woe. To be included in the next aMidianBorn Book of Silence update.
aMidianBorn Book of Silence
Author: CaBaL- EmeraldReign-The AMB Team
Version: 1.9 (All Main Files)
Optionals: aMidianBorn - Content AddOn

Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.FOMOD Instructions Armors |

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Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.FOMOD Instructions Dragonborn DLC |

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Targe of the Blooded
Savrior's Hide
Helm of Yngol
Mace of Molag Bal
Mehrune's Razor
Tsun's Armor
Ebony Mail
Staff of Magnus
Dragon Priest Masks
Install |
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
aMidianborn - Content AddOn:
- Improved Closefaced Helmets Version folder
- aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp (Instead, move the version found in the Improved Closefaced Helmets Version folder to the main data folder.)
- aMidianBorn_ContentAddOn_Installation directions.txt
After installation, perform the following:
- Rename the textures/actors/dlc02/ash folder to textures/actors/dlc02/ashman. (Dragonborn DLC file)
- Move the meshes/staffofmagnus folder to meshes/weapons/staffofmagnus. (Unique Items file)
Overrides: Static Mesh Improvement Mod, Unofficial High Resolution Patch, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, Vivid Landscapes - All In One
Mod Notes: This mod project aims to retexture all armor and weapons for Skyrim and it's DLC. Completely lore friendly with no over the top modifications. It also includes some creature retextures.
aMidianBorn Hide and Studded Hide
Author: CaBaL
Version: V2 (2048)
Mod Notes: This mod is a texture replacer for hide and studded hide armor sets. To be included in the next aMidianBorn Book of Silence update.
aMidianBorn Imperial Light and Studded
Author: CaBaL
Version: 1.1 (2k)
Mod Notes: This mod is a texture replacer for the light imperial armor sets (both regular and studded). To be included in the next aMidianBorn Book of Silence update.
aMidianBorn Iron and Banded Iron Armor
Author: CaBaL
Version: IV (CaBaL's Cut)
Mod Notes: This mod is a texture replacer for the iron and banded armor set. To be included in the next aMidianBorn Book of Silence update.
aMidianBorn Scaled Armor
Author: CaBaL
Version: V2
Mod Notes: This mod is a texture replacer for the scaled armor set. To be included in the next aMidianBorn Book of Silence update.
aMidianBorn Steel Armor
Author: CaBaL
Version: RC4
Overrides: aMidianBorn Book of Silence
Mod Notes: This mod is a texture replacer for the steel armor set. To be included in the next aMidianBorn Book of Silence update.
aMidianBorn Stormcloak Officer Armor
Author: CaBaL
Version: 1.0
Mod Notes: This mod is a texture replacer for the stormcloak officer armor set. To be included in the next aMidianBorn Book of Silence update.
Apophysis Dragon Priest Masks
Author: pondcypress
Version: 5.0a
Overrides: aMidianborn Book of Silence
Mod Notes: A retexture project of the Dragon Priest masks using my Apophysis Fractal Art.
Better Circlets HQ
Author: Yuril
Version: 1.1 (2k)
Mod Notes: This mod provides a high quality retexture of the metal on all circlets.
Better Shaped Weapons
Author: LeanWolf and masterofshadows
Version: 2.0.06

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Overrides: aMidianBorn Book of Silence, Dual Sheath Redux, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, Vivid Weathers
Mod Notes: In previous The Elder Scrolls titles, the swords were more realistically shaped. For some reason Bethesda decided to go with foam paddles for Skyrim and this mod fixes it.
Dragonborn Mages Robes Retexture Pack
Author: Rafuel
Version: 0.0
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Preview.jpg
- Readme.txt
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality lore friendly retexture of the magical clothes that appear in the Dragonborn DLC.
EotW The Dawnguard Textures Remastered
Author: EcthelionOtW
Version: 1.0
Overrides: Noble Skyrim, Unofficial High Resolution Patch, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod offers a lore friendly texture overhaul for items used by the Dawnguard including armors, weapons, dog armor, and fort dawnguard.
EotW Mage Equipment Overhaul
Author: EcthelionOtW
Version: 1.4 (All In One)
Overrides: aMidianBorn Book of Silence, Unofficial High Resolution Patch
Mod Notes: This mod offers a lore friendly quality texture makeover for mage related vanilla gear which includes staves and some Daedric artifacts like Spellbreaker or Azura's Star.
Gemling Queen Jewelry
Author: Saerileth
Version: 4.1c

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Overrides: Barenziah's Glory, Static Mesh Improvement Mod, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod aims to replace all jewelry gemstones with actual transparency and depth, as opposed to flat, vertex coloured plastic.
Improved Closefaced Helmets
Author: navida1
Version: 1.57 (Legendary)
Optionals: Improved Closedfaced Helmets - PATCHES, ICH (Guard helmets with tight eye holes), WAF Replacer ESP (Download)

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Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File:
- imp_helm_legend.esp (Use Weapons and Armor Fixes - Remade replacer ESP download above.)
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod modifies and refines close faced helmets so that the head is no longer sealed inside and the eye holes are now open.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
New Jewels for Circlets
Author: VenusM
Version: Latest (Normal and Greyscale)
Overrides: Better Circlets HQ
Mod Notes: This mod replaces the onyx and moonstone gems textures only when combined with Gemling Queen Jewelry.
Nightingale Prime HD
Author: AncientVampire and ZeroFrost
Version: Final (Non-Leather)
Mod Notes: This mod is a high resolution retexture of the Nightingale armor set.
Nightingale Weapons Retexture - Carbon Fiber
Author: FrankFamily
Version: 2
Optionals: Nightingale Arrows - CCO Compatibility Patch
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File:
- README.txt
Mod Notes: This mod is a retexture of both Nightingale weapons to better match Nightingale Prime HD and adds the missing Nightingale arrows to the game.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Rustic Clothing
Author: Gamwich
Version: 33.0 (2k) + Dawnguard (2k) + Hearthfires (2k)
Overrides: Static Mesh Improvement Mod, Unofficial High Resolution Patch, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod is a work-in-progress high resolution clothing texture overhaul for Skyrim.
Rustic Forsworn
Author: Gamwich
Version: 2.0 (2k)
Mod Notes: This mod is a high quality retexture of the male forsworn armor. Female version coming soon.
UltraHD - Stormcloak and City Guards
Author: FrankFamily
Version: 2 (2K + Fix)
Mod Notes: This mod provides a high resolution retexture of Stormcloak and city guards armors (helmet, gloves, boots, cuirass and shield) following vanilla design and variations for each city.
UNP Blessed Body Vanilla Armor Conversions
UNP Dawnguard Armors
Author: Exeter
Version: 1.5 (UNPB)
Optionals: Patch for Dawnguard Boots, Patch for Vampire Boots
Mod Notes: Adapts the Dawnguard DLC armors to UNPB body shape.
UNP Dragonborn Armors
Author: Exeter
Version: 1.0 (UNPB)
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: Adapts the Dragonborn DLC armors to UNPB body shape.
UNP Female Armors
Author: Exeter
Version: 2.1 (Both Main Files)
Optionals: Meshes for UNPB users
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- textures folder
Overrides: aMidianborn Book of Silence, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: Adapts the vanilla Skyrim armors to UNPB body shape.
TroubleMakers Clothing
Author: MrTroublemaker
Version: 2.01 (TroubleMakers Clothing Replacers UNPB - BBP Optional)
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, UNP Female Armors
Mod Notes: This mod adapts the Barkeeper, Alternate Barkeeper, Tavern Wench, Chef's Tunic, and Wedding Sandals to UNPB body shape with BBP.
TroubleMakers Forsworn Armor
Author: MrTroublemaker
Version: 1.51 (TroubleMakers Forsworn Armor UNPB-BBP Optional)
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, UNP Female Armors
Mod Notes: This mod adapts the Forsworn Armor to UNPB body shape with BBP.
Lore Friendly and SemiSkimpy Armors - UNPB-BBP
Author: Statmonster
Version: 3.4 (Collected Lore Friendly)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- All instances of Readme*.txt
Overrides: aMidianBorn Book of Silence, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, UNP Female Armors
Mod Notes: This mod includes replacers for various armors using the UNPB-BBP body including the variant aMidianBorn armors.
New Items
Bandolier - Bags and Pouches
Author: Dragten
Version: 1.2
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Dr_Bandolier.esp (Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade removes the need for this ESP.)
Mod Notes: Left behind tons of useful stuff, simply because the player could not carry anymore? How many dragon bones, dwemer scrap or other valuable things were abandoned? Too much to count. But now, there is a solution! "Bandolier - Bags and Pouches" offers a wide selection of various equipment items that should ease the Dovahkiins burden and it can be used with nearly every armor.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Bandolier - Dawnguard
Author: Dragten
Version: 1.0
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Dr_BandolierDG.esp (Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade removes the need for this ESP.)
Mod Notes: This mods adds items that were part of the Dawnguard armor, which can be worn with any armor or clothing. It is kind of an extension to the original mod.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Cloaks of Skyrim
Author: Noodles
Version: 1.2
Optionals: Dawnguard
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File:
- Cloaks Optional folder
- Cloaks.esp (Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade removes the need for this ESP.)
Dawnguard Add-on:
- Cloaks Optional folder
- Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp (Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade removes the need for this ESP.)
Mod Notes: Adds almost 100 new styles of cloak to the world of Skyrim, via crafting, levelled-lists, and static loot. They are lore-friendly and enchantable, and more are being added with every update. The aim of this mod is to provide some variety and flavour to the world, as well as the chance to wear a stylish cloak and quite literally keep the cold out.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Craftable Horse Barding
Author: sevencardz
Version: 2.11
Mod Notes: Craftable Horse Barding adds horse barding (horse armors) which are available for crafting at forges. Relevant perks are necessary to craft certain sets. Once crafted, the armor items can then be equipped on horses with a mod that allows you to access horse inventory, such as Immersive Horses.
Immersive Armors
Author: Hothtrooper44 and Co
Version: V8.0

Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.Special Installation: After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp (Not Needed When Extracting BSA.)
Additionally, install this mesh fix provided by Pretendeavor to stop a CTD with the female version of the Dwarven Mage gloves.
Overrides: Noble Skyrim
Mod Notes: If you're seeking to enhance Skyrim with a greater selection of armor sets without breaking from the natural feel of the game, this mod is for you. It adds many new armor sets that have been seamlessly integrated into the world. The items are balanced and spread across the gaming experience. Prepare to find new, power appropriate armor sets starting from level one up to level fifty and beyond.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
JaySuS Swords
Author: JaySuS
Version: 13D (Main File + Update)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File:
- JSwords.esm (Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade removes the need for this ESM.)
- JSwords-ReadMe.txt
Update File:
- JSwords.esm (Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade removes the need for this ESM.)
- JSwords-DistributionBalancePlugin.esp (Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade removes the need for this ESP.)
- JSwords*.txt
Mod Notes: This mod adds several high quality swords and weapons into the game.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Wearable Lanterns
Author: Chesko
Version: 4.0.2
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- readmes folder
After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- readmes folder
Mod Notes: Adds a craftable, wearable, Travel Lantern that can be hooked onto a belt, or carried in hand! Perhaps catch a Torchbug for a Torchbug Lantern! Let it light the way in dark dungeons while the Dovahkiin keeps their hands free during combat and adventuring. If the Dragonborn DLC is installed, a Paper Lantern can be crafted as well.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Winter Is Coming - Cloaks
Author: Nivea
Version: 2.3

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Special Installation: After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- 1nivWICCloaks.esp (Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade removes the need for this ESP.)
- Winter Is Coming - Cloaks 2.3.txt
Mod Notes: Winter Is Coming - Cloaks adds lore friendly only items into the world through crafting and vendors, this will add more diversity to the game while keeping the "feel" of Skyrim.
Recipe and Stat Changers
Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul
Author: kryptopyr
Version: 1.2.1 (Main File + Update)
Optionals: CACO Patches 1.2.1
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File / Update File:
CACO Patches Optional:
- _CACO_Patches_README.txt
- CACO_ETaC_Patch.esp (Not Using This Mod.)
- CACO_GreyCowl_Patch.esp (Not Using This Mod.)
- CACO_InvisibilityEyesFix_Patch.esp (Not Using This Mod.)
- CACO_MightyMagick_Patch.esp (Not Using This Mod.)
- CACO_RND*.esp (Not Using This Mod.)
- CACO_SkyrimImmerisveCreatures_Patch.esp (Using the +DLC2 version of this patch.)
- CACO_UniqueBooze_Patch.esp (Not Using This Mod.)
- CACO_USKP_Patch.esp (Not Using This Mod.)
- CACO_Wyrmstooth_Patch.esp (Not Using This Mod.)
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: Alchemy is perhaps the most complex skill system in Skyrim and has the potential to be a beautifully nuanced crafting system. Unfortunately, it is also plagued by inconsistencies, imbalances, and poor design choices that often reduce the skill to little more than an easy way to make a quick pile of gold. This mod seeks to change that, to both balance and enhance the inherent complexity of this system and bring greater versatility and enjoyment to the Alchemist's craft.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
- Audio Overhaul For Skyrim
- Skyrim Coin Replacer Redux
- Skyrim Immersive Creatures
- Unofficial Skyrim Legenday Edition Patch
- Wiseman303s Flora Fixes
Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade
Author: kryptopyr
Version: 1.7
Optionals: CCO Compatibility Patch for WAF True Weapons, CCO Compatibility Patch for Skyrim Immersive Creatures
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File:
- meshes/armor/amuletsandrings/EbonyRing*.nif (Static Mesh Improved Mod is superior.)
- meshes/armor/amuletsandrings/GoldRing*.nif (Static Mesh Improved Mod is superior.)
- meshes/armor/amuletsandrings/goldring*.nif (Static Mesh Improved Mod is superior.)
- meshes/armor/amuletsandrings/JadeRing*.nif (Static Mesh Improved Mod is superior.)
- meshes/armor/amuletsandrings/SilverRing*.nif (Static Mesh Improved Mod is superior.)
- meshes/armor/amuletsandrings/silverring*.nif (Static Mesh Improved Mod is superior.)
- textures/armor/circlets/ (New Jewels for Circlets is superior.)
- PRUFEI License.txt
Overrides: aMidianBorn Book of Silence, Bandolier Bags and Pouches, Bandolier - Dawnguard, Cloaks of Skyrim, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, Winter Is Coming - Cloaks
Mod Notes: Complete Crafting Overhaul provides the most comprehensive, consistent, and fully customizable crafting experience in Skyrim. The primary intention of this mod is to correct logical inconsistencies in Skyrim's smithing system and to enhance the functionality and balance of crafting in Skyrim. This mod is also intended to help bridge the gaps between other mods and provide a framework for greater inter-mod consistency and cross-compatibility.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
- Bandolier - Bags and Pouches
- Bandolier - Dawnguard
- Cloaks of Skyrim
- Static Mesh Improvement Mod
- Winter Is Coming - Cloaks
LOOT Metadata Update Required: (Updating Guide)
- Complete Crafting_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp - Load After ELE_Legendary_Fs_Lite.esp
Clothing and Clutter Fixes
Author: kryptopyr
Version: 1.7 (Legendary)
Optionals: CCF Compatibilify Patch for RS Children
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Readmes folder
- textures/clothes folder (Rustic Clothing - WIP is superior.)
Overrides: Complete Crafting Overhaul - Remade, Gemling Queen Jewelry
Mod Notes: In general, the clothing and clutter items tend to have fewer real bugs than the weapons and armor. However, there were several major inconsistencies in the way the game treated clothing, jewelry, and other items that needed to be addressed.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Weapons and Armor Fixes - Remade
Author: kryptopyr
Version: 5.2

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Special Installation: After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp (Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade removes the need for this ESP.)
Mod Notes: This mod is an attempt to fix bugs and incorrect settings for Skyrim's weapons and armors, as well as changing values, keywords, and other properties to achieve greater consistency between the different weapons and armors.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
The Symphony of Skyrim
Vanilla Sound Improvement
Lucidity Sound FX
Author: Foggypath
Version: 1j
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File:
- Optional folder
- sound/fx/npc/dragon/deathsequence/npc_dragon_deathsequence_explosion.wav (DSAMG - Dragon Soul Absorb More Glorious is superior.)
- Installation Instruction.txt
Overrides: Vivid Weathers
Mod Notes: This mod remasters the vanilla sound effects in Skyrim.
New Sounds
Audio Overhaul for Skyrim
Author: David Jegutidse
Version: 2.5.1

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Overrides: Lucidity Sound FX
Mod Notes: This mod is an extensive sound overhaul aiming to make the soundscape more immersive, clear, responsive, impactful and ultimately fun, while always aiming for maximum compatibility, performance and coherency with the main game.
Heart of the Beast - Werewolf Sound and Texture Overhaul
Author: NsJones
Version: 1.7 (Alpha Werewolf)
Mod Notes: This mod adds extremely vicious sounds and executions with added bone cracking and blood splattering sounds for Werewolves.
How The Game Is Played In Skyrim
Basic Needs and Survival
Bathing in Skyrim
Author: mzin
Version: 1.11

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Special Installation: After installation, install this patch created by Neovalen to restrict the "About Bathing..." dialogues to current followers only.
Mod Notes: This mod adds bathing and cleanliness to Skyrim. Over time, the player character and optionally followers will become visually more filthy and get a penalty to speechcraft and disease resistance. If they become exceptionally filthy, they will also receive a penalty to Sneak as enemies smell them coming. To avoid these penalties, bathe regularly. Staying clean may also award small bonuses.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Campfire - Complete Camping System
Author: Chesko
Version: 1.8
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- readmes folder
After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- readmes folder
Overrides: Enhanced Blood Textures
Mod Notes: This mod is the most feature-rich stand-alone camping mod for Skyrim.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival
Author: Chesko
Version: 3.1.1
Optionals: SkyUI Add-On
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Main File:
- readmes folder
SkyUI Add-On Optional:
- readmes folder
Overrides: Campfire - Complete Camping System, SkyUI, Wearable Lanterns
Mod Notes: The three main components of this mod are Hypothermia, cold water survival, and camping. The primary objective of this mod is to add a deep, immersive level of gameplay to Skyrim, while keeping tedium to a minimum. This mod uses a sophisticated system to track your location, weather, time of day, worn clothing, and more, to determine your current condition, in a seamless and immersive way. Combined with Campfire, it also features a large variety of craftable camping equipment including torches.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
iNeed - Food Water and Sleep
Author: isoku
Version: 1.602

Template:FOMOD_Instructions is deprecated and should no longer be used on this wiki. Please change this template call to use the better-looking and simpler Template:Fomod. We apologize for the inconvenience.Mod Notes: A streamlined approach to needs. By default the player should only feel the need to eat and drink 2-3 times a day and sleep once per day provided that they are consuming full meals and getting at least 7 hours of sleep. There are no numbers to be concerned with. Just use a little common sense, follow a schedule and they should find that the features here are intuitive and well integrated into the world. Integrates seamlessly with Wet and Cold.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Combat and Traps
Dual Wield Parrying
Author: Borgut
Version: 3.1b
Mod Notes: This mod allows the player to block while dual wielding one handed weapons or with a spell in their left hand, spell sword style.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
NPC Knockout Overhaul
Author: Sevencardz
Version: 3.4

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Mod Notes: This mod makes it possible to knockout most humanoid NPCs in Skyrim, including all essential and protected NPCs.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Traps Make Noise - More Dangerous Traps
Author: kryptopyr
Version: 2.1 (Traps Make Noise and are Dangerous)
Optionals: Follower Trap Safety Patch, Mining Makes Noise CCO Version
Overrides: Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade, Follower Trap Safety, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: Ever noticed how enemy NPCs never seem too concerned when a trap is triggered? Even when a dozen large boulders come crashing down several feet from them... no reaction, no alarm that someone has triggered one of their traps. This instantly kills immersion, even more so when playing a stealthy character. To make matters worse, if the player is hit by a trap it does little to no damage and thus are more trouble to avoid and disarm than to simply walk through them. This mod fixes that.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
VioLens - A Killmove Mod
Author: Reko
Version: 2.11

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Mod Notes: This mod provides in-game control over both Ranged and Melee killmoves. VioLens aims to unlock and use as many killmoves as possible while still keeping them matched to their proper weapon types.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Wiseman303s Trap Fixes
Author: wiseman303
Version: 2.0b + Vivid Landscapes Merged Mesh

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Overrides: Traps Make Noise - More Dangerous Traps, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, Vivid Landscapes - All In One
Mod Notes: This mod fixes numerous issues with traps in Skyrim. Most notable changes are as follows: Pedestal traps now work properly, Telekinesis and thrown objects now disarm magic caster traps, and several fixes to magic caster traps to prevent misfires.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Realistic Room Rental Enhanced
Author: perseid9
Version: 1.8.3 (Enhanced)
Optionals(Via Installer):
- 01 RRR_ELFX Patch
Special Installation: After installation, install this replacement esp that is updated for ELFX 3.0+. Updated by StoneWallace17, additional edits by GalenZ and Neovalen.
Mod Notes: This mod overhauls inns and taverns in Skyrim. Local prices for room rentals, multi-night stays, bathing facilities, safe storage, etc.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
LOOT Metadata Update Required: (Updating Guide)
- RealisticRoomRental.esp - Load After Book Covers Skyrim.esp, EmbersHD.esp, Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
Skyrim Coin Replacer Redux
Author: Neovalen
Version: 1.2.2
Optionals: Septim HD Coinpiles
Mod Notes: Ever wondered why the player finds Imperial Septims buried deep in Ancient Nord barrows or Dwemer ruins? Why are the coins in Skyrim named "Gold" instead of "Septim" as in previous Elder Scrolls titles? This mod aims to remedy these issues.
LOOT Metadata Update Required: (Updating Guide)
- SkyrimCoinReplacerRedux.esp - Load After Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.esp
Trade and Barter
Author: kryptopyr
Version: 1.2 (Hearthfire)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- READMES folder
Mod Notes: Trade in Skyrim is oversimplified and uninteresting. A particular type of merchant always has the same amount of gold and offers the exact same prices as the same type of merchant in another part of the country. Merchants in small towns differ very little from those in the larger cities, and the only factors that affect price are the players speech skill and any barter enchantments. This mod aims to change that.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Perks and Leveling
Skyrim -Community- Uncapper
Author: Elys
Mod Notes: This mod will unlock the skill level caps of 100 and push them to 10000. This allows the player to be able to level up almost forever without the need of the Legendary system. Benefits are gained from skills above level 100, up to level 199 including enchantment bonuses. The settings of this plugin may be altered to set custom caps, to modify the experience earning rate of each skill, the relation between skill leveling and player leveling, and to change the number of perks, health points, magicka points, stamina points, carry weight points, etc gained at a specific level up.
Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships - Overhauled
Author: Dj20 and Sp0rk
Version: 3.76 (Hearthfires)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- BFT Ships and Carriages - ReadMe.txt
Overrides: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod adds more carriages around Skyrim at most of the small settlements/towns and has pricing based on the distance to the destination (can be customized in the MCM menu), it also adds several ships/boats around the north coast.
Simply Knock
Author: Chesko
Version: 1.0.8
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- readmes folder
After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- readmes folder
Mod Notes: This mod is the first feature-complete mod that allows you to knock on locked doors of houses in Skyrim. If anyone is home, they will answer the door! You can then flex your speechcraft skills in order to get them to allow you inside. If someone inside is a friend, they will always permit you to enter. All house doors in Skyrim can be knocked on if locked, as well as some businesses where people live (farms, stores, etc). If you need a quiet place to stay the night, or want to visit someone you know at odd hours, just knock on the door like a normal civilized person. Also useful for checking to see if anyone's home before you commit your next burglary.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Vampires, Werewolves and Bears, Oh My
Better Vampires
Author: Brehanin
Version: 7.2

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Special Installation: After installation, remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- meshes/actors/vampirelord folder (XP32 Maximum Skeleton already includes these changes and more.)
Overrides: Lucidity Sound FX, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Mod Notes: This mod is a vampire overhaul for Skyrim. It strives to maintain balance and provide a much better experience for those wishing to play the game as a vampire.
Moonlight Tales - Werewolf and Werebear Essentials
Author: Brevi - Al99 - NsJones
Version: 2.51
Mod Notes: This mod is the latest creation in the line of Moonlight Tales werewolf overhaul mods. It is a compact edition of the original Moonlight Tales with the arguably best features. The project aims to be totally bug free, to be compatible with any mod and to have no noticeable impact on performance. Everything was re-written from the ground up with higher focus on quality and optimization.
Compatibility Patches
This section is reserved for mods that are simply compatibility patches between other mods previously installed.
CACO Soaps for Bathing in Skyrim
Author: mael5trum
Version: 1.1
Mod Notes: This patch makes Bathing in Skyrim soap recipes use animal tallow and salt portions from Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Cutting Room Floor - No Snow Under The Roof
Author: SkyrimFantom
Version: 1.5
Mod Notes: This mod applies No Snow Under The Roof meshes for Cutting Room Floor added areas.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
ELFX - Parallax Patch
Author: Gutmaw
Version: 1.0
Overrides: Animated Clutter, DynDOLOD, Enhanced Lights and FX, Project Parallax Revived - Noble Skyrim, Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch, Vivid Landscapes - All In One, Vivid Weathers
Mod Notes: This patches some of the ELFX meshes to support parallax textures.
Extensible Follower Framework Compatibility Collection
Author: bluedanieru
Version: 1.0 (Auto Unequip Ammo)
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Docs folder
Overrides: Auto Unequip Ammo
Mod Notes: Extensible Follower Framework is a great follower mod, however it does not always play nice with other mods. These are patches designed to work around some of the issues.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Skyrim Immersive Creatures - Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade Patch
Author: statmonster
Version: 1.0
Mod Notes: This patch mod will make equipment looted from enemies added by Skyrim Immersive Creatures (6.5.2a) have the same stats and properties as equivalent vanilla items as modified by Weapons and Armor Fixes - Remade (5.1) and Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade (1.5).
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Vivid Landscapes - Animated Clutter Patch
Author: Gutmaw
Version: 1.0
Overrides: Animated Clutter, Static Mesh Improvement Mod, Vivid Landscapes - All In One
Mod Notes: Patches the conflicting meshes to merge the changes from Animated Clutter and Vivid Landscapes - All In One.
Late Loaders
Some mods, specifically bug fixes and utilities, tend to be included inside other mods and thus the latest version of these mods are not always packaged. This section is dedicated to making sure the latest version of these mods is always used.
Bug Fixes
Modern Brawl Bug Fix
Author: Enai Siaion
Version: 1.04
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp (Empty ESP.)
Overrides: Campfire - Complete Camping System, Enhanced Blood Textures
Mod Notes: Brawls are poorly implemented in Skyrim. Any magic effects applied to either participant will cancel the brawl and may cause the opponent to pull out their weapon. Depending on your load order, you may experience the infamous "Brawl Bug" that prevents you from completing any brawls. There was a mod that attempted to fix this, the Brawl Bugs Patch. This mod replaces that one with a more modern and robust version.
FileAccess Interface for Skyrim Script - FISS
Author: Lord Conti
Version: 1.21
Overrides: Bathing In Skyrim
Mod Notes: FISS is an easy to use interface to save and reload in-game variables to/from file. Many mods use this resource as a way to save and reload MCM settings.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
PapyrusUtil - Modders Scripting Utility Functions
Author: exiledviper and meh321
Version: 3.2
Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
- Readme - PapyrusUtil.txt
Overrides: Campfire - Complete Crafting System, Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival, Simply Knock
Mod Notes: SKSE plugin that allows you to save any amount of int, float, form and string values on any form or globally from papyrus scripts. Also supports lists of those data types. These values can be accessed from any mod allowing easy dynamic compatibility.
Mod Dependencies(As Configured):
Mod Merges
This section will define merges to be completed using Merge Plugins Standalone. These merges reduce the final plugin count and thus allow room for further expansion. A guide to setup and use this tool for the purposes of this guide can be found here.
Bathing In Skyrim
Files to merge:
- Bathing in Skyrim - Main.esp (Bathing in Skyrim)
- Bathing in Skyrim - Followers Only.esp (Bathing in Skyrim)
- Bathing in Skyrim - Realistic Room Rental.esp (Bathing in Skyrim)
- CACO_Bathing in Skyrim.esp (CACO Soaps for Bathing in Skyrim)
Merge name:
- ----- Bathing in Skyrim Merged
- Bathing in Skyrim - Merged.esp
Left pane placement:
- Directly after Bathing in Skyrim.
Complete Alchemy And Cooking Overhaul Patches
Files to merge:
- CACO_AOS_Patch.esp (Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul)
- CACO_CoinReplacer_Patch.esp (Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul)
- CACO_SkyrimImmersiveCreatures+DLC2_Patch.esp (Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul)
- CACO_USLEEP_Patch.esp (Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul)
Merge name:
- ----- Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul Patches
- CACO - Patches.esp
Left Pane Placement:
- Directly After Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul
Bash Tag Update Required: (Updating Guide)
- CACO - Patches.esp - DELEV, RELEV
Files to merge:
- DesyncBirdOfPrey.esp (Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD)
- HighHrothgarWindowGlow.esp (Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD)
- SolitudeExterior.esp (Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD)
- WhiterunExterior.esp (Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD)
Merge name:
- ----- DynDOLOD Merged
- DynDOLOD - Addons.esp
Left Pane Placement:
- Directly After Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD
Enhanced Lighting For ENB
Files to merge:
- ELE_Legendary_Lite.esp (Enhanced Lighting For ENB)
- ELE_Fs_Lite.esp (Enhanced Lighting For ENB)
Merge name:
- ----- Enhanced Lighting For ENB Merged
- ELE_Legendary_Fs_Lite.esp
Left Pane Placement:
- Directly after Enhanced Lighting For ENB
LOOT Metadata Update Required: (Updating Guide)
- ELE_Legendary_Fs_Lite.esp - Enable Global Priority and set it to 990100
Even Better Quest Objectives Patches
Files to merge:
- BetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.esp (Even Better Quest Objectives)
- BetterQuestObjectives-CRFPatch.esp (Even Better Quest Objectives)
- BetterQuestObjectives-DBForevertoMisc.esp (Even Better Quest Objectives)
- BetterQuestObjectives-EFFPatch.esp (Even Better Quest Objectives)
- BetterQuestObjectives-PaarDilemmaPatch.esp (Even Better Quest Objectives)
Merge name:
- ----- Even Better Quest Objectives Merged
- BetterQuestObjectives - Patches.esp
Left pane placement:
- Directly after Even Better Quest Objectives
Farmhouse Chimneys
Files to merge:
- FarmhouseChimneys.esp (Farmhouse Chimneys)
- FarmhouseChimneysFalskaar.esp (Farmhouse Chimneys)
- FarmhouseChimneysLAL+CRF.esp (Farmhouse Chimneys)
Merge name:
- ----- Farmhouse Chimneys Merge
- FarmhouseChimneys - Merged.esp
Left pane placement:
- Directly after Farmhouse Chimneys
No Snow Under The Roof
Files to merge:
- Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp (No Snow Under The Roof)
- Prometheus_NSUTR BDS Patch.esp (No Snow Under The Roof)
- Prometheus_NSUTR Falskaar Dock.esp (No Snow Under The Roof)
- NSutR RRRE Patch.esp (No Snow Under The Roof)
- No Snow Under The Roof - CRF Patch.esp (Cutting Room Floor - No Snow Under The Roof)
Merge name:
- ----- No Snow Under The Roof Merge
- NSUTR - Merged.esp
Left pane placement:
- Directly after No Snow Under The Roof
Realistic Water Two
Files to merge:
- RealisticWaterTwo.esp (Realistic Water Two)
- RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp (Realistic Water Two)
- RealisticWaterTwo - Falskaar.esp (Realistic Water Two)
- RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Falskaar.esp (Realistic Water Two)
Merge name:
- ----- Realistic Water Two Merged
- RealisticWaterTwo - Merged.esp
Left pane placement:
- Directly after Realistic Water Two.
Special instructions:
- Post merge rename the output file RealisticWaterTwo - Merged.esp to RealisticWaterTwo.esp to retain compatibility with patches.
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Patches
Files to merge:
- RDO - CACO Patch.esp (Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO)
- RDO - Cutting Room Floor Patch.esp (Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO)
- RDO - EFF v4.0.2 Patch.esp (Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO)
- RDO - Immersive Horses Patch.esp (Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO)
Merge name:
- ----- RDO Patches Merged
- RDO - Patches.esp
Left pane placement:
- Directly after Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO
RS Children
Files to merge:
- RSChildren_CompleteUSKP.esp (RS Children Overhaul)
- RSChildren_PatchBooksofSkyrim.esp (RS Children Overhaul)
- RSChildren - CRF Patch.esp (Cutting Room Floor)
- Patch - Falskaar - RS kids.esp (RS Children Patches)
Merge name:
- ----- RS Children Merged
- RSChildren - Merged.esp
Left pane placement:
- Directly after RS Children Patches.
Special instructions:
- Post merge rename output file to RSChildren_CompleteUSKP.esp to maintain compatibility with patches.
Vivid Weathers
Files to merge:
- Vivid Weathers.esp (Vivid Weathers)
- Vivid Weathers - AOS patch.esp (Vivid Weathers)
- Vivid Weathers - Falskaar.esp (Vivid Weathers)
- Vivid Weathers - Minty Lightning patch.esp (Vivid Weathers)
- Vividian - Torches Preset.esp (Vividian ENB)
- Vividian - Wearable Lanterns Preset.esp (Vividian ENB)
- Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp (Vividian ENB)
Merge name:
- ----- Vivid Weathers Merge
- Vivid Weathers - Merged.esp
Left pane placement:
- Directly after Vividian ENB.
LOOT Metadata Update Required: (Updating Guide)
- Vivid Weathers - Merged.esp - Load After WetandCold - Ashes.esp
All Good Things Must Come To An End
We come to the last leg of the journey, the road was long and hard but the end worth it.
Post Install INI Tweaks
Some mods installed during the previous section require ini tweaks to be used for proper operation.
The first step to editing the SKSE.ini is to create it. Perform the following:
Right-click Skyrim Script Extender in the Mod Organizer mod list. Select "Open In Explorer". Navigate to <Mod Dir>/SKSE and open SKSE.ini.
Once this file is open to be edited, add the following:
This enables high resolution tint masks.
Save and close SKSE.ini then exit explorer.
Skyrim.ini controls half of the configuration for the Skyrim game. Each of the following ini changes have been confirmed working in game. If a section exists, simply add the tweak to the bottom of that section or update existing parameter if present. If a section does not exist, add it at the bottom of the file. Perform the following:
Open Mod Organizer. Click [Tools]>[Edit Ini] at the top of the window. Verify skyrim.ini is selected and input the tweaks in the following subsections. Click [Save] and close the window.
Grass Per Texture Tweak
This tweak allows more grasses to load per texture tile. This tweak is required for Skyrim Flora Overhaul.
SkyrimPrefs.ini controls the other half of the configuration for the Skyrim game. Each of the following ini changes have been confirmed working in game. If a section exists, simply add the tweak to the bottom of that section or update existing parameter if present. If a section does not exist, add it at the bottom of the file. Perform the following:
Open Mod Organizer. Click [Tools]>[Edit Ini] at the top of the window. Select skyrimprefs.ini is selected and input the tweaks in the following subsections. Click [Save] and close the window.
Particle Count Tweak
This tweak increases the number of particles that can be rendered by the engine. Required for Vivid Weathers.
Conflict Resolution
Various mods will conflict with each other in one way or another, when this happens it must be dealt with. This is essential for bug free gameplay. Due to its size, this section has been moved into its own subguide.
Author Recommended Fixes
These are not fixes in the literal sense but rather items the author found annoying while playing Skyrim. These are not required, but recommended. These can be added to the conflict resolution ESP or in a new ESP located below the conflict resolution ESP. If the downloadable SR Conflict Resolution.esp is used these edits are already included.
Race > 00013747 OrcRace
Problem: By default, Orsimer females use the male behavior graph. Orsimer females are still female, damn it!
Problem Resolution: Use record from MatureSkinComplexions.esp and change the "Female Behavior Graph">"Model">"MODL - Model Filename" to "Actors\Character\DefaultFemale.hkx".
Race > 000A82B9 OrcRaceVampire
Problem: By default, Orsimer females use the male behavior graph. Orsimer females are still female, damn it!
Problem Resolution: Use record from Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp and change the "Female Behavior Graph">"Model">"MODL - Model Filename" to "Actors\Character\DefaultFemale.hkx".
Load Order Optimisation Tool, or LOOT, is designed to help users maintain a working load order for their mods with a minimal amount of effort. Perform the following (and again every time mods change with an esp):
Start Mod Organizer. Select LOOT in the executable selection box and click [Run]. Find the icon that looks like a horizontal bar graph (mouse over text should state "Sort Plugins") and click it. After some processing, the calculated load order is displayed in the right pane of LOOT. Click the [Apply] button. Click the [X] on the title bar to close LOOT.
All mods currently installed will now be ordered based upon the master list downloaded by the tool and the user metadata that was created while installing mods in this guide. However, they may not be in the order the plugins themselves are expecting. To fix this perform the following:
Open TES5Edit in Mod Organizer and click [OK]. Select all ESMs/ESPs and select "Sort Masters". Click the [X] in the upper right hand corner, uncheck "Backup plugins", and click [OK].
Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS
Fores New Idles in Skyrim, hereby referenced as FNIS is designed to allow new skeleton and animation designs not possible with the default Skyrim engine such as new animations, gender specific animations, poses, etc. This involves the use of an external patcher GenerateFNIS_for_Users.exe which will create specialized .hkx files to match the current skeleton and animation configuration. Perform the following (and again every time animation mods are changed):
Start Mod Organizer. Select FNIS in the executable selection box and click [Run]. The FNIS main interface should appear, if it does not, review the installation section for FNIS. In the Available Patches at the bottom of the window, check the box adjacent to "SKELETON Arm Fix". Click the [Update FNIS Behavior] button and wait for a message to appear in the window stating "X animations for Y mods successfully included.". Click [Exit]
Mod Organizer has automatically placed the generated files into the <Mod Organizer Path>/overwrite folder for inclusion in the game. No further action is required. For reference, the files generated are:
- meshes folder containing new hkx behavior files.
- scripts folder containing 2 compiled scripts for version tracking.
- tools folder containing logs.
Wrye Bash
Wrye Bash is a tool that can be used to install/manage mods but more importantly it has tools to merge leveled lists and can even merge entire mods together into a "Bashed Patch". Perform the following (and again every time mods change with an esp):
Start Mod Organizer. Select Wrye Bash in the executable selection box and click [Run]. The Wrye Bash main interface should appear. Scroll down the mod list and right-click Bashed Patch, 0.esp and select "Rebuild Patch". A popup asking to deactivate mods prior to patching may appear. If a mod is marked "NoMerge", simply uncheck the box next to it then click [Ok]. This will deactivate the mod files not marked "NoMerge" and they will be merged into the bashed patch. Check only "Merge Patches", "Import Names", "Import Stats", "Tweak Settings", and "Leveled Lists" in the left pane. Click on "Import Names" in the left pane. Uncheck Skyrim.esm. Click on "Tweak Settings" in the left pane. Right-click "Crime: Alarm Distance" and select "1000". Right-click "Timescale" and select "10". Check the box next to both "Crime: Alarm Distance" and "Timescale" to apply them. Click on "Leveled Lists" in the left pane. Click [Build Patch] at the bottom of the window. A dialogue asking to activate it may appear, click [Yes]. Exit Wrye Bash by clicking the [X] in the top right corner.
The Bashed Patch, 0.esp is automatically moved to the Mod Organizer/Overwrite directory for inclusion in the game.
DynDOLOD - Dynamic Distant LOD Generation
Running DynDOLOD generation is a two step process. The first executable, TexGen.exe, will generate object LOD textures from the currently installed object textures. This will only need to be executed again if object textures are changed. Perform the following to execute TexGen.exe:
Add TexGen.exe located in the standalone DynDOLOD install directory as an executable in Mod Organizer. Run TexGen using Mod Organizer. An appropriate output folder should already be pre-filled by the tool, make a note of the location then click [Ok]. Once the execution has completed, select [Exit] to close the window and then delete the DynDOLOD-temp folder inside of <Mod Organizer Path>/overwrite. Navigate to the TexGen output directory and copy the contents as a new folder named DynDOLOD - TexGen Output in the <Mod Organizer>/mods folder and activate it. It should be placed at the bottom of the left pane.
The second executable, DynDOLOD.exe, will generate data files and the DynDOLOD esp to dynamically handle all the world objects found in the current load order. Perform the following to execute DynDOLOD.exe:
Add DynDOLOD.exe located in the standalone DynDOLOD install directory as an executable in Mod Organizer. Run DynDOLOD using Mod Organizer. An appropriate output folder should already be pre-filled by the tool, make a note of the location then click [Advanced >>>]. In the top left selection box, check all of the boxes by right-clicking and then clicking "Select All". Click the [High] preset button. If performance is an issue, consider selecting [Medium] or [Low]. Below the preset buttons, check the boxes marked "Candles" and "FXGlow". In the options panel, tick the "Windows", "High", and "Fake lights in child worlds" check boxes. Click [OK], this will begin the LOD generation process (can take up to 30 minutes). Once the execution has completed, select [Save & Exit] to close the window then click [OK] on the following window to close the program. Navigate to the DynDOLOD output directory and copy the contents as a new folder named DynDOLOD - Worlds Output in the <Mod Organizer>/mods folder and activate it. It should be placed at the bottom of the left pane below the TexGen Output folder.
SkyProc Patchers
SkyProc patchers can scan a users mod setup and create dynamic patches to do things such as add perks, modify base statistics, add scripts, add perks, etc. with just about any mod setup. These powerful tools will be used to transform the world of Skyrim into one that is varying and alive.
Skyproc Unified Manager (SUM)
The SkyProc Unified Manager can be used to execute all installed SkyProc patchers in the correct order. Perform the following:
Download and install the latest Java Runtime Environment(JRE) from here. It is required for SUM to execute. Download and install the SkyProc Unified Manager from here, currently version 1.3.2. In Mod Organizer, select the data tab in the right-pane and expand "SkyProc Patchers">"SUM". Right-click on SUM.jar and select "Add as executable" then click [OK]. The default name is sufficient. Note that it is now part of the executable drop down next to the [Run] button. Mod Organizer has properly configured it already. Start SUM. A list of installed patchers should be displayed with a check box next to each. Click the arrow next to each patcher icon and configure them as in the subsections below. Click [SUM Options] and uncheck "Run LOOT". Click [Patch] in the top right corner to generate all the patches. After this is done, SkyProc Unified Manager will close.
Mod Organizer has automatically placed the generated files into the <Mod Organizer Path>/overwrite folder for inclusion in game.
ASIS is a mod designed to increase spawns, distribute perks and spells, and fix enchantments not working for NPCs. For the purposes of the guide it will only be used to fix NPC enchantments. NPCs can only get the effects from some armor enchantments by default. This is because some enchantments require a specific perk to be effective and only the player has the perk. This adds the required perk to every NPC in the game so they can get full benefit from enchanted items.
In the configuration menu, only check the box for NPC Enchant Fix.
For reference, the files generated by this mod are:
- ASIS.esp
- Entire SkyProc Patchers/ASIS folder containing logs/configuration files.
Dual Sheath Redux
Dual Sheath Redux is a mod designed to allow left handed weapons to be displayed when sheathed and shields/staves to be stored on back.
In Settings > Other Settings, select the following: Left Biped Slot: 54 Right Biped Slot: 45
For reference, the files generated by this mod are:
- Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp
- Entire SkyProc Patchers/Dual Sheath Redux folder containing logs/configuration files.
Clean Up The Mod Organizer Overwrite Directory
While performing the steps in this section the output files have all been accumulating in the <Mod Organizer>/Overwrite directory. Perform the following to maintain a clean overwrite directory:
Right-click the "Overwrite" mod at the bottom of the Mod Organizer left pane select "Create Mod". Give it the name "SRLE Profile" and click [OK]. Place this new mod folder at the bottom of the left pane and activate it.
All of the output files are now centrally located in one folder and do not apply to all profiles any longer.
In-Game Configuration
This section details settings for the various mods recommended by the author.
MCM Menu Settings
This section specifies settings to be applied in the MCM Menu system. If a setting is not listed, it is expected to be at the mod install default (as seen with a new game).
A Matter of Time
- General Panel
- Symbol 1 Section
- Show Moon Phases: Enabled
- Show Seasons: Enabled
- Symbol 1 Section
- Display Panel
- Symbol 1 Section
- Scale: 60%
- Horizontal Anchor: RIGHT
- Horizontal Offset: -50
- Vertical Offset: 0
- In-Game Clock Section
- Scale: 70%
- Horizontal Anchor: RIGHT
- Horizontal Offset: -45
- Vertical Offset: 38
- In-Game Date Section
- Scale: 70%
- Horizontal Anchor: RIGHT
- Horizontal Offset: -45
- Vertical Offset: 47
- Symbol 1 Section
Auto Unequip Ammo
- Configuration Panel
- Features Section
- Use Equip Sets Enabled
- Follower Addon Enabled
- Features Section
Bathing in Skyrim
- Settings Panel
- Hotkeys Section
- Check Status U (Same Key As Wheelmenu)
- Bathe Pause (Use Wheelmenu Instead)
- Shower Pause (Use Wheelmenu Instead)
- Hotkeys Section
- Player Animations Panel
- Animation Styles for Player Section
- Bathing 3 - MIXED* (FNIS)
- Showering 1 - STAND* (FNIS)
- Undress Before Bathing - Extended Section
- 44 - Face A Enabled
- 46 - Chest A Enabled
- 47 - Back Enabled
- 48 - Tail Enabled
- 49 - Pelvis A Enabled
- 50 - Decapitated Head Enabled
- 51 - Decapitate Enabled
- 52 - Pelvis B Enabled
- 53 - Right Leg Enabled
- 55 - Face B Enabled
- 56 - Chest B Enabled
- 57 - Shoulder Enabled
- 58 - Left Arm Enabled
- 59 - Right Arm Enabled
- 60 - Misc FX Enabled
- 61 - FX01 Enabled
- Animation Styles for Player Section
- NPC Animations Panel
- Animation Styles for NPCs Section
- Bathing 3 - MIXED* (FNIS)
- Showering 1 - STAND* (FNIS)
- Undress Before Bathing - Extended Section
- 44 - Face A Enabled
- 46 - Chest A Enabled
- 47 - Back Enabled
- 48 - Tail Enabled
- 49 - Pelvis A Enabled
- 50 - Decapitated Head Enabled
- 51 - Decapitate Enabled
- 52 - Pelvis B Enabled
- 53 - Right Leg Enabled
- 55 - Face B Enabled
- 56 - Chest B Enabled
- 57 - Shoulder Enabled
- 58 - Left Arm Enabled
- 59 - Right Arm Enabled
- 60 - Misc FX Enabled
- 61 - FX01 Enabled
- Animation Styles for NPCs Section
Better Fast Travel
- Settings Panel
- Additional Options Section
- No Weight Limit Enabled
- Additional Options Section
Better Vampires
- Hotkeys Panel
- Spell and Ability Hoykeys Section
- Use Hotkeys for Status and Spells Enabled
- Status Hotkey N if a vampire or Del if not a vampire.
- Spell and Ability Hoykeys Section
- General Options Panel
- Stage Progression Section
- Stage Hated Section
- Feeding Animation Section
- Extract Blood Potions Section
- Night/Vampire Vision Strength Section
- 0.7
- Sun Damage Section
- Specialized Sun Damage Section
- Turned Victim Skills Section
- Stage Progression Section
- Miscellaneous Options Panel
- Gameplay Section
- Mortal's Mask Makes Visual Changes Enabled
- Gameplay Section
BFS Effects
- Options Panel
- Player Percentages Section
- Normal: 20%
- NPC Percentages Section
- Normal: 20%
- Misc. Options Section
- Cook Meat Disable
- Player Percentages Section
Blocksteal Redux
- Activate Enable
- Load Basket Enable (Respond yes when prompted)
Complete Alchemy
- Harvest Panel
- Water Section
- Craft Water Disabled
- Get Water from Wells Disabled
- Water Section
- Misc Panel
- Sleep Options
- Rested Bonus for Werewolves Enabled
- Sleep Options
Complete Crafting
- Crafting Options Panel
- Additional Items Section
- Artifact Replicas Enabled
- Matching Set Circlets Enabled
- Leveled Items Section
- Auto Upgrade Enabled
- Additional Items Section
- Learning & XP Panel
- Smithing Experience Section
- Tanning Rack 0.5
- Smelter 0.5
- Learn to Craft Section
- Learning Points required to Craft 200
- Smithing Experience Section
- Mining & Materials Panel
- Mining Section
- Mining Presets FASTER MINING
- Mining Section
- Enable Mods Panel
- Display Crafting Recipes Section
- JewelCraft Enabled
- Bandoliers, Bags, and Pouches Enabled
- Cloaks of Skyrim Enabled
- Jaysus Swords Enabled
- Winter Is Coming Enabled
- Display Crafting Recipes Section
- Distribute in Lists
- JewelCraft Enabled
- Distribute in Lists
Deadly Dragons
- Dragons Panel
- Presets Section
- Difficulty EXPERT
- Presets Section
Dual Wield Parrying
- Block Key: M3 (Mouse 3 i.e. Scroll Wheel Push Button)
- General Panel
- Display mods status Enabled
- Configuration Panel
- Current Wheel 1
- Wheel Keycode Y
- Wheel Layout Section
- 5 Leaders Telepathy
- 6 Leaders Teleportation
- 7 Manage Horses
- 8 Whistle
- Current Wheel 2
- Wheel Keycode U
- Wheel Layout Section
- 1 Shower
- 2 Bath
- 3 Eat
- 4 Drink
- 5 Sit
- Features Panel
- Stealth Invisiblity Disabled
- Settings Panel
- Max Followers 3
- Spacing Section
- Space between followers 120
- Panel Panel
- Dimensions Section
- Y Coordinate: 70
- Dimensions Section
Extended UI
- Console Section
- Fullscreen Enabled
- Stats Menu Section
- Aspect Ratio Set your game video resolution aspect ratio
- Hide Legendary UI elements Enabled
- Show attribute modifiers Enabled
- Show skill modifiers Enabled
Face To Face
- Options Section
- Tracking TRACKING
- Overview Panel
- Frostfall Status Section
- Frostfall is: Enabled (Exit menu and wait for quest to complete before opening the menu again.)
- Frostfall Status Section
- Gameplay Panel
- Fast Travel & Waiting Section
- Disable Fast Travel Enabled
- Disable Waiting While Outdoors Enabled
- Fast Travel & Waiting Section
- Interface & Notifications
- User Interface Section
- Screen Aspect Ratio Set your game video resolution aspect ratio
- User Interface Section
- General Panel
- Click Default Start Date then select Random Start Date in the pop up menu.
Immersive Creatures
- General Panel
- General Section
- Select Version Preset: Purist
- General Section
Immersive Horses
- Horse Activation Actions Section
- Standing Activation Ride
- Mounted Activation Dismount
- Last Ridden Horse Hotkeys Section
- Follow/Wait Key C (Change "Auto Run" key to something else in game options)
- Mounted Horse Hotkeys Section
- Talk/Search Key O
Immersive HUD
- Activation Panel
- Compass Activation Section
- Key press toggles Enabled
- Compass Activation Section
- Options Panel
- Enable Fast Fade of Magicka: Enabled
- Enable Fast Fade of Stamina: Enabled
- Basics Panel
- (Optional) iNeed Status: Disabled, then Enabled to reset initial hunger and thirst.
- Player Section
- Eat/Drink Animations Enabled
- 'Advanced Panel
- NPCs Section
- Follower Needs Default
- Followers Purchase Food Enabled
- Horse Needs Enabled
- Gameplay Section
- Substance Impairment Disabled
- Cannibalism Enabled
- NPCs Section
- Difficulty Panel
- World Section
- Food Removal BOTH
- Food Spoilage WORDS
- Gameplay Section
- Death Enabled
- Food/Drink Section
- Increased Food Weight/Value Disabled
- World Section
- Notifications Panel
- Widget Section
- Track Disease Enabled
- Widget Section
Inns and Taverns
- Configuration Panel
- Options Section
- Enhanced Mode Enabled
- Options Section
Minty Lightning
- Miscellaneous Panel
- Miscellaneous Section
- Legacy Config Menu Enabled (Actually Disabled)
- Miscellaneous Section
Sky UI
- General Panel
- Item List Section
- Font Size Small
- Category Icon Theme CELTIC
- Item List Section
- Advanced Panel
- SWF Version Checking Section
- Map Menu Disabled
- SWF Version Checking Section
Trade & Barter
- Barter Rates Panel
- Start Mod Click (Exit menu then wait 10 seconds to allow time for the mod to start before opening the menu again.)
- Melee & Ranged Panel
- Melee Section
- Camera View 3RD PERSON LAST
- Last Enemy Restriction Disabled
- Player Killmove Immunity Enabled
- Ranged Section
- Last Enemy Restriction Disabled
- Melee Section
- Stealth & Triggers Panel
- Triggers Section
- Left Attacks Enabled
- Alt Werewolf Attacks Enabled
- Triggers Section
Wearable Lanterns
- General Panel
- General Settings Section
- Lantern Position WORN - FRONT RIGHT
- Lantern Slot 57
- Turn Off When Sneaking Enabled
- Fuel Settings Section
- Oil Lanterns Use Oil Enabled
- Bug Lanterns Use Flowers Enabled
- Hotkeys Section
- Toggle Lantern G
- General Settings Section
- Meters Panel
- General Meter Settings Section
- Layout Preset Bottom Right
- General Meter Settings Section
Wet and Cold
- Ashes/Survival Panel
- Player Section
- Watery Eyes Enabled
- Player Section
- Styles Panel
- Style Randomizer (All) Enabled
- Sword Style / Sword Style (Left) Sections
- Dagger Style / Dagger Style (Left) Sections
- Bow Style Section
- Quiver Style Section
- Bolt Style Section
Tips, Known Issues, and Troubleshooting
Skyrim was created by Sheogorath himself. Issues ARE going to occur in any adventure through Skyrim even with full conflict resolution due to the game's ancient engine which is in need of an overhaul. That said, this section will list any known issues and some troubleshooting tips any good Dovahkiin should know.
- If the character dies, completely exit the game and reload the last save. The automatic load erroneously retains data it should not from after the save.
- When adding new mods on top of this guide, keep in mind the following non-standard biped slot usage:
- 44 (Face Masks - Immersive Armors, OBIS)
- 45 (Right Hand Staves - Dual Sheath Redux)
- 46 (Cloaks - Cloaks of Skyrim, Frostfall, Immersive Armors, Winter is Coming)
- 47 (Backpack - Frostfall)
- 48 (Back Left Bandolier - Bandoliers Bags and Pouches)
- 49 FREE
- 52 (Side Left Bandolier - Bandoliers Bags and Pouches)
- 53 (Chest/Shoulder Bandolier - Bandoliers Bags and Pouches)
- 54 (Left Hand Weapon/Shield On Back - Dual Sheath Redux)
- 55 (Back Right Bandolier - Bandolier Bags and Pouches)
- 56 (Goggles - Wet & Cold)
- 57 (Front Right Bandolier/Worn Lantern - Bandolier Bags and Pouches, Wearable Lanterns)
- 58 (Front Left Bandolier - Bandoliers Bags and Pouches)
- 59 (Side Right Bandolier - Bandoliers Bags and Pouches)
- 60 (Eyepatch - Immersive Armors)
- When adding new mods on top of this guide, keep in mind the following non-standard key usage:
- F1 - Equip Favorite Group 1 (SkyUI)
- F2 - Equip Favorite Group 2 (SkyUI)
- F3 - Equip Favorite Group 3 (SkyUI)
- F4 - Equip Favorite Group 4 (SkyUI)
- C - Horse Follow Toggle (Immersive Horses)
- G - Lantern Toggle (Wearable Lanterns)
- O - Talk/Search while mounted (Immersive Horses)
- U - Open Wheelmenu (Personal Functions) / Dirty Status (Bathing in Skyrim)
- V - Vampire Feed (Better Vampires)
- X - Compass Toggle (Immersive HUD)
- Y - Open Wheelmenu (Group Functions)
- Pause - Misc (Junk Button)
Known Issues
- The starting cell where character creation takes place will have a candle light near the Mara statue that will flicker on and off based on the direction the player is looking. This is a bug only when initially starting a new game. Simply use the Mara statue to continue with the game error free or save and reload to get rid of the problem.
- Noble Skyrim does not provide building LOD textures and therefore not all building LODs will 100% match up. The author is potentially looking at fixing this in the next version.
- None
Crashes and/or Freezes
- Verify VRAM is not overloaded using a tool such as PrecisionX to check VRAM load and adjust mods accordingly.
Depending on the system configuration some effects may be too much to handle. To help tailor the experience, some of the higher FPS hitting effects are listed with possible tweaks.
- Skyrim Flora Overhaul along with the grass tweaks provided in the guide can hit performance on certain systems. Try setting iMinGrassSize to 30 or 40 under [GRASS] in skyrim.ini. This thins out grass but improves performance.
- DynDOLOD adds a lot of extra rendering for distant objects. If the hit is too much, try lowering the object generation level. This will make pop-in more apparent but give better performance.
- If playing at high resolutions such as 1440p and above, consider dropping resolution to 1080p/1200p to ease rendering.
Important Dates
- 08/30/2013 - Development started.