NoMansSky:Game Structure/ProductTable

From Step Mods | Change The Game

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In NMS, you always have items in your inventory and they could be of 3 types : Products, Substances and Technology.
Products are the items you can craft or buy.

Item Definition

Each item in the table has the same structure, using the specific GcProductData.xml template.
This template sums all the informations of the substances as detailed below :

   <Property value="GcProductData.xml">
     <Property name="Id" value="CASING" />   Internal item name
     <Property name="Name" value="CASING_NAME" />   Uppercase item real name. This name is referenced in each language file for translation
     <Property name="NameLower" value="CASING_NAME_L" />   Lowercase item real name. This name is referenced in each language file for translation
     <Property name="Subtitle" value="VariableSizeString.xml">
       <Property name="Value" value="CRAFTPROD_SUB" />   Item subtitle. This string is referenced in each language file for translation
     <Property name="Description" value="VariableSizeString.xml">
       <Property name="Value" value="CASING_DESC" />   Item description. This string is referenced in each language file for translation
     <Property name="Hint" value="" />
     <Property name="GroupID" value="" />
     <Property name="DebrisFile" value="TkModelResource.xml">
     <Property name="BaseValue" value="800" />   Base item value in units
     <Property name="Level" value="0" />
     <Property name="Icon" value="TkModelResource.xml">
       <Property name="Filename" value="TEXTURES/UI/FRONTEND/ICONS/U4PRODUCTS/PRODUCT.CASING.DDS" />   Item icon texture path
     <Property name="HeroIcon" value="TkModelResource.xml">
       <Property name="Filename" value="" />
     <Property name="Colour" value="Colour.xml">   Icon background colour. Applies under icon transparent parts
       <Property name="R" value="0.9529412" />
       <Property name="G" value="0.6627451" />
       <Property name="B" value="0.137254909" />
       <Property name="A" value="1" />
     <Property name="SubstanceCategory" value="GcRealitySubstanceCategory.xml">
       <Property name="SubstanceCategory" value="Catalyst" />
     <Property name="Type" value="GcProductCategory.xml">
       <Property name="ProductCategory" value="Component" />
     <Property name="Rarity" value="GcRarity.xml">
       <Property name="Rarity" value="Common" />
     <Property name="Legality" value="GcLegality.xml">
       <Property name="Legality" value="Legal" />
     <Property name="Consumable" value="False" />
     <Property name="ChargeValue" value="0" />
     <Property name="StackMultiplier" value="2" />
     <Property name="DefaultCraftAmount" value="1" />
     <Property name="CraftAmountStepSize" value="1" />
     <Property name="CraftAmountMultiplier" value="1" />
     <Property name="Requirements">
       <Property value="GcTechnologyRequirement.xml">
         <Property name="ID" value="LAND1" />   Internal name of the first item required to build this item
         <Property name="InventoryType" value="GcInventoryType.xml">  
           <Property name="InventoryType" value="Substance" />   type of the first item required to build this item
         <Property name="Amount" value="50" />   Amount of the first item required to build this item
     <Property name="AltRequirements" />
     <Property name="Cost" value="GcItemPriceModifiers.xml">   Trading cost modifiers
       <Property name="SpaceStationMarkup" value="0" />
       <Property name="LowPriceMod" value="-0.1" />
       <Property name="HighPriceMod" value="0.1" />
       <Property name="BuyBaseMarkup" value="0.2" />
       <Property name="BuyMarkupMod" value="0" />
     <Property name="RecipeCost" value="1" />
     <Property name="SpecificChargeOnly" value="False" />
     <Property name="NormalisedValueOnWorld" value="5.121795E-05" />
     <Property name="NormalisedValueOffWorld" value="5.121795E-05" />
     <Property name="TradeCategory" value="GcTradeCategory.xml">
       <Property name="TradingClass" value="None" />
     <Property name="WikiCategory" value="Crafting" />
     <Property name="IsCraftable" value="True" />
     <Property name="DeploysInto" value="" />
     <Property name="EconomyInfluenceMultiplier" value="0.25" />
     <Property name="PinObjeective" value="UI_CRAFT_OBJ" />   Notification when this substance has to be crafted. This string is referenced in each language file for translation
     <Property name="PinObjeectiveTip" value="UI_PIN_CASING_OBJ_TIP" />  Notification hints to collect this item. This string is referenced in each language file for translation
     <Property name="CookingIngredient" value="False" />
     <Property name="CookingValue" value="0" />
     <Property name="GoodForSelling" value="False" />
     <Property name="GiveRewardOnSpecialPurchase" value="" />
