< All SkyrimLE changelogs | SkyrimLE:2.2.9 Guide

This guide is not current! It may contain information that is incorrect or not in line with the current state of the game!View the current changelog instead
Post-Release Changes (Implemented since the release)
Initial-Release Changes (Implemented with the release)
- Optimizer Textures REMOVED - DDSopt is the only texture-opt utility that STEP should support.
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- Borderless Window REMOVED - This functionality is within ENBoost.
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- Clothing and Clutter Fixes ADDED
- Cultist Mask Decapitation Fix ADDED
- Nitpick REMOVED - Not needed with Mod Organizer, even possibly conflicting with Mod Organizer.
- Ragdoll Paralysis ADDED
- Smart Souls MOVED - Moved into proper alphabetical order.
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- Blessings-Altar Descriptions REMOVED - Adds information the player should find out on their own. Read books, explore, ... remember. Just look at the active effect!
- Dungeon Quest Awareness REMOVED - Adds information the player should find out on their own.
- Interface Hard Coded Key Tweaks REMOVED - Not necessary.
- No Boring Sleep-Wait Menu REMOVED - Better in a Utilities pack. Only useful for cleaning saves.
- No Menu and Loading Smoke REMOVED - There is no advantage to this mod anymore since ENB doesn't mess it up anymore. To remove it now would be a personal preference.
- Not Another Colored Map Icon Mod REMOVED - Not necessary and not worth it until it is 100% compatible with SkyUI ... less headache.
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- Chimneys for Skyrim REMOVED - Removed in favor of Hearthfire Chimneys for Skyrim.
- Hearthfire Chimneys for Skyrim ADDED
- The Beauty of Skyrim-Dungeons MOVED - Moved into proper alphabetical order.
- The Skyrim Distance Overhaul ADDED
- Vibrant Auroras REMOVED - There is nothing wrong with vanilla auroras. The ENB you use may change the value of this mod.
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- Better Males ADDED
- Diverse Priests REMOVED - Removed as Clothing and Clutter Fixes does the same thing.
- HD Rabbits Plus REMOVED - The HD rabbits are not sufficiently better to warrant a plugin spot.
- Ice Wraith REMOVED - The vanilla textures fit into the game better.
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- Better Shaped Weapons ADDED
- Elven Weapons for Silence REMOVED - They don't fit Cabal's golden Elven Armor, as these were intended for the black and gold variation of Cabal's.
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- Animated Clutter ADDED
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- Rens HD Shrines ADDED
- Designs of the Nords REMOVED - Has conflicts, doesn't seem to fit the Skyrim style. Looks to new and fancy.
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- Ars Metallica-Smithing REMOVED - Removed in favor of Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade.
- Come together N Out of the way ADDED
- Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade ADDED
- Cutting Room Floor ADDED
- Lantern Caretakers REMOVED - Caretakers are not lore friendly.
- More Salt Please REMOVED - Replaced by leveled list version in STEP Patches
- Move It Dammit REMOVED - Removed in favor of Come together N Out of the way.
N - Patches
- Bashed Patch MOVED/ADDED - Instead of putting this in STEP 3, it is now treated as a mod.
- Dual Sheath Redux MOVED - Better suited at the end of the guide since it depends on your load order.
- Fores New Idles in Skyrim MOVED - Better suited at the end of the guide since it depends upon your currently installed animation mods.
- STEP Patches MOVED - Better suited at the end of the guide since it depends on your load order.
- Moved the Mod Tables Legend to the beginning of the Guide.
- Integrated the Utilities section into STEP 1.