SkyrimSE:ENBSeries INI Reference/Timeofday

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ENBSeriesINI - Timeofday

The time of day (TOD) parameters allow for precise control of when dawn, sunrise, day, sunset, dusk, and night start using the game's time data. These parameters control when specific TOD related settings are applied, thus, they should match the in-game settings (which could be vanilla or altered by a mod). All values use a floating point number based on a twenty-four hour day (0.0...23.9).



This parameter controls the length of time the fade from from NightTime to Sunrise values takes in game hours (when the sky starts to light but before the sun can be seen).

~z929669 Ixian Insignia.png Talk 03:20, March 15, 2022 (UTC) Propose change to: "Duration (hours) from beginning of light appearing in the sky until the time the sun first appears over the ocean."



This setting is the time that the sunrise occurs in game.

~z929669 Ixian Insignia.png Talk 03:20, March 15, 2022 (UTC) Propose change to: "The time when the sun first appears over the ocean."



This setting is the time that the middle of the day occurs in game.

~z929669 Ixian Insignia.png Talk Propose change to: "The time at the midpoint of day."



This setting is the time that the sunset occurs in game.

~z929669 Ixian Insignia.png Talk Propose change to: "The time that light first begins to fade from the sky."



This parameter is the duration that the transition from sunset settings fades to night settings in game hours. Basically this is the time from when the sun sets and can't be seen (SunsetTime) to the time set for NightTime.

~z929669 Ixian Insignia.png Talk 03:20, March 15, 2022 (UTC) Propose change to: "Duration (hours) from the time the sun disappears from view over the ocean until all sunlight fades from the sky."



This setting is the time that the middle of the night occurs in game.

~z929669 Ixian Insignia.png Talk Propose change to: "The time at the midpoint between the time at the end of DuskDuration and the time at the beginning of DawnDuration."

Understanding the Durations

The two Duration settings can be confusing to understand. They are essentially timers for the fade effect between two sets of parameters (Reference).


DawnDuration:: SunriseTime = (DawnStart + DawnDuration)
DuskDuration: SunsetTime = (DuskStart + DuskDuration)
Dusk/Dawn ends at SunsetTime/SunriseTime

Game Times

Game time is configured within the Climate records under TNAM - Timing, but there are only Begin and End times for Sunrise and Sunset. These are the time frames the game will fade from one set of values to the next. However, these values to not correspond SunriseTime and SunsetTime for ENBSeries. These times are determined by the moment the Sun becomes visible and the moment it disappears from view, which will be the halfway point between the TNAM - Timing values.

Using Cathedral Weathers as an example (current at the time of posting) the process is as such:

  1. Open CW plugin to see the following times set:
    Begin = 5:00:00 AM DawnStart End = 9:00:00 AM DayTime
    Begin = 5:00:00 PM DuskStart End = 9:00:00 PM NightTime
  2. Loading the game and using the Wait Menu, one can determine the sun peaks into view at 7AM (SunriseTime)
  3. Continuing this method it can be seen the sun disappears from view at 7PM (SunsetTime)
  4. Now all the values are determined to solve for the Durations:
    DawnDuration:: SunriseTime = (DawnStart + DawnDuration) 7 = (5 + DawnDuration) (7 - 5) = (5 + DawnDuration - 5) 2 = DawnDuration
    DuskDuration: SunsetTime = (DuskStart + DuskDuration)



DawnDuration: (SunriseTime - DawnDuration) = DawnStart Dawn ends at SunriseTime
DuskDuration: (SunsetTime - DuskDuration) = DuskStart Dusk ends at SunsetTime
DawnDuration=2 and SunriseTime=7 (7 - 2) = 5
NightTime values will start to transition to Sunrise values at 5am and will complete at 7am.

Game Times

Game time is configured within the Climate records under TNAM - Timing, but there are only Begin and End times for Sunrise and Sunset. Game time at the moment the Sun becomes visible is SunriseTime, and the moment it disappears is SunsetTime. From there, the Durations can be calculated.

Using Cathedral Weathers as an example (current at the time of posting) the process can be walked through as such:

  1. Open CW plugin to see the following times set:
    Begin = 5:00:00 AM DawnStart End = 9:00:00 AM DayTime
    Begin = 5:00:00 PM DuskStart End = 9:00:00 PM NightTime
  2. Loading the game and using the Wait Menu, one can determine the sun peaks into view at 7AM (SunriseTime)
  3. Continuing this method it can be seen the sun disappears from view at 7PM (SunsetTime)
  4. Now all the values are determined to solve for the Durations:
    (SunriseTime - DawnDuration) = DawnStart (7 - DawnDuration) = 5 DawnDuration = 2
    (SunsetTime - DuskDuration) = DuskStart (19 - DuskDuration) = 17 DuskDuration = 2
