SkyrimSE:Housecarls Pre-Thaneship/TRA-1.0
From Step Mods | Change The Game
Housecarls Pre-Thaneship
by AndrealphusVIIICR Patch:
LW Patch:
PP Patch:
ENB Option:
< SkyrimSE:Housecarls Pre-Thaneship
Version Recommendations - TRA-1.0
Install Main File only
1 LOOT rule is needed to correct a small conflict with Acoustic Space Improvement Fixes with its Ambient patch and a CR patch for this is unnecessary. We need to load Acoustic Space Improvement Fixes below Housecarls Pre-Thaneship. This LOOT instance will work a little different. LOOT will actually place Housecarls Pre-Thaneship above Acoustic Space Improvement Fixes and not the other way around since Acoustic Space Improvement Fixes can't move that far down the list.
LOOT rule setup as follows:
- Run LOOT in MO2
- Locate Acoustic Space Improvement Fixes in the left pane of LOOT
- Right click then click Edit metadata
- A new screen will appear, in the middle of the screen it will say Acoustic Space Improvement Fixes, look directly below that and click the Load After tab
- Click add new row at the bottom
- A new (kind of hard to see) row will come up under where it says 'filename' click in that box and start typing the word 'House', it will find Housecarls Pre-Thaneship for you then click it to set it in the new row
- Click Save in the middle right hand side of LOOT (should have an outline color around it)
- Complete! We will sort plugins at the end of the guide but if you sorted it will not hurt at this point.