by Ryan, UmgakCR Patch:
LW Patch:
PP Patch:
ENB Option:
Version Recommendations - TRA-1.0
Requires ConsoleUtilSSE NG from mod section 02 Extenders
The following command lines will load at game start and do the following. These are preferred. You can choose which you want to include:
SetGS fCombatAimProjectileRandomOffset 40 - gives archer NPCs a 40% inaccuracy rating vs the default 16%
Set TAIF_Settings_GreetPlayer to 2 - this is from Tavern AI Fix mod please read its mod page on how you wish the command line to look (values between 0-2 / 1 is default to TAIF)
Set TAIF_Settings_ShowRoom to 0 - this is from Tavern AI Fix mod please read its mod page on how you wish the command line to look (values between 0-2 / 1 is default to TAIF)
Once you have decided on the above, proceed to adding the below
Open the mods autorun.txt and place the following text inside then save:
SetGS fCombatAimProjectileRandomOffset 40
Set TAIF_Settings_GreetPlayer to 2
Set TAIF_Settings_ShowRoom to 0